41 Sunday Things To Do That Are Fun, Relaxing, And Productive (2024)

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow described Sunday as “the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week” — and we agree that it’s a fitting description.

Ultimately, a Sunday can set a tone for the week.

So in honor of the special day, today we’re breaking down 41 fun Sunday activities.

What's in this post:


  • 41 Fun, Relaxing, and Productive Things to Do on a Sunday
    • 1. Go Hiking
    • 2. Go for a Scenic Walk
    • 3. Make a Fancy Breakfast
    • 4. Go Out for Breakfast or Brunch
    • 5. Take a Nap
    • 6. Go to a Boutique Store
    • 7. Bake Something
    • 8. Go to a Beach or Park
    • 9. Do a Streaming Marathon
    • 10. Play With Your Pets
    • 11. Watch Sports
    • 12. Host a Garden Campfire
    • 13. Host a BBQ
    • 14. Read Whatever You Want
    • 15. Clean
    • 16. Do Some Gardening and Mow the Lawn
    • 17. Organize Your Stuff
    • 18. Write in a Journal
    • 19. Make Homemade Pizza
    • 20. Play Video Games
    • 21. Paint Something
    • 22. Do Crafts
    • 23. Watch Prestige Television
    • 24. Go Out To Eat at a Local Restaurant
    • 25. Go To an Arcade
    • 26. Play Mini Golf
    • 27. Go to the Driving Range / 18-Hole Golf
    • 28. Get Sweaty
    • 29. Move Your Furniture Around
    • 30. Look for a Job
    • 31. Read the Actual Paper
    • 32. Do the Laundry
    • 33. Go Out for Ice Cream
    • 34. Go for a Sunday Drive
    • 35. Go Food Shopping
    • 36. Prep Your Meals for the Week
    • 37. Play Cards / Board Games
    • 38. Volunteer Your Time
    • 39. Do Pottery
    • 40. Wash the Car
    • 41. Go to a Farmers’ Market
    • What to do on boring Sundays?
    • What are common things people do on Sundays?
    • What is the best thing to do on a Sunday morning?

41 Fun, Relaxing, and Productive Things to Do on a Sunday

You’ve probably landed here because you’re trying to come up with ideas for fun things to do on a Sunday.

41 Sunday Things To Do That Are Fun, Relaxing, And Productive (1)

Well, you’re in luck — because we made the ultimate list of what to do on a Sunday.

1. Go Hiking

Strap on your boots, pack your rucksack and head out for a day of hiking. Don’t forget to bring some nutritious snacks and water to stay hydrated. Please be safe.

2. Go for a Scenic Walk

Not every outdoor adventure needs to be a strenuous hike. A lovely stroll around the neighborhood or a nearby park can be just as satisfying on a beautiful Sunday.

3. Make a Fancy Breakfast

If you're like most folks, your weekday breakfasts aren't anything to write “Bon Appetit” about.

But on Sunday, you have all the time in the world to make a fancy morning meal. Break out the waffle maker! Use the juicer that's been sitting unopened for 18 months.

4. Go Out for Breakfast or Brunch

If cooking isn't your thing, head out to breakfast or brunch at the hot new spot in town. Or, pick a place where you won't have to wait an hour for a table. The choice is yours.

5. Take a Nap

Naps are great. According to WebMD, studies show that they may improve your memory, creativity, and analytical cognitive function — plus reduce stress and help your heart.

6. Go to a Boutique Store

Maybe you’re a bookworm; perhaps antiques rev your engine, or perhaps you love to bargain hunt at flea markets. Whichever your retail poison, Sunday is perfect for a spree. Even if you’re on a tight budget, why not enjoy a day of browsing?

7. Bake Something

Baking smells delicious. Use the weekend to try out some new recipes. Do it alone or invite a friend over to join in. And don’t be afraid to make up recipes.

8. Go to a Beach or Park

Get out of the house and enjoy Mother Nature. If you live near the coast, head to the beach. Or maybe it’s a lake, river, or park where you live.

Pack supplies for the day: blankets, towels, snacks, drinks, and a good book. Or bring a set of headphones and listen to your favorite podcast while soaking in the sun somewhere.

9. Do a Streaming Marathon

Have you been saving a show to binge? Or maybe you’re an armchair cineast who programs your own at-home movie festivals. Whichever the case, Sundays are a superb day to sit back and dive into hours of shows and films.

10. Play With Your Pets

They’re your babies, confidants, and favorite “people” on the planet. So why not use Sunday to spend time with your pet?

