31 Day Home Detox Decluttering Challenge (2024)

If you’re ready to make a change and get rid of all of that unwanted clutter in your home, start the year off with this January decluttering challenge! This home decluttering “detox diet” will help to jumpstart all of your decluttering and organization habits and set the tone for an ongoing organization plan!

31 Day Home Detox Decluttering Challenge (1)

The Household Organization Diet 2023 officially kicks off on January 1 with my January decluttering challenge – The 31 Day Home Detox Diet! Whether you just have a few trouble spots in your home or are completely feeling overwhelmed with all of the clutter, this challenge is for you. Who’s ready to make 2023 the best organized year yet?

31 Day Home Detox Decluttering Challenge (2)

What is The Household Organization Diet?

The Household Organization Diet is basically a year-long, systematic plan to get every room in your home decluttered, cleaned, and organized. You’ll receive monthly to do lists, tutorials and tips to get it all done, and tons of cleaning and organization inspiration! It’s designed to help you learn strategies and systems to create your ideal home and {most importantly!} how to keep it up on an ongoing basis. You can read more about it HERE.

What is The 31 Day Home Detox January Decluttering Challenge?

The 31 day detox decluttering challenge is designed to jumpstart your decluttering and organization habits and will help you clear out all of that obvious unwanted and unused “stuff” that is clogging up your home. For the next month we will be doing a quickrundown of our homes and getting rid of at least 10 items per day {feel free to do as many as you would like!}. The idea is to keep it simple and easy to keep up with. We will be going more thoroughly through each room during the year, so this is not the time to be taking on any time consuming projects or major re-organizing. Just 15 minutes per day – anywhere you would like.

Inevitably, I always get at least a few comments from readers laughing that they would never be able to do this in 15 minutes per day. While it’s true that you may not be able to completely declutter and organize the space – we’ll actually be doing that later in the year – this will hopefully give you a good head start and inspire you to keep going. It feels SO good to start clearing that extra weight out of your home and the benefits you see should encourage you in the year to follow.

What do I need to get started on this decluttering challenge?

All you really need are some garbage bags for trash and recycling and some bins or boxes for items that you will be donating. If you’re going to be following the full Household Organization Diet, I also recommend that you get a binder to keep all of the printables in. You can find the title page OVER HERE and the January printables below. This year I will be releasing the WHOLE YEAR of printable calendars and monthly tasks so you’ll have even more flexibility in designing what works best for you. They should be out mid-January so be sure to follow along!

Let’s Get Started!

Free Decluttering Challenge Printables

Before you get started, print out the organization printables below. You can use my pre-done challenge or use the blank plan to create your own areas to declutter. If the daily plan doesn’t work for you, spend a little longer once or twice per week and work on a few tasks at a time. Whatever works best for you!

31 Day Home Detox Decluttering Challenge (3)


31 Day Home Detox Decluttering Challenge (4)


Tips for a successful home decluttering challenge.

Remember that this is just a quick decluttering – NOT an organization project!

We have a whole year of organization ahead of us so don’t get burned out now! Remember that it has likely taken you years to accumulate all of your stuff so don’t feel bad if it takes you some time to get rid of it!

Get rid of any possible distractions.

Put away your phone, turn off notifications, and keep your kiddos busy with something else for 15 minutes {or better yet, get them involved if they’re old enough!}.

Work quickly.

Put on a timer and work as quickly as you can for the full time. Don’t spend time debating about things that you’re not sure about. Instead, target all of those obvious items that you know need to go. There will be more time for other items when we work on the individual rooms.

Stay focused.

If you have a lot of decluttering to do, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. Just remember – it’s only 15 minutes and it is only one small space. Pull out only what you have time for. You don’t want a bigger mess in the end than what you started with!

Have a donate bin {or two!} handy.

Trust me. You will probably be making multiple trips down to The Salvation Army this month. Have a bin or tote {and garbage bag!} nearby when you are decluttering to sort out all of your items that you will be getting rid of as you come to them.

Don’t let perfection get in the way.

Again, this is a quick decluttering. Spend all of your time getting rid of things and we will be coming back to make things look pretty later. Don’t think about it too much – just get started!! If you come across items that belong elsewhere when you are decluttering, put them away where they belong!

If you need a little extra motivation to get your going, read this post on tackling procrastinationand this post on conquering your decluttering paralysis to help get your started on your way.

