3 Ways to Be a Classy Goth (2024)

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1Dressing with Class

2Appreciating Classy Goth Culture

3Acting the Part

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Co-authored byJordan Stolch

Last Updated: March 14, 2023References

Classy goths are a gothic subset who mix a macabre and brooding aesthetic with tasteful clothing and culture. Being a classy goth is more than how you dress: it's also how you act and what you surround yourself with. If you'd to trade spiked collars for flowing black dresses or sophisticated leather jackets, you may be ready to unleash your inner classy goth. Change a little at a time, and before you know it, you'll have refined a dark, haunting look.

Method 1

Method 1 of 3:

Dressing with Class

  1. 1

    Select garments made from high-quality materials. Classy goths can't just put on a ratty old black t-shirt and jeans. While their style will mirror the macabre feeling of other goth subcultures, classy goths dress in durable, well-made fabrics. Wear high-quality materials, like silk, taffeta, leather (or "vegan leather"), chiffon, gingham, or Venetian lace.

    • Don't buy clothing you can't afford! Visit thrift shops or garage sales for dressing well on a budget.
  2. 2

    Choose well-fitting or tailored clothes. Part of looking classy is wearing clothes that compliment your figure. Take your measurements and know what your body type. This will help you find clothes that fit well.[1] If you can afford it, you could even hire a tailor to refit your clothes.

    • If you have style and a knack for sewing, you could even make your own clothes.
  3. 3

    Wear muted, neutral colors. You are not limited to just black if you're a classy goth. While black should be your main color scheme, you can add muted colors to your palette. Try accessorizing with burgundy, navy blue, mauve, olive green, or shades of cream.

    • Blush, navy, and mustard yellow pair especially well with black.
  4. 4

    Mix textures. Adding variety through texture instead of color will help your outfits make a statement. Too much color is over-stimulating and distracts from the understated look of classy goths. Wear a leather jacket with a checkered gingham shirt, or accessorize your mauve chiffon skirt with a silky lilac scarf.

  5. 5

    Style your hair in a vintage look. Classy goths combine contemporary gothic subculture with timeless vintage beauty. If you're a girl, experiment with Victorian hairstyles like buns, braids, and French twists.[2] For guys, wear your hair long and curly with minimal product.[3]

    • Avoid dying your hair neon colors, as this will detract from the classy goth aesthetic. If you want to dye your hair, opt for subtle colors or black.
    • Grow your hair out for a glossy, gothic Rapunzel-esque look.[4]
  6. 6

    Apply dark, yet elegant makeup. Keep makeup minimal so that everything you do apply stands out. Use eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara to create a subtle smokey eye look. Wear a light layer of foundation or cover-up, and choose a violet, nude, or Merlot color for your lips.

    • Put emphasis on either your eyes or lips. If you opt for dark, smokey eye makeup, try a pale lipstick. If you wear scarlet lipstick, go easy on the eye makeup.
  7. 7

    Limit yourself to one or two eye-catching accessories. Don't overload yourself with too many necklaces, bracelets, or piercings. Pick your accessories wisely, and only wear one or two at a time. Lockets, lace bracelets, pearl earrings, and pocket watches are all excellent choices.

    • A scarf (especially a silk scarf) can also make a great accessory.
    • Although studded chokers or bracelets are appropriate in other gothic subcultures, they do not mesh well with the classy goth style.
  8. 8

    Keep your style simple. The classy goth style does not draw attention to itself but intrigues people with its mystery. Focus on clean lines, sleek silhouettes, and one or two colors per outfit. This will prevent your look from getting overly-busy.


Method 2

Method 2 of 3:

Appreciating Classy Goth Culture

  1. 1

    Listen to dark Romantic music to set the mood. Grow a love of dark, brooding classical music. Because gothic culture draws so much from Romanticism, sample the Romantic composers: try Beethoven, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Mendelssohn, Wagner, and Dvorak.[5]

    • Don't forget to study female Romantic composers, like Emily Mayer, Clara Schumann, and Florence Price.[6]
    • If you don't like Romantic classical music, classy goths can also listen to Gregorian chant, opera, or Baroque music.
  2. 2

    Attend theater, opera, or concert performances. Gothic culture comes with an affinity for the arts, especially works that move you emotionally. Try attending a cultural event (like a musical or concert) at least once or twice a month. If you prefer visual art, check out local art museums and visiting exhibits.

