17 Tactics to Give Off More Feminine Energy [New for 2024] (2024)

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To make it in a man's world, I’ve had to play by his rules. ButI’m realizing that there's nothing wrong with the differences delineatingwoman fromman andI‘m ready to embrace myself fully!

The problem is,I've been suppressing my “woman-ness”to be successful for so long, I’m not sure how to give off the right amount of feminine energy. So in this post, we'llexplore the power offeminine energyand suggestways to exude it more.

Table of Contents

What is Feminine Energy?

Feminine energy is all of the nurturing traits it takes to connect to human beings in a meaningful and fulfilling way. It'scompassionate, kind, empathetic, patientand emotional. It's about embracingyourintuition andcreativity.Feminine energy is fluid and free. It's about being.Itencompassesreceiving and is represented by nature. As humans, we have both feminine and masculine energies.

Aaah, the power.

But feminine energy is the opposite of masculine energy. This may seem like a given, but it's important to understand that each type of energy has its own unique traits. They're polar opposites, but like batteries, things won't work as they're supposed to without the right balance of both.

In our society,assertivecharacteristics are regarded positivelyand highlightedaswhat it takes to become successful.Masculine energy attributes like aggressiveness, drive, logic,doingand structureare more valued.

Being emotional,displaying a softer sideand being still can beseen as less desirable,lazyor weak.

But we are relational creatures. The ability to harmonize with others, collaborateand effectively communicate is just as important to success.

And success is not just defined asclimbing theladder at work or acquiring more material goods. Success is also about having satisfying, amicable relationships.

There's a reason nature is referred to as female. Mother Nature and Hurricane Katrinaare fluid, free, strongand powerful. Nature or Mother Nature islife. She iswater, sun, oxygenandfood. She is anything but undesirable and lazy.

As humans, we are interdependent. We need each other. The traits of feminine energy make it possible for human beings to compromise, forgive, work togetherand resolve conflicts.

You know,thosethings necessary for usto journey through life's hardships together, and continue to live peaceably with one another.

We can see examples of women using their feminineenergy more and more nowadays.As more women speakout about things that uniquely affect us as women, like sexual harassment,abuseanddepression, they areusing their powerto connect andbuild a sisterhood ofsupport.

When they sharestories of being abused and manipulated, they are exposing their vulnerabilities and every woman's right to the masculine energy trait,protection.

They're demonstrating thatit's okay to talk about situations when the characteristics that make up ourfeminine energy —being loving, accepting,gentleand kind — haveled to theneed to receive themasculine energy of protection, even thoughthe need was unmet.

They'remanifesting their female energyby being reflective,emotional, inclusiveand letting women know it's okay toforgivethemselves for something that was never their fault.

Women are leading initiatives that holdperpetrators of harassment and abuse accountable.They're showing thatour combined feminine energy has thepower of a hurricane, and can bring positive change like many of the elements of Mother Nature.

What Do Men Really Want?

Although we may have to act more masculine to compete in the workplace, men are not looking for a carbon copy of themselves. They want and need balance, just like us.

As I stated earlier, masculine and feminine energy are polar opposites, meaning they attract one another.A man with strong or a lot of masculine energy wants a woman with strongor a lot of feminine energy. Its yin and yang. It's balance.It's biology.

A man is attracted to those inner and outer qualities that distinguishwoman fromman.He doesn't want to feel like he's hanging out with one ofthe boys when he's getting romantic.

17 Tactics to Give Off More Feminine Energy

1. Let your creativity flow.

When you tapinto your creativity, you'reconnecting to your feminine energy.After all, we are women. Without us, humanlife cannot be created. Lifecannot beborn.

Unleash your creative side.Yours may come in dance, making beautiful furniture, painting muralsor giving people flattering haircuts and hair styles.

One of the many things I discovered from my research is that I am happiest when I’m in my feminine energy. I was surprised to learn that when I'mwriting or doing spoken word or playing an instrument, I'm manifestingmy feminine energy.

2. Connect with nature and your senses.

This is away to embrace your sensuality, too. Being sensual means enjoying gratification through your senses. Become one with nature and revel inhow good the sun feels on your skin.