The Home Decluttering Diet Book

For those of you that really want to get your home decluttered and organized, my book, The Home Decluttering Diet, is the perfect companion to the plan! You can find it on Amazon, {plus it’s currently on SALE!} as well as Barnes and Noblesand many other online retailers. While the blog is a great place to get inspiration, I really wanted to create a book that had all of my thoughts and organization ideas in one place and would allow my readers to easily keep referring back to the information that they needed to keep them motivated and encouraged. The book is based on the basic idea of The Household Organization,but is filled with additional organization inspiration, strategies, and simple DIY projects. Think of the book as your ultimate organization text book and the blog as your workbook. 😉

31 Day Home Detox Decluttering Challenge (5)

What’s the plan for the decluttering challenge?

To help get you started, I have a daily plan set up to cover pretty much every area of your house. Feel free to just use this as a guideline though. You can really pick and choose whatever areas of your home need the most work. For extra cluttered spots, you may want to spend 2 or 3 days going through things and skip some of the other tasks. It’s all up to you!

Here is the plan that I will be following for this year’s decluttering challenge…

Day 1: Paperwork.

Do you have a pile of paperwork {or two?} collecting on your kitchen counter or in your home office? Go through bills, receipts, and any other paperwork, tossing {or shredding} what you don’t need and sorting whatever is left over into its proper location.

Day 2: Front entry way and coat closet/mudroom.

Donate any coats, shoes, or accessories that you no longer use. If you are short on space, put items that are out of season into storage somewhere else in your home.

Day 3: Purse.

Empty out all garbage and items that you do not use regularly. Sort through any receipts and either put them into paper recycling or file away. Use a small pouch to hold make-up and other essentials that can easily be transferred from purse to purse. Donate any purses that you no longer use or love.

Day 4: Cleaning supplies.

Go through your cleaning supplies {wherever they may be!} and get rid of all of those products that you don’t use. Try to use multipurpose cleaners or green cleaning products whenever possible. If you have multiple partially filled bottles of the same product, combine them into one bottle. Toss any old rags or cloths that are at the end of their use. You can see our organized cleaning cabinet HERE.

Day 5:Fridge and Freezer.

Remove all items from that are expired or you know you will not use. Minimize packaging when possible to save space. Find other organization ideas HERE. Does your fridge need a deep cleaning? You can check out my fridge cleaning tips HERE.

Day 6: Pantry and other dry food storage.

Toss all items that are expired and get rid of anything that you know you will not use. Don’t forget to go through all of those spices too! Place items that will be expiring soon towards the front of the cupboard.

Day 7: Free for All.

This is your catch up day if you didn’t finish any of the above areas. If you’re all caught up, pick the most cluttered area in your home and spend a little extra time there.

Day 8: Kitchen Cabinets.

Look for any kitchen items that you do not use or have room for. Ensure that all Tupperware has matching lids and eliminate as many unnecessary kitchen gadgets, cookbooks, and duplicate utensils as you can. You can see how ours are organized HERE.

Day 9: Medicine Cabinet/First Aid Supplies.

Medicine is actually best storedoutsideof the bathroom in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children. Go through all medications and look for items that are expired or that you no longer need. Return expired medications to your local pharmacy for proper disposal. Find more ideas HERE.

Day 10: Dining Area.

Commit to keeping your table clutter free. Find storage solutions for all items that frequently find their way to the table. Donate any dishes, serving ware, or other items that you do not use.

Day 11: Entertainment Area.

Make sure all CDs, DVDs etc are in their proper cases and evaluate what you really will use. Music and videos are so easily accessible through our computers and mobile devices, that your CDs and DVDs may be a thing of the past.

Day 12: Magazines and Books.

Let go of your magazine hoarding and get rid of any outdated editions. Cut out pages that you would like to keep and sort into a filing system. Recycle or donate old books that you will no longer read and sort the rest in a logical order.

Day 13: Junk drawer.

Get rid of everything that is not needed. If you have time, use inexpensive plastic containers to store similar items together. Put items that belong elsewhere away.

Day 14: Free for All.

This is your catch up day if you didn’t finish any of the above areas. If you are all caught up, pick the most cluttered area in your home to go through.

Day 15: Desk.

File away any needed paperwork and shred remaining papers. Sort smaller office supplies and only keep products that you use. Get rid of those 2014 calendars!

Day 16: Bathroom cabinets.

Go through all beauty products and keep only what you really use. Do you really need all of those hotel shampoo bottles?

Day 17: Linen closet.

Donate any linens that you no longer use that are still in good condition. Toss any items that are really dingy or have holes.

Day 18: Make-up.

Toss anything that is expired, cracked or no longer your style. Pick your favorites and get rid of those other 10 lipstick tubes that you never wear! To find out more about the recommended shelf-life for various make-up, check out this post on how to organize your makeup.

Day 19: Jewellery.

