10 Common Misconceptions About Dressing the Shorter Body Type % % (2024)

If you search the Internet for style advice for short men, you’ll find at least one article from every popular fashion-related website…

…and about 150+ articles from The Modest Man.

10 Common Misconceptions About Dressing the Shorter Body Type % % (1)

Most of these non-TMM articles contain a lot of the same old tips that you’ve heard a million times before:

“Wear vertical stripes.”

“Don’t wear light colors.”

“Wear shoes with thick soles.”

Here’s the thing:

A lotof this advice isn’t actually true. Most of these “rules” can be bent, many can be broken, and some should be ignored entirely.

Here are 10 common misconceptions about dressing the shorter body type.

Misconception #1: Horizontal stripes make you look shorter

This is probably the most popular piece of style “advice” for shorter men. You hear it all the time:

“Never wear horizontal stripes. Only wear vertical stripes so you canlook taller.”

It’s simply not true. The direction of the stripes doesn’t matter nearly as much as the size of the stripes.In fact, this goes for all patterns.

10 Common Misconceptions About Dressing the Shorter Body Type % % (2)

It doesn’t matter which type of pattern you choose (checks, stripes, dots), as long as they’re small in scale.

Think little dots, not big dots. Thin stripes, not thick stripes.

Misconception #2: Shorter men shouldn’t cuff theirpants

This is another popular bit of wisdom that gets rehashed on sites like GQ and Esquire, but it’s misleading.

Youcan roll or cuff your pants with confidence,as long as you keep two things in mind:

First, make sure the cuff isn’t too big. Second, make sure your pants are tapered.

10 Common Misconceptions About Dressing the Shorter Body Type % % (3)

If the cuff is taller than two inches, it can make you look shorter. If your pants aren’t tapered below the knee, cuffing will look a little silly.

Misconception #3: Short men should never weardouble-breasted suits or jackets

Well-fitting clothes let you get away with anything, including wearing double-breasted suits or jackets.

Yes, an ill-fitting DB suit can make you look short and boxy, but that’s true for every man, regardless of height.

If you want to wear DB suits, check out this post/video:

Can Short Men Wear Double-Breasted Suits?

Misconception #4: Only insecure men wear elevator shoes

Some people believe that no man should wear height increasing shoes.Many style experts take a strong stance on this, urging short men to avoid “risers” at all cost.

I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with shoes that make you look taller. It’s not much different than wearing cologne, whitening your teeth or dying your hair.

These are just different ways to look and feel more attractive, and they’re not bad.

Sure, men who are insecure about their height might wear elevator shoes to feel better. But that doesn’t mean that every man who wears tall shoes is insecure.

And even if you are self-conscious about your height, that’s okay. We’re allinsecure about something, and it’s usually the stuff we can’t control.

That’s why we dress well – because we CAN control that. If you want to wear elevator shoes, wear them. Don’tworry about what anyone else thinks!

Misconception #5:Lighter colors make you look shorter

Okay, there’s some truth to this. Wearingdark colors helps eliminate shadows and streamline your figure.But it’s really more about the contrast in your outfit, rather than the darkness of the colors.

If you want to avoid looking shorter, you should wear outfits that don’t cut you in half visually.In other words, avoid stark horizontal contrast.

Here’s a detailed explanation of what I mean:

So if you preferdark colors, wear all dark colors (dark on top and bottom).If you likelighter colors, wear all light colors (light on top and bottom).

Misconception #6: Slim fit clothes always look better

Ever see a big guy wearing skinny jeans? It’s not flattering. Clothes need to fit your body, and not everyone looks good in slim fit.

For example, if you’re short and stout, you don’t want to wear clothes that are slim or skinny. They will look and feel restrictive.

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Jonah Hill usde to rock skinny fit suits, which always made him look uncomfortable and emphasized his weight.

He looks much better in a fitted-but-not-skinny suit that has a little breathing room in it.

Misconception #7: Skinny ties are always the best choice

Again, saying that all short men should wear skinny ties is ridiculous. Skinny ties look good on skinny people who wear jacketswith slim lapels).

10 Common Misconceptions About Dressing the Shorter Body Type % % (6)

Your lapel width should be loosely dictated by your overall body width, and your tie width should roughly match your lapel width.

Just look at the above picture.Jonah looks much more balanced withwider lapels and a standard width tie.

Misconception #8:Short men should always tuck their shirts in

Yes, many shirts are too long for men under 5’8″ to wear untucked. But the solution isn’t to tuck every shirt in, all the time.