Take in the beauty of greenery, and enjoy the smell offreshflowers as you walk through thepark.

17 Tactics to Give Off More Feminine Energy [New for 2024] (1)

Inhale the refreshing scents of a candle that is released only when you ignite it with the natural element, fire. Gaze across the ocean, look into a lakeor soak in a bathtub full of water.

3. Indulge in self-reflection.

Connect to your inner thoughts, feelingsand spirituality. Who are you and what does life — your life — mean? You can meditate, journalor talk to a therapist or life coach to understand yourself better.

4. Embrace receiving.

As women, wenaturallygive so much more than we take. Giving is integral to nurturing.But it's okay to receive.

Our bodies are naturally designed this way. To conceive, we must “receive” the man. Ideally —or at least in the old, old days —to give birth to and care for the baby, we had to receive what the man provided.

He gave(through hunting or working)what was necessary to supplyfood and shelter for ourselves and the baby. And he gavehisprotection.

Ask for help when you need it. Accept help when it's offered. Let that man get the door for you, carry your groceriesor be the one who pays.

Accepta compliment. Pamper yourself. A spa day or a massage sounds good.

5. Be playful and spontaneous.

We spend so much time doing things.Let's throw away the phrase, “An idle mind is the devil's playground.” Our society values busyness. But we all need rest, and not just sleep or physical rest. Our minds need to relax and just be.

Sometimes we need todo what we want, just because we want to, not because it's productive or has some end goal.

Feminine energy is fluid, like water. If you just let it flow freely, there's no telling where it will go. It's not rigid and structured like masculine energy. Be free andhave fun.

6. Support other like-minded women.

Celebrate feminine energy by building a sisterhood. Build-up other women in your lifewho are a positive support system foryou.Join a women'sorganization or book club.

7. Practice loving yourself.

When you love yourself, you can truly embrace who you are. What better way to exude your feminine energy than by accepting and loving yourself as a woman and everything that means?

Feminine energy is nurturing. Compassion is nurturing. Give yourself compassion and unconditional acceptance.

8. Balance the feminine and masculine energies within you.

Since we all have both, be mindful of the balance. Make sure that the masculine doesn't outweigh the feminine.

17 Tactics to Give Off More Feminine Energy [New for 2024] (2)

There's a time and place for everything. The workplace may be the place for aggressiveness, but you may want to step back into your more sensual side when you leave the office.

9. Do things that make you feel grounded.

At the risk of sounding like a hippy, take your shoes off and walk barefoot in the grass. Grounding yourself means connectingwith the earth. Go for a swim. Stretchout on a sandybeach, being mindful of how the sand feels against your bare skin.

10. Enjoy more rest and peace.

Compassion, acceptanceand forgiveness are qualities of feminine energy.Thesecharacteristicsare peaceful.Masculine energy is about achieving and doing. Feminine energy is aboutstillness and rejuvenation.

11. Be conscious of your femininity.

Be mindful of your female energy. Being mindful is experiencing the present intentionally and consciously. You can practice mindfulness with your five senses.

It's also recognizing how you feel without judgment. When you feel you're in your feminine energy, are you more aware of the scents around you? Areyou more emotional? Do you feel more like a nurturer?

12. Understand, embraceand express your emotions.

To embrace and express your emotions, you must first understand them. Since the phrase, “She's emotional right now,” usually has a negative connotation, we suppress our feelings. We've not only been taught it's weak or even inappropriate to show how we feel, but to feel how we feel, too.

Start by seeking to understand your many emotions. Document them in ajournal. You want to capture your feelings in different situations —work, school, home, alone, with others. Acceptwhat you're feeling without judgement (it's integral to mindfulness).

13. Laugh more.

Laughter, as long as it's not at someone's expense, can say, “Me too.” It can say, “I understand.” It's inviting. It can break the tension in the room.

17 Tactics to Give Off More Feminine Energy [New for 2024] (3)

Laughingalso releases endorphins; those chemicals that make us feel good. Laughter is communication that is heart-felt, sincereand soothing. You're creating positive energy when you laugh —for yourself and others.

