10 Hippie Ingredients You Need in Your Life Right Now (2024)

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The hottest food trend right now is actually decades old: hippie ingredients and recipes that hark back to the ’70s.

Right now, vegan restaurants, cold-pressed coffee cafes, juice bars and pop-up raw food delis are Instagram-worthy hotspots, and it's becometrendy (again) to care about what you’re eating and where it’s come from.

Much like with fashion, food trends are cyclical, and we are once again moving away from fast and processed foods, as many of our parents did in the ’70s. The New York Timesrecently reported that "the hippies have won," and they certainly weren't referring to the recent U.S. election. Staple foods of the hippie era are back in a big way – think turmeric, brown rice and flax seeds – and buzzwords like "plant-based," "organic," "wholefoods" and "natural" are seeing a resurgence. The new emphasis is on natural produce and convenience has given way to respecting one’s body and the environment.

For most of us, though, this is a whole new territory, and we're more at home heating up leftover pizza than whipping up our own Buddha bowls and bliss balls (what!?) Don't worry though, because we're going to help you introduce these healthy ingredients into your existing diet in a low-stress way.

So, without further ado, here are 10 hippie ingredientsyou should be trying outright now:


10 Hippie Ingredients You Need in Your Life Right Now (1)

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While the original hippies may have used turmeric to tie-dye T-shirts rather than flavor food, we can still give them some credit, because turmeric is the latest on the elite list of superfoods.

Curcumin, the active constituent in turmeric, is incredibly beneficial to the body, acting as a powerful anti-everything: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, anti-fungal and antihistamine, to name just a few! Once relegated to pre-packaged curry powders, turmeric is now a common ingredient in its own right.

How to use turmeric:

There is no limit to the ways in which turmeric can be incorporated into your diet, so feel free to get creative! Turmeric lends itself well to savory dishes, so try adding it to a frittata; spice up your favorite rice or chicken dish; toss with roasted vegetables or stir through soups. For a kick of color and flavor, add it to your smoothies and fresh juices or ward off winter colds by mixing it with hot water, ginger and honey or cinnamon and warm milk.

Fresh or dried, it can be found in most supermarkets, produce and specialty health food stores.

Flax Seeds

10 Hippie Ingredients You Need in Your Life Right Now (2)

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Peace, love and... seeds. While the hippies favored many types of seeds, flax seeds were – and still are – a popular variety.

Also known as linseeds, flax seeds are the richest source of an omega-3 essential fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid (or ALA). If you want healthy hair, skin and nails – and who among us doesn't!? – you should be adding this super-healthy ingredient to your diet.

On top ofproviding a healthy dose of good fat, flax seeds are also packed with fiber, which helps to keep you fuller for longer and isgreat for your gut. Whole flax seeds often pass through undigested, so ground flax seeds are not only more beneficial for you but also easier to use.

How to use flax seeds:

Look for "ground flaxseed," "flax meal" or "milled flaxseed" in the flour/grain aisle of any supermarket. Incorporating flax seeds into your diet is easy: add a tablespoon or two to smoothies, porridge, cereal, granola bars or anything you're baking.

Brown Rice

10 Hippie Ingredients You Need in Your Life Right Now (3)

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You read "Buddha bowls" above and were intrigued, right? If you haven’t already searched #buddhabowl on Instagram, here’s the goods: Buddha bowls are crammed with every hippie food you can imagine.

Buddha bowls are a powerhouse of nutrients from every nut, seed, vegetable, bean and grain you can imagine, all meticulously diced, sliced and neatly arranged. Think of buddha bowls as the ultimate new-age hippie comfort food.

Brown rice is a staple in Buddha bowls, much like it was in the ’70s, because it's less refined than white rice and retains more nutrients. Rich in manganese, selenium and B-vitamins, brown rice is also a good source of protein.

How to use brown rice:

Not only are supermarkets stocking it, but restaurants and even some fast food chains are offering brown rice as an option on their menus. Simply substitute white for brown rice; it couldn’t be easier. And if you’re game, give your own Buddha bowl a go.


10 Hippie Ingredients You Need in Your Life Right Now (4)

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Dates were big in the ’70s, and they’re big now. In the hippie generation of old, they werea core ingredient in what was touted as the hottest appetizer of the ’70s – "devils on horseback," or dates wrapped in bacon– but these daysthey're having a resurgence ashealth organizations worldwide are placing an emphasis on reducing refined sugar consumption.

Natural sweeteners like dates can replace sugar in baking and help to curb sugar cravings. Dates are nutrient-dense, giving you a healthy dose of potassium and magnesium while still providing a sweet fix.

How to use dates:

Most supermarkets and produce stores stock fresh and dried dates. Dates can be eaten on their own or with a handful of nuts; they can also be added to smoothies or salads and go well in hearty meat dishes.

If you want to go the extra mile, bust out devils on horseback as a retro snack the next time you have your matesaround.


