3 Passive Income Investing Strategies Explained - My Stock Market Basics (2024)

How to create passive income with three of my favoriteinvesting strategies

You wake up, you work, you goto bed. You wake up, you work, you go to bed.

Sound familiar?

I don’t claim to have solvedthe meaning of life but I’m pretty sure we weren’t meant to work our livesaway. And unless your numbers come in or a long-lost rich uncle leaves you afew million, you need to find a way to free you from the work-a-day rat race.

Enter passive income.

Since 2013, I’ve been creating passive income sources that have not only supplemented my income but eventually grew to replace it. Some of the income streams have grown from online businesses like self-publishing, blogging and running a YouTube channel. Others have grown from my three favorite investing strategies.

It’s those three passiveincome investing strategies that I’m going to reveal in this article. Not onlywill I explain each but will show you how I’ve used them to create an incomestream of $3,300 a month that I can count on whether I work or not.

It’s time to make your money work FOR you instead of always working for your money.

Why Having Passive Income Investing Strategies is Important

A passive income is an income received on a regular basis, with little effort required to achieve and maintain it for long term financial goals. There are different types of passive income like residual income, dividend, etc., the most popular one being residual income which is recurring revenue for work or service done once initially. It's important to understand that making money online is not easy; however, there are many strategies that can be used to reduce the amount of time spent doing repetitive actions and increase your chances of earning more in less time.

Having passive income investing strategies in place can help you to earn more passive income in the long run. Passive income is an excellent way to earn some (extra) money online because it's easier than creating a full-time business; however, it will take time before the revenue starts coming in.

There are different ways of generating passive investment income; you can choose any one or combination of them based on your risk appetite and how much capital you have available for investing at present.

When you have organized and spot on investing strategies for passive income, you can expect a lot of benefits. However, it's important to remember that you need a lot of patience and capital to create a passive income portfolio.

Looking at various ways of creating passive investment income is always exciting because many people would love to know how they can earn more money on the side with little effort. In this article, we will go through some strategies that will help you get started with your online investment journey even if you have limited time or small capital.

Dividend Income Investing Strategies

Dividend stocks are by far my favorite investing strategy. Stock prices rise and fall, and sometimes that fall is excruciating, but the dividend payments you get from your investments are always a positive return.

Not only do dividend stockspay you while you invest but the group has been shown time-and-again to beatthe market in total return. In research by Ned Davis, dividend stocks returned between7.2% and 9.5% on an annual basis compared to just a 1.6% annual return onstocks that didn’t pay a cash yield.

3 Passive Income Investing Strategies Explained - My Stock Market Basics (1)

The dividend income investingstrategy does even better when the stock market crashes. Other research showsthat dividend stocks see about half the volatility as other stocks during acrash and share prices tend to hold up better.

That’s a big part of the reason our 2019 Stock Market Challenge portfolio has beaten the market so far this year. I invested $1,000 in 10 dividend stocks on M1 Finance in January, ten quality stocks with high dividend yields. Five months into the year and the portfolio has jumped 20% versus a return of just 14% on the stock market.

I’m using M1 Finance for ano-fee investment approach and opened an IRA account on the platform so I don’tpay taxes on the dividends each year. The platform is my favorite in no-costinvesting and offers all the tools I need to create a long-term portfolio.

Learn more about M1 Finance and no-fee investing here

I recently added a fewcrash-proof dividend names to our 2019 challenge portfolio including one thathas already jumped to a 30% return.

I make just over $900 a monthacross all my dividend investing portfolios. One of the keys to making so much fromthis income investing strategy is REITs and MLPs.

REITs are real estate investmenttrusts, a special type of company that holds commercial rental property. Thecompanies get a special tax break if they return 90% or more of profits toinvestors. That tax break means a cost-effective way to hold real estate andhuge dividends for investors.

MLPs are master limited partnerships,another special type of company that holds energy infrastructure like pipelinesand storage facilities. Just like with REITs, these companies avoid paying corporatetaxes if they return profits to shareholders.

Besides that special tax break that helps these companies outperform, there are two reasons I like MLPs and REITs. First is that many pay monthly dividends. I don’t have to wait for my dividend check each quarter. That makes it much easier to plan a passive income stream when I know I can expect money each month.