14. Own and cherish your beauty.

Compose your own standard of beauty. Recognize that just because you are a woman,you are beautiful. The world does not define what's beautiful.You do!

Cherish your beauty by capturing it forever in pictures. Get dressed up in what makes you feel feminine, beautifuland priceless.

Ditch the selfies for a minute.If you have a few bucks to spare, pamper yourselfand schedule a professional photoshoot. Of course, asking a friend to capture your feminine essence and energy by taking your picture works just as well.

15. Allow your intuition to guide you more.

That sixth sense that we have, ladies, is worth listening to. Where it is more masculine to jump right in, it'smore feminine toreally thinkthings through and seethings in more than just black and white.

You know how it is when you just know something?You don't know how you know, youjust know. That's that feminine energy. It speaks tous for a reason.

The next time someone gets impatientbecause you have to think about a decision a little longer than they'd like you to, or they don't understand your rationale, keep looking inward to get the answers you need before acting.

16. Give yourself me-time.

Reconnect with yourself through meditation, prayeroryoga. This is your time alone to connect withyour inner self. We are all so busy, but once you make this part of your daily routine,you can find ways to fit it in.

Take a walk during your lunch break. Take a Saturday afternoon or after-work nap. Don't go straight home to the husband and kids after you run that errand. Stopat a parkor riverbank. Enjoythe sunshine or the hovering clouds.

17. Reflect on your strengths.

In order to balance your energies, you not only must know what each is, you must be aware of how they are present in your life and essence currently.

Reflecting on your strengthsinvolvesusing many of the tactics already suggested. It combines balancing masculine and feminine energy, me time, intuition,self-reflection, cherishing your beautyand loving yourself.

Reflect on what you do best, or what you really enjoy doing. Think about how you positively impact others. Those are your strengths.

17 Tactics to Give Off More Feminine Energy [New for 2024] (4)

To do this, you must be still with yourself and understand who you are. You must look within and be honest about what you see. And then, you must make a decision to accept and embrace it, and change what you don't like.

If you are not going to take steps to change or improve what you don't like, it's crucial that youacceptand embracethese self-qualities.

Your strengths are an integral part of the definition of beauty that every woman has the right to define for herself.

These strengths arewhatthose pictures you'll take to own and cherish your beautywill capture —exuding from inside out. Your strengths arewhat makes it so easy to love you!

Final Thoughts on How to Give off Feminine Energy

You mayhave to figure out how you’re already giving off feminine energy, and do more of it. Before my research, I had no idea that when I'm doing what I love and do best — being creative — I'mmanifesting mine.

I still manifest my masculine energy at work, but I have peace andcontentment when exuding feminineenergy. I have faith you will too if you heed the advice I’ve provided here.

For more guidance on your personal journey, check out these affirmations specifically for women to bring you one step closer to unleashing your feminine energy!

Finally, if you want to increase your happiness and life satisfaction, then watch this free video that details the 7-minute habit for planning your day to focus on what's important.

17 Tactics to Give Off More Feminine Energy [New for 2024] (5)
17 Tactics to Give Off More Feminine Energy [New for 2024] (2024)


How to exude more feminine energy? ›

7 Ways to embrace your femininity and unleash your inner goddess
  1. Get your body moving. ...
  2. Allow time for grounding, healing, and balancing your energy. ...
  3. Spend time with other women. ...
  4. Treat yourself to some retail therapy. ...
  5. Make your own self-care a priority. ...
  6. Book a day for pampering. ...
  7. Do things that spark your creativity.
Jan 29, 2024

How do I activate my feminine energy? ›

Our feminine power is activated when we are able to surrender to who we are. Our kundalini energy is awakened when we release every sense of withholding and contraction and live uninhibitedly in our wild nature. As women, we become empowered when we accept all of ourselves.

