15 Awesome Grapes Juice Benefits for Skin, Hair & Health (2024)

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15 Awesome Grapes Juice Benefits for Skin, Hair & Health (20)

The ways to consume grapes are countless. From being utilized in desserts, mocktails and co*cktails, and salads to being the primary ingredient in making wine and raisins, it is not without reason that grapes are known as the queen of fruits. Categorized under the group of berries, grapes come in various types and hues – green, red, blue, purple and dark red. You would be surprised to know that around 72 million tons of various kinds of grapes are grown every year around the globe. While a major part of the grape production in the world is utilized by the wine making industry, the rest of the lot is consumed as fruits and a little segment is utilized in making dried fruits out of them.

It is said that grapes were first locally developed in the Middle East. Eventually, different nations likewise began developing it and utilizing it in the wine making process. Slowly and gradually, other countries also started cultivating it and utilizing it in the wine making process apart from using it for other purposes.

The portability, texture, flavor and assortment of grapes have made them a famous finger fruit all over the world. The potential medical advantages of consuming grapes are immense. According to studies, grapes prevent cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and constipation.

Green grapes are easily accessible in the market throughout the year. Rich in antioxidants like polyphenols and resveratrol, vitamin C and other essential nutrients, grape or its juice recipe can do wonders for your health when had regularly. What’s more, its citrusy and fruity smell and tarty taste makes it one of the most loved and enjoyed fruits among all.

Grapes have some special components, which is why they have been given the “super food” status.

Here are some of the benefits of grape that you can avail for a healthy body, skin and hair:

Skin Benefits of Grape Juice :

  1. Protection against sun
  2. Reverses aging
  3. Makes skin soft & supple
  4. Gives even skin tone
  5. Helps reduce scars

Hair Benefits of Grape Juice :

  1. Treats hair loss
  2. Adds natural shine
  3. Provides volume
  4. Fights dandruff
  5. Make hair soft & healthy

Health Benefits of Grape Juice :

  1. Relieves migraine
  2. Anti-inflammatory properties
  3. Prevents indigestion
  4. Boosts brain power
  5. Prevents eye degeneration
  6. Reduce risk of heart diseases
  7. Help in kidney disorders
  8. Relieves asthma
  9. Helps fight viral infections
  10. Relieves constipation

Overall benefits of Grape Juice :

  1. Prevents Skin Problem
  2. Soothes Migraine
  3. Relieves Constipation
  4. Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease
  5. Treats Kidney Disorders
  6. Boosts Brain Power
  7. Boosts Immunity
  8. Prevents Eye Degeneration
  9. Anti-inflammatory Properties
  10. Prevents Hair Loss
  11. Good for Knees
  12. Decreases Fatigue
  13. Antibacterial
  14. Controls High Blood Pressure
  15. Helps Manage Weight
  1. Prevents Skin Problem
  2. Soothes Migraine
  3. Relieves Constipation
  4. Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease
  5. Treats Kidney Disorders
  6. Boosts Brain Power
  7. Boosts Immunity
  8. Prevents Eye Degeneration
  9. Anti-inflammatory Properties
  10. Prevents Hair Loss
  11. Good for Knees
  12. Decreases Fatigue
  13. Antibacterial
  14. Controls High Blood Pressure
  15. Helps Manage Weight

For a better understanding of the benefits of grape, here is a detailed look on how and why it needs to be added to your everyday lifestyle.

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  1. Staying out in the sun is more of a compulsion as the demands of everyday routine require us to be on our toes all the time. As a result, the skin takes a beating. Add to it the additional side effects of pollution, harsh chemicals, and grime. At the end of the day, the skin looks dull and tired. Step in grapes! They contain antioxidants like resveratrol that not only protects the skin against the harmful UV rays of the sun but also helps in preventing acne, breakouts and pimples. Including a juice recipe containing a glass of grape juice on a regular basis can make your skin glow with health, make it look fresh and prevent signs of ageing like wrinkles and fine lines for a longer duration.

