15 of the Best Real Estate Scripts That Actually Convert (2024)

Knowing what to say to a new lead can be tough, especially if you’ve never met them and you’re trying to sell your services. I’ve put together 15 of the most common scenarios in real estate and took our years of real estate experience to share the best real estate scripts for conversion and setting appointments. Remember your goal on the phone: to get a meeting. This way, you have the opportunity to dazzle and convert a lead into a client. Review these real estate scripts to prepare for your next client conversation.

Here’s your list of the top real estate follow-up scripts:

  1. Cold conversation with an internet lead
  2. Internet listing service leads like Zillow
  3. Secure an appointment with expired leads
  4. Empathize and emphasize marketing with FSBO leads
  5. Make the most of your circle prospecting
  6. Convert those open house visitors
  7. Chat up those social media leads
  8. Easily convert those referral leads
  9. Reconnect with your sphere of influence
  10. Take the next step on that networking lead
  11. Warm up those purchased leads
  12. Generic buyer scripts for real estate
  13. Snag that listing appointment with this seller script
  14. Know how to talk to investors
  15. Help those renters become buyers
15 of the Best Real Estate Scripts That Actually Convert (1)

1. Internet Leads

Internet leads are the ones who find you on social media or via your website. This script is intended to be engaging and helpful—your goal is to move this lead further down the funnel by offering personalized assistance and setting up an appointment (or follow-up conversation). These leads can respond remarkably well to texting, so we’ve put together a list of the best real estate text message scripts.


Hello, is this {Lead Name}?


Yes, speaking.


Hi {Lead Name}, I’m {Your Name} with {Your Company}. I saw you were looking at homes in {Area} on our website. How’s your search going so far?


[They share their experience.]


I can imagine! Finding the right place can be quite the journey. Are there specific features you’re looking for in a home, or any must-haves that would make a property stand out to you?


[They describe what they’re looking for.]


Great insights, thank you. It helps to know what you’re envisioning. We have access to some listings that aren’t widely advertised yet and could match your criteria. Plus, I can guide you through the search to make it less overwhelming.


[Shows interest or asks for more information.]


I’d love to share more and help narrow down your options. Could we set up a time to chat more about your needs and how I can assist? What’s your schedule like this week?


[They suggest a time or ask for more information.]


Perfect, I’ve noted that down. Before we go, may I have your best email address? I’ll send over some preliminary options and a bit more about how I work with clients to find their perfect home.


[Provides email.]


Thank you, {Lead Name}. I’m looking forward to our conversation and helping you with your home search. You’ll see an email from me shortly. In the meantime, feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Related Article This LPMAMA Script Can Convert Buyers on the First Call

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2. Zillow Leads

These leads could be anywhere in the sales funnel—from the very start of the real estate process to buyers ready to make an offer. It’s important to find out their interest, understand their needs, and provide additional value, like a quick real estate comparative market analysis (CMA) for the home and surrounding area. Since you already have their information, your goal is to encourage them to engage with you.


Hello {Lead’s Name}, this is {Your Name} with {Your Real Estate Agency}. I’m reaching out regarding your recent interest in the property at {Property Address} you saw on Zillow. How are you today?


I’m good, thanks. Just looking around for now.


Fantastic! I’m glad to hear you’re exploring options. What did you think about {Property Address}? Do you have any specific questions about the property or anything you’d like to know more about?


[They might ask specific questions or express general interest or concerns.]

If they have specific questions:

Great questions! [Provide detailed answers.] If you’re open to it, I can also arrange for a private viewing of the property at a time that suits you, so you can get a better feel for it. Would that be of interest to you?

If they express general interest or concerns:

I understand. Finding the right home can be a journey. Besides {Property Address}, I have access to several other listings that might meet your criteria. Can I ask what specific features you’re looking for in a home?


Also, could I get the best email address to send you more detailed information and perhaps some additional listings that match your criteria? And what’s your preferred method of communication for future updates?


[They provide contact information and communication preferences.]


Thank you, {Lead’s Name}. I’ll send that information over to you shortly. In the meantime, feel free to reach out with any more questions or if there’s anything else I can do to assist in your home search. Looking forward to helping you find the perfect home!

Don’t have Zillow leads to use this script with? Check out Zillow Premier Agent. You can become a featured agent on the Zillow platform in your chosen zip code. Check out availability in your area at the link below.

