10 things to do if your bike’s been stolen! | The Best Bike Lock (2024)

So your bike’s been stolen. I know, I know. But resist the urge to put your fist through a wall or collapse in tearful heap. Instead, pull yourself together and get on with the following 10 steps.

10 things to do if your bike’s been stolen! | The Best Bike Lock (1)

You're not alone: 50% of us will have our bikes stolen at some point

They can help youget your bike back. Even if they don’t, at least you’ll know you did everything you possibly could! And if you need to buy a new bike, they’llmake thata biteasier too.

Hopefullyyou’ve already done the7things to do BEFORE your bike’s stolen and you have a file of information on your bike. (If you haven’t and you’ve still got a bike do them now!)

This file should include all your receipts, the make, model and serial number, a full description of your bike and a few photos. Now is the time when it really comes in useful.

So here are ten things you should do right now if your bike's been stolen...

table of contents

1.Alert social media

2. Listyour bike as stolen

3. Report the theft to the police

4. File an insurance claim

5. Report it to Kryptonite or OnGuard

6. Check ebay, Gumtree, craigslist

How to set up alerts

Getting your bike back

7. Check the flea markets and pawn shops!

8. Let your local bike shops know

9. Put up posters

10. Buy a new bike

Buying a stolen bike

Discounts for theft victims!

Wrapping up

1.Alert social media

Get the word out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tinder, Grindr, whatever! Put all your bike's details on your social media, include where and when your bike was stolen and ask people to share.

10 things to do if your bike’s been stolen! | The Best Bike Lock (2)

Loads of social media channels will publicize your stolen bike

There’s loads of websites and social media profiles that have been specifically set up to help you here. Let them know your bike’s been stolen and they’ll send out tweets to their followers who will keep their eyes peeled for your bike.

So what are these sites?

In the UK there’sStolen Bike Alert,Stolen Bikes UK,Stolen Ride London and probably several more local to you. Google is your friend here. Search for “stolen bike alert [where you live]”.

There’s not so many local services in the US, butBikeWatchNYC is trying to do similar things in New York. Let me know if you’ve got any other good ones and I’ll add them here.

2. Listyour bike as stolen

If you’ve already registered your bike with the various online schemes that keep track of bicycles, now’s the time to log in and tell them that your bike’s been stolen.

And if you haven't already registered, don't worry: you can still add your bike after a theft. Simply create an account and add the make, model, serial number and any other information you have.

The big ones are Bike Register (UK), Bike Index(US and International) and529 Garage (US).

If you live in the UK, then Bike Register is the first place you should register your bicycle. It's free. And every police force in the country uses their database.

10 things to do if your bike’s been stolen! | The Best Bike Lock (3)

(Bike Register: every police force in the UK uses their database)

So if your bike is recovered by the police (and nearly 50% of stolen bikes are), if it's in the Bike Register database, you're almost certain to get it back.

Once you report your bike as stolen with Bike Register, it will automatically send out a tweet to their social media following to further publicise the theft.

10 things to do if your bike’s been stolen! | The Best Bike Lock (4)

Bike Index: the worlds largest bicycle registration and recovery scheme

I can also highly recommend Bike Index which is the most widely used bicycle registration and recovery service in the world and should certainly be your first choice if you live in the US.

It's free to register your bike. They're very active on social media, automatically publicizing your stolen bike on all their various channels.

10 things to do if your bike’s been stolen! | The Best Bike Lock (5)

Bike Index stolen bicycle alerts

And they also have a promoted alerts service that will generate Facebook ads that specifically target cyclists (and other people who are likely to be sympathetic), in your area, alerting them to be on the look out for your bike.

It's important to tell these schemes as soon as your bike is stolen. Then their databases will be updated so that if the police recover the bike, or anyone is offered the bike (and they check the serial number), they’ll see that it’s your stolen bike.

If you haven’t already registered with one of these organisations, do it now. All you need is the make, model and serial number of your bike.

You do know your serial number don’t you? If not and you’ve still got a bike,go and find it now. It will only take 5 minutes and will save you a load of problems and possibly a lot of money later on.

3. Report the theft to the police

File a police report as soon as possible. This is really important. You might not haveinsurance. You might think the police will do nothing. You might think it’s a waste of time.

10 things to do if your bike’s been stolen! | The Best Bike Lock (6)

San Francisco’s vast recovered stolen bike warehouse

But the fact is that almost half of stolen bikes are eventually recovered by the police. And the only reason that just 5% of stolen bikes are returned to their owners is that the police can’t link the bikes to the owners.

But if they recover a stolen bike and you’ve filed a report with a serial number, they’ll link itto you and you’ll get your bike back!

Filing a report will also give the police a more accurate picture of the extent of bike theft where you live so that hopefully they’ll be able to allocate more resources to it.

So collect all the information you have on your bike. Hopefully that includes the make, model and serial number, some photographs and a detailed description. And either give your local police station a call or go down there in person.

You must do this as soon as your bike’s been stolen. Yourinsurance policyprobably stipulates that you file a police report within24 hours. And certainly both Kryptonite and OnGuard’s “anti-theft protection” require you to report the theft to the police within 72 hours.

