15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (2024)

Last summer, Target introduced its Good & Gather line of private-label foods. Good & Gather replaced many Archer Farms and Simply Balanced products, with Target rebranding its in-house items. And while many offerings are the same—Good & Gather still makes staples like yogurt and eggs, for example—there are a few items from the old labels that have been phased out entirely.

Here are some discontinued Target foods you won't find at your local store. We know; we miss them too. And for more throwbacks, don't miss these 33 Super Popular Snacks From Your Childhood That Are Discontinued.

Simply Balanced Freeze-Dried Pineapple

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (1)

You can still find dried pineapple under the Good & Gather line, but not freeze-dried pineapple. And for choosy pineapple consumers, there's a difference!

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Chocolate Oatly

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (2)

The chocolate-flavored oat milk hasn't been discontinued, but it's no longer sold at Whole Foods and Target.

RELATED: Your ultimate restaurant and supermarket survival guide is here!

Archer Farms Apple Cider Donut Coffee

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (3)

This ground coffee sounds like the perfect way to welcome fall weather. Sadly, it was discontinued in 2018.

RELATED: This 7-day smoothie diet will help you shed those last few pounds.

Archer Farms Buffalo Wing Potato Chips

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (4)

These chips are no longer at Target, but you can still find hot wings-flavored Ruffles in Target's aisles.

Archer Farms S'mores Coffee

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (5)

This was another fun flavor of ground coffee from Target's Archer Farms line. If you're missing it, Target does have Mocha Chocolate Archer Farms ground coffee, but it's not quite the same.

RELATED: Learn how to harness the power of tea to lose weight.

Archer Farms Caramel Coffee Syrup

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (6)

To add insult to injury, it wasn't just the Archer Farms coffee that was discontinued. Its caramel coffee syrup was also discontinued, but you can still get Torani caramel coffee syrup at Target.

Archer Farms Bloody Mary Pickle Spears

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (7)

If you enjoy making Bloody Marys with a pickle spear added to the mix, this Archer Farms pickle flavor streamlined the process. Sadly, they're no longer on store shelves.

And for more creative ways to enjoy this co*cktail's flavor, try our Flavor-Packed Bloody Mary Skirt Steak Recipe.

Simply Balanced Crispy Potato Crusted Fish Nuggets

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (8)

This is one Simply Balanced item that doesn't appear to have a Good & Gather replacement. You can still buy Gorton's and Ian's fish sticks at Target, but not these fish nuggets.

Archer Farms Coconut Chai Concentrate

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (9)

This chai concentrate was discontinued in 2016, long before Good & Gather hit the scene. Fortunately, you can still buy Tazo chai concentrate, as well as a new option from Good & Gather.

And if you haven't tried it yet, here are the Health Benefits of Chai Tea.

Archer Farms Coconut Lime Cashews

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (10)

You won't find these cashews at Target anymore, but the store still sells inventive flavors like everything-seasoned cashews. Yum!

Archer Farms Chocolate Overload Ice Cream

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (11)

There are still plenty of house-brand ice cream options at Target, but some fans are missing the chocolate overload flavor. Made with white and milk chocolate, it was the best of both worlds.

Ben & Jerry's Late Night Snack Ice Cream

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (12)

Speaking of ice cream, this is one name-brand item you won't find in the Target freezer. Inspired by Jimmy Fallon and filled with chocolate-covered potato chips and caramel swirls, this flavor was discontinued a few years ago.


15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (13)

Fans will be disappointed to learn that Coca-Cola is discontinuing the Odwalla line of bottled smoothies. There are still other bottled smoothie options at Target, though!

Goodie Girl Chocolate Chunk Cookies

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (14)

The brand's original gluten-free chocolate chunk cookies were discontinued, but you can still find Goodie Girl's new cookie formulas at Target.

Beyond Meat Chicken Strips

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (15)

If you're looking to buy Beyond Beef to make plant-based burgers at your next cookout, you're in luck. But if you're looking for an easy protein to add to salad, you might be out of luck. Beyond Meat discontinued its chicken strips, so you won't find them in grocery stores.

And the next time you're cooking, don't miss these 52 Life-Changing Kitchen Hacks That'll Make You Enjoy Cooking Again.