The second reason is that these are some of the highest-yielding stocks you can find. I average a 6% dividend yield on my portfolio of REITs and MLPs, three-times the average yield on the broader stock market.

There are some things youhave to understand about these monthly dividend stocks, like you can’t valuethem with normal measures like price-to-earnings. You also don’t want to dependon these for your entire portfolio and I’ll tell you why in this video.

3 Passive Income Investing Strategies Explained - My Stock Market Basics (2)

If you want to learn more about income investing including how to create a monthly dividend check from four income sources, check out Step-by-Step Dividend Investing. In this quick guide, I walk you through my favorite dividend investments and how to put together a portfolio that pays you to invest!

Real Estate as a Passive Income Investment

I got my first real break inreal estate investing. I landed an internship as a commercial property analyst duringmy last year of college and immediately fell in love with this incomeinvestment.

No other investment hascreated as much legacy wealth as real estate. Every single person on the ForbesBillionaire List has real estate investments and many built their fortunes inproperty.

After college, I started buyingrental properties and flipped real estate before I became an equity analyst. I’vebeen in just about every type of investment and can tell you, you get a feelingof pride from owning physical property that you don’t get in anything else.

While I’ve scaled back myreal estate investments over the last few years, I still own rental propertyand a partnership in some commercial properties. I earn a $2,400 monthly incomestream off the investments and spend almost no time managing the portfolio.

The problem with real estatehas always been the high cost to get started. Even with FHA and VA loanprograms, buying a rental property can cost tens of thousands down. There are somestrategies you can use to start investing in real estate with almost no money.

Another problem with real estate investing has always been that it’s notquite as passive as many people think when they get started. Owning a few single-familyrentals is one thing. Build any kind of a portfolio though and it can become afull-time job.

That’s why I’ve supplemented the more active real estate investingstrategies with ones that require less work like crowdfunding and partnerships.

A new passive income strategy for investing in real estate is through real estate crowdfunding on Fundrise. New laws around crowdfunding have opened the door for websites likeFundrisewhich allow investors access to real estate projects. Properties are professionally-managed so you don’t have to worry about a 3am call to fix a leaky faucet and management fees are lower than investing in REITs.

3 Passive Income Investing Strategies Explained - My Stock Market Basics (3)

Fundrise is a new type of real estate investing, a portfolio of cash-flow properties managed by professionals for stress-free investing. The platform is offering new investors a 90-day risk-free trial. Try it out and if you're not totally satisfied, you get your entire investment refunded!

Learn more and try Fundrise for 90-days risk-free!

3 Passive Income Investing Strategies Explained - My Stock Market Basics (4)

What are Peer Loans and Lending ClubInvesting?

P2P and Lending Clubinvesting is really nothing new. Investors have been putting their money inbank loans for ages. Banks are in the business of making loans, not holding themon the books. They sell their loans to investors that need stable returns.

I can almost guaranteeyou already own loan investments through any pension fund or insurance policybecause these companies are the biggest buyers of loans.

The only difference isthat investing in bank loans was only open to wealthy individuals and largeinstitutional investors.

Lending Club and other peer lending sites opens up the investment to everyone. Borrowers for personal loans fill out an application just like any traditional bank loan. Their credit report is checked and the application is verified by the website.

Lending Club then separates the applications into seven risk categories and 35 sub-categories to assign an interest rate on the loan. Investors can browse through loans and decide in which they want to invest.

One of the misconceptions about Lending Club investing is that you are required to invest in all loans. You choose the loans in which you want to invest and can put as little as $25 on any particular loan.

Lending Club offers a great screening tool to help you pick loans on different factors like a borrower’s debt-to-income ratio, home ownership, delinquencies, credit history and more factors from their credit report than you will ever need. It really helps to customize a portfolio of loans on your own risk tolerance and need for return.

In fact, using this screeningtool is the way I’ve been able to get higher returns that the average investoron the platform. Lending Club shows the average investor earns around 7.5% on amix of loans from all those available.

What is hidden in this returnis the default rate, the percentage of loans that are not paid off in full byborrowers. The average interest rate charged on loans across Lending Club iscloser to 13% but the average default rate of 5.5% means investors only seethat 7.5% return.

By using the screener to onlypick the best loans, those with the lowest likelihood of default, I’ve beenable to boost my annual returns to 10% and keep them there for years.

