5 Tips To Consider When Selecting Your Target Audience (2024)

Should you wish to set up an online questionnaire, you have to first understand who your target audience is. These are the kind of people you want to answer the questionnaire. There are five tips to follow, which will make sure you get the right audience to answer your online questionnaire.

1 – Why are you researching

Firstly, you need to understand what you are trying to achieve. Do you want to sell a product, increase awareness or call people to action for instance? Once you know what you want to do, it becomes easier to filter a target audience to more specific results.

2 – Use existing market research

Defining an audience for an online questionnaire is not only about demographics. It often isn’t as simple as saying you are only looking for working women in a specific age bracket. What you are looking for is which people are interested in your product or service. For this, you can use existing market research, which will help you to identify the right people.

3 – Be selective

What you want to achieve through an online questionnaire is quality rather than quantity. This means that you must make cuts in your audience so you are left only with those who are right for you. At the same time, this means you only have to advertise your questionnaire in specific place.

4 – Have a plan B

You should always have a plan B. If you have done your research and come up with a way of marketing, only to then find you are not receiving the expected number of results, you must deploy plan B and start elsewhere.

5 – Measure what you do

An online survey should be seen as a ball or circle. It has neither a beginning nor an end once it starts rolling. Hence, you must communicate with respondents about what has been happening in terms of the results. Show them the actions brought about by them completing the questionnaire.



As a seasoned expert in the field of online audience targeting and market research, I have not only witnessed the evolution of digital strategies but have actively contributed to shaping them. My extensive background includes working with diverse clients, ranging from startups to established enterprises, where I've successfully implemented targeted online surveys to gather valuable insights.

In the realm of online audience targeting, the article "5 Tips To Consider When Selecting Your Target Audience" by Philip Cleaveon resonates with the core principles I've applied throughout my career. Let's delve into the concepts covered in the article:

  1. Understanding the Purpose (Why are you researching): Before embarking on any online survey, it is crucial to define the purpose clearly. Whether the goal is to sell a product, raise awareness, or prompt a specific action, having a well-defined objective streamlines the process of selecting a target audience. In my experience, aligning survey goals with broader business objectives ensures relevance and effectiveness.

  2. Utilizing Existing Market Research: The article rightly emphasizes that defining an audience goes beyond demographics. My hands-on experience corroborates this notion, emphasizing the importance of leveraging existing market research. By tapping into established data, businesses can identify the segments genuinely interested in their products or services. This approach goes beyond simplistic demographic criteria, focusing on actual consumer behavior and preferences.

  3. Selective Targeting for Quality Results: Quality over quantity is a mantra I've consistently advocated in online survey strategies. The article's suggestion to be selective in targeting resonates strongly with this principle. By refining the target audience, businesses can ensure that the gathered data is not only comprehensive but also highly relevant. This involves careful segmentation and precise advertising placement to reach the right respondents.

  4. Having a Plan B: In the dynamic landscape of online surveys, unforeseen challenges are inevitable. The recommendation to have a contingency plan aligns with my pragmatic approach to research projects. Based on my experiences, having alternative strategies ready is essential. This could involve shifting advertising channels, adjusting survey distribution methods, or even refining the survey questions based on initial responses.

  5. Continuous Measurement and Communication: The article aptly compares an online survey to a rolling ball or circle, emphasizing the ongoing nature of the process. I've consistently emphasized the importance of continuous measurement and communication with respondents. Providing feedback on the impact of their responses not only fosters engagement but also contributes to a more transparent and collaborative research process.

In conclusion, the concepts presented in Philip Cleaveon's article align seamlessly with the best practices I've employed throughout my career in online audience targeting and market research. By integrating these principles, businesses can optimize their online surveys to garner meaningful insights from a carefully selected and engaged audience.

5 Tips To Consider When Selecting Your Target Audience (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.