Meghan De Maria

Meghan De Maria is a senior editor at Eat This, Not That!, specializing in food, product, and restaurant coverage.Read more about Meghan

15 Beloved Target Foods Fans Want Back (2024)


Why is Mr. Dodge mad at junior in science class? ›

Wood can't just turn into rock, just as Junior can't simply turn into a white kid. Furious at being contradicted, Mr. Dodge belittles Junior's education from the rez, and calls on Gordy, the “class genius,” to explain the truth.

Why does Rowdy react the way he does when Junior tells him of his decision to go to Reardan? ›

When Junior decides to leave the Wellpinit high school and head for Reardan, Rowdy takes Junior's decision as a personal affront. He sees Junior as a traitor and, though Junior invites Rowdy to join him at Reardan, Rowdy reacts to being abandoned by renouncing Junior's friendship.

How do Penelope and Roger react to Junior's admission that he is poor? ›

How do Penelope and Roger react to Junior's admission that he is poor? They were totally sympathetic and accepting. Penelope cried for Junior, and Roger gave him a bunch of rides home.

Why does Junior say it was like something out of Shakespeare P 142 when he discovers their first game is against Wellpinit? ›

Junior says'it was like something out of Shakespeare' when he discovers the first game is against Wellpinit because it feels wrong for him because he has to play against his former teammates, who still see him as traitor.

Why did Junior's mother slap him? ›

Inside, his mom is curled on the couch and about 25 cousins are raiding their fridge. Junior's mom grabs him and tells him never to leave her. She seems to Junior to be so “broken” that she'll never recover. Then she tells Junior never to drink and slaps him in the face three times, making him promise.

Who beat up Junior at the Powwow? ›

The Andruss Triplets

Thirty-year-old triplets who bully Junior and beat him up at the Spokane powwow.

How does Junior make Penelope cry? ›

Remembering what he always tells his dad when he is drunk and depressed, Junior tells Penelope, “Don't give up.” Penelope begins to cry and confess how lonely and scared she is, despite being pretty and smart and popular (her mention of these three attributes makes Junior think she has an ego).

Why does Junior wear his father's old suit? ›

He has to meet Penelope at the dance (as opposed to picking her up) and shows up wearing his father's old disco suit since he can't afford to buy new formal clothes.

How does Junior's father grieve? ›

In grief, Junior's Dad goes on a drinking binge, Mom goes to church every day, and Junior draws and draws cartoons that mock God and Jesus as he feels they are mocking him.

Why did Junior cry after beating Wellpinit? ›

Junior thinks how some of the kids on Wellpinit didn't have breakfast, how one player's dad deals drugs, and how Rowdy's dad will beat him for losing. Junior runs to the locker room and cries tears of shame.

What does junior identify as the worst? ›

Answer and Explanation: In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian, the inability to help a friend is the worst thing about being poor. Junior is poor so he cannot take his sick dog to the vet. Junior's father shoots his dog because they do not have the money to take it to the vet so the vet can heal it.

What does the final line signify in junior reveals we didn t keep score? ›

The final line "We didn't keep score" signifies a cultural or philosophical approach that values participation and communal harmony over competitiveness and individual triumph.

How does Mr. Dodge reply to what Junior says in class? ›

Final Answer:

Mr. Dodge replies to Junior with a warm smile and a reassuring tone, saying, "Don't worry, Junior, we'll figure this out together." This response makes Junior feel relieved and supported.

What topic does Junior correct Mr Dodge on in science class? ›

He tells a story how in geology class, he corrects the teacher, Mr. Dodge. Mr. Dodge says petrified wood is wood that turns into rock, but Junior raises his hand to say that the wood is replaced by minerals.

Why does Mr P forgive Junior? ›

P forgives Junior for hitting him in the face with a thrown textbook. Mr. P is able to forgive Junior because he sees not simply Junior's action (throwing the textbook), but also his complex motivation: Junior is angry at a racist school system that limits his opportunities, and he wants more from his life.

What does Miss Warren tell Junior when she takes him out of class? ›

Then Miss Warren tells Junior that Mary has died. Junior asks how, and when Miss Warren won't say he knows her death was awful. Junior is upset. He runs outside to wait for his father in the snow.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.