16 Foods That Make You Fart Like Crazy (2024)

FARTING IS A fact of life.

Virtually everyone deals with gas, and maybe on a more frequent basis than they’d prefer—and often at the worst (funniest?) possible moments.

That’s no coincidence, because gas is usually tied to specific foods, and chances are you're eating some of those culprit foods in social settings. But you’re human, and probably want to avoid a bout of farting sometimes.

We can help with that.

What Causes Farts?

Your farts also are a combination of two things: the air you swallow (say, by eating a little fast) and the actual food you eat, says David Poppers, M.D., Ph.D., a gastroenterologist and clinical associate professor of medicine at NYU Langone Health.

To avoid inopportune bouts of gassiness, it can be helpful to know which foods may affect you more than others, as everyone harbors different bacteria in their gut, which are typically responsible for the gas you produce, says Dr. Poppers.

Some foods, however, seem to be common offenders because they all contain varying amounts of non-digestible carbohydrates (fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can't digest, for example), says Christine Lee, M.D., a gastroenterologist at the Cleveland Clinic.

“Most carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules, fiber cannot be broken down into sugar molecules, and instead it passes through the body undigested,” Dr. Lee explains. “When that reaches the colon, the bacteria in your colon begins the fermentation process, which produces gas and when it accumulates, you experience bloating.”

What Foods Make You Fart?

Tons of the, but here are 16 common offenders.

16 Foods That Make You Fart Like Crazy (1)

Cruciferous Vegetables

Like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts.

All of these are particularly high in fiber, a type of carb your body can’t digest.

“Unlike most other components of food, fiber reaches the large intestine intact,” says Myers. “The majority of the bacteria in the GI tract live in the large intestine. Bacteria have the capacity to utilize fiber for energy, but the byproduct of their metabolism is gas.”

That's not to say fiber is inherently bad—it's actually incredibly good for your health.

Oats and whole wheat bread

Whole grains make you gassy for the same reason the vegetables listed above do: they’re equally high in fiber.

You don’t want to skimp on fiber, though, since it’s great for your heart, digestion, and weight. Instead, increase your intake slowly by eating an additional serving of a high-fiber food per day until your stomach gets more comfortable with it.

Drinking enough water during this process will help ease the gas, so for every 5 grams of fiber you add, increase your fluids by 8 ounces, says Myers.

Milk, cheese, and yogurt

Dairy contains a type of sugar called lactose, but many people have trouble digesting it because they have insufficient amounts of an enzyme called lactase, explains Myers, which can lead to bloating, gas, or constipation.

16 Foods That Make You Fart Like Crazy (2)

In fact, about 65 percent of people have trouble digesting dairy as they grow older, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

That doesn’t necessarily mean you’re completely lactose intolerant or allergic, though. Some people are merely sensitive to it, so you can try drinking reduced-lactose milk or taking lactase supplements (like this one) to see if that eases your stomach problems, says Myers.

If you experience severe abdominal pain, though, you should check in with your doc, ideally a gastroenterologist, so you can rule out the possibility of other serious health issues, says Dr. Poppers.

Apples, bananas, and peaches

Your body loves fruit—most of the time. If your stomach feels off after an apple, it could come down to the fiber, says Myers.

Fruit is also high in natural sugar, like fructose. “Although it’s less common than lactose intolerance, some people experience gas and bloating from fruit because their GI system doesn’t break down all the sugars in fruit properly,” he explains. “So these carbohydrates reach the large intestine and serve as food for bacteria, which produce gas as a byproduct.”

Other offenders include raisins, apricots, prunes, prune juice, and pears, according to the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders.


Beans get their bad reputation for a reason. Most legumes—including lentils, nuts, and peas—are high in fiber, along with sugars your body can’t digest properly, like raffinose and stachyose, according to a study published in the Nutritional Journal.

Bacteria in your intestines break down these sugars, resulting in all sorts of gas, like hydrogen, methane, and even sulfur (responsible for that rotten egg smell).

Rinsing and draining canned beans can help reduce some of these gas-causing properties, says Myers.

Soda and seltzer

Carbonated drinks can make you gassy because they cause you to swallow extra air, which gets trapped in your GI tract, says Myers. That air eventually has to be released, and the only way out is in the form of gas.

If you must have a fizzy beverage, go with a sugar-free seltzer.


Protein is important for maintaining and building muscle, but eating too much of the nutrient can lead to major gas.

That's because protein is broken into amino acids and absorbed into the bloodstream when you eat a normal amount, about one gram per kilogram of body weight, according to Kate Scarlata, R.D., author of The Low-FODMAP Diet Step by Step.