I’ll reveal the loan filtersI use and talk more about this but you can also watch this video where I walkyou through the process.

I invest relatively conservatively with almost all my money in the safest three categories of borrowers. I still get an average rate of 11.6% on borrowers with FICO scores above 700 and with below average debt.

Borrowers make monthly payments for up to five years and the platform automatically deposits your portion of the payment into your account each month. You receive interest and principal in each loan payment.

If a borrower stops making payments, Lending Club sends the loan to a collection agency. Typical collection amounts are pretty low but defaults tend to be in the single-digit percentages anyway, especially in the safer categories.

The average borrower on Lending Club has a credit score of 699 and makes $74,414 annually, putting them in the top 10% of U.S. households. That’s helped the platform avoid some of the higher default rates on other peer lending sites.

Lending Club Returns and Peer Lending Investing

Lending Club has helped fund more than $18 billion in loans since 2006 with more than four billion of that just in the last year. I’ve been investing in Lending Club loans for years and love the asset class for stable returns and diversification.

Your return on Lending Club loans comes in monthly which makes it a great source of cash for people living on a fixed-income. Returns on peer lending are going to depend on the loans in which you invest but the percentages across each category are surprisingly stable.

We’ll go into different Lending Club returns you might expect on different strategies but the graphic above serves as a good guide. Returns on the safest categories of loans range from 5% to 7% while higher-risk loans can return as high as 10% annually.

Remember that the average Lending Club returns within each category are for only loans in that category. By combining loans from multiple categories, you can increase your return while smoothing out the risks in the higher-risk loans.

How Do You Invest on Lending Club?

Opening an account on Lending Club takes less than five minutes though it will take a few days to link your bank account and fund your p2p account. You’ll need contact information and your social security for tax purposes but that’s pretty much it.

I recommend opening a retirement account like an IRA, Roth IRA or SEP IRA. Otherwise, you’ll pay taxes every year on the interest you collect. You can still book solid returns after income taxes but why not take advantage of these special retirement accounts and not pay taxes until you retire?

Use your retirement accounts for high-yield investments like peer-to-peer lending and a regular taxable account for long-term investments where capital gains are the biggest share of returns.

Before investing on Lending Club, it helps to understand a little about picking loans. I’ll detail the criteria I use as well as three Lending Club strategies below. Basically though, you are picking loans by selecting criteria about those loans or the borrowers.

By being picky with your loan criteria, you can fine-tune your investments for higher return and higher risk or for lower risk and return.

When you decide to invest, click on Invest in the menu at the top of the page to see available loans. You can invest as little as $25 in any loans that meet your criteria but I like to keep around 200 loans in my portfolio.

That means dividing your total account by 200 for about how much to invest in each loan. That keeps you from having to search for hundreds of loans all the time but makes sure your money is diversified.

Lending Club Investing Strategies for Any Investor

Your Lending Club investing strategy is going to depend on your risk tolerance and need for return on your overall portfolio. Most investors will probably be comfortable putting up to 20% of their portfolio in peer loans as part of their bond asset class investment.

If you’re not sure about your risk tolerance or how to start investing, check out this post on creating a personal investment plan.

The idea is to look at Lending Club loans as a part of your entire wealth, not on a standalone basis. You’re not just investing in Lending Club loans but have a whole portfolio of stocks, bonds, real estate and other assets.

If you were looking at some of the higher-risk peer loan categories in isolation, they may seem way too risky. Look at these same loan categories in the context of a portfolio that holds many different asset classes though and they fit as diversification with a higher return.

Choosing loans in which to invest is extremely easy with Lending Club’s screening tool. You choose your loan criteria and the screen populates with available loans. This helps to create an investment strategy customized to your own needs.

Super-safe Lending Club Investment Strategy

While some investors prefer to invest in the riskier loan categories for a higher return, there are a lot of investors that use Lending Club as a part of their relatively-safe bond investing portion of a portfolio. Loans are debt obligations on a borrower’s credit so must be paid off unless the person wants to destroy their credit score.

Borrowers in the top two or three rating categories have excellent credit scores, well above 700 FICO and make more than $80,000 annually. Combined with a few of the criteria below, these aren’t the kind of people that are going to ruin their credit on a small $5,000 loan.