    15 Awesome Grapes Juice Benefits for Skin, Hair & Health (21)

  2. Migraine can be quite a headache! Chemical imbalance, sleeplessness, climate change, improper diet…the reasons for it being triggered can be any. However, when it strikes, it really takes your health for a toss. While medicines do help, but it is always recommended to take precautionary methods to avoid letting them hamper your daily routine and well-being. While following a good diet can play a major role, including grape juice recipe can also help prevent and cure migraines to an extent. Did you know that grape juice could alleviate the problem of headaches caused due to migraine? Yes, grape juice is an effective home solution for curing migraine. It has phytonutrients, riboflavin and antioxidants in it, which help cure and soothe migraines. The juice can be taken early in the morning for a relaxed and problem free day ahead.

    15 Awesome Grapes Juice Benefits for Skin, Hair & Health (22)

  3. There are many reasons for constipation. Lack of fiber in the diet, too much junk food, crash dieting and low intake of water. Keeping yourself hydrated at all times can help alleviate the problem of constipation to a great level. So where do grapes come into the picture? Grapes are not only high in water content but are also a great source of fiber. Both of these things can add bulk to your stool and soften it. Thus, making it easy to pass. Drinking a glass of grape juice will help in keeping your body hydrated as well as increase your fiber intake, thereby, regulate your bowel movement and reduce incidences of abdominal pain and flatulence that are known to be the side effects of constipation. However, remember, grape is considered a laxative. So in case you are suffering from diarrhea or dysentery, try to avoid having them. Also, ask your doctor’s advice in case you have chronic constipation and require treatment for it.

  4. Grapes are rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and anti-inflammatory properties that provide a great deal of support and relief to the heart. The high number of polyphenols help in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases - the fluctuation of which causes major heart related ailments and disease. Taking grapes or its juice recipe on a daily basis will help increase potassium in the body that helps keep away problems like heart stroke and prevent loss of muscle mass and bone mineral density among other benefits.

    15 Awesome Grapes Juice Benefits for Skin, Hair & Health (23)

  5. Grapes can considerably decrease the acidity of uric acid and they help to ward off acid from the framework. Thereby, diminishing the anxiety and stress on kidneys. Since grapes have high water content, they prompt urination, which additionally disposes of the uric acid still present in the body after its acidity is diminished. Grapes have an extremely purging impact on the body, and the antioxidants present in the grapes benefits the body’s systems significantly.

  6. The presence of resveratrol in grape juice aids in increasing blood flow to the brain. This results in proper functioning of the brain. Regular intake of grape juice also aids in removing free radicles and toxins from the brain, therefore, making it alert, quick to respond, focus, and concentrate on things better. You can have grape in whatever form you like but to be able to enjoy its taste through the year, grape juice is a good option. Real Fruit Power Grape beverage is a healthy refreshing choice for those who love drinking grape juice.

  7. Chemicals found in grapes are known to boost immunity. Grapes are just not about minerals and flavonoids but vitamins too! The presence of different vitamins like Vitamin A, K and C in grapes gives healthy boost to many organs in the body. Regular intake of the fruit or its juice has tremendous impact on the immune system, which means increase in its ability to ward off illnesses and diseases like cold, flu, cough and other viral infections.

  8. Flavonoids present in the grapes have anti-oxidants, which can lessen the oxidative stress on the eyes. In addition, including grapes or its juice in your diet regularly results in lowering the levels of inflammatory protein and increasing the levels of protective proteins in the retina. It also helps in getting rid of the free radicals that can become a cause of development of cataract and different age-related issues that can hamper the eye health.

    15 Awesome Grapes Juice Benefits for Skin, Hair & Health (24)

  9. Grapes contain certain enzymes that bring about anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Therefore, if you suffer from problems of inflammation in the stomach or heart, a chilled glass of grape juice can help you get rid of the problem and have a smoothing effect on the body. Grape juice is also known to bring relief to arteries thereby promoting a healthy and disease-free heart.

