10 More Facebook and Facebook Marketplace Terms That You Might Not Know - SocMedSean - Social Media Sean (2024)

Since its launch in 2004, Facebook has become the largest global media platform on the planet, growing to over 1.9 billion users accessing the social media giant daily.

With Facebook’s growth, it has continued to add a plethora of new Facebook features and terms, phrases, abbreviations, hashtags, and acronyms. While many of these are popular Facebook terms, they can be confusing to many Facebook users and might leave you asking, What does this mean on Facebook?

Facebook is a fun resource to use to keep up with friends and family, but sometimes there are phrases and terms in the comments, and in particular, in Facebook Marketplace, that might have you scratching your head. Here are 10 terms that you need to understand to be successful in deciphering Facebook.

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Table Of Contents

What Does Facebook Coma Mean?

A Facebook coma happens when a Facebook user appears to temporarily lose control of his or her brain function, which is either a result of, or leads to, an endless loop of reading status updates and scrolling through profile pages.

Being in a Facebook coma is an easy way to feel like you’re actually doing something to pass the time, but in reality, your brain has essentially shut off. Another term for this is “zombie scrolling.” It’s a form of device addiction and is defined as “mindless scrolling out of habit, with no real destination or benefit,” and it’s not good for your mental health.

What Are Facebook Viewpoints?

Facebook Viewpoints is a program that lets Facebook users take surveys and perform tasks or try new products that can help improve the Facebook apps while the participants earn rewards.

If you’d like to participate in Facebook Viewpoints, keep in mind that this program is run by Facebook, so getting in contact with the Facebook Viewpoints team if you have an issue can be as challenging as getting in contact with Facebook’s regular customer support. The best thing to do if you encounter an issue with Facebook Viewpoints is to visit the Facebook Viewpoints Help Center.

What Does ISO Mean on Facebook?

On Facebook as well as many other internet-based sites, forums, chat rooms, and social media, ISO simply means “in search of.” ISO is one of the most common abbreviations on Facebook and is most often used in Facebook Marketplace for buyers to indicate that they are in search of a specific item.

Making a post in your choice of Facebook Marketplace with “ISO” at the beginning of the post’s title will help others understand that you don’t have that particular item but are searching for it and would like to purchase or trade for it.

What Does Bump Mean in Facebook Groups?

You may have been scrolling through a Facebook group and seen the word “Bump” in a post comment. Whether it’s in a Facebook group or an online forum, bumping a post simply means posting a comment that moves the post to the top.

The practice of bumping a post came from online forums where adding a new comment on a post would “bump” it back up to the top of the active threads. According to Urban Dictionary, “bump” may have originally been an acronym for “bring up my post.”

Keep in mind, however, that the Facebook algorithm doesn’t always show things that are in chronological order by engagement, so bumping something on Facebook doesn’t always make it visible to the group again.

What Does F or Following mean on Facebook?

When someone is interested in a particular Facebook post, they may comment with the letter “F” or simply type the word “follow” or “following.” This simply means that the person wants to receive notifications when others add comments to that post.

This practice originated back in the early days of Facebook when you couldn’t get notifications about comments on a post unless you liked or commented on that post.

Facebook has made some updates so that today you don’t need to comment “F” or “Following.” Instead, you can turn on Facebook notifications for that post. This lets you receive notifications on the post’s activity without having to comment on the post.

What Does H/T or h/t mean on Facebook?

Some Facebook abbreviations are meant to show appreciation or thanks, like the term “hat tip.” A hat tip is usually given to someone who helped or provided access to a specific piece of content. Hat tip is often abbreviated as “H/T” or “h/t” on Facebook as a way to type and post it more quickly, but the meaning is the same.

Hat tip harks back to a time when fedoras adorned not the heads of hipsters but those of gentlemen fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons. In those days, a tip of one’s hat was a signal of greeting, recognition, and respect. The modern h/t used on social media is likewise a gesture of civility and recognition of thanks.

What Does TIA mean on Facebook?

Another Facebook abbreviation that shows gratitude is TIA, or “thanks in advance.” TIA often accompanies a request for help or information. TIA is a way to say thank you to anyone who might be able to answer a question or have an item that you are ISO.

What Does OBO mean on Facebook?

Another term used most often in Facebook Marketplace is “OBO,” which means “or best offer.” OBO usually accompanies an asking price if you are selling an item, but OBO indicates that you are open for negotiation by signaling that you would accept an offer lower than the asking price if you feel that the offer is reasonable.

What Does Pending mean on Facebook?

Another of the Facebook Marketplace phrases that is used often is “Pending.” Pending signals that the item’s sale is pending, and the item is therefore not currently available.

A seller may post “Pending” to indicate that while the item hasn’t officially sold, a potential buyer has made an offer on the item. However, pending also means that the seller is not going to remove the listing just yet because other interested buyers are free to make an OBO offer on the item. Sometimes the original sale falls through, and the seller will sell the item to a secondary buyer that has made an OBO on the item.

