10 of the Best Alcoholic Beverage for People with Diabetes (2024)

If you have diabetes, drinking alcohol may be safe for you as long as you choose the right types of drinks and consider alcohol’s effects on your blood sugar levels.

Diabetes causes lower-than-normal production or function of insulin — the hormone that helps control your blood sugar levels — so blood sugar management is important (1).

In addition, alcohol consumption may excessively raise or lower your blood sugar levels, depending on the drink and whether you have eaten recently (2).

Studies suggest that moderate intake of alcohol — especially red wine — is associated with health benefits in people with diabetes. But heavy drinking may interfere with some medications and increase the risk of diabetes-related complications (2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

The 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans define moderate alcohol intake as up to 1 drink per day for women and up to 2 drinks per day for men (7).

Here’s what one standard drink looks like (7):

  • 12 fluid ounces (360 mL) of regular beer (5% alcohol)
  • 5 fluid ounces (150 mL) of wine (12% alcohol)
  • 1.5 fluid ounces (45 mL) of 80 proof distilled spirits (40% alcohol)

This article lists 10 types of alcohol that are most appropriate for people with diabetes, based on carb content, as well as a few drink types to avoid.

Generally speaking, low carb beers may have up to 37% fewer calories and 80% fewer carbs than regular beers (8, 9).

Here are some of the most popular low-carb beer options.

1. Miller Lite

Miller Lite is an American-style light lager made with barley malt and corn syrup, among other ingredients.

However, it contains only 3.2 grams of carbohydrates in a standard 12-ounce (360-mL) can or bottle, compared with 12 grams for the same serving in regular Miller beers (10).

According to online consumer reviews, people also think it has a great aroma and flavor. Thus, it may be a popular choice during hot summer months.

2. Coors Light

Coors is another of America’s favorite beer brands. It also has a low carb version suitable for people with diabetes.

Like Miller Lite, Coors Light is an American-style light lager. It provides 5 grams of carbs per 12-ounce (360-mL) bottle.

In contrast, standard options, such as Coors Banquet, provide almost 12 grams of carbs per bottle (10).

Reviews often describe this beer as refreshing, easy to drink, and not too filling due to its lower carb count.

3. Bud Lite

Bud Lite is another low carb beer that provides fewer than 5 grams of carbs per serving.

With 4.6 grams of carbs per 12-ounce (360-mL) serving, it provides roughly 50% fewer carbs than a regular Budweiser (11, 12).

Bud Lite is known for being slightly sweet. However, some consumer reviews say it tastes a bit bland.

4. Busch

Busch beers are good alternatives for people with diabetes due to the low carb content of most of the brand’s products — including their beers that are not branded as low carb.

For instance, a 12-ounce (360-mL) serving of regular Busch contains just 7 grams of carbs, while the same serving sizes of Busch Ice and Busch Light provide 4.2 and 3.2 grams, respectively (13, 14, 15).

People also seem to enjoy Busch beers on hot summer days.


Low carb beer is a better option than regular beer for people with diabetes who want to enjoy a cold brew now and then.

Moderate wine intake in people with diabetes is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease (3, 16).

Here are two types of wine with low carb counts.

5. Red wine

Among all types of wine, red wine is linked with the most health benefits — both for people with diabetes and for the general population — due to its high antioxidant content (17, 18, 19).

Studies show that drinking it may improve heart disease markers and reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications such as diabetic retinopathy, which damages blood vessels in the eyes (16, 20).

Plus, it provides only 3.8 grams of carbs in a standard 5-ounce (150-mL) serving (21).

6. White wine

White wines are often regarded as high sugar drinks. However, their carb content can be virtually the same as that of red wines.

For instance, a standard 5-ounce (150-mL) glass of white wine also provides 3.8 grams of carbs (22).

Among white wines, Champagne may be a particularly good choice if you’re trying to keep the carb content to a minimum. However, this depends on the style of Champagne — dry and brut varieties are low in sugar.

For example, a 5-ounce (150-mL) serving of extra-dry champagne provides 1.7–2.5 grams of carbs. Brut and extra-brut champagne in the same serving size offer fewer than 1.7 grams and fewer than 0.8 grams of carbs, respectively (23).


Aside from having a low carb content, red wine may lower the risk of diabetes-related complications if consumed in moderation. White wines, especially some types of Champagne, also generally have a low carb count.

Distilled spirits or hard liquors contain few to no carbs. However, you should be aware of the potential for hypoglycemia, also called low blood sugar levels, when consuming them.

