13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (2024)

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (1)

Here’s the Columbo we know and love!

Columbo doesn’t wear a uniform, per se, but we know and love him best in his ever-present crumpled beige suit, off-white shirt, scuffed boots, green/brown tie and, of course, the shabby raincoat.

He sported a near identical appearance for 35 years. Indeed the Lieutenant’s unique wardrobe is so intrinsically linked with the character that it’s almost impossible to separate the two in our minds. Yet there were a number of occasions when we encountered him out of his usual attire – and that’s what I’m chronicling here.

Some of these 13 chronologically listed examples are more memorable than others, but see how many of these you recognise and remember on this fashionable journey down memory lane.

NB – I haven’t included occasions where Columbo switched ties (Requiem for a Falling Star; It’s All in the Game) or other times when part of his famous ensemble is missing (e.g. shambling around in his vest inBy Dawn’s Early Light) or has had a small item added to it (e.g. hats inFade In To Murderand Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star).

“The Lieutenant’s unique wardrobe is so intrinsically linked with the character that it’s almost impossible to separate the two in our minds.”

1. A Stitch in Crime

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (2)

Where the sutures at, brah?

Yes I know he’s wearing his full suit underneath, but Stitch in Crime is notable in that it’s the first time we see the Lieutenant in something other than his regular work ensemble.

Busting into the operating theatre where the fiendish Dr Mayfield has just removed incriminating dissolving sutures from his patient, Columbo appears in full surgical scrubs, into which Mayfield memorably stows the sutures when shoving the detective angrily out of his way.

2. An Exercise in Fatality

Supposedly taking advantage of a special offer at the Milo Janus Health Spa, Columbo signs up for membership and is found lashed to a jogging machine, sweating it out in a blue tracksuit, as Milo saunters through the gym.

Unused to the physical exertion of a gentle jog, Columbo tweaks his hamstring and is later forced to limp out of Janus’s office in no small amount of pain. He was never again seen in sportswear…

3. Troubled Waters

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (4)

For a man on his holidays, Columbo spent a lot of time in his traditional outfit aboard ship, although he did shed his tie on a number of occasions. The biggest departure came at the end of the cruise as Columbo donned a brown, black and white patterned casual shirt to seal Hayden Danziger’s fate. He was also spotted in a night gown when alerted to the death of Rosanna Welles late at night.

We must presume at some point during the cruise that Columbo was sporting a pair of luminous green budgie smugglers to take a dip (every man does it), but we were thankfully spared that particular sight…

4. Forgotten Lady

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (5)

The first episode of the fifth season was notable in that it marked the first occasion we saw Columbo really dressing up as he dusted off a tuxedo to attend a private movie screening at Grace Wheeler’s house. His effort wasn’t lost on his gracious host, who correctly commented that the Lieutenant looked “simply smashing“.

5. A Case of Immunity

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (6)

After going 31 episodes without wearing a tuxedo, Columbo went back-to-back in Season 5, busting out splendid evening wear once again (borrowed from his brother-in-law) to attend the Suari Legation Garden Party thrown to celebrate the King’s visit to the United States.

Initially worn in conjunction with his raincoat, Columbo absolutely rocked the look – and also rocked Hassan Salah’s poise by letting him know he was suspect number one.

6. Now You See Him

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (7)

One of the best examples in this magic-infused cracker of an episode as Columbo struggles throughout with a new coat bought for him by Mrs Columbo. With all other aspects of his outfit remaining as per usual, we find out here it’s the coat that really gives the Lieutenant his mental superpowers as he bellows “I gotta take off this coat! I can’t think in this coat!” early in the episode, before trying desperately to lose it throughout. He’s back to the trusty old favourite by the end, though, to secure the arrest of The Great Santini. The new coat never rears its ugly head again…

7. Murder Under Glass

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (8)

Fighting crime never looked so good!

Heading out to a glitzy awards dinner to celebrate the great and the good of the LA restaurant scene, what else would Columbo dust down other than the tux? Although it’s lost its novelty appeal by now, the good Lieutenant still looks absolutely ravishing in it, so there can be no complaints from viewers.