For solid returns at lower default rates, I use the factors below for a safe Lending Club investment strategy.

  • Loans from A, B or C
  • Home Ownership
  • Income Verified
  • No accounts delinquent
  • No charge-offs in the last 12-months
  • Debt-to-Income of less than 30%

The return on loans with these factors has generally been around 6.5% annually, well above the return on investment-grade corporate bonds and even above corporate high-yield debt.

A Lending Club Investing Strategy for Higher Returns

Investing in peer loans can still be fairly safe, even on investing strategies for higher returns. The most important idea is that you diversify across many loans and use a few criteria to weed out the lower quality loans.

I wouldn’t recommend chasing very high returns for most investors but if you can stomach higher defaults then you can make a great return on higher-risk loans. Understand that while default rates are higher in the risky loan categories, rates are higher and your return will even out on a portfolio of 100+ loans.

Consider some of these factors for a high return Lending Club investment strategy:

  • Within loan grades D/E, all 60-month loans and no delinquencies
  • Within loan grades F/G, only 36-month loans, no delinquencies, DTI < 30% and no credit inquiries in last six months

Limiting the loans you buy within the higher-risk categories will help lower defaults but you’re still going to see some loans go into non-payment. It’s just a reality of peer loan investing. You should still be able to book an annual return of around 12% on your portfolio of loans.

Is Lending Club Passive Income?

One of the best features on Lending Club is the automatic investing tool, something like robo-investing for peer loans. You customize the screener for the types of loans in which you want to invest and Lending Club will automatically invest the money in your account each month.

You receive interest and principal payments each month, money that isn’t going to be earning a return until you reinvest it. That makes cash sitting in your account one of the biggest drawbacks to p2p investing.

Lending Club doesn’t charge a commission when you invest so you won’t see fees eat away at your return like in stock investing. A 1% payment fee is deducted from each loan payment that comes in. This means you don’t pay a fee on defaulted loans.

Even if you want to invest in individual loans on your own, I would recommend letting the automatic investing tool pick some loans each month. One of the Lending Club invest tips below is to stay fully invested because money in your account isn’t generating profits otherwise.

You may have to tweak your investing criteria a little to stay fully invested, depending on loan availability. Still, the automatic tool on Lending Club makes it about as close to passive income as you’ll see in most asset classes.

Everyone needs a passive income investing strategy to complement their full-time earnings and someday to retire on the future you deserve. From dividends to real estate and peer-to-peer investing on Lending Club, these three passive income investing strategies will boost your monthly income without the work. For more passive income ideas, be sure to click through and join the Let’s Talk Money community on YouTube!

Read the Entire Passive Income Strategies

  • 3 Ways to Make Property Passive Income
  • 3 Passive Income Investments Nobody is Doing
  • Definitive Guide to Passive Income Bond Investing
  • 3 Best Monthly Dividend Stocks for Passive Income
  • The Truth about Passive Income Real Estate Investing
3 Passive Income Investing Strategies Explained - My Stock Market Basics (2024)


What are the three stocks for passive income? ›

Building Long-Term Passive Income

The three Dividend Kings discussed in this article – Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson and Coca-Cola – have demonstrated their ability to reward shareholders with rising payouts for over five decades.

What is the best way to get passive income from stocks? ›

One way to build an income stream is to invest in dividend stocks, which distribute part of the company's earnings to investors on a regular basis (typically quarterly). The best dividend stocks increase their payout over time, helping you grow future income. (Learn more about dividends and how they work.)

What is the simplest passive investing strategy? ›

Dividend stocks are one of the simplest ways for investors to create passive income. As public companies generate profits, a portion of those earnings are siphoned off and funneled back to investors in the form of dividends. Investors can decide to pocket the cash or reinvest the money in additional shares.