Check out Zillow Premier Agent

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3. Expired

Ensure you have alerts set up for expired listings in your area. While you can’t reach out to them before the listing expires, set a reminder to call them the next day. Sometimes, sellers of expired listings may choose to pull their home off the market to wait for a better time. It’s a great idea to integrate them into your real estate farming strategy.

Expired leads can be frustrated with agents and the market since they failed to sell their listing, so study this real estate script closely:


Hello, I’m {Your Name} from {Your Company}. I’m reaching out to check if your property has been sold yet.


No, it hasn’t.


Are you still interested in selling it, or have you decided against it?


No, we’ve decided to withdraw it from the market for now.


I understand. But, just out of curiosity, if I had a potential buyer, would you still be open to considering an offer?


Why do you ask? Do you have someone interested?


While I haven’t personally viewed your property yet, I represent clients currently looking in your neighborhood. Should they express interest, would you be open to considering their offer?


How come you didn’t show it to your buyers when it was listed?


Our approach prioritizes new listings first. Once we’ve explored those options, we then extend our search to include other suitable properties for our clients. I’d like to come by and preview your home to see if it fits any of my clients’ requirements. How does Friday at 5 p.m. or Saturday at 11 a.m. work for you?


Can’t you just bring your buyers directly? I’m not signing any agreements.


I prefer ensuring a good fit before arranging any visits to respect both your time and that of my clients. A brief preview by me would be the first step. Does tomorrow work for you?


Saturday is better, I suppose. Maybe around 11 a.m.


Excellent. I’m also curious, what do you think was the reason your home didn’t sell?


The agent didn’t market it enough.


I hear you. It’s frustrating when your home doesn’t sell. Did they go through a marketing checklist with you? Together, we can find out exactly why your listing might not have sold. This way, when you’re ready to re-enter the market, you’ll be prepared to avoid pitfalls. I’d be glad to go through a seller’s checklist with you during our meeting on Tuesday.


Alright, that sounds interesting. But I’m still not signing anything right now.


Absolutely, there’s no pressure to sign anything. Let’s first see if your home meets my clients’ needs. When I visit, I’ll also share how I work to secure the best possible price for our listings. At the least, you’ll gain insights into my successful sales strategy. See you on Saturday at 11.

(Proceed to log the details of this conversation in your CRM system.)

Related Article The 26 Best Expired Listing Scripts + Objection Handlers

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For sale by owner listings (FSBO) can be intimidating, but they actually make great leads—after all, they’ve already expressed that they want to sell their home! Many agents might say that FSBOs are tough because they’ve already expressed selling a home on their terms, but they’re not as rude as you think. They need your help to develop a pricing and marketing strategy that will sell their home.
With FSBOs, you have to make sure you’re offering value. Pricing is often the key in an FSBO situation. We’ve given you one FSBO script here, but if you want more, we’ve compiled a list of the best FSBO scripts for real estate agents.


Hello, I’m {Your Name} from {Your Company}. Could I confirm if you own the property at {Property Address}?


Yes, that’s me. What’s this about?


I was curious if you’ve ever thought about partnering with a real estate agent?


Ugh. No, I haven’t.


I see. Just for arguments’ sake, if I could secure a higher selling price than you might get on your own, would you be open to a conversation?


How can you be so sure? What do you believe my property is worth?


Without having seen your property, I can’t say for certain. However, my marketing strategy is designed to maximize exposure. The greater the interest, the higher the potential selling price. How about I drop by for a no-pressure highest price analysis? All I need is a brief tour of your home and a chance to share my approach for fetching you the best price. I’ll leave the CMA with you to decide.


I’m not keen on pushy sales tactics, but I’m willing to listen if there’s no commitment required.


Absolutely no commitment. To ensure your safety during showings, I’ll also bring along a Security Checklist. It’s crucial to stay safe with visitors in your home. I’m available to meet on Tuesday at 5 p.m., or would Thursday at 7 p.m. suit you better?

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5. Circle Prospecting

These are leads in your farm or surrounding area where you just did a deal or an open house, also known as circle prospecting. It should be a small farm territory designed to sniff out potential leads interested in real estate. These are going to be true cold calls. This script is respectful and informative, offering value through market insights while gently probing for potential interest in selling or referrals.

Circle prospecting is cold outreach, but by touching a cold lead twice with door knocking, you can make an impact. Check out a few of our other tips for real estate door knocking.


Hello, may I speak with {Homeowner Name}?