  10. Hair loss or hair fall can really be denting one’s confidence. While external factors like pollution and dirt cannot be controlled, what can be controlled is what we put inside our body for their prolonged health. Having grapes as an essential part of your diet will provide hair with vitamin E and linoleic acid that provide thickness, strength and natural shine to the hair. Grapes aids in strengthening the hair follicles, which means lesser hair fall. They also prevent breakage and hair split end, which eventually become the reason for hair to fall or become damaged. Follow our blog to read more natural hair care tips.

    15 Awesome Grapes Juice Benefits for Skin, Hair & Health (25)

  11. Grape juice is known to soothe the inflammation caused in the joints, which could also be a sign of arthritis or osteoporosis. Being rich in polyphenols and other antioxidants, it helps in improving flexibility and mobility of the joints in the knees and other body parts. Drinking its juice can be beneficial for the health of your joints and keep them in good condition for a longer duration.

    15 Awesome Grapes Juice Benefits for Skin, Hair & Health (26)

  12. Does every day routine, office work or a gym session make you feel tired? It could be because of lack of electrolytes, nutrients and iron in the body. Try drinking a glass of grape juice regularly to combat the problem of tiredness and fatigue. It instantly energizes you by replenishing the iron content in the body and even give a boost to the immune system. With regular dose of grapes, you can even prolong the risk of contracting muscular degeneration.

  13. Red grapes have solid antibacterial and antiviral properties that can shield you from various infections. They show solid antiviral properties against the poliovirus and the herpes simplex virus. Studies have additionally demonstrated that grape juice can handle bacterial contaminations in the gut and different frameworks.

  14. The main reason for fluctuation in blood pressure is attributed to low potassium level in the body. Grapes are a rich source of potassium and hence are recommended for those who suffer from it. Having it whole or its juice will help negate this health problem by bringing it to a normal level and in the long run lower the risk of contracting cardiovascular or heart related diseases and ailments.

  15. Enriched with natural minerals and antioxidants make grapes a fruit to look for if weight management is on your mind. The fruit can help in both weight loss and weight gain so whatever’s on your mind, choose your glass of grape juice wisely. Black grapes are low in calorie and 1 cup serving of them contain only 62 calories, which means they are a great fruit to snack upon between meals. They also have great amount of dietary fibre in them which help keep the metabolism active, regulate bowel movements and keep the digestive tract clean and clear.

How to Enjoy Grapes?

You can consume juicy and plump grapes at any time of the day. However, their quantity needs to be restricted as they are high in sugar level and can lead to weight gain or increase blood sugar levels among diabetic people. Here is how you can enjoy the seasonal fruit in various ways and remain healthy.

  • Snacks-A low calorie snack it can be had in the breakfast as an addition to your oats or cereal, in the evening before dinner or as a dessert post dinner. However, restrict the quantity as too much of it can have a reverse effect on your health. The fruit also goes well with cheese and can be had as a party snack.

  • Desserts-The natural sweetness of grapes make them an ideal choice for dessert. Green grape popsicles or solidified grape pops are a sound option for healthy treat post meal.

  • Beverages & co*cktails-Whether had as it is or added to your favorite co*cktail or mocktail, grape juice is one hell of a versatile drink.

  • Salads & Curries-Add grapes to your salads like chicken salad or serve it as a side/gravy to your turkey or chicken dish; it always steals the show with its taste and the fruity punch it provides to the palate.

  • Other Uses of Grapes-Grapes are famous for its various uses in medicines and in the making of wine, beverages and other types of foods like jams, chutneys etc. Grapes seed oil is rich in antioxidants, which keeps skin and hair healthy. It is generally used in cosmetic products like face cream and night serum.

