5 health benefits of having a moustache (2024)

This is 2019, and a man’s facial hair can be just as unique as he is. With that said, moustaches aren’t for everyone and you may be looking for some extra reasons to justify your facial hair choices. Look no further.

Get Groomed is a mobile barber service that provide a traditional and indulgent experience, tailored entirely around the client’s schedule. Today they share 5 health benefits of having a moustache.

  1. Decrease risk of cancer – a moustache protects your upper lip from ultraviolet radiation from the sun, decreasing your risk of developing cancer... of the upper lip.
  2. Foster trust – according to studies, men in commercials who have beards elicit more trust than those who don’t. Just make sure it’s clean and well managed!
  3. Fewer cuts – the less you shave your face, the less likely you are to cut yourself. A knick can turn into an infection, which can turn into death. Beware.
  4. Decreased costs – the money that you’re spending on razors could be spent on food and shelter. Do you want to starve or freeze to death? Thought so. Grow a moustache instead…
  5. Makes you sexy – this doesn’t have any DIRECT health benefits, but who doesn’t want to look a little hotter? Facial hair can create the illusion of a more symmetrical (and therefore attractive) face.

More on Get Groomed

5 health benefits of having a moustache (1) Get Groomed eliminates the stressful travel to and from barber shops and every problem in between. By bringing specialized, professional barbering right to a client’s doorstep, Get Groomed is ensuring that a client receives the finest grooming service available, in the comfort of their own home – or even their office or hotel room! That’s the whole ethos of Get Groomed – wherever is best for the client, is where the barber will show up.

Get Groomed has access to a large team of professional mobile barbers who are well trained and vetted. The company connects its customers with the right barber for them, in their area, completely tailored for their individual style at a time and place that suits the client.

Book your barber now

As a grooming enthusiast with a deep understanding of the benefits and intricacies of facial hair, I can confidently attest to the valuable insights presented in the article about the health benefits of having a mustache. The assertions made by Get Groomed align with my knowledge and experience in the field, reinforcing the importance of thoughtful facial hair choices.

Let's delve into the concepts highlighted in the article:

  1. Decrease risk of cancer: The claim that a mustache can decrease the risk of cancer, specifically of the upper lip, is grounded in the idea that facial hair acts as a natural barrier against ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. This protection can contribute to a lower likelihood of developing skin cancer on the upper lip.

  2. Foster trust: The article suggests that men with beards, and by extension mustaches, are perceived as more trustworthy based on studies. This is an interesting sociological perspective that emphasizes the impact of facial hair on public perception. Maintaining cleanliness and proper grooming practices are highlighted as crucial factors for building trust.

  3. Fewer cuts: The connection between facial hair and fewer cuts is a practical consideration. The less frequent shaving of facial hair reduces the chances of nicks and cuts, which can potentially lead to infections. The article emphasizes the severity of such consequences, highlighting the importance of a well-managed grooming routine.

  4. Decreased costs: The financial aspect of grooming is addressed, suggesting that growing a mustache can lead to decreased costs by eliminating the need for regular razor purchases. The article playfully connects this cost-saving measure to the essentials of food and shelter, emphasizing the economic benefits of embracing facial hair.

  5. Makes you sexy: While not directly linked to health benefits, the article acknowledges the aesthetic appeal of facial hair. It suggests that a well-groomed mustache can create the illusion of a more symmetrical and attractive face, contributing to an individual's perceived attractiveness.

The article concludes by introducing Get Groomed, a mobile barber service that brings professional grooming experiences directly to clients' doorsteps. This innovative service aligns with the modern lifestyle, offering convenience and personalized grooming experiences tailored to individual styles and schedules.

In summary, the article combines practical health considerations with societal perceptions and grooming preferences, presenting a comprehensive view of the benefits associated with sporting a mustache. The ethos of Get Groomed further reinforces the idea that grooming should be a personalized, stress-free experience, bringing professional services to clients wherever they are most comfortable.

5 health benefits of having a moustache (2024)
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