100 Paparazzi Sales Tips (2024)

100 Paparazzi Sales Tips from top leaders on retail sales that can be applied all year round!

Paparazzi Founder Misty recently asked Elite Consultants to give solid advice for making retail profit this holiday season. Thanks to an awesome Elite leader (I wish I could find who this was so I could give her credit!) all of the input has been complied into this 100 Paparazzi Sales Tips list for your learning pleasure!

Check out these 100 Paparazzi Sales Tips from the Paparazzi Elite Group! These sales tips will help you take it to the next level! Not a consultant yet? Learn how you can make extra money by becoming a Paparazzi consultant.

1. Messenger Parties

2. Events

3. Sip and Shops (open houses)

4. Live Recaps after a live show get me more FB live sales

5. Book hostesses for live sales, home parties and basket parties

6. Setting up at Assistant livings

7. Coordinated wall drops

8. Keeping my VIP chat updated and making sure they see the pieces first

9. Basket parties are a major hit for me this time of the year

10.Holiday sets! Especially items that wouldn’t normally look good together— putting them together in an album.

11. Extra engagement posts to boost views

12.Cute stocking stuffer ideas!! I call them “snowflake sacks”! Matching kids sets!

13.Live daily 5 days a week

14.Engagement on my business page, really focusing on growing and it’s working! I’ve been going back to older inventory and my customers have gone crazy over it.

15.I’ve been using different avenues to sell instead of just going live.

16.Bling bags! Wear the product well and people will want to buy what you wear!

17. Add another live sale weekly!

18.12 days of Christmas deals!

19.I really try to help them see the collections and show them coordinating pieces that i know it takes a consultant eye to see to encourage them to get out of their comfort zone.

20. I wore and wear brass and copper and the BIG pieces i never would have enjoyed and then i began to fall in love with them and i also wore new colors so then they did as well.

21.Keeping my business in front of my customers in some way... I'm either going live, hosting parties, doing events or something.

22. Consistency

23.I now do a recap of all the pieces I show during the last live party of my week. I go live Monday and Tuesday... on Wednesday I do a recap of all remaining pieces.

24. Instagram (posting jewelry with hashtags)

25.VIP Group sales

26. Taking my jewelry to my kids school. I read to their classes once a week and always make sales from the teachers.

27.Live speed shoppings /customers LOVE them!

28. Talking about the holidays and what items go well with different kind of holiday outfits, and of course layering accessories!

29. Thank you emails and hand written notes to website order customers, giving them my customer VIP group link.

30. Sending text alerts to customers when I’m having a messenger party or FB party.

31.Carrying my messenger bag loaded with jewelry and using it as a conversation starter to generate new customers.

32.CONSISTENCY....whether its posting daily about something pertaining to Paparazzi, my family, or reaching out to people directly about my business.

33.Creating my own displays showing 2- 4 piece sets.

34. Private messenger parties with my loyal customers & referrals.

35.Themed parties and Wall Drops

36. Doing a live recap after every sale

37.Running a live Marathon

38. Taking time to put sets together for my customers.

39. Showing multiple sets with a variety of alternatives in one sitting. I do Wall drops daily in my V.I.P. groups.

40. Always being equipped with my jewelry with sets already matched.

41.Playing scavenger games to get more traction to my website. They usually look for what I ask them to, and do a little shopping while they are there.

42. Using stories on Facebook

43. I teach my team that it's important to utilize all resources instead of holding all their eggs in one basket. They can excel at something, say facebook live, but they can also be making money through online sales, bling bag parties, and being open for business for their local customers in their own back yard. What's better than making money through a facebook live?? Ummm making money from the 3 basket parties you also have out and getting to see the excitement on your local customers face when they stop by right at the same time you are popping a new box of inventory and they know they get first dibs on the goodies!

44. I bless others everywhere I go with free bling. This type of marketing is worth it's weight in gold in that you have those pieces out there walking around to places you might not reach otherwise, BUT, the best part about it is the joy you bring to someone simply by the act of giving.

45.Building relationships is huge! This is a huge priority in my business with my customers! Get to know them! Call them by name when they join your live or if you show a piece of jewelry you know they would love! Take notice of the things going on in their lives and make mention of that when you see them pop on your live. When you make sure they know they are more than just a customer to you, they will become the most loyal friend/customer you can find.

46. Here are my biggest tips for a Great Wall drop sale: A. Take your OWN pictures! Do not use stock photos. B. I just bought a photo box which has boosted my sales almost 100% this past month. The clarity and cleanliness of those photos are way more attractive. C. Interaction between drops on the page keeps them engaged and the page circulating through their timeline until you do another drop.

47. Taking jewelry to church

48. Posting pieces all different ways (pre-orders, live, stock photo, album, personal photo)

49. Fashion Fix Fridays. Showing the extra FF sets I have available still. If a tm isn't on FF I suggest for them to put together sets with what they have.