Sort through all of your jewellery and decide what items you still wear. Donate or toss the rest! If anything you would like to keep needs cleaning or repairs, put them aside to take care of as soon as you can.

Day 20: Bedroom closet.

Sort through all clothing and ask yourself if you would still buy it today. If not, it is time for it to go!

Day 21:Free for All.

This is your catch up day if you didn’t finish any of the above areas. If you are all caught up, pick the most cluttered area in your home to go through.

Day 22: Sock and underwear drawer.

Go through all of those socks and underwear. Make sure you have matching socks with no holes and only keep what you still wear.

Day 23: Nightstand.

Clear off table top and sort through drawers keeping only what you would need before bed or during the night.

Day 24: Kids’ Toys.

This is always a fun one. Sort through toys to see what your kids still use {and have your kids help out on this one if they are old enough}. Check to see that toys have all parts and are in working order before donating or selling. Toss the rest!

Day 25: Kids’ Closets

Check to see what clothes still fit and donate the old ones or sort them into a labeled storage bin if you are saving them for younger children. You can find more kids closet organization tips HERE.

Day 26: Craft space.

Be ruthless and really evaluate what items you still need and use. Schools will often take extra supplies that you are looking to get rid of.

Day 27: Laundry Room.

Sort through cupboards for any laundry products that are old or not used. Toss any unpaired socks that are hanging around.

Day 28:Free for All.

This is your catch up day if you didn’t finish any of the above areas. If you’re all caught up, pick the most cluttered area in your home to go through.

Day 29: Basem*nt.

Chances are this is one of the biggest source of clutter. Set a timer and try to get rid of as many items as possible. Use large storage totes to store seasonal items together.

Day 30: Garage.

This one is also a big clutter offender. Again, set a timer and collect as many items as you can that you no longer use or need.

Day 31: Car.

Grab two bags – one for garbage and one for anything that needs to go back in the house. Put everything away in its proper place that you bring back into the house.

Get a support team.

The best way to stick with any new plan or habit is to find a support team. Try doing this challenge with all of the members of your household, a friend, or an extended family member. And for even more support and inspiration, follow along with Instagram or Facebook and subscribe to my emails {the sign up is right on the side bar!} so you won’t miss a post! There is definitely strength in numbers and I love to hear how things are going for you all! Please email me with any questions you may have or tag me in your social media posts. 🙂

Happy Organizing!!

For more information on The Household Organization Diet and to see last year’s spaces, check out this post HERE.

31 Day Home Detox Decluttering Challenge (6)

31 Day Home Detox Decluttering Challenge (7)

Greetings, decluttering enthusiasts! I'm here to guide you through the intricacies of the January decluttering challenge and The Household Organization Diet 2023. I am not just an aficionado; I've immersed myself in the world of organization and decluttering, implementing these strategies successfully in my own life.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the article:

  1. The Household Organization Diet (HOD) 2023: The HOD is a comprehensive, year-long plan designed to systematically declutter, clean, and organize every room in your home. The program offers monthly to-do lists, tutorials, and tips to facilitate the process. It aims not only to create an organized home but also to instill strategies for maintaining it over time.

  2. The 31 Day Home Detox January Decluttering Challenge: This specific challenge kicks off the HOD on January 1st. It focuses on jumpstarting your decluttering and organizational habits by dedicating 15 minutes per day to decluttering various areas of your home. The goal is to clear out obvious unwanted items, setting the stage for more thorough decluttering and organization later in the year.

  3. Essential Tools for the Challenge:

    • Garbage bags: For trash and recycling.
    • Bins or boxes: To collect items for donation.
    • Binder: Recommended for those following the full HOD, to organize printables.
  4. Free Decluttering Challenge Printables:

    • January Tasks: Provides a daily plan for decluttering.
    • Blank January Task Sheet: Allows customization of areas to declutter.
    • January Notes Sheet: Offers space for additional information.
  5. Tips for a Successful Decluttering Challenge:

    • Quick Decluttering, Not Organization: Emphasizes that this challenge is for rapid decluttering, with a focus on organization later in the year.
    • Eliminate Distractions: Suggests putting away phones and minimizing interruptions during the 15-minute sessions.
    • Work Quickly: Advises setting a timer and focusing on obvious items that need to go.
    • Stay Focused: Reminds participants it's only 15 minutes and to pull out only what they have time for.
    • Have a Donate Bin Handy: Encourages having a bin or tote nearby for items to be donated.
  6. The Home Decluttering Diet Book:

    • An additional resource for those wanting more guidance, the book provides comprehensive insights, organization ideas, and DIY projects to complement the HOD.
  7. The Plan for the Decluttering Challenge:

    • A daily plan covering various areas of the house, focusing on specific tasks for each day. It provides flexibility for participants to choose areas that need the most attention.
  8. Catch-Up Days:

    • Designated days for catching up on any missed areas or spending extra time on the most cluttered sections.
  9. Support Team:

    • Encourages participants to find a support team, whether it's household members, friends, or family, to enhance motivation and success.
  10. Happy Organizing:

    • The ultimate goal is to create a well-organized and clutter-free living space, and the article ends with a note of encouragement and a call to share progress on social media platforms.

