10 Money Habits To Implement Today - Whitney Hansen | Money Coaching (2024)

Habits are what makes our lives function. We all have good and bad habits. These are 10 that will help your financial life run more smoothly.

  1. Automate Your Bill Pay

Why This Works: You will save money by avoiding late fees and have extra peace of mind knowing that your bills will always be paid on time and in full. You have too much to remember on a normal basis, and fortunately, we no longer need to try to remember to pay bills.

How To Set It Up: Make a list of all your monthly bills. Then go down the list, one-by-one, and start to set up an automatic withdrawal from your checking account to pay the bills on their corresponding due dates.

How Long It Takes: Roughly 1-2 hours max. The longest part is trying to remember your passwords.

  1. Invest On Autopilot

Why This Works: Your investing grows like crazy when you invest on autopilot. The process is similar to auto bill pay, you start to see results without having to give it much thought.

How To Set It Up: I’m a big fan of robo-advisors because they keep the fees low and allow you to invest on your own. I personally do all my investing through Betterment. You can set up what dates you want your withdrawals to come out and exactly how much you want to be invested in your IRA (individual retirement account).

How Long It Takes: To create your account is super easy. Altogether, you’re probably looking at 30 minutes from start to finish. (Finish meaning scheduling your automatic withdrawals.)

  1. Keep a $500 buffer in your checking account

Why This Works: If you are a person who values peace of mind and financial security, this habit will rock your world. I’ve always been afraid of having very little in my checking account. I know how quickly budget mishaps come up and used to be guilty of overdrafting from time to time. Keeping a buffer of $500 in your checking account allows you to never stress again if your utility bills are a bit more than you expected, or your grocery bill was $10 over budget.

How To Set It Up: Super easy- just start to add an additional $50 here and there to your checking account and consistently training yourself to see your balance without the $500 in there. For example- when I see my checking account today, if I have $1,000 in there, I always recognize that my actual balance is $500.

How Long It Takes: It depends on how much extra income you can put towards this, but if you can swing $50 per paycheck, you could have your buffer in as little as 5 months.

10 Money Habits To Implement Today - Whitney Hansen | Money Coaching (1)

  1. Cut up your credit cards

Why This Works: The best way to prevent yourself from furthering your credit card debt is to get rid of the source. Your credit card is NOT supposed to be used for security and emergencies. That’s likely what got you in debt in the first place. So cut those babies up! You are embarking on a new journey and credit card debt doesn’t fit in anymore.

How To Set It Up: Walk over to the garbage and happily cut those cards up. Then be prepared for a bit of withdrawal over the next few days. It will happen. It’s totally normal, and you are certainly not alone.

How Long It Takes: 2 minutes. It will be the most impactful 2 minutes of your life.

  1. Reframe your mindset to- how many hours of my life does it take to pay for that

Why This Works: When you start to realize that you make $15/hour and a $30 dinner takes 2 hours of your life to pay for you’ll start to make better financial decisions. Now think about a new car. Let’s say you want to spend $20,000 on a car and get a loan at 4% for 60 months. Your monthly payment is $368.33. At that same $15/hour- just the monthly car payment will cost your 24 hours of work to pay for. In order to pay for the entire car + interest accrued from borrowing, you are agreeing to 1,473 hours of work.

How To Set It Up: Start small. Every little purchase you make, run a quick calculation to see how much of your time that cost you. Nothing formal, just start becoming aware.

How Long It Takes: Once you train your brain to do this, you’ll annoyingly, do it for almost everything. It takes about 30 days of doing this consistently to see results.

  1. Online grocery shopping

Why This Works: This hack is changing everything. If you find yourself going to the grocery store, aimlessly wandering with your grocery list and walking out with more than you set out to get, then you need to start implementing this. When you shop for groceries online using something like WalMart.com, you can see your balance BEFORE you exchange cash. So if you are ballin’ on a budget, you won’t have to stress going over your budget because you’ll see your shopping cart update and make adjustments to stay within budget as needed.

