6 Common Traits of Bad Leadership (and How to Fix these Poor Leadership Qualities in Your Organization) (2024)

Resources /Blogs /6 Common Traits of Bad Leadership (and How to Fix these Poor Leadership Qualities in Your Organization)

by Thuy Sindell, PhD. and Milo Sindell, MS.
Published on January 5, 2021

You’re working diligently at your desk when your manager stops by your cubiclewith yet another business initiative they want you to spearhead (remind you ofanyone?). What he doesn’t realize — or take the opportunity to look into —is that you’re already leading the efforts on several side projects, inaddition to your day-to-day tasks. “He means well,” you rationalize, this isan “opportunity.”

And while that might be true, it doesn’t make up for bad leadership —especially when employees’ relationship with their boss is a leading reasonthey decide to leave a job. According to a 2016 survey by Paychex, 44.6 percent of the 2,000 employees surveyedsaid they left their previous job because they didn’t like their boss. Recentresearch into employee satisfaction reinforces the data. A study of 2,500 USworkers last year, more than half said the people they worked with and theirimmediate boss were more important to their job satisfaction than whether theywere interested in their work. (Statista Research Department, Nov 4,2020)

Poor leadership qualities take on many forms and qualities and are critical toaddress to improve company performance and employee retention. If you’re in aposition of leadership and want to improve your leadership skills, or areassessing leadership abilities and bench strength and where to improve it atyour current company, here are some of the common traits to look out for:

1. Poor Communication

Leadership at every level requires clear and effective communication. Poorcommunications in your bosses’ management style manifests in vague projectdeliverables, poorly defined timelines, and ambiguous roles andresponsibilities. At a higher level, poor communication can come in the formof unclear team values, culture, vision, and goals. Team members takedirection from good leaders, and being a great leader means taking the time to ensure that the status quo is one that inspires self confidence and a strongwork ethic among your team.

Just as important is how communication skills come into play during the day today of work. Poor communication in a work setting can manifest in differentways. Some common signs of bad leadership include passive aggressivecommunication, failure to own up to mistakes, not listening to concerns, orcreating an intimidating work environment.

Passive aggressive communication

This is a big part of disintegrating relationships. Poor leaders are indirectwith how they communicate, which is a negative trait for the work environment.Even though what is said doesn’t sound confrontational, it is not clear to theperson on the receiving end.

Failure to accept responsibility

The “he said, she said” games do not work well when fostering team cohesionamong employees. Especially in a setting where there are usually levels ofleadership, blaming others does not create a solution and only reflects badleadership. Lack of responsibility can make situations unclear, tensionshigher, and lower team performance.

Not listening to an individuals’ concerns

Lack of listening is one of the main factors of poor communication.Communication is a two-way street, and if someone feels they are not beinglistened to, they quickly feel disconnected and disregarded. Someone who feelslike their input does not matter will not care to improve relations or workhard to complete their work. Everyone wants to feel heard and recognized, sobe sure to address all concerns to improve communication. The team is moreimportant than the self. Taking a “my way or the highway” approach to work isa sign of a bad leader and will only foster resentment among team members.

Intimidating work environment

Along the same veins, an intimidating work environment is damaging tocommunication because the side that feels intimidated will not feelcomfortable addressing their concerns or needs. Some might think thatintimidation and fear are good leadership qualities, but it actually has anegative effect on team members because they become more concerned withpleasing someone than doing their job. Team members should feel comfortableexpressing their opinions and personal goals. Having the space to do so aresigns that the company values every individual and not just those at the top.

How to become a better communicator


If you are being led by a bad leader with subpar communication skills, takeactions that will help you get clarity as well as support the leader. First,ask clarifying questions that don’t threaten, such as: “to make sure I delivermy part of the project on time; can you confirm what you need from me and bywhen? “ or “I am very excited that we are launching a new product. Would youhelp me understand how this product fits into our bigger goals?” This helpsthem better clarify what they may want from you without accusing them of beingunclear. In this way, the bosses are also receiving subtle hints about whatdifferentiates a poor leader from a good leader and can help them developtheir leadership style over time.