So, let's embark on this decluttering journey together and make 2023 the most organized year yet!

31 Day Home Detox Decluttering Challenge (2024)


What is the 30 day declutter challenge? ›

Try this 30-day Declutter Challenge: commit to decluttering 10 minutes a day. Each day, focus on a specific area in your home to declutter. Don't forget to modify this challenge based on your needs and schedule. Please remember to donate, recycle, and properly dispose of stuff that you don't need.

What is 31 days of decluttering? ›

Declutter your home in just 15 minutes a day with this simple decluttering challenge! Every day, grab a timer, set it for 15 minutes or more, and work as fast as you can in the area designated for that day.

What is the golden rule of decluttering? ›

Rule #1: Toss the Clutter

The first rule when decluttering your closet is to be ruthless and get rid of anything you don't absolutely love or need. This means parsing through every item and asking yourself: Did I wear this in the past year? Does it fit properly? Is it damaged or stained?

How do you complete a 30 day challenge? ›

  1. The first week will be the hardest. ...
  2. A 30-day challenge has to mean something. ...
  3. Use the Seinfeld strategy. ...
  4. Focus on one thing at a time (maybe two) ...
  5. Get yourself confident. ...
  6. Go get yourself a friend and some accountability. ...
  7. Forget motivation for 30-days and practice intention instead.

How many items do you get rid of in the 30 day challenge? ›

For each day of the month, you will be getting rid of that amount of items. For example, day 1 you remove 1 item, day 2 you remove 2 items, day 3 you remove 3 items and so on until the end of the month. By the end of the month, you will have removed 496 items from your home (if the month has 31 days). 496 items!!!

How to do a detox challenge? ›

Basic Detox Rules to Follow
  1. Start every day with a hot mug of water and lemon.
  2. Keep meals simple and eat only whole foods.
  3. Eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg per day.
  4. Cut down on processed foods and animal products.
  5. Avoid black tea, coffee and alcohol.
  6. Exercise gently to keep the digestive system moving.

What is the 3 second declutter rule? ›

What Is the “3-Second Rule” for Decluttering? Created by professional organizer Kayleen Kelly, the three-second rule for decluttering requires you to decide in three seconds if you'll keep or get rid of an item. If you hesitate for more than three seconds, then the item stays.

What is the 333 method of decluttering? ›

If you want to take the Project 333 Challenge

Choose 33 items (or less) including clothes, shoes, jewelry and accessories. Pack up and hide everything else and then you don't have to think about shopping or what to wear for the next three months. For more details, here's a little guide.

What is the 90 90 rule for decluttering? ›

The 90/90 decluttering rule

Anything. Have you used that item in the last 90 days? If you haven't, will you use it in the next 90? If not, then it's okay to let go,' write Joshua and Ryan on their blog.

What should you not throw out when decluttering? ›

What Not to Throw Away When Decluttering Your House
  • PHYSICAL PHOTOS. Our memories are more often immortalized on social media than in leather-bound albums. ...
Mar 16, 2018

What is the one touch rule for clutter? ›

This rule is “so simple, yet so life changing”. Simply by dealing with an item immediately, whether it is your shoes, incoming mail, or your used coffee mug, less clutter will be created. One touch, one movement, equals less effort overall. This rule can also be applied when you are purging, editing, and organizing.

What happens to your brain when you declutter? ›

After giving these central tips, Desmond reiterated the mental effects of clutter and organization. Without clutter, focus improves, stress lowers, and energy increases. Keeping a space decluttered is merely a matter of maintenance.

What is the 333 decluttering method? ›

I started the Project 333 challenge way back in 2010 and I've been following these fashion rules since the beginning. All you have to do is to choose 33 items (clothing, jewelry, accessories, shoes) to wear for 3 months and hide everything else. Spoiler alert: doing it is much easier than thinking about doing it.

What is the 80 20 rule for decluttering? ›

'The 80/20 rule is the concept that we use 20% of what we own 80% of the time,' says Sara Bereika, founder of Sara Jane Organizing. 'That means the remaining 80% (the stuff we use less frequently) is clutter. More than ever many of us have aspirations to live more simple lives.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.