  3. 3

    Read romantic literature. Romanticism is responsible for plenty of haunting gothic literature. Reading gothic literature will give you a taste for the macabre side of classic literature. Gothic novels and poetry heavily influenced contemporary gothic culture, so sample gothic works to get in the mood. Some literary works to start with are:

    • Dracula by Bram Stoker
    • The House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne
    • Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
    • Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
    • The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
    • The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
    • The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe
    • The Grey Woman by Elizabeth Gaskell
    • The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
  4. 4

    Watch classic horror flicks. Part of the gothic subculture is appreciating scary subjects like ghosts, witches, and vampires. Classy goths especially appreciate vintage horror films. Watch horror films by respected directors, like Alfred Hitchco*ck, Wes Craven, and Dario Argento. If you don't know where to start, try these beloved frightening classics:[7]

    • Wait Until Dark (1967)
    • Nosferatu (1922)
    • Dracula (1931)
    • Psycho (1960)
    • When a Stranger Calls (1979)
    • Suspiria (1977)
    • Frankenstein (1931)
    • The Exorcist (1973)
    • The Bad Seed (1956)
    • The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)


Method 3

Method 3 of 3:

Acting the Part

  1. 1

    Be polite. In some ways, goth subculture is a rebellion against traditional norms in favor of individuality.[8] But you still need to treat others (even non-goths) with respect. Listen to people when they talk to you, and avoid being obnoxious about your style. If someone has a question about your dress or actions, educate them to the best of your abilities.

    • Not everyone will understand gothic culture at first. Don't be rude to people who are confused. Instead, introduce them to the best parts of gothic culture.
  2. 2

    Choose your words carefully. Classy goths think before they talk. They only speak when they believe they can contribute to the conversation. Use your works to express yourselves clearly, and avoid becoming a chatterbox. Silence, when used right, can contribute to an aura of mystery.

    • Cultivate a strong vocabulary. Learn and use Victorian words (like "batty-fang" or "damfino") to contribute to your vintage aesthetic. Only use words if you know what they mean.
  3. 3

    Express yourself through poetry, music, or other artistic mediums. Because gothic culture was inspired by Romantic art and literature, all its subcultures encourage goths to express their emotions through the arts. Write, draw, make music, or create art however you like. Spend time with other goths, and appreciate the art they make, too.

    • Most big cities have goth night clubs or festivals. Spend time with the local gothic community to connect with gothic art and contribute your perspective as a classy goth.
  4. 4

    Be selective, not pretentious. Being a classy goth is not about rejecting most of goth culture. If you look down on other goth subcultures, you will isolate yourself from making like-minded friends. Create your own aesthetic, but respect what every person (goth or otherwise) has to offer.


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      • Be yourself. The most classy goths are those who act authentically.


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      • Some ignorant people may tease or chastise you for becoming a classy goth. Don't stoop to their level. Instead, be kind and respectful to them and others. You might just change their opinion on goths.


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      • You don't have to buy expensive clothes to be a classy goth. Make do with what you have, and don't be afraid to get creative.


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      About this article

      3 Ways to Be a Classy Goth (31)

      Co-authored by:

      Image Consultant & Style Advisor

      This article was co-authored by Jordan Stolch. Jordan Stolch is an Image Strategist, Style Advisor, and the Founder of MiKADO - a concierge personal styling firm. With over a decade of experience, Jordan specializes in helping people eliminate the confusion and insecurities associated with how to dress in order to build a powerful image and use clothing to their strategic advantage. Jordan trains entrepreneurs, business leaders, and corporate executives in the foundations of "power dressing", from some of the country's preeminent companies such as Morgan Stanley, Deloitte, Berkshire Hathaway, Universal Music Group, Starbucks, and Disney. She works with clients both in-person and virtually, teaching them how to take the confusion out of style so they can operate at a higher level. Jordan earned her BA in Psychology from the University of Waterloo and studied Merchandise Marketing at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIDM). This article has been viewed 191,423 times.

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      Updated: March 14, 2023


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