4 Colors That Give You an Unexpected Productivity Boost (2024)

4 Colors That Give You an Unexpected Productivity Boost (1)

If your workspace is awash with bright white or dull gray, it may be time for a change.

Colors have the power to affect us physically, intellectually and emotionally, some making us angry, confident, excited. In this post, I’ll explore how you can use different colors and their combinations to kickstart your motivation and be more efficient.

Colors have an effect on us. A few are even deemed to spark creativity and boost productivity. Click To Tweet

Colorsthat inspire and motivate

According to Color Psychologist Angela Wright, there are four primary psychological colors, being red, blue, yellow and green. They each have an effect on the mind, the body, the soul, and a balance between the three, respectively. Every other color and its associated effect are just a combination of two or more of these primary colors.

Red: Physical

Red is a stimulating color that gets your heart pumping and raises your pulse. It is a powerful color that can evoke a strong physical response, even activating the “fight or flight” instinct. This is great if you’re not easily phased being in high-stress situations. If you don’t, the color red may be overwhelming and actually hinder your work efforts.

Use redfor a productivity boost if you’re:

In a physically-demanding job: Workers that require a lot of physical exertion such as tradespeople, personal trainers, and tree surgeons, may respond well to red.

Blue: Intellectual

Blue is a soothing color, helping calm the mind and aid concentration. It’s no wonder then that blue is a popular color to use in office spaces. It enhances wakefulness and supports clear communication. Blue is a great choice if you want to get straight to the point.

Use bluefor a productivity boost if you’re:

An office worker: Blue is brilliant for completing administrative tasks or projects that require maximum focus. Add a splash of orange if you need extra inspiration.

Yellow: Emotional

Yellow is energizing and radiates positivity. It plays to our emotions and lifts confidence levels so is excellent for getting you into the right mood for producing great work. As the strongest psychological color, you might want to opt for yellow tones to stimulate your creativity.

Use yellow for a productivity boost if you’re:

An innovator or entrepreneur: If you’re stuck in an ideas rut, yellow can help get the creative juices flowing and make you more optimistic about the direction you’re taking.

Green: Balance

Green is harmonizing and, unlike red, does not strain the eyes. It strikes a nice balance between the other primary colors and creates a sense of calm and reassurance. This is particularly helpful if you feel overwhelmed by all the tasks you need to complete.

Use greenfor a productivity boost if you’re:

At your best in a calm working environment: If you like to start your day with yoga or a meditative practice, green is most likely the color for you.

Don’t Just Consider the Color

In an interview with a productivity guru, Angela Wright stated that a color’s ability to stimulate or soothe is based on its intensityor saturation. So, what does that really mean? You first have to select a color that will either affect your body, mind or emotions. The second step is to find the correct brightness that will help improve your individual productivity levels. As you can see, color choices and preferences are highly personal and varies from one person to the next. What works for you may not work for your co-workers, friends or family members.

The experts have spoken.

It is possible to boost productivity using color. BUT, you have to choose the right color based on the type of work you do. You also need to consider the brightness of the color. Nothing too bold or too dull.

All that’s left to do now is to grab a bunch of color charts and have fun picking out hues that will put a fire in your belly.

How are you using color to boost productivity? Share your strategy in the comments below!

4 Colors That Give You an Unexpected Productivity Boost (2024)


4 Colors That Give You an Unexpected Productivity Boost? ›

Blue is certainly preferred in the workplace to increase focus and promote productivity in employees. In addition, blue has been found to promote emotions related to trustworthiness and dependability.

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Blue is certainly preferred in the workplace to increase focus and promote productivity in employees. In addition, blue has been found to promote emotions related to trustworthiness and dependability.

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Researchers have found that exposure to short wavelength or blue light during the day directly improves alertness and performance. Blue-enriched white light stimulates the brain,improves alertness, performance, and sleep quality.

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Carl Jung and the Four Color Energies

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung built on the work of Hippocrates and defined the four temperaments in terms of colors: Cool Blue, Earth Green, Sunshine Yellow and Fiery Red.

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Orange. Orange is a combination of red's power and energy and the friendliness and fun of yellow. Orange represents motivation, positive attitude, and enthusiasm.

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Blue: Intellectual

Blue is a soothing color, helping calm the mind and aid concentration. It's no wonder then that blue is a popular color to use in office spaces. It enhances wakefulness and supports clear communication. Blue is a great choice if you want to get straight to the point.

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3 Colours that Improve Concentration & Productivity
  • Blue. This encourages better mind flow and performance. ...
  • Orange. This promotes better focus, concentration, and creativity. ...
  • Green. This is among the most restful shades, as it offers the cheerful qualities of yellow and the refreshing abilities of blue.

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The 20th century philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein explored color-related ideas using red, green, blue, and yellow as primary colors.

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These Are The 4 Color Rules That Every Interior Design Fan Needs To Know
  • The 60-30-10 rule. The 60-30-10 rule is any interior design fan's best friend. ...
  • Warm vs. cool colors. ...
  • The complementary color scheme. ...
  • The analogous color scheme.

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Understanding the Insights Discovery Methodology. Based on Jungian psychology and presented through a simple, four-color model, this system enables individuals to see their unique mix of 'color energies': Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green and Cool Blue.

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YELLOW: Optimism and Happiness

Yellow has been psychologically proven to boost energy, awareness, and even metabolism! It stimulates our creative process, which can help us get “unstuck” and make quick decisions. It's a seriously powerful color when it comes to colors that represent positive energy.

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Green is often associated with prosperity, growth, and abundance. It symbolizes fertile fields and the potential for wealth and success.

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Red – Red is a powerful color, encouraging fitness enthusiasts to go all out during their workout.

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According to research, red enhances performance on a detail-oriented task.

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Blue: An office's most efficient color.

According to Lund University's research, a blue-painted room is especially beneficial for those who work in fast-paced, demanding jobs. This is because blue is a harmonious color that relieves stress and doesn't disrupt the brain's focus.

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Purple is the color of royalty, success, wealth, and wisdom. Use it to soothe and provide calm. You'll also see it in cosmetics and anti-aging products. Purple represents an imaginative, wise, and creative brand.

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Yellow: Yellow is best for productivity because it encourages positive attitudes and creative thinking. Blue: Blue is a peaceful color that brings relaxation into the workplace.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.