How do I reset my feminine energy? ›

How Can You Activate the Driving Feminine Energy Within?
  1. Move your body… ...
  2. Spend more time in nature, observing the beauty of mother nature, the truest Divine Feminine.
  3. Get comfortable RECEIVING, get into a receptive energy.
  4. Soften, flow… ...
  5. Do what makes you feel good.
  6. Dress in a way that makes you feel strong and confident.
Feb 9, 2023

How to release blocked feminine energy? ›

To unblock your feminine energy, start practicing gratitude and acknowledge the abundance that already exists in your life. You could also engage in acts of self-care, such as taking a relaxing bath or treating yourself to a massage, to help you connect with your feminine energy and allow yourself to receive.

How to tap into divine feminine energy? ›

Connect with the Divine Feminine
  1. Recognize when you are feeling feminine qualities of the heart. ...
  2. Research women who are saints, sages, and divine deities. ...
  3. Watch movies and read books with women as heroic lead characters. ...
  4. Get Creative. ...
  5. Gaze at the moon, immerse in water, and be in nature. ...
  6. Explore a few mudras.
Aug 27, 2022

How do you know if your feminine energy is blocked? ›

Diminished enjoyment of sensuality.

The other core aspect of the Sacral Chakra is sensuality, and more often than not, blocked feminine energy manifests in that realm: Not feeling desire, and not enjoying the many pleasures of the senses.

How to make a woman feel feminine? ›

In summary:
  1. Take them feeling like women seriously.
  2. Help them feel free of judgements for being openly feminine.
  3. Avoid rationally bargaining with women.
  4. Get caught up in a moment with her so she can feel excited about herself.
  5. Openly express need in a selfless way that helps her take a supporting role.

How to use feminine energy to attract a man? ›

This is the core of Feminine Energy: safety, warmth, invitation, and softness. Do not be afraid to show your heart or share your feelings. It is safe to let him see that he makes you happy. This the number one way that he's going to keep coming to you for more.

What is a divine feminine woman? ›

The divine feminine is the spiritual concept that there exists a feminine counterpart to the patriarchal and masculine worship structures that have long dominated organized religions. The divine feminine extends well beyond one belief system, and instead can be used as a spiritual lens to balance our perspective.

What does tapping into feminine energy mean? ›

The time is now to bring feminine energy to the surface in abundance and revel in its return. This means a conscious decision to step into destiny, with intuition coursing through our bodies and souls, embracing all that makes us women the magical creatures that we are (if we do say so ourselves).

What is wounded feminine energy? ›

It represents the suppression and disconnection from our innate divine feminine qualities, such as intuition, nurturing, empathy, and receptivity. The wounded feminine manifests in various forms, including self-doubt, a pervasive sense of unworthiness, and disconnection from our authentic selves.

How to have goddess energy? ›

Nurture your body, mind, and soul with activities that bring you joy, peace, and calm. Practice self-compassion with journaling exercises, hot baths, mediation and skincare routines along with the self-kindness you would give to a friend. This will allow you to create a fertile ground for goddess energy to flourish.

What is the powerful divine feminine energy? ›

Divine feminine energy feels like a gentle yet powerful force that flows within. It's characterised by empathy, intuition, and a strong connection with others and the natural world. This energy is nurturing, healing, and supportive, encouraging a sense of peace and emotional depth.

How does feminine energy attract a man? ›

Men want to be inside a woman. Truly possess her. But not just sexually - they're obsessed with how we think and feel and react and respond - the warmth, the up and down, the never-ending ceaseless flow of feminine energy is such a counterpoint to the directness masculine energy.

How do I get out of my masculine energy? ›

So keep reading because we are telling you the 10 main steps to heal and return to your feminine energy:
  1. Understand why you had to embody masculine traits. ...
  2. Acknowledge you are already feminine. ...
  3. Change your identity. ...
  4. Open your heart and connect your womb. ...
  5. Feel grateful to your masculine energy. ...
  6. Start to make your life easier.

How do you know if you are in your feminine energy? ›

  • Guided by intuition. One unmistakable sign of high feminine energy is a profound connection to one's intuition. ...
  • Nurturing nature. ...
  • High levels of empathy. ...
  • Highly creative. ...
  • Live in the flow state. ...
  • Strong aesthetic sensibility. ...
  • Collaborative spirit. ...
  • Enjoy empowering others.
Dec 16, 2023

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.