If you're consuming protein shakes and bars, gassiness may exacerbate. That's because they're often made from the milk proteins casein and whey, which is full of lactose, a major contributor to flatulence.

Artificial sweeteners

Those sugar-free products may have fewer carbs and calories, but they could cause you to pass gas.

16 Foods That Make You Fart Like Crazy (3)

Artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol, erythritol, and xylitol aren't completely absorbed by your intestine. This causes you to absorb fewer calories, but the alcohols are fermented by bacteria instead, which can cause more flatulence, bloating, and diarrhea.

Artificial sweeteners are common in many low-sugar or sugar-free foods, like gum, diet soda, cookies, and protein bars.

Figs, prunes, and chestnuts

As mentioned earlier, any foods that have carbohydrates that your body did not or cannot digest down (such as fiber, which each of these items contain) causes gas, says Dr. Lee.

How to Get Rid of Gas

If gas is becoming a consistent problem, taking a tablet like beano with your meals may help, since it contains an enzyme that makes fart-inducing foods easier to digest, says Dr. Poppers.

Other ways:

Keep a food log

Write down what you eat, how much, and how it makes you feel afterward. This can help you pinpoint the worst offenders. Once you have that down, a doc or an R.D. can help you figure out the best way to approach your diet if you want to minimize gas.

Take note of any other bothersome symptoms, like constipation, stomach pain, or heartburn, or nausea, says Dr. Poppers. This way, your doctor can rule out other serious GI issues, like irritable bowel syndrome.

Get more exercise

Dr. Lee also recommends working out to avoid the state of constipation, as the more stool you have in your large intestines, the more methane and hydrogen gas gets produced when fermentation begins in your colon.

Regular exercise can improve your metabolism and increase motility of your intestines (i.e. helping you to “go”), thereby decreasing gas accumulation,” she says.

Eat more kiwi

“Kiwi fruit has an enzyme called actinidin and this can help upper-tract digestion of a variety of foods,” she says. “Kiwi fruit can serve as a digestive aid, as better digestion means sending less undigested carbohydrates to the colon, which in turn means less methane and hydrogen gas production and accumulation.”

Choose rice

According to the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders, rice is the only starch that doesn’t cause gas. So if you already have a salad or some vegetables on the side of your main course, choose rice instead of potatoes or whole wheat pasta if you want your meal to go a little easier on your stomach and lessen your chances of being gassy.

Take your time

According to the Cleveland Clinic, chewing your food slowly can help to prevent gas. Similarly, avoiding talking while eating can prevent you from inhaling excess air, which can also lead to increased gassiness.

Limit alcohol

Wine and dark beers are known to cause gas, according to the IFFGD, and some forms of alcohol are known to contribute more to odor-forming gas. Limiting your alcohol intake is better for your overall health, so here’s one more reason to cut back on how much you drink on a daily or weekly basis.

16 Foods That Make You Fart Like Crazy (4)

16 Foods That Make You Fart Like Crazy (2024)


16 Foods That Make You Fart Like Crazy? ›

Carbonated drinks

Carbonated sodas, waters, and juices contain gasses that can cause flatulence and bloating when consumed. Some diet sodas also contain sugar alcohols and other sweeteners that can cause excessive flatulence as they pass through the digestive system.

What foods make you fart badly? ›

Examples of foods that commonly cause flatulence include:
  • dairy products – such as milk, if lactose intolerance is present.
  • dried fruit – raisins and prunes.
  • fruit – apple, apricot, peach and pear.
  • foods high in insoluble fibre – particularly seeds and husks.
  • legumes – beans, peas, chickpeas, soybeans and nuts.

What drink makes you fart a lot? ›

Carbonated drinks

Carbonated sodas, waters, and juices contain gasses that can cause flatulence and bloating when consumed. Some diet sodas also contain sugar alcohols and other sweeteners that can cause excessive flatulence as they pass through the digestive system.

What can I eat to fart less? ›

How reduce excessive or smelly farting
  1. chew food slowly with your mouth closed.
  2. eat smaller meals, more often.
  3. drink slowly.
  4. exercise regularly to improve digestion.
  5. eat foods that are easy to digest like rice, bananas, citrus fruits and potatoes.
  6. drink peppermint tea.
May 29, 2023

What is a wet fart called? ›

Also known as wet farts or sharting, watery flatulence may occur as a result of consuming certain foods or beverages that may not agree with a person's digestive system.