41 Sunday Things To Do That Are Fun, Relaxing, And Productive (2)

Pamper them at home with playtime and treats, or take your four-paw out for a day in the sun. You know what they like best.

11. Watch Sports

Are you a sports fanatic? Join millions of other fans by making Sunday your sports day. Stay in your sweats and order in or invite the gang and play host.

12. Host a Garden Campfire

Is the weather finally getting nice? Why not have an official “opening” for the backyard season? Get a fire pit and make smores. Keep it to the family or invite friends.

13. Host a BBQ

Wouldn’t you love a grilled hotdog, hamburger, chicken, or steak right about now? Or what about some corn on the cob cooked over flames?

Load up the cooler, slip into some casual, comfortable clothes, and invite friends over for a few laughs and summer food.

14. Read Whatever You Want

If your literary taste aligns with the critics, then take suggestions from your preferred arbiters of prose.

But if romance or mass-market mystery novels are more your speed, have at it. Heck, you may even be a gossip connoisseur who sticks to online outlets.

Whatever the case, on Sundays, read whatever you enjoy instead of what you’re supposed to.

Reading is fundamental — in all its forms.

15. Clean

It may sound outrageous to some, but many people on this planet enjoy cleaning and keeping things organized.

If you fall into that category, why not tackle the windows or finally hit the closet that’s gotten out of control. Think about how good you’ll feel when it’s all done, clean, and organized.

16. Do Some Gardening and Mow the Lawn

Gardening and mowing are good for the body, soul, and neighborly relations. Not only does it get you outside breathing fresh air, but it’s also a form of exercise.

Plus, your neighbors will appreciate your curb-appeal efforts — and you’ll feel a sense of pride about how great your place looks.

17. Organize Your Stuff

Does organizing make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Why not use this upcoming Sunday to clean out your inbox or polish up your social media accounts? Start the work week coordinated and ready to rock and roll.

18. Write in a Journal

Journaling is a phenomenal way to maintain good mental health. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be excellent therapy, and Sundays are a great, lazy day to do it.

41 Sunday Things To Do That Are Fun, Relaxing, And Productive (3)

19. Make Homemade Pizza

Have you ever made homemade pizza? It’s delicious — especially if you use fresh ingredients, like good mozzarella and fresh basil. Be sure to pick up the right yeast if you make the crust from scratch.

20. Play Video Games

Some people look down on video gaming, but it’s one of the most popular pastimes worldwide. Plus, research shows that gaming is good for us.

21. Paint Something

Break out the paints. If you don’t have a canvas, use a piece of old wood lying around — or paint a stool or table to give it some new life.

22. Do Crafts

Crafts are a super way to stretch your creativity and pass the time. If you’re a beginner who doesn’t want to spend a lot of money yet, pick up supplies at the dollar store.

23. Watch Prestige Television

Are you looking for things to do on a Sunday night? Consider consulting the TV listings. Sunday nights are when networks air their prestige dramas. Who knows, you may stumble across your new favorite show.

24. Go Out To Eat at a Local Restaurant

It’s not easy keeping a local restaurant open, so why not support the local mom-and-pop joint this Sunday?

There are so many upsides. You won’t have to cook, plus you’ll probably have a good time and may even bump into people you genuinely want to see.

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25. Go To an Arcade

Most people have a mobile, PC, or console gaming option at home. But why not kick it old-school and head to an arcade on Sunday? Places like Dave and Busters or laser tag are also fun options.

26. Play Mini Golf

It only takes an hour or two, and when was the last time you played mini-golf without cracking up at some point? It’s a blast! Plus, it’s another way to soak in some fresh air while also having fun.

27. Go to the Driving Range / 18-Hole Golf

Or how about 18 holes? Try to book a choice tee time on Sunday morning. Meet up with friends, take the family, or be zen about the whole thing and go by yourself. Meditative golf is a good way to kick off the week.

28. Get Sweaty

Exercise is excellent, and it makes you feel good. Sure, getting motivated may be a chore, but focus on how great you’ll feel afterward.

Go for a jog, work out at home, go to the gym, take a class, or hop on your Peloton. As long as you get the heart pumping, those feel-good chemicals will flood your body.

29. Move Your Furniture Around

Are you getting bored with your place? Spice things up by switching the furniture around. Read up on feng shui and make some adjustments. Or try a new layout you’ve been contemplating.

30. Look for a Job

Do you hate your job a little more with each passing day? Why not start looking for something new? Sunday is a great time to set aside an hour or two to comb through employment boards and send introductions to head hunters.