Watch your tone

Coming at them in an accusing manner can really rub off the wrong way, even ifthey are bad leaders. It can often be intimidating to reach out andcommunicate with your higher-ups, but it encourages a better work environment.Sometimes leaders are not aware that their communication is lacking, and oneperson reaching out could completely change this. You also don’t want to takea “my way or the highway” approach, but rather open up a dialogue aboutimproving overall team performance. It’s annoying to manage your superiors,but they may also be in the process of identifying their own leadership traitsand need some patience from the team.

2. Poor Influencing From the Top

Good leaders are able to engage, share, involve, and connect with their team.A leader’s ability to influence combines a combination of qualities, includingtrust, communication skills, knowledge, and the ability to negotiate. Poorleaders are limited to leveraging the hierarchical power and authority, whichare characteristics that hamper productivity in the workplace. Furthermore,someone who depends on their positional authority vs their ability to engageand create inherent motivation in others is a bad leader who risks alienatingtheir team and peers and undermining their own long-term success.

As well as the inability to motivate employees, bad leaders feel that they canact in any manner they want, when the reality is that the actions of a leaderare actually more scrutinized. Little interactions with team members candifferentiate bad leaders from great leaders. If you are building up your track record as a leader, it is even more importantto watch your actions and be the best influence you can be.

How to improve your influence in the workplace

It can be difficult to influence your employees, especially in a position ofpower. You want to make sure that it is not your authority that is influencingtheir behavior. Recognize and have the self awareness to know that being in aposition of leadership comes with some inherent characteristics that you canthen use to be more effective. Some leadership qualities to improve yourinfluence in the workplace include:

Lead by example

As a leader or as a team member, you should lead by example. This includesboth your actions and your words. If a leader constantly comes in late or actintimidating to others, managers below them may start to act in a similarmanner. In addition, be clear about your requests and intentions. In doing so,you’re setting a precedent for how you would like communications to be likegoing forward. Good leaders will find ways to address concerns withoutattacking the other person, whereas a bad leader will lack the tact neededwhen they identify that something is wrong.

Being present

This is incredibly important for leaders. Since they may not always work inthe same environment as others, it is important for communication. Constantlyshowing up and showing that you care will let you earn respect as well asimprove relationships. Some things are better said in person and not trickleddown or said in an email. A bad leader will be consistently absent, butshowing up physically shows that you care to make relationships with others inthe workplace.

Improve workplace dynamics

This is a given, but many leaders brush this off. Even though it may not bepart of the business or task, in order to foster a welcoming and successfulworkplace, leaders must develop meaningful and respectful relationships withothers. People are influenced by people they look up to and respect, not fear.

3. Lack of Strategic Thinking

Leaders who lack strategic thinking skills lack the ability to think throughthings and identify practical steps required to fulfill their objectives. Thisis a sign of bad leadership, since those in charge are meant to lead the teamto success. Of course, no one has all the right answers, but being able tothink strategically is a skill that can be practiced and learned. A big partof the downfall of a poor leader is that they rely too much on themselves tomake a decision, rather than being methodical about the work. Strategicthinking not only involves the leader but also the organization, team members,and environment surrounding it.

How to become a better strategic thinker

Some leadership qualities around strategy to keep in mind are:

Anticipate scenarios

Especially in a workplace where there is a lot going on, the ability toanticipate different scenarios and problems helps you prepare. Being preparedlets you better address the situation and handle all types of problems. Someways to do this is to talk to people who have experience or research and planahead of time, rather than being content with the status quo, since you neverknow when things will change.

Challenge own and other’s ideas

This is an important trait of a good leader. Even though it is important tolisten and address other people’s concerns and ideas, the ability to challengethose ideas helps the team grow. Anyone at the company should be able to bringup new ideas to improve company performance. Think about approaching thecompany like an entrepreneur; there are always different ways to “hack” yourwork and it’s important to take informed risks.

Make tough calls and decisions

This is also easier said than done, but experience and trust in your teamhelps in times where tough calls are needed. This is another time when youhave to put the team before the self. The fact of the matter is that leaderswill always have to make decisions that affect people, and compromising issometimes a better outcome, even if that means some people won’t be happy. Theother side of the spectrum of fear-mongering is being a people pleaser, whichcan be a sign of a poor leader as well.