    15 Awesome Grapes Juice Benefits for Skin, Hair & Health (27)

Tips on How to use Grapes :

  • Rinse them thoroughly with water before consuming to remove any pesticide residues
  • Keep them in cold water and pat dry with a soft cloth Grape seeds are rich in nutrients and can be had to provide your body with its daily nutritional requirement
  • Add them to salads for extra crunch and taste
  • Dried or candied grapes can be used in confectionary, bread, puddings, cakes etc.
  • You can also make jams, jellies, juice and wine with them
  • Do not keep them in room temperature. They tend to spoil and ferment early
  • Always store grapes in refrigerator for longer use
  • You can also wrap them in a paper towel and keep in a zip lock pouch in the refrigerator to preserve them for longer period of time

The tiny grape packs have a bundle of health benefits! So, the next time you feel like having something tasty, try Real Fruit Power Grape beverage. It is packed in a six-layered Tetrapak, which helps preserve the beverage without any preservatives, keeps nutrition and freshness intact too!

The tiny grape packs have a bundle of health benefits! So, the next time you feel like having something tasty, try Real Fruit Power Grape beverage. Its packed in a 6 layered Tetrapak which helps preserve the beverage without any preservatives, keeps nutrition and freshness intact too!



You can also check out the various mocktailrecipes you can make with Real Fruit Power.

Find out the various benefits of these healthy fruit juices:

Pomegranate Juice
Amla Juice
Pineapple Juice
Cranberry Juice
Apple Juice

MakeFruit Juicea part of your daily diet and live a healthier life today!

Certainly! Based on the extensive information provided about grape juice and its health benefits, let's delve into the concepts and key elements mentioned in the article:

  1. Grapes and Their Varieties:

    • Grapes are highlighted as versatile fruits available in various types and colors, such as green, red, blue, purple, and dark red.
    • Notably, there are different varieties of grapes, and their diverse uses include consumption as fruits, wine production, and making dried fruits like raisins.
  2. Historical and Geographical Background:

    • The article briefly touches upon the historical origins of grape cultivation, suggesting its initial development in the Middle East and its subsequent cultivation and utilization worldwide.
    • It emphasizes the global production of various types of grapes, with a significant portion used by the wine-making industry.
  3. Nutritional Value and Health Benefits:

    • Highlighted extensively are the potential health benefits of consuming grape juice regularly, supported by scientific studies and research.
    • These benefits span across skincare, hair health, and overall well-being, such as preventing heart diseases, improving brain function, boosting immunity, aiding digestion, and addressing conditions like constipation and migraines.
    • Specific nutrients like antioxidants (polyphenols and resveratrol), vitamins (C, A, K), and minerals (potassium) found in grapes contribute to their health-promoting properties.
  4. Specific Health Benefits:

    • The article details how grape juice consumption can alleviate specific health issues like migraines, constipation, heart diseases, kidney disorders, and even aid in weight management.
  5. Ways to Enjoy Grapes:

    • The versatility of grapes in culinary uses is emphasized, including consumption as a snack, in desserts, beverages, salads, curries, and other food items like jams and chutneys.
    • The cautionary note about sugar content, potential weight gain, and its impact on blood sugar levels among diabetics is mentioned.
  6. Tips for Consumption and Storage:

    • Practical tips on rinsing grapes, storing them properly in the refrigerator, and creative uses like incorporating grape seeds in dietary consumption are provided.
    • Additionally, it highlights the use of grape seed oil in cosmetic products for skin and hair care.
  7. Commercial Products and Brands:

    • References to specific commercial grape juice brands and their packaging (e.g., Real Fruit Power Grape beverage) are made, emphasizing the product's health benefits, preservation methods, and absence of preservatives.
  8. Sources and References:

    • The article cites various sources such as medicalnewstoday.com, food.ndtv.com, and livestrong.com, indicating reliance on credible sources to support the information provided.

Overall, the article comprehensively covers the multifaceted aspects of grapes, particularly focusing on their health benefits and versatile uses, catering to various aspects of human health and nutrition.

15 Awesome Grapes Juice Benefits for Skin, Hair & Health (2024)
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