You’ll need to give them some personal details, which will typically include your name, gender, date of birth, some contact information and a mailing address.

And you’ll also tell them everything you know about the circ*mstances of the theft, including where, when, how and anything else that might be useful. For example, are there any CCTV cameras in the area that might show the theft?

In exchange they’ll give you a police report which is of course vital if you have insurance or you registered with one of the “anti-theft protection” programs from Kryptonite or OnGuard.

4. File an insurance claim

Hopefully you’ve got some sort of insurance policy. Either you’re covered by your household insurance. Or you havespecialized bicycle insurance.

Get in touch with them by phone as soon as you have the police report. They’ll require the same information you gave the police plus the crime reference number from the police report and your receipts of purchase.

Again, do this as soon as your bikes been stolen. Most insurance companies will stipulate that you need to at least alert them of the theft within a certain amount of time.

And of course the sooner you file a report, the sooner you’ll have a new bike!

5. Report it to Kryptonite or OnGuard

If you’re registered with either the Kryptonite or OnGuard “anti-theft protection” scheme and your bike was secured with their lock when it was stolen, then you should make a claim.

OnGuard and Kryptonite offer "anti-theft protection" schemes that are similar to insurance

Make sure you do so within seven days of the theft and include all the necessary information.I go througheverything you need to do here.

6. Check ebay, Gumtree, craigslist

Check out the listings onebay,Gumtreeandcraigslist. Thieves will often try to sell stolen bikes through these sites. But abike probably won’t be listed as soon as it’s stolen. So the easiest way to keep an eye on the adverts is to set up alerts.

With all three sites you’ll need to register so that they can send you emails(don’t worry, it’s free).

Then search for the make and model of your bike and save the search criteria so that any new listings are sent to you via email.

How to set up alerts

How do you save your search? With ebay just look for the “follow this search” option at the top of the search results. On Gumtree there’s a “Set search alert” button. And on craigslist it’s a “save search” link.

10 things to do if your bike’s been stolen! | The Best Bike Lock (8)

Set up alerts on sites that are used to sell stolen bikes

And from then on,you should get an email everyday with any new listings that match the make and model of your bike within the geographical area that you specified in your search!

Getting your bike back

So what do you do if your bike comes up in a listing? You definitely shouldn’t accuse the seller via email or phone. You could be wrong. And if you’re right, they’ll probably get rid of the bike before you can do anything else!

Youdefinitelyshouldn’t go and buy your bike back from them either! Bizarre as it sounds, I’ve heard of people doing just that. But it obviously stinks of defeat and will only encourage further thievery.

You probably shouldn't go down there to try and reclaim your bike yourself either. Any sort of confrontation could easily escalate into something very nasty.

The sensible thing to do is contact the police. They will advise you of the best course of action. And hopefully they’ll even come down and sort the situation out themselves!

7. Check the flea markets and pawn shops!

Many towns and cities have informal areas where stolen bikes are traded. You probably already know where they are in your neighborhood. If you don’t, ask around.

10 things to do if your bike’s been stolen! | The Best Bike Lock (9)

Stolen bikes are often sold around street markets

In London for example, Brick Lane market is notorious as the place to go to buy and sell stolen bikes. I’m not sure what it’s like these days, but it used to be a very blatant thieves bazaar.

Again, if you spot your bike, it’s best to contact the police rather than try to sort the situation out yourself.

8. Let your local bike shops know

Pass all the information you’ve got on your bike to your local bike shops.It makes it so much easier for them to spot something suspicious ifthey’ve already got their eyes peeled for a bike like yours.

9. Put up posters

Maybe this is a last resort. But putting up posters in your local area will reach a whole load of people that the other steps won’t. Maybe someone’s seen or heard something. It’s worth a shot!

10. Buy a new bike

One of the most depressing statistics that I’ve come across regarding bike theft is that of the 50% of us thathave bikes stolen, 66% cycle less and 25% give up cycling altogether!

Don’t be one of those statistics

If all else fails and your bike isn’t recovered, it’s time to get a new one! You have to keep riding. I know it’s gut wrenchingly upsetting when your bike is stolen, but we can’t let the thieves win.

Get a new bike. Get a better lock. Make sure you know how to lock your bike properly. Don’t let it happen again.

Bicycle security is all about finding the right balance of security and convenience. So readjust the balance.

Now obviously this is going to cost money. But if your bike was so expensive that you can’t replace it easily with the money in your bank account, then hopefully you’ve got insurance.

Buying a stolen bike

I know that when I’ve had bikes stolen in the past and I’ve been short on cash, I’ve been tempted to buy a stolen bike myself. Obviously it’s a easy way to get back riding for a cheap price.

Resist this temptation! It goes without saying that you’re only perpetuating the whole sorry mess. If everyone stoppedbuying stolen bikes then bike theft would virtually disappear overnight.

Instead, if your buying a second hand bike, be extra vigilant. Insist on seeing receipts. Check the serial number usingBike Indexor Bike Register

But it’s usually pretty obvious when someones selling a stolen bike. If it’s unusually cheap. If he won’t meet you at home. If he’s double shifty. You know it’s stolen. Don’t buy it!

