5 Health Benefits of Wearing Gold (2024)

By ProvidentMetals.com on Filed Under: Invest in Gold

5 Health Benefits of Wearing Gold (1)

Gold has always been viewed as a source of wealth. Even centuries ago, people would adorn themselves with golden jewelry and ornaments to signify their power and status. Fast forward to modern culture and you’ll find that golden jewelry remains significant. However, beyond the fashion statement of donning a gold bracelet or necklace, wearing gold can offer a variety of health benefits as well.

In ancient times, gold was believed to have healing properties and was used medicinally. Today, it is still widely believed that gold can have positive effects on a person’s well-being. The yellow metal is used for a variety of ailments. And while proof of its effectiveness is somewhat limited, we at least know that gold is a non-toxic substance and will not lead to side effects, even after long-term exposure.

How can gold benefit your health?

#1: Alleviate Arthritis Symptoms

Perhaps the most researched and doctor-endorsed use of gold is to alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Wearing 24-karat gold directly against the skin has helped improve these symptoms among a significant percentage of sufferers.

#2: Reduce Soreness

Applying gold to a sore spot or infection is said to help heal the wound. Why? Gold is thought to have a relaxing effect on blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more freely. This boost in circulation regulates oxygen within the body, aiding in healing.

#3: Regulate Body Temperature

Gold is said to aid in body temperature regulation. A stable temperature improves a person’s immune system. This is especially helpful for those who experience chills, night sweats, and/or hot flashes.

#4: Skin Care Treatment

Cleopatra famously used pure gold as a face mask to keep her skin youthful. During the Roman era, gold was made into a salve and used to treat various skin diseases and infections. While medical advances have far surpassed these rudimentary practices, the basis of gold’s positive effects on skin remains. Today, you can find pure gold in a variety of beauty products and dermatological treatments, all said to keep skin radiant and beautiful.

#5: Mood Enhancement

Many people enjoy the look and feel of pure gold. Wearing it as a fashion statement is enough to give many gold owners a confidence boost. Some people smile just by the sight of their own gold—whether in jewelry or bullion form. In fact, this effect is so strong that gold has been used as a de-stressor since ancient times. It has been viewed as a means to boost emotional wellbeing.

5 Health Benefits of Wearing Gold (2)If you already collect gold for investment purposes, why not add health benefits on top of that? You can achieve both with wearable wealth like the smooth 1 oz gold bullion bracelet. Investment-grade gold is the purest form you’re likely to find, without the alloyed metals in standard gold jewelry. This gives you the best chance to make a sound investment choice and gain the health benefits of gold all at once!

Do you use gold for its health benefits in any capacity? We’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments section below.

5 Health Benefits of Wearing Gold (2024)
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