10 Hippie Ingredients You Need in Your Life Right Now (5)

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Sprouts can basically be considered synonymous with the ’70s. Featuring heavily in everything from sandwiches to salads and even soups, sprouts were considered a somewhat magical food. And they are.

Many of us are aware that seeds and beans are good for us, but it's less well-known that the sprouts they produce are, too. Sprouts are an excellent source of vitamins A, B and especially C.

How to use sprouts:

Widely available in supermarkets and produce stores, it's important sprouts are eaten fresh. They can be used in place of – or in addition to – lettuce; as a garnish in soups, stir-fries or curries; or as part of a raw vege snacking platter.


10 Hippie Ingredients You Need in Your Life Right Now (6)

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The hippies were all about seeking out new experiences, and that included the culinary realm. Fruit and meat were commonly paired together, but the addition of spices like ginger set recipes apart from the usual fare.

Once considered "oriental" by your racist Nan, ginger is now a common commodity in the West. Ginger is great for digestion; helping to relieve bloating, gas, nausea and cramps.

How to use ginger:

Ginger root can be found in the fresh produce section of most supermarkets, while ground ginger is readily stocked with other dried herbs and spices.

Fresh ginger can be grated into soups or stir-frys, or added to fresh juices for a powerful zing! Because it's thought to helpboost immunity, a slice of fresh ginger can be added to any hot brew,too: try it with green tea or a hot lemon and honey.

Ground ginger can be added to baking and is versatile in both sweet and savory dishes, working well with ingredients like apples, pears, chicken and pork.


10 Hippie Ingredients You Need in Your Life Right Now (7)

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Beans were a staple in the hippie diet. They're cheap, convenient and packed with protein, iron and B-vitamins, making them anobvious choice for our plant-based pals and for hippies and non-hippies alike.

Despite their unsexy reputation, beansreally are an ideal food. They're considered good for your heartand help lower cholesterol levels.

How to use beans:

Widely available in supermarkets in fresh, frozen, packed or canned form, there are a huge variety to choose from: blackbeans, kidney beans,garbanzo beans (or chickpeas), you name it!

Beans are good in soups or stews, and there are plenty of great recipes for bean dips online. You may find you can cut down on your meat consumption or make your meals stretch further by replacing meat with beans or adding them to bulk up serves. Try making nachos or burritos with beans instead of meat, for example.

Non-Dairy Milks

10 Hippie Ingredients You Need in Your Life Right Now (8)

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The original hippie food movement saw a shift away from meat and animal products towards plant-based food and drink, which bought rise to milk alternatives. In our climate- and animal welfare-conscious times, non-dairy milks have never been more relevant.

Soy and rice milk were popular and are still common substitutes for cow’s milk; however, there are now no limits to the varietiesof non-dairy milks available. From coconut milk to almond milk to oat milk, there isn’t a nut, seed, grain or legume which can’t be "milked."

Non-dairy milks have become increasingly popular for being allergy-, animal- and environmentally-friendly. High in protein, calcium, omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, and low in sugar, they are also really good for you.

How to use non-dairy milks:

Soy, rice, oat, coconut and almond milks are stocked in most long-life milk sections in supermarkets, or can be purchased fresh from specialty health food stores.

Also, with recipes and instructional videos readily available on the internet, it’s relatively easy to make your own. Use it in the same way you'd use dairy milk: on cereal, in smoothies and, so long as you've got the right recipe, in baking.


10 Hippie Ingredients You Need in Your Life Right Now (9)

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Barley made up a big chunkof the hippie diet, mostly in the form of beer. While it's still used to make brews, barley is a healthy wholegrain and is becoming more popular as a food source.

Giving you a good dose of selenium, manganese and fiber, barley is nutrient-dense and can help to stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce sweet cravings.

How to use barley:

To get the best benefit from barley, it’s ideal to buy hulled barley grains and soak them before cooking. This isn’t going to suit the time-poor, though, so pearled barley, while more refined, is a good option: it cooks faster and is readily available in supermarkets.

Use barley in place of oats to make porridge, add it to cereal or use it in place of brown rice. It also makes a great addition to any soup.


10 Hippie Ingredients You Need in Your Life Right Now (10)

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The hippies were nuts about almonds (sorry). Sliced or slivered, they were the go-to garnish, and no dish – sweet or savory – was spared.

Almonds have become increasingly popular in recent times due to the rise of gluten-free, paleo and raw diets in particular. Almonds are one of the best sources of vitamin E and riboflavin (B2), both of which can help to reduce the physical and neurological signs of aging.

How to use almonds:

Almonds are everywhere: from almond milk to almond meal, they have now become the go-to alternative to dairy, and almond is the new peanut when it comes to nut butters now.

The easiest way to eat almonds is by grabbing a handful and snacking on them raw. Try toavoid them roasted, salted or sweetened, as they will have lost most of their nutritional value in the process. Channel your inner hippie and add them sliced or slivered to salads, cereal or smoothies.

Now check outour exploration of the gentrification of soul food.

