5 Ways Kobe Bryant Changed the World Forever (2024)

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5 Ways Kobe Bryant Changed the World Forever (3)


Looking at the variety of ways Kobe Bryant impacted not only the game, but the world forever, and how he left a lasting legacy in Los Angeles

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By Noah Geyer, PSO Research Analyst
Jan 26, 2022

August 23rd was typically a day of celebration. However, the events that transpired on1/26/20 took away the life of one of the most influential athletes of all-time, and one of the world’s most beloved human beings. Kobe Bryant tragically passed away in a helicopter accident on a foggy Sunday morning, and now the basketball world will now forever celebrate the life of the Lakers legend on his birthday.

Thegreatest player in Los Angeles Lakers history, Kobe was a high school phenom that miraculously fell to the Lakers who traded with Charlotte for the 16th overall pick in the legendary 1996 NBA Draft. The rest is history. Kobe’s lasting legacy had an impact on and off the court as he helped shift many perspectives and inspired others through his hard work, dedication, and passion for what he loved.

5 Ways Kobe Bryant Changed the World Forever (4)

Just two words can be used to sum up Kobe Bryant’s entire 20-year career: Mamba Mentality.

The Mamba Mentality, coined from Kobe’s nickname the Black Mamba, perfectly embodied the career of Kobe Bryant.

What is the Mamba Mentality? The Mamba Mentality is showing up for a 10 a.m. practice at four in the morning. The Mamba Mentality is shooting one thousand shots from the spot in which you missed the previous game-winner.

The Mamba Mentality is shooting two free throws on a torn achilles, or popping a dislocated finger back in before rushing back on the court. The Mamba Mentality is looking at one’s shortcomings or fears, and approaching them head on.

Kobe’s Mamba Mentality has changed the way in which athletes as well as non-athletes approach their craft. There was one thing that was important to Kobe throughout his life — winning. Whether on the court where he won his five championships, or off the court where he won an Oscar and wrote numerous best-sellers, Kobe never wanted to be second best.

The Mamba Mentality is what fueled Kobe to grind no matter what the circ*mstances were, and that relentless motor is what catapulted him to becoming one of the most influential people of all-time, one who has inspired an entire generation with just two words.

The city of Los Angeles embraced the Mamba Mentality as soon as Kobe stepped foot on a court in the Purple and Gold. Kobe is THE legend in the City of Angels. He gave absolutely everything he had to the city and its fans, and became the heart and soul of LA for over 20 years.

While Kobe was undoubtedly one of the best players of his generation, it wasn’t the championships or the winning or thebuzzer-beatersthat made Kobe so beloved. It was his heart and his loyalty. In an age where changing teams and chasing rings became the norm, Kobe remained loyal even in the face of adversity.

Bryant spent every second of his NBA career with the Los Angeles Lakers, and was responsible for just about every bit of success and excitement the Lakers enjoyed over those two decades (and there was plenty). Kobe gave every last ounce of basketball he had to the city, and the fans will forever cherish those moments.

The way Californians supported the kid from Philly through thick and thin — especially after his death outside the Staples Center left a lasting impression to athletes everywhere. While forming super teams and chasing championships might have its perks, nothing is more rewarding than becoming a legend with the organization and city where it all began.

In the twilight years of Kobe’s career, fans were introduced to a different side of the LA legend. It wasn’t the scary, assassin-minded, do anything to win Kobe. It was the friendly mentor Kobe, whose goal was to help the younger guys in the league succeed. Kobe became the go-to guy for up-and-coming stars like Kyrie Irving and Jayson Tatum to train with. He had friendly relationships with many of the game’s best players, passing his knowledge onto the next generation of superstars.

Additionally, Kobe became a leader in the growth and development of Women’s Basketball. He developed strong relationships with rising stars, most notably Sabrina Ionescu of Oregon. It didn’t take long after retirement for him to become a leading force in helping prove that girls can do anything boys can do, promoting gender equality in an industry that has fundamentally lacked it.

This also led fans to be introduced to another side of Kobe’s life: the “Girl Dad.” As the father of four girls, Kobe taught everyone what it meant to be a “Girl Dad.” When asked if he wished for a son to carry on his basketball legacy, he proudly spoke about his daughter, Gigi, who was going to fill his legacy in the game of basketball. Nobody would’ve been surprised if she became one of the biggest female superstar athletes ever.

Videos would surface of Kobe and Gigi working in the gym on some of Kobe’s vintage moves and patented fadeaways. They also spent time sitting courtside at Laker games, as fans could see the true pride in Kobe’s face when Gigi would speak to him about their beloved game. After the tragic passing of Kobe and Gigi, #GirlDad took over Social Media, as people posted pictures with their little girls, vowing to carry on the legacy that Kobe left behind.

One of the biggest ways Kobe Bryant left an impact can be seen all over the world when men and women take more pride in being Fathers and Mothers to their daughters. People embraced having little girls because of the joy Kobe exemplified for being a “Girl Dad,” and that will forever leave a positive impact on this world.

Another way in which Kobe’s greatness will always be remembered is in his massive popularity. Kobe may not go down as the greatest NBA player of all-time, but he’s certainly one of the most well-known. Yes, Kobe had his millions of followers in China and his huge fanbase in Italy where he grew up, but that’s not even the half of it.

For every young fan that loved or hated Kobe — and there were definitely plenty on each side — they almost all had one thing in common. Every kid (and a good amount of adults, too) has taken a piece of trash, crumbled it into a ball, shot it into a nearby trash can, and shouted the name, ‘KOBE!’ as they envisioned their toss as a signature buzzer-beating game-winner that encapsulated the Laker legend’s legacy.

The life of Kobe Bryant is a difficult one to eulogize. Kobe gave so much to this world, yet had so much more to give. That foggy January 26th morning changed the entire world, from the loss of a legend and eight innocent others, to the perception of helicopters.

It’s not far-fetched to think some may never step foot on a helicopter again. Not to mention, helicopter companies most likely won’t be flying people up on another foggy day knowing the ultimate price that could be paid in those conditions.

Life can’t ever go back to complete normalcy, especially for the families of the nine lives lost in that fateful crash. But as Kobe’s wife Vanessa Bryant shared, January 26th shouldn’t be a day of mourning, but a day of celebration. Fans around the world should celebrate the life of one of the most influential athletes of all-time.

Kobe was a hero to the city of Los Angeles, and will forever be remembered for everything he gave to the city, the basketball community, and even the world.People from all backgrounds continue to mourn the loss of Kobe Bryant, but his incomparable impact will never be forgotten.

Happy birthday to the guy who has inspired as many lives as anyone. One year later, the world still misses Kobe dearly, but people can begin to appreciate all the ways his lasting legacy has ultimately changed the world, helping to make it a better place.

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