11 Fun Facts About the History of Moles (2024)

For as long as we’ve existed, moles have had a presence in more than just skin. The spots, specks, and dots have commanded attention in royal courts and video games, stirred controversy, and been emulated with both textiles and metals. They’re the marks that may not grab attention at first glance, but have the power to alter lives forever. Below is a short history of our moles, because they are more than just beauty marks.

18th Century: When men and women wore mouches, velvet patches made to look like moles and cover up scars from smallpox, popularized by fashionable women like Queen Marie Casimire of Poland.

8: The size (in bits) of Ms. Pac-Man’s beauty mark.

10 to 40: The approximate number of moles a person has on her body by adulthood.

100: The number of moles a person is likely to have on their body if they appear to have over 11 moles on their right arm.

¼: The width in inches of a typical mole. (FYI: If it is bigger than a quarter inch, it should be examined by a dermatologist.)

1959: The year in which Marilyn Monroe’s signature mole, located on her lower left cheek, disappears and is replaced with a mole on her chin.

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11 Fun Facts About the History of Moles (2024)


What are some fun facts about moles? ›

Moles have an extra thumb on each forelimb that helps them dig. Moles capture earthworms and store them for later—sometimes hundreds at a time. With fleshy, finger-like protrusions on its face, the star-nosed mole can catch and eat prey in just 230 milliseconds—the fastest of any mammal.

What is the history behind moles? ›

During the Middle Ages, some Europeans believed moles to be a sign of witchcraft, and anyone who had a mole was surely possessed by the devil. In 18th Century Mexico, it was not uncommon to see women wearing faux beauty marks made from tortoiseshell or fabric.

Why is a mole called a beauty mark? ›

A beauty mark or beauty spot is a euphemism for a type of dark facial mark so named because such birthmarks are sometimes considered an attractive feature. Medically, such "beauty marks" are generally melanocytic nevus, more specifically the compound variant.

When did moles become popular? ›

Throughout history, beauty marks and moles have been considered accessories that . From the 16th to 18th centuries, artificial beauty marks were all the rage in France. This trend of putting fake, fashionable moles and freckles on the body escalated across Western Europe.

How old is the oldest mole? ›

  • Maximum life-span and longevity quotients for selected rodents based on the allometric equation for predicted life-span [life-span (years) = 5.3 (mass in kg)0.174]. ...
  • The oldest living rodent at age 27 years and 10 months. ...
  • Naked mole rats show visible signs of aging.

Do moles have brains? ›

Despite overall similarities in gross morphology (large olfactory bulbs, lissencephalic forebrains, and prominent cerebellums), the brains of these species vary in length from about 1 cm in the masked shrew and the water shrew to about 1.7 cm in the star-nosed mole and 2.5 cm in the eastern mole.

What did moles used to be called? ›

In Middle English, moles were known as moldwarp. The expression "don't make a mountain out of a molehill" (which means "exaggerating problems") was first recorded in Tudor times.

What does moles stand for? ›

A mole is a very important unit of measurement that chemists use. A mole of something means you have 602,214,076,000,000,000,000,000 of that thing, like how having a dozen eggs means you have twelve eggs. Chemists have to measure using moles for very small things like atoms, molecules, or other particles.

What are moles a symbol of? ›

The mole, symbol mol, is the SI unit of amount of substance. One mole contains exactly 6.022 140 76 x 1023 elementary entities. This number is the fixed numerical value of the Avogadro constant, NA, when expressed in the unit mol1 and is called the Avogadro number.

Why can moles be tattooed? ›

However, it's never a good idea to have a tattoo placed too close to (or over) a mole. Changes occurring in a mole — to its symmetry, border, color, size, shape or texture — are potentially key warning signs that the lesion may be evolving into a melanoma or another type of skin cancer.

What does mole on left foot mean? ›

A mole on the feet represents travelling and you will be recognised for your good doings. A mole on the right foot denotes that you will have a good family life, whereas a mole on the left foot denotes financial problems and issues with the spouse.

What are moles on face called? ›

Skin moles (a “nevus” or “nevi” are the medical terms) are growths on your skin that range in color from your natural skin tone to brown or black. Moles can appear anywhere on your skin or mucous membranes, alone or in groups. Most skin moles appear in early childhood and during the first 20 years of life.

Are moles blind or deaf? ›

Although it has no obvious ears and minute eyes, it is neither deaf nor blind. Moles are usually between 11 & 16cm long, with a short tail and weigh between 70 & 130g; males are generally larger.

Who first discovered mole? ›

The word Mole was introduced by Wilhelm Ostwald in 1896. Mole is the S.I unit to measurement for the amount of substance or particles. Mole is denoted by the symbol mol.