This is them.


Hi {Homeowner Name}, I’m {Your Name} with {Your Company}. I hope I’m not catching you at a bad time. I’m reaching out to your neighborhood because I recently had the privilege of selling a home just around the corner from you at {Address of Sold Listing}. Have you heard about the sale?


[They respond, possibly with interest or indifference.]


Yes, it was a great success and it got me thinking about how I could assist others in the neighborhood. Real estate in {Area} is quite dynamic right now. By any chance, have you considered selling your home or maybe curious about the current market value?


[They express interest or decline.]

If interested:

That’s great to hear! I’d love to provide you with a no-obligation market analysis to show you what your property could fetch in today’s market. It’s a great time to sell, and knowing your home’s value is the first step.

If not interested:

I understand, not everyone is looking to sell right now. But, if you’re ever curious about the market or need any real estate advice, I’m here in the neighborhood and happy to help.


Before I let you go, do you know anyone in the area who might be thinking of selling or buying? We’re seeing a lot of activity and it’s a great time for real estate decisions.


[They might refer someone or not.]


Thank you for your time, {Homeowner Name}. Can I add you to my email list for future events and fresh listings? Now you’ve got my contact information in case you or someone you know needs assistance.


Sure, that sounds OK.


Perfect. Thank you so much. Have a great day!

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6. Open House

Open houses are a great way to get new clients quickly. Using an open house app that gathers your clients’ contact information will help you level up when making these follow-up calls. Since these potential clients have already expressed interest in real estate, you must grab more info to be able to target these folks. They haven’t selected an agent because they haven’t found one they like yet—let that agent be you!


Hi there, I’m {Your Name} from {Your Company}. May I speak with {Prospect’s Name}?


Yes, this is them.


Thanks for visiting our open house today at {Address}. I assured the homeowners I’d touch base with all our visitors for their impressions. Could you spare a moment for a few questions?


Sure, go ahead.


What were your thoughts on the property? Did it align with what you’re looking for?


It was OK, but it didn’t quite match our taste.


Understood. How did you come across the open house announcement?


We noticed the advertisem*nt.


It seems like you’re on the hunt for the perfect home at a fair price. Did you know that by searching independently, you’re only scratching the surface of available homes? Many of our exclusive listings are offered to preferred clients before they’re even listed on the MLS or showcased at open houses. If you’re truly committed to finding your ideal home at the right price, how about we schedule a time for you to come by my office? We can have a chat over coffee and pinpoint exactly what you’re searching for. This way, you’ll be the first to know about prime properties the moment they hit the market.


Yes, that would be great! We keep getting to homes too late to make an offer.


Fantastic. And I hear you—it’s a tight market! But there are still homes out there. I’m available Thursday at 12 p.m. or Friday at 5 p.m. Which suits you best?


Thursday at noon works for me.


Excellent. I’ll need to ask a few questions to ensure our meeting is as productive as possible:

  • Do you currently own your home, or are you renting?
  • If you own, will you need to sell your current home before purchasing a new one? OR If renting, when does your lease end?
  • What’s your budget for the new home?
  • Have you been prequalified for a mortgage yet?
  • What’s your timeline for moving?
  • Are you already working with another real estate agent?
  • (If yes) Do you have a contractual agreement with them?

Great, thanks! This gives us a solid foundation to start from. I’m looking forward to our meeting on Thursday. I’ll send over my office address shortly. How do you prefer to be contacted, email or text? Here’s my contact info in case you need to reach out before our meeting. See you soon.

Rest assured, this isn’t a one-size-fits-all for open house leads. We’ve got some fun ice breakers and 15 more open house scripts for real estate agents.

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7. Social Media

These social media leads usually come through mutual Facebook groups, your connections, or perhaps an advertisem*nt. For these leads, you’ve got to be approachable and engaging. Curious about how to use social media marketing to get real estate clients? We’ve got 21 proven techniques that actually generate leads.

Just remember to respect the casual nature of social media—make your script personalized for your situation. Here’s a sample:


Hello {Lead’s Name}, it’s {Your Name} from {Your Real Estate Company}. I noticed your interest in our property listing on {Social Media Platform}. How are you doing today?


Hi, I’m doing well, thanks. Just exploring options at the moment.


That’s great to hear! Exploring is the first step to finding the perfect place. Were you looking for properties in the {Area} area? I saw that’s where the property you were interested in is located.