50. Consistent schedule

51. Hosted parties

52. Tag alert / text alerts for customers

53. Creating watch parties with shorter live videos

54. Get the look (show someone with a similar piece)

55. VIP group but marketing it with outfits that match

56. Free. Jewelry!! Y'all....bless others!!! Share how thankful and grateful you are with others by simply giving away jewelry and your biz card!! This is a super simple way to spread the love!!

57. Themes or fun nights. I gave my team the idea or challenge of 25 days of Christmas..going live every day for thr next 25 days up till Christmas to see how much christmas cash they could accumulate!

58. Pre recorded Speed sales

59. 3 consistent lives a week minimum

60. Stay on top of customer services. Working with the customers with their holiday outfits for them and their family

61. Selling in as many ways as possible, NOT just Facebook. Facebook is honestly ridiculous sometimes, and cannot be depended upon 100% even on a great day. We have a Shopify store (which is a huge time investment up front, but totally worth it), we have a VIP group for wall drops, I do messenger parties weekly (which bypasses FB algorithms and anyone in the chat who hasn't muted it will surely see what I send through. I play fun games in there and give away free jewelry just for participation, and it's kind of a special environment.)

62. Hostess parties! I have had multiple hostesses almost every week since I joined almost 7 years ago, and I'd say about 75% or more of my new team members are a result of hostess parties at some point in the past. New customers at my Live shows and in the VIP group create excitement and a sense of urgency for everyone else, and it keeps things lively and helps me continually fill my pipeline in various ways.

63. Consistency in dropping new product daily in my VIP group and on my business page - both places. I always post photos of new items I've ordered, but I often sprinkle in older pieces that coordinate with those new items. This helps me up-sell way more than I did when I wasn't adding those older items in. My VIP customers also love when I do color albums and themed albums, ex. "Sparkly & Simple."

64. Messaging customers when I order pieces and tell them I immediately thought of them.

65. Not putting all my eggs in one basket Facebook live is great but some do not want to sit and watch a video or replay so albums are huge. On hand sales are another one.

66. I feel truly connecting with your customers is huge as well.

67. Taking our own pictures has seemed to boost sales. We put a wreath behind our bust and everyone really liked it for our PINK FRIDAY Party! Pieces that didn't sell on a live, just sold as we took 'holiday pictures' of each piece.

68. Literally end the sale, and do a recap separately. Ppl who watched the live sale tend to watch the Recap and may comment sold pieces they literally just looked at. Customers that missed part of the live sale love the fact they don't have to rewatch the entire long live to shop too! Takes an extra 30 mins or less (depending on how much inventory I have to show) and brings in extra money!

69. Then take pics of what's still available and post to an album. That way customers that love long lives, can watch and have fun. Ppl who want to see it quick, can watch the Recap. And those that dont like lives at all, can shop the album!

70. I always post my new releases in an album so my customers can claim BEFORE I show them live. They like the guarantee that they get it before it sells out on a live.

71. Wall drops and making sets. Find an outfit on Pinterest and match the Accessories up with it. Or use a selfie picture and post.

72. Being authentic

73. Being transparent

74. Giving content to fashion... example how we see you In the pieces how she would wear the pieces or how I would wear it.

75. Giving value to all customers and supporters the same with affirmations and smiles?

76. Going Live on my personal page

77. Posting often on social media and working the algorithm intensely

78. Being ME. Allowing social media to have a glimpse of my personal life and family interaction

79. Text or message customers with pieces you know they’d love or if a ring just came out that matches the bracelet they bought 2 weeks ago, send them a message.

80. Wearing the jewelry and posting pictures wearing it.

81. Show jewelry every day!

82. Talk, talk, talk! Open your mouth about the business and share your sales and the opportunity.

83. Sell EVERY DAY. Big goals are best broken down into small chunks daily

84. Create your own sets. But not only that, tell your customers WHY you paired the set together. Discuss textures, patterns, Pantone colors, styles, trends, what you’ve seen in magazines or on tv, etc

85. Do multiple things daily/weekly. If you already go live consistently, add in albums or pre-selling new releases. Add in messenger parties and basket parties. Do personal shopping appointments via messenger or FaceTime. You should be selling in more than one way daily. Maximize that profit.

86. Sharing my why (the short version) every show as new customers come in all the time and may not know why this business is so important to me.

87. Set Sunday works wonders!

88. 10 pieces in 10 minutes (great replay shoppers)

89. Be Consistent! Go do one more live per week than you usually do!

90. I teach my team that your business needs to have a drive through. For example, McDonalds does business inside the building but keeps the drive through open all night. Liken that to your business. Do live videos consistently, but post albums, do home parties, events, and basket parties to keep your drive thru open!

91. I have added pre-recorded videos of matching sets and fashion fix sets. I am consistent with these as my live videos. Training my customers that these videos will post every day at 10 am. They look forward to these videos. These do not replace my live videos, they are a great addition to my set live video schedule!

92. Lighting and background is key!

93. Finding at least one vending opportunity each month to get out and meet other venders that could lead to more vending opportunities.