Discounts for theft victims!

I’ll end on a heart warming note. State Bicycles have a stolen bike policy that will give you £100 (or equivalent) off one of their bikes if you send them a police report filed in the last 90 days.

You can buy online and thereare stores that sell their bikes all over the world. I think that’s a pretty nice offer. It would be great to see other businesses doing similar things!

Wrapping up

Having your bike stolen is a proper bummer. And unfortunately itwill probably happen to mostof us over the course of our cycling lifetime.

The best thing we can can do is prepare for the eventuality. And when it happens, do everything we can to improve the chances of recovering our bikes.

The worst thing we can do is to stop riding.

More Good Stuff:

How to lock your bike (properly)

Win a Free Bike!

18 Sensible Bike Storage Ideas

10 things to do if your bike’s been stolen! | The Best Bike Lock (2024)


How do you lock up a bike so it doesn't get stolen? ›

Secure the back wheel and frame with a U-lock instead. That way, both parts are secured directly to a rack, and neither can be removed. Always lock at least both the frame and a wheel to a bike rack to prevent thieves from stealing parts from your bike.

What bike lock is theft proof? ›

In my opinion, the best, most secure & theft-proof bicycle locks on the market are U-locks and chains. They can be made from nearly uncuttable metal, and both are convenient to use. A well-designed u-lock is almost unbreakable. The least effective is the cable lock.

What is the safest way to lock a bike? ›

ALWAYS LOCK YOUR BIKE to a solid object that it cannot be lifted over. LOCK YOUR BIKE in a well lit area with high foot traffic. MAKE SURE what you lock your bike to cannot be cut. LOCK ACCORDING TO VALUE frame first, then back wheel, and finally front wheel.

Do police help with stolen bikes? ›

Whilst it's possible to report your stolen bike by phone and in some cases online, it can be more beneficial to go into your local police station. Provide as much detail as possible, the more the better, including: Exact details about the theft (where/when/how)

What do thieves do with stolen bikes? ›

What do bike thieves do with stolen bikes? Bike thieves have the equipment to cut locks and intend to resell stolen bikes at a price close to their “fair market value.” Criminals like typically steal bikes from the streets and sell them on online markets to get the most money.

Is there a lock that Cannot be cut? ›

Shackleless Padlocks

Contrary to the name, these actually do have a shackle, but the steel body completely encases it. No part of it is exposed, making it impossible to tamper with or cut the shackle.

Can thieves break bike locks? ›

A pair of hand held cable cutters will snip through most cable locks in seconds. Cheap, inconspicuous and easy to carry around in a coat pocket, this is the tool that's most commonly used by bike thieves. And it's worth repeating again: they will cut through nearly all cable locks in seconds.

Can thieves cut bike locks? ›

But even this is not theft-proof. Such facilities are often locked with a standard padlock—and we've seen what can happen to those, through cutting, drilling, or leverage force. Even the wire sides can be cut to remove the best bikes.

What is the most stolen bike? ›

Most stolen motorcycle makes in the United States in 2019
CharacteristicNumber of thefts
BMW Motorrad443
Kymco U.S.A., Inc442
Zhongneng MotorcycleCo., Ltd.395
Vespa International349
9 more rows
Oct 6, 2021

Which bikes get stolen the most? ›

The Top 10 Most Stolen Motorcycles in 2023
  • The stats for motorcycle theft are unreleased for the year 2022 with the latest we have access to being from July 2020 to June 2021. ...
  • Honda – 1,939 in 2019/20 VS 1,545 in 2020/21: ...
  • Yamaha – 1,572 in 2019/20 VS 1,326 in 2020/21: ...
  • Suzuki – 815 in 2019/20 VS 742 in 2020/21:

What are the 3 keys to bike safety? ›

Stay safe by following these rules:
  • Get acquainted with traffic laws; bicyclists must follow the same rules as motorists.
  • Ride single-file in the direction of traffic.
  • Remain alert, keep your head up and look around; watch for opening car doors and other hazards.

Where is the best place to put a bike lock? ›

The most secure way to lock your bike is with two locks. And ideally to a bike rack that's cemented into the ground. The first lock should go around the back wheel, the frame and the bike rack. The second should go around the front wheel, the frame and preferably the bike rack as well.

Can stolen bikes be tracked? ›

Use Cycling GPS to Track down Your Stolen Bike. When your bike is stolen, you can trace it down with the GPS devices. A lot of bike aficionado would install GPS tracking devices to their motorcycles, mountain bikes or motocross bikes in case of bike theft.

Can you call 999 for a stolen bike? ›

If your bike is stolen, never put yourself at risk. Call police immediately on 999 if you see it being stolen or report a crime online or call 101 if you discover it has gone.

Can someone cut through a bike lock? ›

A pair of hand held cable cutters will snip through most cable locks in seconds. Cheap, inconspicuous and easy to carry around in a coat pocket, this is the tool that's most commonly used by bike thieves. And it's worth repeating again: they will cut through nearly all cable locks in seconds.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.