Yes, I’m considering {Area}, but I’m trying to figure out what fits within my budget.


Understood, finding the right fit within your budget is crucial. To help you with this, I can prepare a comparative market analysis (CMA) for properties in {Area}. It’ll give you a clear idea of what you can expect within your budget. How does that sound?


That sounds helpful, actually.


Wonderful! I’d love to go over this CMA with you and discuss your property needs in more detail. How about we meet up for coffee or, if you prefer, we can have a Zoom call? It’s a great way for me to understand exactly what you’re looking for.


Coffee sounds good. When are you available?


I’m available {provide a couple of time options}. What works best for you?


[They provide a time.]


Perfect, I’ve got us scheduled for {confirmed time and date}. Can I get the best email to send you the meeting details and my contact information?


Sure, it’s {email}.


Excellent, you’ll have all the details in your inbox shortly. I’m looking forward to our meeting and helping you navigate your options in {Area}. If anything comes up before we meet, feel free to reach out. Here’s my contact info: {your contact information}.


Thanks, I appreciate it. See you then.


You’re welcome! See you at {confirmed time and date}. Have a great day!

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8. Referral

A real estate referral should be a warm lead who’s already familiar with your name and may even be expecting your call. Your goal here is to continue to build rapport with them, verify their information, and set an appointment. This is one of those real estate agent scripts where you should feel free to be flexible and adapt your conversation to suit their needs. The referral you’re calling may be ready now, or they may not be ready for a year. Your job is to establish rapport and a relationship.


Hi, is this {Referral Name}?


Yes, it is.


Great! I’m {Your Name}, a friend of {Referrer’s Name}, who mentioned you’re looking into real estate. How’s everything going?


[Their response.]


Glad to hear! I’d love to learn a bit about what you’re looking for and how I can assist. Do you have a few minutes to chat now or is there a better time?


[They suggest a time or continue the conversation.]


Perfect. Before we dive deeper, could I get your email and the best number to reach you? I promise to keep it just between us.


[Provides contact info.]


Thanks, {Referral Name}. I’m looking forward to helping you out. Let’s touch base {at the suggested time}. Have a great day!

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9. Sphere of Influence—Touching Base

It’s important to stay in touch with your sphere at least once every few months. After all, referrals are the lifeblood of the real estate industry. Touching base with your sphere is an excellent way to get warm leads. They already know, like, and trust you.

You should periodically check in with them as you’ve built the rapport. You could even use a few of our real estate pop by ideas to really make an impact. After a few months, you’re bound to hear the words, “Actually, I think my friend’s looking for a home. Could you help them out?”


Hi {Contact Name}, this is {Your Name} affiliated with {Your Company}. How are you today? Do you have a minute to chat?


Yes, I’m doing well, thanks. Sure, what’s up?


Thank you, {Contact Name}. The reason for my call is to ask a small favor. As you might know, referrals from satisfied clients are incredibly important to my business. I was hoping you might feel comfortable recommending me to anyone you know who might need help buying or selling a home. Could you think of someone right now, perhaps a coworker, friend, or family member, who might be looking to make a move?

If Yes:

That’s wonderful! Would you mind if I contacted them directly? Could you share their contact details with me?

(Get information.)

Thank you so much for that; I really appreciate your help.

If No:

That’s completely OK, I really value your time for considering it. Moving forward, I understand this won’t always be at the forefront of your mind. Would it be alright if I checked in with you every few months, just to touch base? No pressure at all, I promise.


Thank you so much, {Contact Name}. Your support is genuinely appreciated. Remember, if there’s ever anything I can do for you, your family, or your friends in terms of real estate, don’t hesitate to reach out.


Thanks again for your time today, and have a fantastic evening. I look forward to possibly catching up in a few months, or sooner if you think of someone who could use my services.

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10. Networking or Event Follow-up

This script is best for someone you recently met at a networking event. Your goal is to focus on mutual benefits and the potential to collaborate. Even if they’re not interested in real estate now, you intend to establish a productive personal relationship.


Hi {Contact Name}, this is {Your Name} from {Your Company}. We met recently at {Event Name}. How are you today?


Hey, {Your Name}. Great to hear from you. I’m doing great. You?


I’m glad to hear that—same here! I really enjoyed our conversation about {discussion}. It got me thinking about how we might be able to support each other’s goals. Have you had any more thoughts since our chat?


[They share their thoughts.]