This may happen because your liver can’t maintain basal blood sugar levels while also metabolizing alcohol. This may lead to excessively low blood sugar — and even more so if you drink on an empty stomach (2).

Here are some possible distilled spirit options.

7. Gin, rum, vodka, or whiskey

These liquors contain 0 grams of carbs per 1.5-ounce (45-mL) serving (24).

However, the carb content of your drink may vary depending on what you mix the liquor with.

Avoid mixing liquor with sugary juices or sugar-containing soda. If you do drink these with alcohol, your blood sugar may spike and then dip to dangerously low levels.


When consumed on their own, hard liquors provide 0 grams of carbs but may lead to very low blood sugar levels. Avoid drinking them on an empty stomach or mixing them with sugary drinks.

Make sure to go for low sugar options if you feel like having a co*cktail.

Here are some of the best low carb co*cktails.

8. Martini

You make a martini by mixing gin or vodka with dry vermouth in a 2-to-1 ratio and then garnishing it with an olive or a twist of lemon peel.

Since it doesn’t contain juices or other mixers, it contains 0.2 grams of total carbs in a 4-ounce (120-mL) drink. This makes it a good choice for people with diabetes — provided you drink it in moderation (25).

9. Vodka soda

As its name implies, you make a vodka soda by combining vodka and club soda.

As long as you use club soda or seltzer, your drink’s carb count will stay at 0 grams (26).

However, the carb content may rise significantly if you mix vodka with tonic water — which has 32 grams of carbs per 12-ounce can — or a sugar-containing soda (27).

If you’d rather have a flavored version, go for flavored sparkling water instead of flavored vodka, which may contain added syrups.

10. Bloody Mary

You make a Bloody Mary by mixing vodka and tomato juice with different sauces and spices, depending on the recipe, and typically serve it with a celery stick.

People often think of this as a “healthy” co*cktail due to its vegetable content. It has a carb count of 7 grams from the tomato juice (28).

Tomato juice in a Bloody Mary provides lycopene, a pigment in tomatoes that has antioxidant and anti-diabetes properties and may protect people with diabetes from heart disease (29, 30, 31).

If you’re making a Bloody Mary, opt for a variety of tomato juice without added salt to lower its sodium content. A high sodium intake may lead to high blood pressure (32).


People with diabetes may also enjoy low sugar co*cktails. Again, avoid those with added sugars in the form of fruit juice, syrup, or regular soda.

While there are some diabetes-friendly co*cktails, such as the ones mentioned above, traditional co*cktails are generally very high in added sugars. Therefore, try to avoid them unless you’re making them yourself.

For example, margaritas, piña coladas, and daiquiris may pack 35–44 grams of carbs per 7-ounce (225-mL) serving — and that is if you’re having just one serving (33, 34, 35).

Dessert wines, such as vermouth, port, and sherry, are also high in carbs. As the name of these drinks implies, people typically serve them after a meal (36).

The same goes for cream liqueurs such as Bailey’s Irish Cream and Kahlua. These provide around 13 grams of carbs, of which 12 grams are from sugar, for every 2 ounces (60 grams) of liqueur (37).

Lastly, aside from taking into account your drink’s carb content, try to follow these practices when drinking:

  • Eat beforehand to avoid drinking on an empty stomach.
  • Avoid drinking if your blood sugar is low.
  • Monitor your blood sugar regularly before, during, and after drinking.

Avoid drinking traditional co*cktails, dessert wines, and cream liqueurs, because they’re generally high in sugar.

The best types of alcohol for people with diabetes are those with a low sugar or carb content.

That includes light beers, red and white wines, distilled spirits, and low carb co*cktails, as long as you avoid sugary juices or syrups.

On the other hand, traditional co*cktails, dessert wines, and cream liqueurs tend to have higher sugar counts, which may spike your blood sugar levels.

Regardless of which type of alcoholic drink you choose, remember that it’s not just sugar that interferes with your blood sugar management. The alcohol itself does too. Thus, you should drink in moderation and follow the practices listed above.

Certain diabetes medications, such as insulin and sulfonylureas, can increase your risk of hypoglycemia, and alcohol further affects that risk. If you’re taking medication, talk with your doctor about whether and how you can safely drink alcohol.

Read this article in Spanish.