Did moles used to have eyes? ›

Summary: Due to their underground habitats, moles' eyes have been modified by natural selection in ways very different from those of surface-dwelling animals. New research offers a detailed anatomical and genetic examination of the changes that result from living life in the dark.

Are moles born blind? ›

Learn. Moles are often thought to be blind when in fact they can see; they are though colorblind and have poor vision only adapted to recognize light. To find food and to navigate the dark underground moles rely on their keen sense of smell and touch.

Are you born with a mole? ›

Sometimes, moles are present at birth or develop during infancy. These moles, which are called congenital nevi, are almost always benign. Rarely, a very large mole, called a giant congenital melanocytic nevus, is present at birth.

Do moles like music? ›

A: Moles are very sensitive to vibrations, including sound. Slapping a shovel on the ground near where one is digging can stun or even kill it. So your thinking about sound as a repellant makes sense.

Do moles have a queen? ›

Only one female in a colony of naked mole-rats produces offspring; this female is called the queen. She mates with only a few of the colony's males, and these relationships can remain stable for many years.

Are you born without moles? ›

While birthmarks are common, not everyone has one. There's no way to predict if a child will have a birthmark or not. Not having a birthmark isn't a sign of a particular health condition or a cause for concern.

What are 2 definitions of a mole? ›

A mole is defined as 6.02214076 × 1023 of some chemical unit, be it atoms, molecules, ions, or others. The mole is a convenient unit to use because of the great number of atoms, molecules, or others in any substance.

Did Marilyn Monroe have a mole? ›

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn's famous beauty mark was on her right cheek above her lip. She used to highlight the mole slightly with makeup.

Can moles move fast? ›

Moles are fast diggers and can tunnel at a rate of 15 feet per hour. In favorable areas, shallow tunnels can be built at a rate of 12 inches per minute.

What are the 3 kinds of moles? ›

What are the Different Types of Moles?
  • Benign nevi (moles) Benign nevi are normal moles. They are not a sign of melanoma, or skin cancer. ...
  • Dysplastic nevi. Dysplastic nevi are also called atypical nevi. ...
  • Congenital nevi. Congenital nevi are moles that your child was born with or developed soon after birth.
Dec 19, 2019

Why do moles have eyes? ›

The researchers have also discovered that moles' eyes play a crucial role in controlling their body clocks which let the underground mammals know the time of day and time of year. Without this they would struggle to breed as moles only mate during the Spring.

What are 4 types of moles? ›

There are 4 common types of moles: congenital moles, dysplastic nevi, acquired nevi, and spitz nevi. Below are the differences between each.

What is the lucky mole? ›

A mole on the ear is an auspicious sign. The females with a mole on the ear will be very lucky, intelligent and quick to make decisions. If there is a mole on both the ears, those females will enjoy the most comfortable life and can influence others easily. A marriage on the left ear suggests a good marriage.

What is the meaning of moles in the Bible? ›

Chephor peroth is rendered "moles" in ( Isaiah 2:20 ) (The word means burrowers, hole-diggers, and may designate any of the small animals, as rats and weasels, which burrow among ruins.

What does mole on lips mean? ›

Mole on Lips Astrology. A mole on upper lip indicates a warm person who is generally good to all.But they have a weakness in the opposite sex as well as luxurious things in life.

Can a beauty mark be a mole? ›

In truth, a mole and a beauty mark are the same thing.

Moles like this can be located on the face, neck, shoulder/collarbone area in order to be considered a beauty mark. And while attractive, they are still moles and should be treated as such should they change in shape, size, or color.

Can you create a mole? ›

Although you can make an artificial mole with the help of a kajal or eye-liner, if you want a permanent one, it is better to get it done from a professional. Here are a few things to consider before you zero on getting an artificial mole. Ensure that the entire process is carried out hygienically.

Why do moles have hair? ›

What causes a hairy mole? It's possible for hair to grow through the surface of a mole if the mole's positioned over a hair follicle. Because the normal skin cells that make up a mole are healthy, hair growth may continue as normal. The follicle produces the hair, not the actual mole.

What does mole on private parts mean? ›

Moles around the genital. A mole present on any part of a person's genital indicates that they have excessive desire for sex and may have illict relationships in their lifetime. Mole on the thigh. A mole present on the right thigh indicates that a person is courageous, brave and valiant.

Can you get moles on your private parts? ›

The pubic and pelvic areas

The pubic area is a common place for moles to show up, even in people without a lot of moles. As with any moles, these should be checked regularly for changes. “Any new skin lesion or one that bleeds easily should be evaluated for skin cancer by a physician,” Dr.

What does mole on breast mean? ›

There may be one or multiple bumps.” Dr. Trent explained that a breast mole may be the presenting sign of breast cancer in someone who has not yet been diagnosed with the disease. Or, it may indicate a progression of cancer in someone who has received or is receiving breast cancer treatment.