31. Read the Actual Paper

When’s the last time you picked up an actual paper instead of reading it on an electronic device?

Consider getting a Sunday subscription to your favorite newspaper of record. Make a coffee or tea, sit somewhere peaceful, and crack open the paper. It’s a different experience than staring at a screen.

32. Do the Laundry

It’s been piling up all week, it’s not going anywhere on its own, and Sunday is as good a day as any to wash your clothes. Laundry can be a pleasant experience, especially if you enhance the experience with aromatic products.

33. Go Out for Ice Cream

Ice cream isn’t that bad for you. And even if it is, you’re supposed to have a weekly cheat day. So grab a sundae at the local parlor. Don’t they always have the best flavors at an actual ice cream shop?

34. Go for a Sunday Drive

Who cares if you don’t have a convertible — hop in the car and roll down the windows. The best Sunday drives usually occur on bucolic backroads.

Or perhaps you can take a spin around a neighborhood to which you’re considering moving.

35. Go Food Shopping

Yes, the supermarket may be crowded on Sunday, but sometimes that’s fun. You bump into acquaintances and get to people-watch. Who knows, maybe you’ll lock eyes with the partner of your dreams across the produce aisle.

36. Prep Your Meals for the Week

Are you a busy bee Monday through Friday? Make life easier by prepping food on Sunday. Some people cook all their meals, freeze them, and defrost them during the week.

Other folks gather the ingredients they need and do all the chopping and measuring for the week’s dishes.

37. Play Cards / Board Games

We all spend an exorbitant amount of time in front of screens. On Sundays, consider stepping away for some AFK entertainment. Invite the gang over for board games or host a poker night.

38. Volunteer Your Time

Giving back is great. So why not put aside a couple of Sundays each month to volunteer at a local soup kitchen or charity? Don’t forget that nursing homes often need volunteer help if that’s more your speed.

39. Do Pottery

On Sunday, think about seeking out a pottery place near you. Usually, they have pre-made ceramics to paint. Some, however, let you get on the wheels and try your hand at molding clay.

40. Wash the Car

Do kids write “clean me” in your car’s dust? Maybe they have a point, and it’s time to clean the vehicle. Do it at home or head to a car wash.

If you have young kids, pick a drive-through one and queue up the Star Wars soundtrack for the adventure. Press play just as you’re entering the cleaning chamber. They’ll love it.

41. Go to a Farmers’ Market

Instead of going to the supermarket, why not head to your local farmers’ market? Pick up super-fresh produce — and treat yourself to a piece of jewelry from the artist who makes necklaces, bracelets, and rings.

What to do on boring Sundays?

What should you do on a boring Sunday? It depends on what kind of person you are.

If you don’t like to waste a single minute, pick one of our Sunday ideas above. If you appreciate the value of restorative laziness, loafing around is also an option and a great way to start the week.

What are common things people do on Sundays?

Many people have Sunday traditions. For some, it involves attending a worship service.

For many parents, it’s a day of shuttling the kids to soccer games and such. And for foodies, it’s a popular day for brunch.

What is the best thing to do on a Sunday morning?

The best Sundays are the ones where you needn’t answer to anyone else and do exactly what you want.

But try to carve out time to reflect on gratitude and the week to come. It will energetically align you for the days ahead.

Whatever you do this upcoming Sunday, we hope you have a super time.

41 Sunday Things To Do That Are Fun, Relaxing, And Productive (2024)


How can I make Sunday more fun? ›

30+ Entertaining & Refreshing Things to Do on a Sunday
  1. Do Sunday brunch.
  2. Go on a scenic hike.
  3. Play board games.
  4. Organize an area of your home.
  5. Get lost in a book.
  6. Go to the farmer's market.
  7. Rearrange your furniture.
  8. Put together a jigsaw puzzle.

How do you spend a relaxing Sunday? ›

On a Sunday, pampering yourself can mean doing things that make you feel relaxed and happy. This could be taking a long bath, reading a book you love, cooking your favourite meal, or watching a movie. Some people like to go for a walk in nature, do some gentle yoga, or just nap.

What do people do to relax? ›

Just try the ones that do.
  • How to relax – 8 relaxation tips for your mental health. ...
  • Take a break. ...
  • Try active relaxation. ...
  • Focus on your breathing. ...
  • Get creative. ...
  • Spend time in nature. ...
  • Picture yourself somewhere serene. ...
  • Listen to music.