That’s interesting. From what you’ve told me, it sounds like there could be some synergy between what you’re looking for and the services I provide. For instance, if you’re considering investing in real estate or know someone who is, I’d be happy to share my market insights and how I can assist.


[Shows interest or asks for more information.]


Would it be possible to meet for coffee or a quick call next week? I think it could be valuable to explore this further and see how we can help each other out.


[Agrees or suggests a time.]


Great, I’ll set that up. Before we go, can I confirm the best number and email to reach you? I’d like to send a calendar invite and a brief overview of what I can offer.


[Provides contact information.]


Perfect, {Contact Name}. I’m looking forward to our meeting and seeing where this conversation can take us. Thanks again for your time today, and I’ll be in touch with those details shortly.

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11. Purchased Lead

When you buy real estate leads, it’s essential to build rapport quickly. Acknowledge their interest and then offer value. Try to convert them to a deeper conversation by setting up a meeting. This way, you can provide personalized attention and dig into their needs.


Hello {Lead’s Name}, this is {Your Name} from {Your Real Estate Company}. I hope you’re doing well today. I’m reaching out because I saw your interest in finding a home in the {Area} area. Is that right?


Yes, I’m looking.


Fantastic, thank you! I understand that navigating the real estate market can be overwhelming, especially with so many options and considerations. To make this easier, I offer a personalized service to my clients, including a detailed comparative market analysis (CMA). This can give you a clearer picture of what your budget can get you in {Area}. Is this something you’d be interested in?


Yes, that sounds useful.


Great to hear! I’d love to discuss your specific needs and preferences to ensure the CMA is tailored just for you. Could we set up a time for a coffee meeting or a Zoom call? It’s a great opportunity for us to dive deeper into your real estate goals.


A Zoom call works for me.


Perfect, I have availability on {offer a couple of time options}. What suits you best?


[They provide a time.]


Excellent, I’ve scheduled us for {confirmed time and date}. May I have your email to send you the Zoom link and a brief overview of what we’ll cover?


Sure, it’s {email}.


Wonderful, I’ll send that over shortly. I’m looking forward to our meeting and helping you find the perfect property in {Area}. If you have any questions before our call, don’t hesitate to reach out. Here’s my contact info: {your contact information}.


Thanks, I appreciate it.


My pleasure! Talk to you on {confirmed time and date}. Have a great day!

Looking for leads? Check out Market Leader. They’ve got leads on-demand, a great client relationship manager (CRM), and an entire suite of tools for your business.

Check out Market Leader

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12. Buyer

For an interested real estate buyer, you should focus on understanding what they need—they may not know. We’re talking areas and must-haves, like central AC or a primary bedroom on the first floor. Provide value and empathize with their situation. Then, set the stage to grab an appointment for a deeper consult. We’ve put together a real estate buyer questionnaire to have on standby for these conversations as well.


Hi there, is this {Buyer’s Name}?


Yes, it is.


Fantastic, {Buyer’s Name}! I’m {Your Name}, a real estate agent with {Your Company}. How are you today?


I’m doing well, thanks. How about yourself?


I’m great, thank you for asking! I understand you’re exploring the possibility of buying a property. Do you have a few minutes to chat about what you’re looking for?


Sure, I have some time.


Wonderful! To start, may I ask what’s motivating your move right now?


[Buyer explains their situation.]


That makes a lot of sense. Finding the right home to match your needs is crucial. Have you identified any specific areas you’re interested in, or are you still exploring your options?


[Buyer provides details.]


Got it, {Area} is a great choice. Are there specific features or amenities you’re looking for in your new home?


[Buyer provides details.]


Excellent, these details really help me understand what you’re looking for. I can provide you with a personalized list of properties that match your criteria. Also, I offer a complimentary comparative market analysis (CMA) to my clients, which could be very helpful in understanding the market better. How does that sound?


That sounds good.


Perfect! I’d love to discuss this further and dive into more details. Could we schedule a time for a coffee meeting or a Zoom call, whichever you prefer?


A Zoom call works for me.


Great, how does {offer a couple of time options} work for you?


[They provide a time.]


Fantastic, I’ve got us down for {confirmed time and date}. Can I have your email to send you the Zoom link and a brief introduction to the properties we’ll discuss?


Sure, it’s {email}.


Perfect, I’ll send that over to you. I’m really looking forward to helping you find your ideal home. If you have any questions before our meeting, feel free to reach out. Here’s my contact information: {your contact information}.