What is a blind mole called? ›

The blind mole (Talpa caeca), also known as the Mediterranean mole, is a mole found in the Mediterranean region. It is similar to the European mole, differing most prominently in having eyes covered with skin.

Do moles get bigger with age? ›

As the child grows, the moles will naturally get bigger. It's also normal for moles on a child's skin to darken or lighten. Some moles fade away. These changes are common and rarely a sign of melanoma, a type of skin cancer that can begin in a mole.

Are moles good for your skin? ›

Moles are usually harmless. They may contain hairs or become raised or wrinkled. Talk to your doctor about any change in the color or size of a mole or if itching, pain, bleeding or inflammation develops. Moles (nevi) are a common type of skin growth.

Do moles cry? ›

Certain mole species, particularly species that spend time above ground, make high-pitched sounds and have hearing adapted for high-pitched sounds. Immature star-nosed moles create high cries and the adults create wheezing noises, but the details of their communication abilities aren't fully known.

Can you feel pain in moles? ›

Moles, or melanocytic nevi, can sometimes be painful even if nothing is wrong. In some cases, a normal benign mole will have a pimple forming directly beneath it, which can get temporarily stuck. This can cause more pain and take longer to clear up than a normal pimple because it can't easily travel to the surface.

Can moles hear you? ›

The eyes of the mole are very tiny but sight is not important to an animal that lives in darkness for most of the time. It does not have a good sense of smell or hearing but it is extremely sensitive to touch and can sense vibrations in the soil around it.

Who gave the name mole? ›

The name mole is an 1897 translation of the German unit Mol, coined by the chemist Wilhelm Ostwald in 1894 from the German word Molekül (molecule).

Do moles make noise? ›

Mole Sounds

Moles do communicate and 'chatter' with each other through chirps, snorts, guttural noises, and high-pitched squeals. Some mole species also are known to wheeze.

Can a mole see in the dark? ›

Moles are not blind, as most people believe. They do have eyes and internal ears, though they are very small to prevent them from being clogged up and damaged during tunnelling. Although they can see, the mole's eyesight is poor, with no ability to detect colours, just light from dark and movement.

What dogs were bred for moles? ›

'I was called out to catch moles and the client owned a breed of dog that I had never seen before. She explained that the dog was a Stabyhoun, a rare breed that originates from Holland, and that it would be the perfect dog for me.

Do all moles have eyes? ›

Moles may be seriously short-sighted and some even have skin covering their eyes. But in findings that could give new insights to human eye disorders, scientists reveal that moles' eyes are better than expected and that they can see light even when their eyes are permanently shut.

Why are moles interesting? ›

A mole is a very important unit of measurement that chemists use. A mole of something means you have 602,214,076,000,000,000,000,000 of that thing, like how having a dozen eggs means you have twelve eggs. Chemists have to measure using moles for very small things like atoms, molecules, or other particles.

How many teeth do moles have? ›

Most species of moles have 44 teeth twelve incisors, four canines, sixteen premolars, and twelve molars. Moles are small but extremely fascinating mammals. They have long snouts and clawed front feet that have extra thumbs to aid digging. Although they are small animals, moles have a surprising amount of teeth.

Who eats moles? ›

Moles move slowly on the surface and are preyed upon by owls, hawks, and snakes. Because of their secluded life underground and their strong, musky odor, moles are unpalatable to most mammalian predators; however, raccoons and coyotes do dig them out, presumably to eat them.

Can moles see you? ›

Moles are often thought to be blind when in fact they can see; they are though colorblind and have poor vision only adapted to recognize light. To find food and to navigate the dark underground moles rely on their keen sense of smell and touch.

What's another name for the mole? ›

A mole on your skin is also known as a nevus, or a beauty mark. It is very common to have moles and most are harmless.

How big a mole is fun facts? ›

For the average mole, they can grow up to 6.25 inches long and their tails can grow up to 1.6 inches. On average, they weigh a total of 4.5 ounces. For an American mole, they can get as big as 7 inches long. They come in different colors: black, orange, cream and white.

What type of moles are lucky? ›

A mole on the ear is an auspicious sign. The females with a mole on the ear will be very lucky, intelligent and quick to make decisions. If there is a mole on both the ears, those females will enjoy the most comfortable life and can influence others easily. A marriage on the left ear suggests a good marriage.

What abilities do moles have? ›

Moles are highly specialized digging machines. They have a long tubular body, no external ears, and their limbs are close to their body. They have broad, shovel-like forelimbs that allow them to power through soil. They have very small eyes that are only good for light detection.

Do all moles have hair? ›

Because the normal skin cells that make up a mole are healthy, hair growth may continue as normal. The follicle produces the hair, not the actual mole. The hair then breaks through the surface of the mole just as it would through any other skin cell. It's not unusual to see one or multiple hairs growing out of a mole.

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.