How to make $500 a month passive income? ›

Here are five ways you can get started building passive income with $500 or less.
  1. Sell digital products online. One way to generate passive income online is to sell digital products. ...
  2. Buy stocks. ...
  3. Real estate investing through crowdfunding. ...
  4. Vending machines. ...
  5. Open a high-yield savings account.
Oct 10, 2023

How can I make $1000 a month in passive income? ›

Passive Income: 7 Ways To Make an Extra $1,000 a Month
  1. Buy US Treasuries. U.S. Treasuries are still paying attractive yields on short-term investments. ...
  2. Rent Out Your Yard. ...
  3. Rent Out Your Car. ...
  4. Rental Real Estate. ...
  5. Publish an E-Book. ...
  6. Become an Affiliate. ...
  7. Sell an Online Course. ...
  8. Bottom Line.
Apr 18, 2024

What stock pays dividends monthly? ›

7 Best Monthly Dividend Stocks to Buy Now
Monthly Dividend StockMarket capitalizationTrailing-12-month dividend yield
Cross Timbers Royalty Trust (CRT)$79 million11.1%
Permian Basin Royalty Trust (PBT)$555 million5.8%
PennantPark Floating Rate Capital Ltd. (PFLT)$701 million10.8%
Agree Realty Corp. (ADC)$5.9 billion5.0%
3 more rows
May 6, 2024

Can you make $1,000 a month with stocks? ›

In a market that generates a 2% annual yield, you would need to invest $600,000 up front in order to reliably generate $12,000 per year (or $1,000 per month) in dividend payments. How Can You Make $1,000 Per Month In Dividends? Here are the steps you can take to build yourself a sufficient dividend portfolio.

How can I make $10000 a month in passive income? ›

If you want to make $10k a month passively, some of the most realistic options include investing in real estate or renting out your own home or multiple properties to tenants. Dividend income investing can also work, but you need a lot of capital to reach $10,000 a month in passive income.

What are the disadvantages of passive investing? ›

Proponents of active investing would say that passive strategies have these weaknesses: Too many limitations: Passive funds are limited to a specific index or predetermined set of investments with little to no variance. Thus, investors are locked into those holdings, no matter what happens in the market.

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Methods of pursuing passive investing include the use of such pooled investments as mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), a do-it-yourself approach of building the portfolio stock-by-stock, and using derivatives to obtain exposure.

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Once that decision has been made, there may be reasons for adopting passive investment approaches, but investors should realise that they may face unforeseen risks. These include undesirable concentrations of stocks, systemic risk and buying at too high valuations.

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Ways to Make $100,000 Per Year in Passive Income
  1. Invest in Real Estate. Rental properties generate income through tenants who pay rent each month to live in a property you own. ...
  2. CD Laddering. ...
  3. Dividend Stocks. ...
  4. Fixed-Income Securities. ...
  5. Start a Side Hustle.
Jul 28, 2023

How much stock do I need to make $500 a month in dividends? ›

With a 10% yield and monthly payout schedule, you can get to $500 a month with only $60,000 invested. That is, $6,000 per year paid on a monthly basis. Unfortunately, most stocks don't have yields anywhere near 10%. Many do have high enough yields to get you to $500 a month with diligent savings, but don't pay monthly.

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From there, you're ready to get your hustle on to reach this monthly income goal.
  1. Become An Online Freelancer. My favorite strategy to make $3,000 a month is to start freelancing online. ...
  2. Try Delivery Gigs. Another reliable option to make $3,000 dollars a month is to use various gig apps that pay you to deliver packages.
May 1, 2024

How to make $100 000 a year in passive income? ›

Ways to Make $100,000 Per Year in Passive Income
  1. Invest in Real Estate. Rental properties generate income through tenants who pay rent each month to live in a property you own. ...
  2. CD Laddering. ...
  3. Dividend Stocks. ...
  4. Fixed-Income Securities. ...
  5. Start a Side Hustle.
Jul 28, 2023

What is passive income stocks? ›

Passive income is money that doesn't take much time or effort to make and you don't earn it from a traditional job. It can include earnings from rental properties, dividends from stocks, selling courses online, and other projects where you're not involved in the continued generation of revenue.

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Alongside Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA), and Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), Adobe Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE) is one of the best money making stocks to invest in. In its Q3 2023 investor letter, Polen Capital, an asset management firm, highlighted a few stocks and Adobe Inc.

What's the best passive income to invest in? ›

It won't necessarily be easy, but these passive income streams are some of the best ways to get started.
  1. Dividend stocks. ...
  2. Real estate. ...
  3. Index funds. ...
  4. Bonds and bond funds. ...
  5. High-yield savings accounts and CDs. ...
  6. Peer-to-peer lending. ...
  7. Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
Feb 7, 2024

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.