5 Good Reasons To Wear Glasses To An Interview | Office Topics (2024)

When you compete for a position against other qualified individuals, every little detail matters during a job interview. From how you are dressed to how you speak and how you behave. But should you wear glasses to an interview?

Wearing glasses to a job interview is definitely going to increase your odds of getting hired. Studies confirm that people who wear glasses are seen as more competent and intellectual. Hiring managers are more likely to perceive you as smarter and more capable if you wear glasses.

If you are still wondering about glasses or no glasses for an interview, perhaps here you will find your answer. I think there is a bit more to this topic based on my findings and personal experience so let’s take a closer look.

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5 good reasons to wear glasses to your job interviews

5 Good Reasons To Wear Glasses To An Interview | Office Topics (1)

1. Wearing glasses makes you seem smarter

We can thank pop culture for this stereotype. You know, the smart person in movies and TV shows always wears glasses. Therefore, people naturally associate glasses with higher intelligence.

2. You may appear more knowledgeable

If wearing glasses makes you seem smarter, then people will assume that you are more knowledgeable. Who doesn’t want to hire staff with a broader knowledge than the general population?

3. You may be seen as more competent

Another assumption we can make is that people who are smarter and more knowledgeable are simply more competent.

It’s no coincidence that the people who have some of the hardest and most demanding professions in the world such as medical doctors and astronauts are also highly intelligent.

This scientific study suggests that people who wear glasses are indeed seen as more competent.

Another great way to appear more competent and prepared would be to bring notes to your interview.

4. You may be perceived as hardworking

Another assumption that your hiring manager might make about you due to the fact that you wear glasses is that you have a very strong work ethic. They might think that you are somebody who works hard to achieve success. Another great reason for them to hire you.

After all, recruiters judge candidates based on their appearance as well. For example, if you are wearing jeans to an interview that takes place in a corporate environment, you might be seen as unprofessional.

5. You may become more confident

I am not able to find any scientific data that supports this idea. But from what I have experienced, and what other people have reported, wearing glasses can boost your confidence.

One explanation for this suggests that you might like how you look when you wear glasses. You feel more attractive, therefore you act and speak in a more confident way.

Another explanation for this phenomenon is what I call the screen theory. This is something that I personally experienced when I started wearing glasses. Essentially, the glasses become the screen through which you observe everything. This creates a psychological barrier between you and the rest of the world.

This barrier creates a psychologically safe spot for you “behind the screen” so your feeling of safety is slightly increased. The result is that you feel more confident in your actions.

So put on a pair of fashionable glasses, be confident in yourself, and good luck! Also, a great way to ensure your job interview will go smoothly is to prepare really well for it.

Do glasses help you get hired?

Glasses can help you get hired as you might be perceived by the hiring managers as smarter, more knowledgeable, competent, and hardworking. However, don’t rely on your stylish glasses frame alone – make sure to bring your A-game to your job interviews.

Should you wear glasses to an online interview?

You can wear glasses to an online job interview as well to achieve the same effect of being perceived as more intelligent and capable by your interviewers.

5 Good Reasons To Wear Glasses To An Interview | Office Topics (2024)


Why do people wear glasses in interviews? ›

One recent study has found that job seekers are more likely to be hired if they wear glasses to their interview. According to the study by the College of Optometrists, about 33% of adults think people who wear glasses look more professional, while 43% believe that they look smarter.

Does wearing glasses help in an interview? ›

Yes, you should wear glasses to an interview, especially if your quality of vision requires it. Many might think to just wear contacts for an interview, but there have been studies that show that candidates that wear glasses to an interview are more likely to be hired if they do so.

Why do some people wear glasses answer? ›

If a person has vision trouble, it's often a refractive problem. Glasses or contact lenses work so well because they can correct refractive problems. In other words, they bend the light rays in a way that lets you see more clearly.

How would you describe the importance of good eye contact during an interview? ›

Maintaining eye contact in an interview shows that you are interested despite your lack of confidence. Direct eye contact in an interview demonstrates professionalism, conveys trust, and is polite.

Do glasses make you look more competent? ›

Even though glasses do have negative associations as well, such as making people appear less dominant and attractive as well as older and weaker, the study's results seem to suggest that when the role you're applying for most heavily rewards intelligence or competence, glasses can be a useful addition.

Why do glasses make you look good? ›

Some face shapes are viewed as more beautiful than others. Wearing glasses will often balance out your face giving it an asymmetrical illusion.

What is something smart to wear to an interview? ›

Wear smart slacks or dark coloured jeans, tailored jeans are often best for interviews. A knee length or midi skirt can also work. For shoes wear flats or small heels with closed toes. Choose a blouse or shirt that fits well, avoiding low-cut tops.

What are interview lens glasses? ›

Overview: Interview is a mid-distance lens providing enhanced near vision. This design includes an intermediate zone located directly in front of the eyes and a near zone that is easily reached by lowering the eyes approximately 18 degrees.

Why were glasses important? ›

The invention of glasses is considered a crucial step forward in humanity's cultural history: suddenly, people suffering from visual impairments could not only play an active role in day-to-day life, but also study for longer, expand their knowledge and then pass it on to others.

