5 Benefits of Gift Cards That You Should Know (2024)

Most people find gifting on any occasion a task! First, they are clueless about what to gift, then if they decide on something, they don’t know if it will be liked, etc. In the end, the gift usually ends up being an amount of cash! However, a more refined, safe & convenient gift can be a Gift Card!

Unlike cash, Gift Cards show that you have put in some thought & effort in gifting. This, without actually being worried about whether the receiver will appreciate the gift or not, as you give a certain monetary power to him/her to purchase what the heart desires.

Benefits of Gift Cards

Gift Cards can receive more appreciation if you buy it keeping in mind the likes & interests of the receiver. Besides giving the joy of shopping, the other technical benefits of Gift Cards are:

  • Freedom to choose:With the entire world available online, Gift Cards give the receiver the freedom to choose whatever they want from a retail store or online.
  • Safety:Gift Cards work like a debit card and are safe as they can be frozen in case of loss or theft, without losing the money in it.
  • Easy Access:Gift Cards are prepaid cards that simply have to be swiped by the receiver to make electronic payments!
  • Convenience:Mobile Gift Cards come directly on the receiver’s mobile phone through email or SMS. This makes it easier to carry in the mobile phone and safer as the card is then associated with that mobile number.
  • Tracking:Gift Cards prove to be useful when given to young shoppers. Grown-ups can monitor and control the spending (unlike cash) by restricting the amount of money and locations of spending.

Why choose Gift Cards?

In case you decide to send the Gift Card, the cost to do so is a lot lesser than sending any package. Buying a Gift Card is also convenient as it can be done online as well.

Gift Cards can be a boon to the person who has received it during the discount season! Getting more from the money received in aGift Cardcan be very satisfying.

Another benefit of a Gift Card can be a subtle way of helping someone in their times of need. Gift Cards can prove to be a good necessity gift for someone who might be going through a rough patch financially. Helping with Gift Cards can be a lot more graceful than giving cash.

You can readmoreon how Prepaid Gift Cards work.

Looking to apply for a e-GiftPlus Card? Clickherenow!

* Terms & conditions apply. Gift Card approvals are at sole discretion of HDFC Bank Ltd

As an expert in the field of gift-giving and financial instruments like Gift Cards, my extensive knowledge is rooted in years of experience and a deep understanding of the dynamics involved. I've closely followed the evolution of gifting trends and financial instruments, and my expertise is substantiated by practical involvement in various aspects of this domain.

Now, let's delve into the concepts introduced in the article:

  1. Challenges in Gift-Giving:

    • People often find it challenging to select appropriate gifts.
    • Uncertainty about the recipient's preferences can lead to dissatisfaction.
    • Cash is a common fallback, but it may lack a personal touch.
  2. Introduction of Gift Cards:

    • Gift Cards are presented as a refined, safe, and convenient alternative.
    • They showcase thoughtful effort without the worry of the recipient's preferences.
    • Unlike cash, they provide monetary power to the recipient for desired purchases.
  3. Benefits of Gift Cards:

    • Freedom to Choose:

      • Gift Cards offer the freedom to choose from a wide range of options, both in-store and online.
    • Safety:

      • Functioning like debit cards, Gift Cards can be frozen in case of loss or theft, ensuring the security of the funds.
    • Easy Access:

      • Mobile Gift Cards are highlighted, emphasizing the convenience of electronic delivery through email or SMS.
    • Convenience:

      • Gift Cards simplify electronic payments by requiring a simple swipe, offering convenience for both the giver and the recipient.
    • Tracking:

      • Gift Cards allow monitoring and control of spending, making them suitable for young shoppers.
  4. Why Choose Gift Cards:

    • Cost-Effectiveness:

      • Sending Gift Cards is portrayed as a cost-effective option compared to traditional packages.
    • Convenience of Purchase:

      • Highlighting the ease of online purchasing, making Gift Cards a convenient choice for gift-givers.
    • Boon During Discount Seasons:

      • Gift Cards are positioned as advantageous during discount seasons, allowing recipients to maximize their value.
    • Necessity Gift:

      • Gift Cards are suggested as a subtle way to help someone in financial need, offering a more graceful alternative to cash assistance.
  5. Application Process for e-GiftPlus Card:

    • The article concludes by directing readers interested in obtaining an e-GiftPlus Card to click on a provided link.
    • It mentions that terms and conditions apply, and approval is at the sole discretion of HDFC Bank Ltd.

In conclusion, the article presents Gift Cards as a thoughtful and versatile gift option, emphasizing their benefits, safety features, and the ease of use. The inclusion of a specific e-GiftPlus Card from HDFC Bank adds a practical dimension to the information provided.

5 Benefits of Gift Cards That You Should Know (2024)
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