Thank you, I appreciate your help.


It’s my pleasure, {Buyer’s Name}. Talk to you soon!

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13. Seller

This script is designed to be adaptable. Your goal is to connect with the real estate seller personally while positioning yourself as their go-to real estate expert. You’ll demonstrate your marketing and listing knowledge by offering value and having a detailed discussion about your selling strategy. We’re looking for an appointment and a successful partnership with your seller.


Hello, may I speak with {Seller’s Name}?




Hi {Seller’s Name}, I’m {Your Name}, a real estate agent with {Your Company}. I’m reaching out because I’ve noticed you’re considering selling your property, and I wanted to offer my expertise and support in this process. Do you have a moment to talk about your plans for selling?


Yes, I’ve been thinking about selling, but I’m not sure where to start.


That’s exactly what I’m here for. Selling a home can seem overwhelming, but with the right strategy, it can be a smooth and rewarding process. May I ask what’s prompting you to sell at this time?


[Seller explains their situation.]


Thank you for sharing that with me. Understanding your motivations helps me tailor my approach to suit your needs. Have you thought about when you’d like to sell or any goals you have in mind for this sale?


[Seller provides details.]


Great, those are important factors to consider. I specialize in {Your Niche} and have a track record of helping sellers in {Area/Your Niche} achieve their goals. I’d like to offer you a complimentary comparative market analysis (CMA) to give you an idea of what your property could sell for in today’s market. How does that sound?


That sounds helpful.


Perfect! I’d also love to meet with you, either in person over coffee or via a Zoom call, to discuss your selling strategy in more detail and answer any questions you might have. This way, we can ensure we’re aligned with your expectations and timeline. What works best for you?


I think a Zoom call would be good.


Excellent choice. How does {offer a couple of time options} work for you?


[They provide a time.]


Fantastic, I’ve got us scheduled for {confirmed time and date}. Could you please provide me with your email address? I’ll send over the Zoom link and some preliminary information about the market analysis.


Sure, it’s {email}.


Great, I’ll send that information over to you. I’m looking forward to our meeting and helping you navigate the selling process. If you have any immediate questions, feel free to reach out to me at {your contact information}.


Thanks, I’ll see you then.


Thank you, {Seller’s Name}. I’m excited about the opportunity to work with you. Have a great day!

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14. Investor

Investors are a great way to build your network and your brand. They’re always on the lookout for a deal, so having a few in your back pocket is key to building your business. Plus, investors tend to be tight-knit. When you’ve done a great deal with one, they will likely talk you up to their network.

A great way to find investors through cold calling is with absentee homes. You can use a tool like The Share Group or REDX to find these owners, then strike up a conversation. You might be able to strike up a great professional working relationship by offering them value and speaking their language.


Hello, I’m {Your Name} with {Your Company}. Could I confirm if you’re the owner of the property at {Property Address}?


Yes, that’s correct. Why do you ask?


I was curious to know if you’ve considered selling your rental property at this time?


No, not really.


Understood. However, would it be of interest to you if I contacted you about a great investment opportunity in the future? It’s rare for anyone to pass up a truly good deal.


I’m not looking to purchase more property at the moment.


No problem at all. I often come across excellent property deals that go quickly. Would you be interested in joining my email list? This way, you can have early access to these opportunities when you’re ready to invest again. There’s no commitment required. I just need your best contact information.


OK, that seems reasonable. Here’s how you can contact me.


Fantastic. I’ll add you to our exclusive property alerts list and check in with you from time to time about any standout properties that hit the market. Just for my notes, can you tell me what types of properties catch your interest most? Are you into single-family homes, condos, duplexes? Any specific preferences help me tailor the information I send you.

If you’re looking for a place to start with your geographic farm, look at REDX. It provides the information you need to start calling—plus a built-in dialer.

Check out REDX

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Related Articles

  • How to Find Real Estate Investors to Work With (in Any Market)
  • 7 Critical Parts of Every Real Estate Investment Business Plan

15. Renter

Targeting renters is an easy way to fill your future pipeline. Deliver flyers and postcards to the apartment buildings in your farm area. You can offer a first-time homebuyer education seminar to showcase your expertise working with real estate buyers.


Hi, I’m {Your Name} from {Your Company}. I wanted to know if you’ve ever thought about owning your own home instead of paying rent.


No, we can’t afford a house right now.