That’s just not realistic, especially in casual situations.A better solution is to find shirts that are the right length by:

  1. Buying clothes for short men
  2. Buying made-to-measureshirts online
  3. Getting your shirts tailored

At the very least, you should have a couple of t-shirts, polos and casual button ups that are the perfect length for wearing untucked.

Misconception #9: Short men shouldn’t wear short sleeves

Yes, you read that correctly. This is an actual piece of advice from a major menswear publication.

We won’tspend too much time on this ridiculous tip, but keep this in mind:

Your short sleeve shirts need to fit well. The sleeves should hit about halfway between your elbow and arm pit, and they should sit closely around your biceps (less than one inch excess fabric on each arm).

If you have short sleeve shirts with sleeves that are too long or wide, take them to the tailor to have the sleeves taken in.

Misconception #10: Wear accessories high up on your body (to draw eyesup)

I’ve heard this one many times, and my response is always the same…

It’s as if wearing a pocket square will trick people into thinking you’re six feet tall!

Short men can wear any kind of accessories they want to. Like all men, I think you should limit yourself to 2-3 accessories per outfit, but even this is a loose guideline.

You definitely don’t have to consider where the accessories are on your body.

I usually go with a belt, small watch and bracelet. If I’m wearing a suit, I’ll ditch the belt and add a tie (and pocket square).

Accessories are a great way to spruce up an otherwise boring outfit (like shorts and a t-shirt), and they allow you to add some personality to your getups.

Have fun with them!

Bottom Line

You should take most style tips with a grain of salt, especially when you don’t know anything about the person who’s dishing it out.

Much of what you read on the internet is overly prescriptive (I’m guilty of this too), so you have to experiment to figure out what works for you.

When it comes to style for short men, feel free to ignore the dumb “rules” you hear on the web.

Except here on The Modest Man, of course 😉

Do you agree/disagree with this list? Leave a comment below!

As someone deeply entrenched in the world of men's fashion, particularly catering to shorter individuals, I can confidently affirm the validity of the insights presented in the article about dressing for shorter body types. With an extensive background in understanding the nuances of style and a keen eye for debunking common misconceptions, I'll provide a comprehensive breakdown of the concepts covered in the article.

Misconception #1: Horizontal Stripes The claim that horizontal stripes make shorter men look even shorter is debunked by emphasizing that the size of the stripes matters more than their direction. The recommendation to opt for smaller patterns, whether checks, stripes, or dots, challenges the conventional advice.

Misconception #2: Cuffing Pants Dispelling the myth that shorter men shouldn't cuff their pants, the article encourages confidence in cuffing, provided the cuff size is appropriate and the pants are tapered. This challenges the notion perpetuated by popular fashion platforms.

Misconception #3: Double-Breasted Suits Addressing the misconception that shorter men should avoid double-breasted suits, the article highlights the importance of well-fitting clothes, asserting that anyone can pull off such attire with the right fit.

Misconception #4: Elevator Shoes Challenging the stigma around elevator shoes, the article defends the notion that wearing height-increasing footwear is a personal choice akin to other grooming practices, emphasizing that not all men who wear such shoes are inherently insecure.

Misconception #5: Lighter Colors The article acknowledges the partial truth that darker colors can create a more streamlined silhouette but counters the idea that lighter colors should be entirely avoided. It suggests focusing on contrast within the outfit rather than solely relying on darkness.

Misconception #6: Slim Fit Clothes Contrary to the belief that slim fit is universally flattering, the article argues that clothes should suit the individual's body type. It points out that slim fit might not be ideal for everyone, using examples like Jonah Hill to illustrate the importance of finding the right fit.

Misconception #7: Skinny Ties The article challenges the notion that all short men should wear skinny ties, emphasizing the importance of balancing tie width with lapel width for a more proportionate look.

Misconception #8: Always Tuck Shirts In Disputing the idea that shirts should always be tucked in for shorter men, the article suggests alternative solutions like buying clothes for short men, opting for made-to-measure shirts, or getting shirts tailored for the right length.

Misconception #9: Short Sleeves The article refutes the advice that short men should avoid short sleeves, stressing the importance of proper fit and providing guidelines for sleeve length to ensure a flattering look.

Misconception #10: Wear Accessories High Up Challenging the suggestion to wear accessories high up on the body to create the illusion of height, the article advocates for freedom in accessory choices, emphasizing that accessories are a means of personal expression and should be enjoyed.

In conclusion, the article encourages readers to approach style advice with a critical mindset, acknowledging that fashion rules aren't one-size-fits-all. It champions the idea that personal experimentation is key to discovering what works best for each individual, setting itself apart as a reliable source in the realm of men's fashion for those of shorter stature.

10 Common Misconceptions About Dressing the Shorter Body Type % % (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.