What Does PPU mean on Facebook?

Another Facebook Marketplace abbreviation is PPU, or “pending pick up.” A seller uses PPU to let prospective buyers know that the item has been promised to another buyer and if that buyer picks up the item, it will be considered officially sold.

However, when a seller uses PPU, it leaves the door open that if the item isn’t picked up, it could be returned to sellable status, which means you could have an opportunity to buy it.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this information and found it useful. If you have additional tips or experiences related to Facebook phrases, I encourage you to post them in the comments below!

— Sean

10 More Facebook and Facebook Marketplace Terms That You Might Not Know - SocMedSean - Social Media Sean (2024)


What are the terms of Facebook Marketplace? ›

Products listed on Facebook Marketplace must comply with Meta's Commerce Policies and the Facebook Community Standards. Buyers and sellers are also responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations.

What is banned on Facebook Marketplace? ›

Prohibited items: Facebook has strict guidelines on what items can and cannot be sold on Marketplace. If you attempt to sell prohibited items, such as firearms, drugs, or counterfeit items, you may be banned.

What to avoid selling on Facebook Marketplace? ›

Watch out for counterfeit items

It's illegal to sell counterfeit items in most countries, and counterfeits aren't allowed on Facebook.

What is hidden information on Facebook Marketplace? ›

Hidden information refers to specific details within a Facebook Marketplace listing that are not readily visible to users. Facebook implements this feature as a protective measure to mitigate potential scams and safeguard users from fraudulent activities.

What are the 10 Facebook community standards? ›

  • VIOLENCE AND CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. Violence and IncitementDangerous Organizations and IndividualsCoordinating Harm and Promoting CrimeRestricted Goods and ServicesFraud and Deception.
  • SAFETY. ...

What does obo mean on Facebook marketplace? ›

You can indicate “OBO”, which stands for “Or Best Offer”, to indicate you're willing to accept lower offers. Interested buyers may want to negotiate your price, so say the price is firm if you aren't willing to negotiate.

What is not allowed on Marketplace? ›

Adult products and services. Real money gambling services. Real, virtual or fake currency. Misleading, deceptive, or offensive items.

What violates Facebook Marketplace? ›

Listings may not promote the buying or selling of real or fake documents, currency, financial instruments and virtual currency.

What happens if you get reported on Facebook Marketplace? ›

Note: We may suspend or ban sellers if they go against our Commerce Policies. Buyers who file fraudulent claims are also subject to consequences outlined in our Purchase Protection policies.

What are the red flags on Facebook Marketplace? ›

Top Red Flags:

Seller refuses to meet in person. Buyer or seller tries to take the conversation outside of Facebook Messenger. Buyer sends you prepaid shipping labels. Buyer overpays for a product.

What are the new rules for Marketplace on Facebook? ›

What products can you NOT sell on Facebook Marketplace?
  • Anything that isn't a physical product.
  • Adult products.
  • Alcohol.
  • Body parts or fluids.
  • Digital media or electronic products that facilitate unauthorized streaming.
  • Documents, currency, or financial instruments.
  • Gambling products.
  • Hazardous products.

What sells easily on Facebook Marketplace? ›

With that in mind, here are 25+ best-selling items on Facebook Marketplace:
  • Furniture.
  • Home Decor.
  • Print-On-Demand Products.
  • Children's Toys.
  • Garden & Tools.
  • Sports & Outdoor Entertainment.
  • Seasonal Products.
  • Baby Supplies.

Can someone tell if I look at their Facebook page a lot? ›

Facebook doesn't let people track who views their profile. Third-party apps also can't provide this functionality. If you come across an app that claims to offer this ability, please report the app.

What does Facebook hidden mean? ›

'Hidden' posts are filed on a private page that only you can see (bottom left of screen above)

How to see a hidden phone number on Facebook Marketplace? ›

To quickly get to the Marketplace, tap your profile icon in the top right corner or the three-line menu in the bottom right corner and tap Marketplace in the menu that appears. You'll see [hidden information] in the description, where personal information, like a phone number, was hidden.

What are Marketplace terms and conditions? ›

Terms and Conditions agreements provide clarity to buyers and sellers and allow you to prohibit certain behaviors, protect your property, and limit your liability. Many Terms and Conditions agreements for marketplaces include the following sections and clauses: Overview. Acceptance of terms. Definitions.

What are the requirements to use Facebook Marketplace? ›

To access Facebook Marketplace, you must: Be an adult based on the laws in your country (example: at least 18 years old in the United States or at least 20 years old in Thailand). Live in a country where Facebook Marketplace is available.

What is the safest way to pay on Facebook Marketplace? ›

As for payment, carrying cash, especially a lot of cash, is risky. Facebook Marketplace recommends a secure person-to-person payment method such as PayPal.

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