Well, I have access to some nice entry-level homes that are priced well and in great condition. For a lot of people, the mortgage payment is less than what you’re paying for rent.


Really? You think you can get us into a house for less than our rent?


Yes. I’d like to invite you to attend a first-time homebuyers seminar I’m giving on {Date}, at {Time}, located at {Location}. You’ll learn everything you need to know to buy a home, and we’ll dive into some down payment assistance resources as well. All I need is your contact information to sign up.


That sounds great. Here is my contact information.


Thanks! Feel free to contact me any time—I look forward to seeing you there. (Add their details to your CRM system.)

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How soon should I call leads back?

15 of the Best Real Estate Scripts That Actually Convert (2)

You’ll hear it over and over—speed to lead. It makes a difference, especially if it’s a fresh internet lead. People like to know that their actions mean something. If they click a button to speak with someone, you should attempt to pick up the phone as quickly as possible. If you’ve got their cell phone number, a quick text makes a world of difference. If you need more help nurturing your leads, look into a tool like Agent Legend.

What do I say when I call them back?

15 of the Best Real Estate Scripts That Actually Convert (3)

Hopefully, your scenario is covered in our scripts above. However, you should know from that very first conversation what is most important to your clients—keep that top-of-mind in your communications with them. Take detailed notes so that you can personalize your follow-up.

What if they don’t answer? Should I leave a voicemail?

15 of the Best Real Estate Scripts That Actually Convert (4)

If you don’t get an answer, try again. If you’ve spoken with them before, you’ve hopefully been able to establish how your clients like to communicate. If not, your goal is to reach them. Don’t overthink this—you are not their top priority. Just keep trying and leave at least three voicemails. People are busy, and this is a numbers game. Don’t get discouraged—just enjoy the process and brush it off.

What questions can I ask if I get flustered?

15 of the Best Real Estate Scripts That Actually Convert (5)

A great acronym to remember is FORD, or Family, Occupation, Recreation, Dreams. These are four core areas of your client’s lives where you can get to know them better. “Tell me about what you like doing for fun,” or “Any great professional updates?” You can also ask, “Are you planning your next vacation spot?” These are all great ways to open the floor to learn more about your clients.

Bringing It All Together

These situations should cover most of your bases for real estate follow-up scripts. If you want to use prospecting to get more leads to use with this script, we’ve put together fifteen of the best real estate prospecting tips. Many agents get hung up on following a script exactly, but the best conversations are organic. You’re looking to connect with your clients. We say it time and again; real estate is all about the people. Make a genuine connection with your potential clients, anticipate their needs, and provide them with outstanding service. Then stay in touch for those referrals—–that’s how you build a sustainable business.

In the meantime, if there are any scripts for real estate agents that we’ve missed, leave them in the comment section or visit our Facebook group to share with the community!

15 of the Best Real Estate Scripts That Actually Convert (6)


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15 of the Best Real Estate Scripts That Actually Convert (2024)


15 of the Best Real Estate Scripts That Actually Convert? ›

Script: “Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am a local real estate agent. I noticed that many homes had been sold in your neighborhood recently, so I wanted to introduce myself. I have a lot of experience working in this area, and I would be happy to help you buy or sell a property here.”

What is an example of a script in real estate? ›

Script: “Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am a local real estate agent. I noticed that many homes had been sold in your neighborhood recently, so I wanted to introduce myself. I have a lot of experience working in this area, and I would be happy to help you buy or sell a property here.”

Does cold calling in real estate work? ›

Detractors believe that real estate agent cold calling isn't worth the potential anxiety and frustration involved. However, when implemented correctly, successful cold calling real estate agents generate more leads, sell more houses, and make more money.

Who is the most successful in real estate? ›

2023's Most Powerful, Influential Names in Real Estate
  • Gino Blefari, president and CEO, HomeServices of America.
  • Gary Keller, founder and executive chairman, Kwx.
  • Glenn Sanford, founder and CEO, eXp World Holdings.
  • Ryan Schneider, CEO and president, Anywhere Real Estate.
  • Richard Barton, cofounder and CEO, Zillow Group.
Jan 11, 2023

How to get cold call leads in real estate? ›

8 Pro Tips for Real Estate Cold Calling
  1. Understand the Law. Cold calling in real estate isn't foolproof. ...
  2. Prepare. ...
  3. Resist the Urge To Sell. ...
  4. Set a (Realistic) Daily Cold Calling Goal. ...
  5. Call at the “Right Time” ...
  6. Demonstrate Your Value Immediately. ...
  7. Be Memorable. ...
  8. Give Them the Next Steps.
Nov 21, 2022

What are the 4 pillars of real estate cold calling? ›

What Are The 4 Pillars Of Real Estate Cold Calling? The four pillars of real estate cold calling are preparation, rapport building, value proposition, and follow-up.