How do people spend Sunday? ›

For me, I would put on some relaxing music and just relax with a nice cup of tea. It was a wonderful way to spend Sunday morning. No stress, no pressure, just me and the Sunday papers. Decide what you want to do with your Sunday morning, make sure it is focused on you and start this week.

How can I enjoy Sunday more? ›

10 easy (and enjoyable) ways to soothe the Sunday Scaries
  1. Make your own mindful Sunday rituals. ...
  2. Make a plan for the week. ...
  3. Cultivate gratitude. ...
  4. Give yourself a Monday perk. ...
  5. Prioritize sleep. ...
  6. Make time for movement. ...
  7. Set a mindful intention for the week ahead. ...
  8. Spend time with your besties.
Jul 14, 2023

How can I make Sunday happy? ›

Arrange to do something fun on Sunday evening: Get together with your book club, documentary club or supper club. And—here's the key—schedule it for early in the evening, so that it ends by 7:30 at the latest. Because the most important thing of all to do on Sunday is to... Sleep Around.

What is the most relaxing thing? ›

Here are some of our top picks to help you relax, unwind, and prioritize your wellbeing and mental health.
  • Take a nap. ...
  • Learn something new. ...
  • Relax outside. ...
  • Watch the sunset. ...
  • Get a little water therapy. ...
  • Appeal to your senses of taste and smell. ...
  • Move to your favorite music. ...
  • Connect with your loved ones and pets.
Oct 6, 2023

How do people have fun and relax? ›

Choose friends who inspire and enliven you and connect with them over a virtual cup of coffee, or take your dogs for a walk together. It doesn't take long to feel the power of connection with a good friend, or even a new friend. Relationships reduce stress by enriching our perspective and encouraging us to be our best.

What are the activities particularly relaxing? ›

Everyone finds different things relaxing, but generally, calming activities include things like meditation, deep breathing, resting, reading, and walking in natural environments.

How can I be productive on a Sunday? ›

5 Sunday Habits That Lead Into a More Productive Week
  1. Avoid sleeping in. This isn't to say you need to wake up at the same time during the weekdays. ...
  2. Plan out your week. ...
  3. Go grocery shopping and meal prepping. ...
  4. Set aside some time for cleaning. ...
  5. Include some self-care.

How can I spend my Sunday? ›

Spend Some Time Alone

It gives you the opportunity to reflect, clear your mind, improve your creativity, do the things that you want to do, and meet new people. Spending time alone can also increase your productivity since you aren't relying on other people to share the workload on a project. What is this?

How to have a fulfilling Sunday? ›

With a little planning, you can create a Sunday routine that helps you feel relaxed, productive, and ready to take on the week ahead.
  1. Wake Up Refreshed, But Not Too Late. ...
  2. Savor Your Morning Drink in Bed. ...
  3. Dive into a Good Book or Reading Material. ...
  4. Take Your Time Getting Ready. ...
  5. Dedicate Me-Time.
Oct 2, 2023

What to do on a boring Sunday? ›

Whatever you decide, kudos to you for making the most of your and your loved ones' free time.
  • Play chess. ...
  • Clean out your closets. ...
  • Find your new favorite podcast. ...
  • Start “my list” on a streaming service. ...
  • Go for a walk. ...
  • Take a bath. ...
  • Phone a friend. ...
  • Do a yoga video.
Dec 22, 2023

How to have a lazy Sunday? ›

90 Things to Do on a Lazy Sunday
  1. Hit the Snooze Button & Sleep In.
  2. Indulge in a Big Brunch.
  3. Binge-watch Your Favorite TV Show.
  4. Have a Movie Marathon.
  5. Take a Nap (or Two)
  6. Stay in Your Pajamas All Day Long.
  7. Order Takeout & Treat Yourself to Some Delicious Food.
  8. Spend Quality Time with Your Pet (or Borrow One from a Friend)

How do I stop wasting Sundays? ›

But, here is what I did to beat the cycle.
  1. I maintain a journal. I keep it next to me on my work side table. ...
  2. I keep my tasks scheduled for a weekend. Plan my Saturday and Sunday on Friday. ...
  3. Keep a time bound activity for each day. Lik.
Mar 21, 2015

How to not hate Sundays? ›

12 tips to combat the Sunday scaries
  1. Determine the cause of your Sunday scaries. ...
  2. Try anxiety-coping techniques. ...
  3. Create a relaxing Sunday. ...
  4. Plan something fun on Monday. ...
  5. Prioritize your work-life balance. ...
  6. Take a mental health day or sabbatical leave. ...
  7. Use “do not disturb” and block notifications when you're off the clock.
Feb 7, 2024

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.