He also memorably dons a chef’s hat when cooking for Paul Gerard at the episode denouement, albeit worn in conjunction with his regular wardrobe.

8. Make Me a Perfect Murder

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (9)


After busting his neck in a car prang during the episode’s opening credits, Columbo seeks assistance from a burly masseur to quell the pain. Lieutenant fanciers are therefore treated to the very real thrill of a trim and taut Columbo wearing only his boxer shorts as the bald muscleman massaging him unsuccessfully attempts to cure his ails. Phwoooooooooooooooooooooooar

9. Murder, Smoke & Shadows

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (10)


Not sure this really counts, because it was presumably supposed to be a trick of the light to fool Alex Brady (and the disbelieving viewer) at episode’s end, but for a couple of seconds Columbo appears in full Circus Ringmaster regalia as he seals the fate of the world-renowned movie director. The less said about this, the better…

10. Rest in Peace, Mrs Columbo

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (11)

In order to smoke out villainous, vengeful widow Vivian Dimitri, Columbo stages a sting operation par excellence in which he fakes Mrs Columbo’s death and stages a phony funeral for her. That’s a whole lot of taxpayers’ dollars, folks.

To keep up the charade, the weepy Lieutenant is adorned in a suitably sombre black suit, coat and tie combination – an outfit he remains in until he outfoxes Dimitri in the episode finale.

11. Caution: Murder Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (12)

Wade Anders is MCing a glitzy bash to which the Lieutenant, naturally, shows up at to discuss the case. And, just as naturally for such an auspicious occasion, he rocks up in a tuxedo, making it the fourth time we see him so attired. He even comments that the shirt he’s wearing with it was made in Korea, and cost the princely sum of $29.95.

12. No Time to Die

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (13)

Twerk, bride, TWERK!

It’s the tuxedo… again… but warranted as the Lieutenant has guest of honour status at nephew Andy’s wedding (he’s the son of Columbo’s deceased sister, Mary). As always, he pulls it off with style. Shame the same can’t be said for the plot of this televisual debacle…

13. Undercover

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (14)

Dear God, WHY?

The madcap (some would say preposterous, yet others would say dire) 1994 caper features, the most wardrobe changes for the Lieutenant in a single outing. Adopting a variety of guises from a down-and-out and an art-loving gangster to full-on mafia don, there’s also a scene where he’s wearing crazily coloured trousers (see above). Quite why I can’t recall as I can’t bring myself to rewatch to find out.

Columbo also gets whopped on the head at one point and has to go into hospital necessitating a switch into a hospital gown. How we laughed

Undercover features the most wardrobe changes for the Lieutenant in a single outing.”

That’s the end of my list, folks. If you can think of any examples I’ve missed please identify them in the comments section below. And do let me know what your favourite example of Columbo being out of uniform is.

Thanks for reading, and don’t be a stranger!

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (15)

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13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (16)

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13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (17)

Columbo was at his happiest in his regular shabby outfit – and so are we!

13 times Columbo was seen out of ‘uniform’ (2024)


Has anyone ever seen Mrs Columbo? ›

Although his TV wife was never seen, Peter Falk's real life wife Shera Danese appeared in six episodes of "Columbo".

Who has the most appearance on Columbo? ›

The most recurring Columbo guest star was Mike Lally, who had cameos in at least 23 episodes.

Did Columbo ever take off his coat? ›

Murder Case we see Columbo in one of his few appearances without the raincoat -- and he gets caught in a torrential rainstorm. Soaked, he says that his wife is using the coat to try out a new spot remover.

Was Columbo a womanizer? ›

“He was an incorrigible philanderer,” says Lertzman. “On every film set he was pursuing other women. Alyce turned a blind eye to his infidelities but it hurt and finally she had enough.” They divorced in 1976 and the next year Falk married his longtime mistress, actress Shera Danese, 22 years his junior.

Was the dog in Columbo his own? ›

Before him, we see a "million years old" Basset hound resting on the table, and after the vet confirms the dog's bill of health, Columbo explains he's just adopted the dog because the shelter said the dog was at the end of his life.