Is cold calling illegal? ›

Is cold calling illegal? Cold calling is not illegal. However, any trader that ignores a sticker or notice on your door stating that you do not wish to receive cold calls may be committing a criminal offence. Also, any trader that ignores any requests by you to leave and not return is committing a criminal offence.

How many calls should a realtor make a day? ›

The more the more likely you will be successful. It's super difficult to do every day for hours at a time, but if you can, I would start with 100 calls a day and see how many contacts you have made in a month. You may want to skip some of the big holidays.

Can you be a successful realtor without cold calling? ›

Hold Open Houses

Open Houses are a tried-and-true method for prospecting without cold calling. It's the perfect opportunity to showcase your listings while getting face-to-face exposure with potential buyers. While popular, not every agent holds open houses as effectively as they could.

How to talk like a realtor? ›

How to Talk to Real Estate Clients: Ultimate Guide
  1. #1. Be Grateful and Genuine. ...
  2. #2. Don't Ambush People - Ask First! ...
  3. #3. Listen with Intent. ...
  4. #5. Make Yourself Humble. ...
  5. #6. Be Honest. ...
  6. #7. End Every Conversation on a Positive Note (then Follow Up) ...
  7. #8. Be Aware. ...
  8. #9. Respond Fast!
Aug 21, 2023

Who is the richest realtor in the USA? ›

1. Donald Bren. According to Forbes, Donald Bren's net worth as of August 2022 is $16.2 billion, making him the richest real estate mogul in the United States for 2022.

Who is the best realtor in America? ›

  • Brian Dombroski: Best for Home Sellers.
  • Mauricio Umansky: Best for Property Management.
  • Jason Saphire: Best Flat Fee REALTOR.
  • Eddie Davis: Best for Residential Properties.
  • Jason Oppenheim: Best for Luxury Properties.
  • Ronnie Glomb: #1 REALTOR in NJ.
  • Aaron Kirman: Billion Dollar Sales.
  • Jade Mills: Best For Super Luxury Homes.
Feb 1, 2024

What is the most profitable position in real estate? ›

Top 10 Highest Paying Real Estate Jobs (Inc Salaries)
  • Real Estate Broker. ...
  • Commercial Real Estate Sales Agent. ...
  • Real Estate Attorney. ...
  • Residential Real Estate Sales Agent. ...
  • Real Estate Developer. ...
  • Mortgage Loan Officer. ...
  • Real Estate Asset Manager. ...
  • Commercial Leasing Manager.

What are warm leads for realtors? ›

A warm lead is someone you've already contacted at some point. Maybe you met briefly while volunteering, or maybe you spoke with them briefly the previous year about buying a home but it never came to fruition. Referrals can also be considered warm leads.

How to introduce yourself as a real estate agent script? ›

An introduction: Start by introducing yourself and your business, and explain why you are calling. This could be as simple as saying, “Hi, my name is [Name] and I'm a real estate agent with [Company]. I'm calling because I wanted to see if you might be interested in buying or selling a home in the near future.”

What is the best time to cold call leads? ›

The best time of day to cold call a prospect is in the late morning between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. their local time. Most people are getting started and are more open to disruptions than at other times of the day. They're also more likely to be at their desks. Keep reading for the second-best time to call your prospects.

What is script with example? ›

Script comes from the Latin scrībĕre, meaning "to write," and all its meanings have to do with something written. Your handwriting is your script. The written version of what you're supposed to say, whether for a wedding toast or a play, is a script.

What is an example of a sales call script? ›

"Hey, [prospects name], this is [your name] from [your company.] I'm calling companies in [industry] to discuss [insert benefit your solution provides.] Please give me a call back at [your phone number.] I'll follow up with an email on [a day or two later].

What do you write in a script? ›

A movie script details all the parts – audio, visual, behaviour, dialogue – that you need to tell a visual story, in a movie or on TV. It's usually a team effort, going through oodles of revisions and rewrites, not to mention being nipped 'n' tucked by directors, actors, and those in production jobs.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.