Why do glasses look smart? ›

Why do people with glasses look smart? According to a study from the University of Cologne in Köln, Germany and the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, the stereotype that people with glasses look smart “dates back to the Middle Ages, when monks used glasses to study despite declining vision.

Why are more people wearing glasses? ›

Researchers believe two culprits are to blame: the lack of outdoor play, and prolonged time doing up-close activities like using digital devices.

What does lack of eye contact mean in interview? ›

Good eye contact during an interview can show you are interested in what the interview is saying. A lack of eye contact is often seen as disrespectful and can make you look like you're not paying total attention – which means you're not really that interested in the job.

Why is eye contact important for confidence? ›

How you look at someone can convey empathy, challenge, or even anger. A confident, steady gaze can inspire trust and credibility, while a lack of eye contact can indicate dishonesty or disinterest. Eyes don't lie. They are a powerful form of nonverbal communication.

What impression do glasses give? ›

Honesty: Glasses can make you look more honest. Trustworthiness: You may look more trustworthy if you're wearing glasses with rims. Intelligence: People with glasses look like they read more; hence, they are more intelligent. Social class: Higher social class is associated with wearing glasses.

Do glasses give you confidence? ›

You might avoid wearing glasses because of how you think it makes you look (though some people who don't have a problem seeing or reading wear glasses as a fashion statement), but wearing them might make you seem more confident. When we can see what's in front of and around us clearly, we walk more confidently.

What glasses make you look professional? ›

Eyeglasses for serious business

Consider these choices to enhance your professional image: Classic shapes such as ovals, rectangles and almonds. Traditional colors of gold, silver, brown, gray and black. In plastic frames, no bright colors or unusual shapes.

What are the perceptions of people with glasses? ›

One experiment found that people who wore full-rim glasses gave off less attractive, but more intelligent vibes compared to rimless glasses or those who don't wear spectacles at all. Glasses reinforced the notion that the person wearing them was more honest, trustworthy and even innocent.

Why should we hire you? ›

“I should be hired for this role because of my relevant skills, experience, and passion for the industry. I've researched the company and can add value to its growth. My positive attitude, work ethics, and long-term goals align with the job requirements, making me a committed and valuable asset to the company.”

Should you wear glasses to an online interview? ›

Wear Glasses but Adjust the Glare

It is not quite in the "what to wear" section but this is amongst one of the important Dos for a video interview. Candidates who wear glasses do not adjust the lighting in the room before going live which tends to spark a glare across the screen.

How do I make my glasses not reflect? ›

To avoid glare on your glasses, try looking away from the light source. This doesn't have to be dramatic and may only take a small turn or tilt. A great strategy is to have the light source on one side and slowly turn towards it until the glare hits.

Are there glasses that don't reflect light? ›

An anti-reflective (also known as anti-glare) coating prevents reflections from appearing on both the inside and outside of your eyeglass or sunglass lenses. No reflections on your lenses means more light is reaching your eyes, which inevitably improves your vision.

What do red glasses lenses mean? ›

Red or pink lens sunglasses comfort and help the eyes adjust to contrast. Winter sports fans hitting the slopes are often spotted sporting these rosy tinted lenses. Great for increasing depth of field and vision, these rose-tinted lenses provide enhanced driving visibility.

What are executive glasses? ›

Executive Bifocals

Uncut Executive Bifocal. The Executive Bifocal is similar to the original Split Bifocal worn by Benjamin Franklin. The entire top portion of the lens is dedicated for distance use whilst the bottom portion is for reading. They offer a much wider reading area than other types of bifocal.

What are stress marks on glasses lens? ›

PROBLEM: Lenses were edged too large and/or over-tightened in the frame, causing stress marks. Primarily visible in the lens periphery, stress marks can also spread throughout the lens. These marks can occur with some poly materials and in wrap style frames without proper base curve compensation.

Why do people wear glasses everyday? ›

As well as making it easier for you to see clearly and more comfortably during your day to day activities, glasses can make your routine much safer – especially when it comes to tasks like driving. They allow you to make the most of your day with peace of mind that you're seeing to your best ability.

When to wear glasses? ›

Blurry Vision

Difficulty focusing on blurred objects—far away or up close—may mean you need glasses. If you find it difficult to read street signs while driving or read text in books, you may benefit from eyeglasses or contacts.

What impact did glasses have? ›

The invention of eyeglasses has increased productivity over the ages. In the past, active, productive members of society had to stop working, writing, reading and using their hands for skillful tasks at a relatively young age. With eyeglasses, these members were able to continue their work.

Do glasses make you look younger? ›

Eyeglasses can do much more than correct your vision. They are also an accessory that adds to your appearance and image. You may not be able to turn back the hands of time, but you can make yourself look younger with the help of a great pair of eyeglasses. Not every pair of eyeglasses will suit your face.

What race wears glasses the most? ›

Myopia (near-sightedness) is more prevalent in ethnic East Asians, over 2/3 by age 15. So they need glasses to fix that. Why is it more prevalent? Given that rates of myopia are much higher than they used to be in East Asian countries, it's probably more lifestyle than genetics.