10 of the Best Alcoholic Beverage for People with Diabetes (2024)


What alcoholic drink is best for diabetes? ›

Wine. Some research says wine (red or white) may help your body use insulin better and may even make you less likely to get type 2 diabetes in the first place. It may also have heart benefits, to boot! Moderation is the key as too much alcohol can cause hypoglycemia.

What alcohol can diabetics not drink? ›

However, hard liquors like whiskey, gin, rum, and vodka can often be mixed with sugary drinks, making them a poor choice if you have diabetes. Alternatively, you can also mix distilled alcohol with seltzer or soda water, diet soda, and a squeeze of lemon or lime. This creates a mixed drink without adding any sugar.

What is the safest drink for a diabetic? ›

Five ways to stay hydrated…
  • Water is the best all-round drink. ...
  • Tea, coffee, chai and hot chocolate – cut back on sugar and use semi-skimmed or skimmed milk.
  • Herbal teas can make a refreshing change and most are caffeine-free.

What alcohol is lowest in sugar? ›

Sugar & Calorie Content in Spirits, Wine, and Beer
  • Vodka: 0 grams of sugar & 100 calories per 50 ml.
  • Gin: 0 grams of sugar & 97 calories per 50 ml.
  • Tequila: 0 grams of sugar & 97 calories per 50 ml.
  • Whiskey: 0.03 grams of sugar & 105 calories per 50 ml.
  • Rum: 0 grams of sugar & 97 calories per 50 ml.
Apr 13, 2022

What alcohol doesn't have sugar or carbs? ›

For instance, pure forms of alcohol like whiskey, gin, tequila, rum, and vodka are all completely free of carbs. You can drink them straight or combine them with low carb mixers for more flavor.

What alcohol raises blood sugar? ›

Alcoholic drinks such as beer and sweetened mixed drinks are high in carbohydrates, which can raise blood sugar levels. Alcohol has a lot of calories, which can lead to weight gain. This makes it harder to manage diabetes.

What 3 drinks should diabetics avoid? ›

The 3 worst drinks
  • Regular soda. Soda takes the top spot on the list of drinks to avoid. ...
  • Energy drinks. Energy drinks can be high in both caffeine and carbohydrates. ...
  • Sweetened or unsweetened fruit juices.
Aug 30, 2021

Is vodka good for diabetes? ›

To sum it up, although vodka in moderation is unlikely to affect blood sugar significantly, people with diabetes should be aware of how much they are drinking. Mixing with other beverages or consuming it in large amounts can cause a rise in blood sugar levels or even increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

What drink lowers blood sugar? ›

These 3 Drinks Help Keep Your Blood Sugar Balanced
  • Water. Water indirectly lowers our blood sugar by giving us the sensation of feeling full. ...
  • Unsweetened teas. Unsweetened teas contain antioxidants that reduce inflammation and lower our overall blood sugars. ...
  • Black coffee.
Mar 20, 2023

What drinks lower a1c? ›

The best drink to sip for blood sugar management is water. But you can drink more than just H2O. Try coffee, black or green tea or even milk. If you want to get fancy, a small glass of tomato juice will do, too.

Is tequila OK for diabetics? ›

Because tequila has no carbs, it can be a diabetes-friendly alcohol choice.

What is the best drink for type 2 diabetes? ›

Here are the best drink choices for type 2 diabetes:
  • Plain water. Health experts recommend at least 4-6 cups of water a day for healthy people. ...
  • Tomato juice. ...
  • Herbal teas. ...
  • Coffee. ...
  • Tea. ...
  • Kombucha. ...
  • Green smoothies. ...
  • Apple cider vinegar.

What is the healthiest liquor? ›

By themselves, "clear liquors like vodka and gin have the fewest calories and the least amount of sugar," says Amy Shapiro, R.D. That means they're easier for our bodies to metabolize and may result in less intense hangovers for some people.

Can diabetics drink whiskey? ›

Not quite. People with diabetes need to be extra careful with alcohol. Alcohol intake significantly increases the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels).

Can you drink whiskey if you are diabetic? ›

Avoid drinking alcohol if your blood sugars are not in control. This means that your HbA1C values are between 6.5 to 7% or lower. Or if your average blood sugars are between 140 to 154 mg/dL. Limit yourself to one drink per day (for women) and two drinks per day (for men).

Can a diabetic drink Bud Light beer? ›

Whether you are a craft beer connoisseur or a devoted Bud Light® drinker, having diabetes doesn't mean you have to give up beer to have good blood sugar management. We've got you covered with tips on enjoying a cold one while keeping your blood sugar in the safe zone (70-180 mg/dL).

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