Did Columbo really smoke cigars? ›

Unlike his cigar-smoking character, Peter Falk was a life-long cigarette smoker.

What was the worst Columbo? ›

Worst episode – Last Salute to the Commodore

At best a failed experiment, at worst an affront to the series and an insult to the viewer, Last Salute to the Commodore is the one 70s' episode that is almost universally panned – and deservedly so.

Who turned down Columbo? ›

In 1968, the same play was made into a two-hour television movie that aired on NBC. The writers suggested Lee J. Cobb and Bing Crosby for the role of Columbo, but Cobb was unavailable and Crosby turned it down because he felt it would take too much time away from the golf links.

Which physical disability did the TV detective Columbo have? ›

As a child, the actor's right eye had been surgically removed due to a malignant tumour and was replaced with a glass eye. That handicap became, perhaps, one of Falk's major assets in his “Columbo” role, as the physical trademark enhanced the detective's image as a dishevelled and eccentric crime sleuth.

Did Columbo ever pull a gun? ›

Columbo rarely carries a gun, and is never shown to exercise much physical force. In some episodes he allows himself to be placed in a predicament in which the killer believes he or she will be able to kill Columbo and escape.

Was Columbo a drunk? ›

Actually, he was a bit of a teetotaler. Being "drunk" was part of his act. funny thing is he didn't drink.

Did Columbo wear a wedding ring? ›

He never wears a wedding ring, for one thing. Levinson and Link wanted Columbo to be a mysterious figure.

Why are Columbo's cigars green? ›

Columbo favored short, green cigars—the color of inexperience—which he constantly puffed, chewed, and waved around in performative ignorance.

How did Columbo lose his eye? ›

Peter Michael Falk was born Sept. 16, 1927, in New York City, and grew up in Ossining, N.Y., where his father owned a clothing store. At 3, his right eye was removed because of a cancerous growth, and he was given a glass eye.

Did Columbo have dementia? ›

Peter Falk (1927–2011)

An American actor and comedian, known for his role as Lieutenant Columbo in the long-running television series Columbo (1968–2003). In December 2008, it was reported that Falk had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

What's Columbo's first name? ›

Columbo's first name is never explicitly revealed in the series. However, when Columbo flashes his badge in the episode "Dead Weight" (Season 1 Episode 3), the name 'Frank' can clearly be seen on his ID.

Why is Columbo cross eyed? ›

Peter Falk had a glass eye that led to Columbo's signature squint. Columbo's famous one-eyed squint wasn't an acting choice, but rather a condition of Falk's glass eye he had from childhood cancer.

Did Columbo ever wake up? ›

A year later, the Italian American Civil Rights League, a group that Joe founded, was getting ready to hold its Unity Day rally in Columbus Circle. Shortly before the rally, Joe Colombo was shot three times in the head and neck, leaving him paralyzed and in a semi-comatose state from which he never recovered.

Did Columbo really fall down that hill? ›

When Columbo walks down a steep, grassy hill to inspect the wreckage of the Jaguar, he loses his footing and stumbles, taking a big fall and landing on his back. This wasn't staged; it was Peter Falk, not a stuntman.

Was Columbo intelligent? ›

Columbo, as shown the series, is a genius, which itself is a overused term. He could take completely unrelated items, from situations to which he was new, and assemble them as a completed puzzle that was ALWAYS correct. He could outsmart people whose levels of formal education and training were far superior to his own.

Why did Mrs Columbo change her name? ›

Kate Mulgrew, in her mid-20s, was considered far too young to be cast as the wife of Columbo. Mrs. Columbo's name was changed to Kate Callahan for the second season due to poor ratings of the first season.

Why has Columbo been cancelled? ›

Unfortunately, Columbo will no longer be available on MeTV after Sunday, November 21, 2021. MeTV wanted to continue to air Columbo, but the studio that owns the rights chose to end our agreement. That was their decision, not ours.