94. Remaining consistent with my FB Live Schedule as well as getting back to sticking with at least 3 hours of selling.

95. Talk with friends and family to commit to a "House Party". One has been set for December shopping at my house hosted by a family member!

96. Sell everyday! We sell Jewelry, so set a daily goal to help you push yours sells!

97. Start early in the day! Generate a wall drop early in the day to increase your funds to buy new releases.

98. Be a product of your product! Fix up and show your jewelry on all of yours social media sites and when you step out that door?but that’s head turner. When people see your jewelry, they will compliment you and that opens up the door for a paparazzi conversation!

99. Use all avenues to move your pieces! There are so many ways to sell our jewelry! Messenger parties, Lives, flash sales, pop ups, vendor events, wall drops, and online boutiques, website sales, basket parties, carry of your bling bag and open your mouth!!

100. Always BE YOU and BE consistent

These 100 Paparazzi sales tips will help you take it to the next level! Not a consultant yet? Learn how you can make extra money by becoming a Paparazzi consultant. Already convinced that Paparazzi is right for you? Join today!

100 Paparazzi Sales Tips (1)
100 Paparazzi Sales Tips (2024)


100 Paparazzi Sales Tips? ›

How much do you have to sell to stay active with Paparazzi? To be considered an active Paparazzi Consultant, you need to order at least 50 PV (25 pieces) per month.

How much Paparazzi do you have to sell to stay active? ›

How much do you have to sell to stay active with Paparazzi? To be considered an active Paparazzi Consultant, you need to order at least 50 PV (25 pieces) per month.

How much commission do Paparazzi consultants make? ›

A Consultant can earn 5-10% (based on the Consultant's rank) commission based on their downline's volume if the Consultant is also active the same month; so if your downline makes an order, you can earn commission based on the volume of the order.

Can you sell Paparazzi jewelry for more than $5? ›

Can I sell Paparazzi jewelry for more than $5? If you are a Paparazzi consultant, you are not allowed to sell pieces for lower than the retail price, which is $5 for regular items, $1 for Starlet Shimmer, and $25 for Zi Collection pieces. You can sell for more than $5, but it is not recommended.

Is Paparazzi jewelry direct sales? ›

Paparazzi Accessories is a direct sales company that specializes in affordable jewelry.

How much does a good paparazzi make? ›

Paparazzi Salary
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$75,000$36
75th Percentile$75,000$36
25th Percentile$47,000$23

Is Paparazzi jewelry real silver? ›

All Paparazzi Accessories meet applicable consumer safety laws and regulations in the United States. The metals found in Paparazzi Accessories pieces are primarily iron and include other trace minerals. Those trace minerals are made up of a metallic alloy of either zinc, steel, or aluminum.

How many Paparazzi Consultants can be at an event? ›

Important: Remember to ask if there is another Paparazzi Consultant already sign up for the event. According to P&P there can only be ONE Paparazzi booth. Make sure they find out who are the other jewelry vendors, because sometimes they don't use the paparazzi name in it when they sign up for the event.

Can you sell Paparazzi jewelry if you're not a consultant? ›

While one may think they would be “Paparazzi items,” they are considered non-Paparazzi because they are not Paparazzi accessories and are intended for Consultant use only.

What is the Paparazzi jewelry controversy? ›

For years the $5 jewelry company advertised that every item in its collection was both “lead-free and nickel-free,” but that was not true, according to the lawsuit filed Wednesday. Tamie Hollins, a Newburgh, New York, resident and lead plaintiff, claims Paparazzi's jewelry contained those and other harmful materials.

Who is Paparazzi competitor? ›

Paparazzi Accessories vs competitors
CompanyFounding DateRevenue
Creative Memories1987$2.1M
P Passion Parties-$11.1M
T Touchstone Crystal by Swarovski-$16.0M
Rodan + Fields2002$5.2B
3 more rows

Is there another company like Paparazzi? ›

If you're looking for an alternative to big direct sales home party jewelry companies like Paparazzi,Stella and Dot or Parklane, PinktownUSA is the perfect solution. We offer Trendy Jewelry with great sell-through rates and competitive prices with other direct sales brands.

How do paparazzi not get sued? ›

Under the Supremacy Clause to the U.S. Constitution, federal law trumps state law when the two conflict. If a paparazzo's photo is considered an original work of expression, it is protected under the Copyright Act, and a right of publicity claim against it will likely fail.

How do you calculate life of the party paparazzi? ›

To calculate the Life of the Party, a consultant needs to add the volume from June until the current date. To calculate the 12-month rolling PV, a Consultant must calculate their PV each month by adding together any PV purchased within the previous 12 months.

Can you sell paparazzi jewelry if you're not a Consultant? ›

While one may think they would be “Paparazzi items,” they are considered non-Paparazzi because they are not Paparazzi accessories and are intended for Consultant use only.

What is active PS in paparazzi jewelry? ›

Active: A Consultant is considered Active when s/he has accumulated 50 PV or more within one calendar month. Being active will qualify a Consultant for certain bonuses within the Paparazzi Compensation Plan.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.