12 Benefits of Honey - Advantages & Uses of Honey (2024)


Acacia is known as one of the best variety of honey in the world. It mostly comes from the black locust tree, which is a native of Europe and North America. It is pale yellow in color and has a mild flavor which makes it a good choice for cooking. Acacia has very low sucrose content and a high fructose level and is said to be good for diabetics. It is also known for its curative properties as it cleanses the liver and intestines and clears the respiratory system.


Alfalfa honey is extracted from the blue flowers of Sativa plant found mostly in the US. It is light amber in color with a mild flavor and has a variety of health benefits under its belt. It has various probiotic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, inflammatory assets that makes it a must have in most households. Alfalfa honey also maintains blood sugar and hypoglycemia.


Aster is another widely available variety of sweet honey in the United States. Aster is prone to quick crystallization but has a thick and smooth consistency and hence is widely used in foods. It is very aromatic as well because of the tulip plants it is extracted from, and hence very popular.


Not only is avocado as a fruit popular but its honey is even more sought-after for its amazing health benefits. This honey, extracted by the bees from Avocado blossoms is dark in color and a little smoky in taste. Not only it is full of minerals and nutrients, Avocado honey abates skin moisturization and is a great antioxidant.


Basswood honey, a native of Canada, is known for its distinct and sharp flavor. It is very light in color and is obtained from the blossoms of the Basswood tress in the forests. Also known as Lime honey, Basswood is great for health benefits that include curing sore throat, antibacterial infections and liver protection.


Beechwood or Honeydew honey is a native of dense forests of New Zealand and is extremely popular worldwide. The aromatic honey is a known probiotic, that helps keep digestion intact. Beechwood honey also has minerals and vitamins that help in keeping the skin glowing and smooth.

Blue Gum

Blue gum is a popular eucalyptus tree honey that has a rich flavor and lots of antioxidant properties. It is amber in color and has a dense and thick texture which makes it a popular bakery item as well. Blue gum honey is extracted from the floral emblem of the forests of Tasmania known as eucalyptus globules and has a minty flavor, which resembles that of a bubble gum.


Blueberry as a plant is cross sterile and self-sterile and hence it depends heavily on bees to transfer the pollen. The honey made from the flavor-rich fruit is heavy on taste and color. Blueberry honey is used mostly as syrup on pancakes even though it has several medicinal properties as well.


Buckwheat honey is unusually dark in color and thick in consistency with a strong taste. It is used mostly for medicinal purpose like colds and coughs. It is a natural way to beat infections and viruses.


Clover honey is harvested from the nectar of Clover trees which is mild and frail in floral flavor and ranges in colors from dark to light amber. Clover honey is also high on antioxidants and helps in eliminating harmful bacteria and other cancer-causing radicals from the body. Clover is an antiseptic and helps in treating sore throats and external wounds.


Bees love dandelions and hence they produce a huge quantity of Dandelion honey annually. The honey is filled with the power of minerals, vitamins, iron and potassium. It also contains flavonoids that are health boosters. The honey works as a diuretic and mild laxative and also improves digestion.


Eucalyptus honey is both dark and light in consistency and has a strong, woody flavor which is very popular. Despite having low mineral content, Eucalyptus honey is high on enzymes, which help in digestion. Its major health benefits include fighting against infections of respiratory organs and urinary tract and boosts immunity.


Fireweed honey helps in boosting a strong immune system and heals many internal problems. It has excellent flavor and its color depends on the kind of flowers it is extracted from. It is said to be a major healer against skin diseases and infections by fighting against boils, blisters and other inflammations.


Having a great taste, Heather honey is very popular among the young population. One can top it up with an ice cream as well as with a strong flavored cheese. And apart from the taste, the honey is also known for its health profits. It is also an important ingredient in Scotland to make malts and whiskeys

Iron bark

Iron bark honey is warm, buttery and very sweet in taste. It has a beautiful, light golden color and a smooth, runny texture. Extracted from the Iron Bark tree, the honey is a native of Australia.


Jarrah honey is extracted from Australian native Eucalyptus Marginata tree and is hugely popular. It is a light amber color honey with a light, nutty flavor. Apart from its amazing flavor, Jarrah honey also boasts of various medicinal properties that include keeping diabetes at check.


The yellowish Leatherwood honey, found exclusively in Tasmania region of Australia has a delicious, musky taste. It is low on acidity and is used mainly in Tasmania to cure hangovers. It also detoxifies liver and is used for treatment in cuts and burns. The Leatherwood is low on vitamins and hence is used mostly for external use.


Linden honey is extracted from Linden flowers that are very aromatic. The honey has a rich flavour and a number of health benefits that include antibacterial and antiviral properties and keeping the liver in a good position. Being a native of Europe, Linden honey is citrusy in taste and has a mild flavour.


Macadamia honey is a very popular, nutty tasting honey that has enormous health benefits as well. Extracted from Macadamia trees, the honey has a sublime flavor and is mild amber in color. It is also packed with antioxidants and flavonoids.


Manuka honey is extracted from the Manuka tree, natives of New Zealand and Australia. It is mostly a raw, organic honey that helps mostly in the cure and treatment of Herpes. It is commonly sold as alternative medicine, mostly used for its antibacterial properties. It is dark brownish in color with strong and earthy flavor.

Orange Blossom

Orange blossom honey has a unique yet distinct flavor which makes it very popular. It is known for medicinal properties that increases and boosts the body’s immune system. It is full of anti-allergy, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties as well.

Pine tree

Also known as fir tree honeydew honey, it is very beneficial for health both internally as well as externally. The honey is extracted from the Pine or fir trees in the United States as well as Europe. Insects that live on these trees secrete a sweet, sticky substance which is picked up by the bees and transformed into honey. Pine tree honey is also known for its healing and energizing properties.


Sage is among the most flavorful honey available today. It has a unique taste and color and is extracted from widely used Sage plant which is a well-known herb. It is widely used as an astringent and has both warming and cooling effects.


Sourwood honey comes from the widely-known Sourwood trees of Georgia. It is light amber in color and crystallizes very slowly. It is very aromatic and has a woody, spicy flavor resembling that of anise. Sourwood honey is widely used as an astringent and works magic to make skin look younger and softer.

Tulip Poplar

Tulip Poplar honey is dark amber in color and has a rich texture and smoky flavor. And because of its flavor it is used as a popular ingredient in many meat dishes across US and Europe. Extracted from the tall Tulip Poplar trees of North America, the honey is also a hit in baking recipes, as cheese accompaniments and vinaigrette dressings.


Tupelo honey is very fragrant, sweet-smelling honey with spicy flavor. It is produced by bees from the flowers of Tupelo trees. Used mostly as an astringent, the Tupelo honey is one of the sweetest varieties of honey because of its high fructose content. It is also known as "Champagne" or "Queen of Honey".

12 Benefits of Honey - Advantages & Uses of Honey (2024)
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