Which is the best Columbo episode? ›

The 25 best episodes of 'Columbo', ranked
  • 1 of 25. “A Matter of Honor” NBC. ...
  • 2 of 25. “Rest in Peace, Mrs. Columbo” ...
  • 3 of 25. “An Exercise in Fatality” NBC. ...
  • 4 of 25. “Requiem for a Falling Star” NBC. ...
  • 5 of 25. “Forgotten Lady” NBC. ...
  • 6 of 25. “Make Me a Perfect Murder” NBC. ...
  • 7 of 25. “Now You See Him…” NBC. ...
  • 8 of 25. “Lovely but Lethal” NBC.
5 days ago

What was Columbo's favorite saying? ›

When fans hear Lieutenant Columbo's trademark phrase “just one more thing…” we know he's about to crack the case wide open. The unconventional detective, played brilliantly by Peter Falk, first appeared on our screens in 1968.

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The Court ultimately appointed Shera, but the issue was still not settled. Visitation rights for Catherine were limited, and Catherine's sister, Jackie, was unable to visit at all. Shera eventually inherited most of Peter Falk's estate, valued at approximately $5 million.

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Columbo's salary of $11,000.00 is equal to ~$76,000 in 2022. Columbo says his salary is $11,000 a year.

Did Columbo have a prosthetic eye? ›

Did you know that Columbo's trademark squint was due to a prosthetic eye? His agent advised him that an actor with a prosthetic eye shouldn't expect to find work, and Columbia Pictures president Harry Cohn said "For the same price I can find an actor with two eyes."

What happened to Mrs Columbo? ›

Mrs Columbo, of course, is alive and well. Columbo never even gave her the marmalade in the first place because he suspected Vivian's ill intent and had it checked by the forensics team. He's been onto her from the start and her bid for revenge never had a chance of success.

Did Peter Falk's wife appear in Columbo? ›

Did you know. Married to Peter Falk, she played in six of his "Columbo" TV movies: Fade in to Murder (1976), Murder Under Glass (1978), Murder, a Self Portrait (1989), Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star (1991), Undercover (1994) and, finally, A Trace of Murder (1997)

How long did Mrs Columbo last? ›

Mrs. Columbo (TV Series 1979–1980) - IMDb.

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Peter Michael Falk was born Sept. 16, 1927, in New York City, and grew up in Ossining, N.Y., where his father owned a clothing store. At 3, his right eye was removed because of a cancerous growth, and he was given a glass eye.

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Reception. Peter Falk expressed his disapproval of the spin-off, calling it a "bad idea" and "disgraceful".

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Columbo”) he does claim in conversation with the killer that he and his wife never had any children, but it was part of a deception in which he staged a “home” at a house other than his own which included false pictures of his wife, because the killer had targeted his wife.

What did Columbo name his dog? ›

Columbo ponders what to call his dog. He chats with the animal and tries on "Fido" and "Beethoven" for size. Of course, he ends up simply calling the dog "Dog." Dog quickly became a fan favorite.

What is LT Columbo's first name? ›

What is Lieutenant Columbo's first name? Columbo's first name is never explicitly revealed in the series. However, when Columbo flashes his badge in the episode "Dead Weight" (Season 1 Episode 3), the name 'Frank' can clearly be seen on his ID.

How much did Peter Falk make per episode of Columbo? ›

Falk was rumored to be earning $300,000 per episode when he returned for Season 6 of Columbo in 1976. This doubled to $600,000 per episode when the series made its comeback in 1989. In 1997, "Murder by the Book" was ranked at No. 16 in TV Guide's '100 Greatest Episodes of All Time' list.

Why doesn t Columbo wear a ring? ›

In their minds, Columbo was more likely to be a bachelor who lived alone and was married to his work. He never wears a wedding ring, for one thing. Levinson and Link wanted Columbo to be a mysterious figure.

Who was first choice for Columbo? ›

But according to FactsVerse.com, Peter Falk was not the first choice to play the part. The role was originally created for the stage by Thomas Mitchel, the actor who portrayed Vivien Leigh's father in the classic feature film, Gone With The Wind. Sadly, Mitchel before the original Columbo TV movie went into production.

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