Did Albert Einstein wear glasses? ›

From Bill Gates to Albert Einstein , many of the most intelligent people throughout history have worn glasses. Now, a new study suggests that that might not be a coincidence.

Do people with glasses see better than normal? ›

If you have been wondering whether wearing eyeglasses improves your eyesight, the answer to that is that they do. However, there is no indication that they affect your physical eye or the source of your sight loss symptoms.

Did humans always need glasses? ›

The first eyeglass was invented during the 13th century, but even before that people were already suffering from poor vision. Nearsightedness and farsightedness were quite common. In fact, historical accounts exist of people suffering from poor eyesight.

Will most people need glasses? ›

Yes, since presbyopia affects everyone eventually. If you have never needed glasses or contacts before, you may find age-related vision changes to be especially frustrating.

Is no eye contact a red flag? ›

Lack of eye contact.

If so, that could be a bad sign. "Eye contact is incredibly intimate," Reiman told INSIDER. "Eye contact shows trust and emotional openness [and] tells the partner 'I am yours. ' If your partner once offered up their eyes and suddenly stops, it's a red flag."

What do you say in Tell me about yourself? ›

Your answer to the "tell me about yourself" question should describe your current situation, your past job experience, the reason you're a good fit for the role, and how you align with the company values. Tell the interviewer about your current position and a recent big accomplishment or positive feedback you received.

How do you break eye contact confidently? ›

Make a gesture. Break your gaze to make a gesture or to nod, as this appears more natural than looking away because you've grown uncomfortable with the amount of eye contact. Look near the eyes. If looking someone directly in the eyes is too stressful, instead look at a spot on their nose, mouth, or chin.

Why do celebrities wear sunglasses in interviews? ›

Celebrities Wear Sunglasses to Hide From Paparazzi

So, why do celebrities wear sunglasses? Well, it's pretty simple: they want to avoid the prying eyes of the paparazzi.

Is it okay to wear glasses during a zoom interview? ›

Wear Glasses but Adjust the Glare

It is not quite in the "what to wear" section but this is amongst one of the important Dos for a video interview. Candidates who wear glasses do not adjust the lighting in the room before going live which tends to spark a glare across the screen.

Why do people in interviews not look at the camera? ›

Looking away from the lens can make them feel more relaxed and engaged, which in turn will make your video more compelling. Lastly, looking off-camera tends to suggest objectivity and detachment, which will make your content more convincing.

Is it unprofessional to wear sunglasses to an interview? ›

Never Wear Sunglasses on Top of Your Head

Similar to dressing casually it will give off the impression that you're not well-polished or taking this interview seriously. How to avoid it: Keep your sunglasses at home or leave them in your car.

Why do some people look good in sunglasses? ›

Sunglasses, especially those with dark lenses, cover asymmetrical 'imperfections' around your eyes. Thus, when you put on a pair of sunglasses, you bring instant symmetry to your face that increases the perception of your natural beauty. You've heard the expression that 'eyes are the windows to your soul', right?

Why do people wear dark glasses? ›

While most people reach for their dark lenses because of the bright glare of the sun, other people wear their shades for more reasons than simply sun protection. Sometimes, these reasons cross the threshold into the home, workplace, shopping mall, sports arena and the doctor's office.

Should I wear glasses all the time? ›

If you are comfortable, then there is absolutely no reason why you can't wear your glasses as much as you want. There are some myths surrounding this issue, as some people believe wearing glasses all the time will actually damage your eyes, making them worse when you take the glasses off.

Why do most people fail at interviews? ›

This may be they just don't have 'enough' skills, knowledge of experience for the role in question. Or it could be that they don't have the 'right' skills, knowledge and experience for that job. The lesson here is for applicants to do their research on the role and develop their skills and knowledge if necessary.

How not to appear for an interview? ›

Call or Email the Hiring Manager

Should you decide that there's no way you'd want the job (or if you've decided to accept another job offer), call or email the person who scheduled the interview to let them know that you are not going to attend the interview. Provide as much notice as possible.

Why do some people fail interviews? ›

Feeling pressure to say “yes” to every question or act like you know everything is a common reason why people fail to get hired in their job interviews. Hiring managers do NOT expect you to be able to say you've done every single thing they ask about. In fact, a good interviewer will ask some things you don't know.

What colors do you not wear to an interview? ›

Yellow, green, orange and purple

Orange, in particular, is considered the most inappropriate color for an interview and can come across as overly confident and unprofessional.

Do employers care about what you wear to interview? ›

Importance of dressing well for a job interview

Dressing professionally for your interview is important because it shows an employer that you value the opportunity to meet with them. Wearing a professional outfit is one way to make a good first impression and show that you take the interview process seriously.

What is the safest option to wear when attending an interview? ›

Wear smart slacks or dark coloured jeans, tailored jeans are often best for interviews. A knee length or midi skirt can also work. For shoes wear flats or small heels with closed toes. Choose a blouse or shirt that fits well, avoiding low-cut tops.

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.