10 Hippie Ingredients You Need in Your Life Right Now (2024)


What foods do hippies eat? ›

The cuisine that the counterculture took to in the late 1960s, and then helped introduce to the mainstream in the 1970s, embraced whole grains and legumes; organic, fresh vegetables; soy foods like tofu and tempeh; nutrition-boosters like wheat germ and sprouted grains; and flavors from Eastern European, Asian, and ...

What do hippies eat for breakfast? ›

From seeded breads to tahini-based salad dressings, everything is made from scratch. Avocados qualify as a discrete food group. A hippie breakfast might feature garlicky greens where you were expecting slices of bacon, or substitute roasted sweet potatoes for home fries.

What does a hippie like? ›

Hippies opposed political and social orthodoxy, choosing a gentle and nondoctrinaire ideology that favored peace, love, and personal freedom, expressed for example in The Beatles' song "All You Need is Love".

Why were hippies vegetarians? ›

Partly because of interest in spiritual discipline practices, like the teachings of Zen Buddhism but also because of Frances Moore Lappe's Diet For a Small Planet, which came out in 1971 and really convinced people that A), their food choices had a much broader impact, but also B), that the ethical food choice for the ...

What are 70s foods? ›

18 retro dishes from your childhood
  • Bombe Alaska. Nothing screams the 70s quite like sponge, ice cream and meringue drenched in rum and set on fire, right? ...
  • Vol-au-vents. ...
  • Mini ham and pineapple pizzas. ...
  • Battenberg cake. ...
  • Scotch eggs. ...
  • Cheese fondue. ...
  • Crepes Suzette. ...
  • Apricot chicken.

Why do hippies eat granola? ›

The food and name were revived in the 1960s, and fruits and nuts were added to it to make it a health food that was popular with the health and nature-oriented hippie movement.

What is a bohemian meal? ›

Meat dishes. Svíčková na smetaně (Marinated tenderloin), served here with dumplings and cream A "traditional Bohemian platter" at a restaurant in central Prague, consisting of roast duck, roast pork, beer sausage, smoked meat, red and white cabbage, bread, bacon and potato dumplings. Prague-style beef goulash.

What is Bill Gates breakfast? ›

Gates' eating habits aren't much better than other billionaires. He's said he eats Cocoa Puffs for breakfast. Though his ex-wife Melinda Gates has said in the past that he skips the meal altogether. He also apparently loves cheeseburgers.

What was a typical meal in the 1960s? ›

Dinner: American palates became more sophisticated thanks to Julia Child, but many 60's meals were still dominated by convenience foods like this terrifying olive,celery and cheese jello salad. Buffet dinners of beef stroganoff, green beans amandine and flaming cherries jubilee were popular.

How do I start living like a hippie? ›

Hippies love mother earth, and do all they can to keep it well. Buy clothing and products that are recyclable and are good for the environment. Do volunteer work and learn about barter. Hippies in the 60s believed in trade or barter rather than money.

How to live a hippy lifestyle? ›

How Can I Be A Hippie?
  1. Be Yourself. You cannot make yourself be something that you know deep down that you are not. ...
  2. Love The Great Outdoors. Loving nature is a big part of being a hippie. ...
  3. Be More Environmentally Conscious. ...
  4. Be Cool. ...
  5. Share Your Opinions. ...
  6. Volunteer & Help Others. ...
  7. Open Your Mind. ...
  8. Meditate.
Feb 19, 2020

What are hippies called today? ›

Nowadays, they are called bohemians or naturalists. You can read more about living a bohemian lifestyle or what it means to be a modern day hippie in these articles. Learn more about the movement in the trends and lifestyle sections here.

What do hippies wear? ›

A modern hippie style combines soft and creative style personality types. Some staple items for this type of wardrobe include tiered, floral maxi dresses; short, flowy shift dress; high-waisted flare jeans; loose, blousy tops; brown, suede boots; hats; and fashion scarves.

What do hippies believe in? ›

Hippies advocated nonviolence and love, a popular phrase being “Make love, not war,” for which they were sometimes called “flower children.” They promoted openness and tolerance as alternatives to the restrictions and regimentation they saw in middle-class society.

Do I have to be vegan to be a hippie? ›

No. They aren't, however since the 1960's hippies have been finding ways to become more politically active and truly believing in the things they are fighting for. Animals and Animals rights have been a big fight over the years, that may be why so many "hippies" are vegetarians.

What did hippies eat in the 1960s? ›

Hippies & Counterculture

If mainstream American food culture was meat and potatoes, the counter culture movement inspired many to bake their own bread and make granola. Vegetarian diets filled with brown rice, sprouts, vegetables and tofu became increasingly popular later in the decade.

What were the foods of 1969? ›

Pigs in a blanket, Swedish meatballs, shrimp co*cktail, vegetables with green goddess dip — and pineapple upside down cake or the popular bundt “Tunnel of Fudge Cake,” which won the Pillsbury Bake-Off in 1966.

What were the four food groups in the 1960s? ›

By the 1960s, the number of food groups had been reduced to 4: milk, vegetables and fruit, meat, and breads and cereal (12).

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