Why is my fart so smelly? ›

The cause of the odor is intestinal bacteria that produce compounds containing sulfur. Most farts are caused by swallowed air or healthy gut bacteria that release gas after breaking down food.

What does it mean when your fart smells bad? ›

Foul-smelling farts usually come and go. If that stench keeps coming, though, it may be a sign that something isn't quite right inside. Conditions that could cause smelly farts include: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), including disorders such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Do scrambled eggs cause gas? ›

Those with an intolerance can eat eggs in moderation, but should know that they will be more prone to gas, digestive discomfort, and a weakened ability to break down egg components. “With an egg intolerance, the undigested components of the egg enter your colon, and bacteria form around them, which can lead to gas.

When you fart and it comes out the front? ›

vagin*l gas (vagin*l flatulence or queefing) is when you pass gas from your vagin*. The noise you hear is trapped air coming out of your vagin*. It's usually harmless and caused by sex, exercise or weak pelvic floor muscles. In rare cases, it's a sign of a vagin*l fistula.

What drink helps relieve gas? ›

Natural remedies for gas include:
  • Peppermint tea.
  • Chamomile tea.
  • Anise.
  • Caraway.
  • Coriander.
  • Fennel.
  • Turmeric.

How to stop a fart from coming out? ›

Methods include:
  1. Eating slowly. Much of the gas that farts release comes from eating because people swallow air with each bite. ...
  2. Avoiding chewing gum. ...
  3. Getting regular exercise. ...
  4. Reducing trigger foods. ...
  5. Identifying food intolerances. ...
  6. Avoiding or limiting carbonated drinks. ...
  7. Taking digestive enzymes. ...
  8. Taking probiotics.

How to control fart smell? ›

Use lemon and ginger juice: mix lemon juice with a cup of hot water and add a spoonful of honey, pound more ginger branches and drink after each meal to help support digestion, improve fart and bad smell. Hot lemon water: mix a tablespoon of lemon juice in a glass of warm water, drink before meals to prevent bloating.

How to get unbloated in 5 minutes? ›

The following quick tips may help people get rid of a bloated belly quickly:
  1. Go for a walk. ...
  2. Try yoga poses. ...
  3. Use peppermint capsules. ...
  4. Try gas relief capsules. ...
  5. Try abdominal massage. ...
  6. Use essential oils. ...
  7. Take a warm bath, soaking, and relaxing.

What is fart smell called? ›

It may contain odorless gases, such as nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane, but a small portion includes hydrogen sulfide, which causes it smell like rotten eggs. Think of hydrogen sulfide as the waste of the microbes helping you digest the indigestible.

What is silent fart called? ›

Fizzle is thought to be an alteration of the Middle English fist ("flatus"), which in addition to providing us with the verb for breaking wind quietly, was also munificent enough to serve as the basis for a now-obsolete noun meaning "a silent fart" (feist).

What are the three types of fart? ›

What are the types of farts?
  • Flatus with bloating and cramp-like abdominal pain: The pain is felt in the areas where the gas gets trapped. ...
  • Flatus in an excessive amount: You may feel that you are passing an excessive amount of gas. ...
  • Smelly flatus: You may have abnormally smelly farts.

What are the top 10 foods that make you fart? ›

Foods most often linked to intestinal gas include:
  • Beans and lentils.
  • Asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and other vegetables.
  • Fructose, a natural sugar found in artichokes, onions, pears, wheat, and some soft drinks.
  • Lactose, the natural sugar found in milk.
Dec 27, 2023

What foods have the most gas? ›

Keep in mind that people's bodies react differently, so if you make changes to your diet, avoid the foods you react to the most.
  1. Beans. When you think of foods that cause gas, beans are probably at the top of the list. ...
  2. Dairy products. ...
  3. Whole grains. ...
  4. Vegetables. ...
  5. Sodas. ...
  6. Fruits. ...
  7. Hard candy. ...
  8. Onions.

What foods are difficult to digest and make you fart? ›

8 (sometimes surprising) foods that make you fart
  • Fatty foods, including pork and beef. Fatty foods slow down digestion, which can leave them festering in your gut, fermenting and getting pongy. ...
  • Beans. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • Onions. ...
  • Dairy. ...
  • Wheat and wholegrains. ...
  • Broccoli, cauli and cabbage. ...
  • 8. Fruits.

How to force a fart? ›

On a bed, sofa, or the floor, lie on your side. Gently draw both knees toward your chest. If you don't get relief after several minutes, try slowly moving your legs down and up a few times. Try using your hands to pull your knees closer to your chest, if you can do this comfortably or without causing more pain.

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