How To Set It Up: Super easy. Just go to WalMart.com and do your online grocery shopping. Then you’ll be given a window where you can pick up your groceries, they bring it directly to your car and you can be on your merry way within 15 minutes. It’s a beautiful, beautiful world we live in.

How Long It Takes: Ordering- 10 minutes. Picking up your groceries- maybe 15 if they are running behind. It’s super speedy and really easy.

  1. Cancel cable

Why This Works: In today’s world, there is no reason to use cable anymore. We have services like Netflix, Hulu, YouTube Red, and even Amazon streaming. TV stations even have their own apps that you can watch your favorite shows on. Cable is overpriced. Not necessary and there are much more budget friendly options today. Plus, who has time to sit around and watch cable all day?

How To Set It Up: Look at your watching habits. What channels do you watch mostly? Then start to research which if any of the services you might need. Don’t forget to go directly to the networks website. You can likely access your favorite shows for free there too.

How Long It Takes: Cancelling cable shouldn’t take more than a 30 minute phone call. Do it. Do it today!

  1. Focus on one debt at a time

Why This Works: If you have an extra $100 to put towards your debt, most people will immediately put a little towards every debt. But, hopefully, not after reading this. You will see more progress when you can put that entire $100 towards one debt. You start to get wins more quickly and it makes a huge difference in your strategy.

How To Set It Up: List all your debts out. Then start paying the minimums on everything and putting the extra $100 towards your smallest debt. This strategy, keys into psychology and gets you some much needed quick wins.

How Long It Takes: Organizing the debt information should take 10 minutes.

10 Money Habits To Implement Today - Whitney Hansen | Money Coaching (2)

  1. Budget

Why This Works: Budgeting is planning for your money. If you want to be financially successful, then budgeting is non-negotiable. You absolutely must have a basic plan for how you will spend your dollars AND have a plan for how you will ensure you are successful. Maybe you credit money dates where you check in with yourself weekly, or you hire an money accountability coach. Just find a system that works for you and start creating and living on a budget immediately.

How To Set It Up: Write down your income. List out all your monthly expenses, their due dates, and minimum monthly payments. Then add up all your expenses, subtract expenses from income. If you have money left over after that, decide how you will handle it. (Will you put it towards your smallest debt? Or start building up an Oh Sh*t Fund?) If you don’t have money left over or are negative- then start to make tough calls and cut some expenses out of your life to make your balance budget.

How Long It Takes: The first time you budget will take around 1 hour at the longest. Then the weekly check-ins take around 15 minutes.

  1. Save 10% of your income for personal development

Why This Works: The greatest investment is one in yourself. I try to save 10% of my income into a savings account for continuing education. If there is a conference I want to attend, it comes from this savings. If there is an online course I’m dying to take, it comes from this account. The worst thing is to find something you are truly interested in learning and can help you grow in your career and life and not have the money to afford it. So, just like you save for retirement, you should also save for your own growth.

How To Set It Up: Set up an automatic withdrawal from your checking to your savings to make sure you are consistently saving 10% of your income.

How Long It Takes: Setting up the auto withdrawal only takes a few minutes. Opening a savings account is super fast- I recommend the high interest savings account through Ally.com.

With these small, but important money habits, you will be living a better financial life in no time.

Comment below and let me know which one you will start implementing today!

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10 Money Habits To Implement Today - Whitney Hansen | Money Coaching (2024)


What are money habits? ›

Financial habits and norms are the values, standards, routine practices, and rules to live by that people rely on to navigate their day-to-day financial lives. They support the ability to effectively manage money and respond quickly to financial decisions or challenges.

What are some financially healthy habits? ›

Set aside some income for savings — about 5% – 10%. Build up emergency savings to cover 3 – 6 months' worth of expenses. Improve and maintain your credit score by paying your bills on time. Protect what counts by checking your insurance coverage every year.

What are the 5 basics of personal finance? ›

There's plenty to learn about personal financial topics, but breaking them down can help simplify things. To start expanding your financial literacy, consider these five areas: budgeting, building and improving credit, saving, borrowing and repaying debt, and investing.

How to establish good financial habits? ›

Table of contents
  1. Understand your financial picture.
  2. Set up a budget and track expenses.
  3. Build an emergency fund.
  4. Put savings on autopilot.
  5. Pay down debt.
  6. Pay bills on time or early.
  7. Review insurance coverage each year.
  8. Live on less than you earn.
Dec 27, 2023

What are the 7 rules of money? ›

The best thing about these simple rules is that they're all things within your control.
  • Make sure your money is protected. ...
  • Budget your money. ...
  • Have an emergency fund. ...
  • Eliminate high-interest debt. ...
  • Put savings first. ...
  • Keep your savings growing with a competitive yield. ...
  • Keep your savings goals separate.
Jun 8, 2023

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

What are 10 healthy habits? ›

10 Healthy Habits:
  • Eating a Balanced Diet. ...
  • Drinking Enough Water Daily. ...
  • Regular Exercise. ...
  • Practicing Safe Sun Protection. ...
  • Practicing Good Sleep Hygiene. ...
  • Strength Training and Stretching. ...
  • Getting Regular Exposure To Fresh Air and Nature. ...
  • Incorporating Omega-3 Fatty Acids Into Your Diet.

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Fixed income

Wealthy individuals put about 15% of their assets into fixed-income investments. These are stable investments, like bonds, that earn income over a set period of time. For example, some bonds, like Series I Savings Bonds, pay 4.3% right now and pay out the interest every six months.

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How to stay financially healthy
  1. Live within your means. ...
  2. Spend wisely. ...
  3. Free up funds. ...
  4. Build emergency savings. ...
  5. Avoid excessive borrowing and manage your existing debt. ...
  6. Save for the future. ...
  7. Protect what matters. ...
  8. Beware of scams and fraud.

What is the 10 rule in personal finance? ›

The 10% rule is a savings tip that suggests you set aside 10% of your gross monthly income for retirement or emergencies. If you still need to start a savings account, this is a great way to build up your savings. You should create a monthly budget before starting your savings journey.

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#1 Don't Spend More Than You Make

When your bank balance is looking healthy after payday, it's easy to overspend and not be as careful. However, there are several issues at play that result in people relying on borrowing money, racking up debt and living way beyond their means.

What is a millionaire's lifestyle? ›

Invest Wisely: Millionaires typically prioritize long-term investing over short-term spending. They focus on building wealth through investments in stocks, bonds and real estate. Live Below Their Means: Millionaires often spend less than they earn, leaving room for savings and investment.

What is the secret to financial success? ›

The foundation of financial success is money management. Financial success isn't just about earning more; it's about managing what you have wisely. Here's why learning how to manage your money is essential: Understanding where your money comes from and where it goes is the first step in taking control of your finances.

How do you pay yourself first? ›

What is a 'pay yourself first' budget? The "pay yourself first" method has you put a portion of your paycheck into your savings, retirement, emergency or other goal-based savings accounts before you do anything else with it. After a month or two, you likely won't even notice this sum is "gone" from your budget.

What habit makes you rich? ›

The moment you feel a need to buy something, especially a big-ticket item, ask yourself how much you can postpone having it. The second habit is to prioritise saving over spending. Commit a fixed portion of earnings to investments as soon as money lands in the account and spend only what is left over.

What are the 4 things of money? ›

Functions of Money
  • A medium of exchange.
  • A standard of deferred payment.
  • A store of wealth.
  • A measure of value.

What are the 5 things of money? ›

The basic truth is that we can do five things with our money: (1) save it; (2) spend it; (3) give it away; (4) pay taxes; and (5) pay down debt. Shake it up any way you want, and chances are it will end up in one of those buckets.

What are the 4 general life values that can influence your money habits? ›

Compare your scores in each of the four Life Values (inner, social, physical, and financial).

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.