Keep the bigger picture in mind

A common mistake when making decisions is a narrow outlook. To be able tostrategically think, taking a broad outlook and asking the right questions tothe right people is necessary. Poor leadership will lack the foresight to lookon a bigger timeline and to assess the forest, not just a tree or the leaves.

4. Poor Time Management / Delegation:

Poor time management usually manifests in the form of last minute rushes tomeet deadlines and leaders who take on too many things. Effective leaders areable to plan and delegate so that each person is clear on their role anddelivers accordingly. Often times people try to put too much work onthemselves, or push all the work on others. Effectively delegating the work helps everyone get their work done on time.

How to better manage your time

Keep everything organized. Communicate with your team to see if they need moretime or help with the tasks that have been assigned. An effective leader isn’tafraid to get their hands dirty; in fact, they willingly get down in thetrenches with employees and are open to hearing their team’s opinions on how things should be managed.

How to delegate

Similarly, over time, if you communicate effectively, you will be able tobetter assess the tasks and delegate the right amount to the right people.Great leaders understand the importance of recognizing talent within a companyand will not be afraid to let someone else take on responsibilities and thecredit for a good idea. If you are in a leadership position, such as being theCEO of a company, your success hinges on the success of the whole team, notjust the work that you do. A bad leader will want to do everything by himselfand take credit when the company is doing well, but forgets that the onus is on him if company performance is subpar.

5. Poor Conflict Resolution Skills

Whether it’s avoiding an office conflict or an important project that mayaffect others, avoidance is a common sign of a bad leader and is anotherexample of poor leadership influencing team culture. Instead of addressinggrievances directly, bad leaders take the easy way out by brushing thingsunder the rug.

“It is usually in cases of stress or confrontation that a leader shows him or“herself to be strong or weak,” says Patrick West, founder and CEO of Be TheMachine. For employees, when a leader fails to solve a problem or does not“support subordinates, the perception of the leader is forged. But the mostglaring moment is when a boss elects to avoid or not confront a stickysituation. When that happens, a boss is clearly weak.”

How to better handle conflict in the workplace

To better handle conflict in the workplace it is better to address the problemhead on. There is no need to go about it in a roundabout way. A good rule ofthumb is to determine what caused the conflict, so it is better avoided nexttime. The five different conflict resolution methods are:


This type of behavior only works in some cases, and in others, it may lead toworsening of the situation. For smaller situations or more personal ones,withdrawing from the conflict may be smart. When emotions are high, sometimesthe conflict is not able to be resolved. Even though this method is calledavoiding, the problem should still be addressed at an appropriate time.


This method requires cooperation from all parties. This method is great forthe workplace since employees can learn to work together and resolvesituations even if they do occur.


This method is only effective or used if a decision is needed immediately.Usually this method uses a position of power to resolve the conflict and isnot always helpful in the long run. Do not use this method if you are notknowledgeable of the situation and if there are other methods you can use.


This method lets everyone voice and resolve their concerns. This methodusually results in a stronger team collaboration and requires morecooperation. This is a great method, however, do note that it takes a bit oftime.


This method is similar to collaborating, but the end result is more of amiddle ground. This method is great for tougher situations since both partiesneed to make some sort of sacrifice.

6. Lack of Leadership Development

Often employees who perform very well as individual contributors are“rewarded” with leadership or management roles. The downside of their successis that they are often not ready for the role of leading and managing others.Not preparing new leaders for their job sets them up for failure and alsofailure of the people they lead.

As a leader looking to promote employees who are new to leading others, it iscritical to invest in their leadership development.Oftentimes people are pushed into a leadership role just because it needs tobe filled based upon their success in their current role. Promoting someonewithout preparation is gambling on their success and success of the company.Ensure the success of people who are taking on a promotion or expanded rolewith the leadership development support they need. .

How to empower leaders

To prevent promoting someone into a leadership role they’re not quite readyfor, offer leadership development opportunities, such as mentorships or jobshadowing, to potential leaders before promoting them. This gives them a tasteof what to expect and informs whether or not they can succeed in the role.Just like how there is a probation period for most employees, this should be apart of a leadership role as well. Proper training is essential to fosteringeffective leadership qualities.

“We must look beyond performance in the current role, and assess potential for“excellence in the new role,” says Sternberg. When you start focusing on“potential, you begin looking through a different lens, and something really“interesting happens. You’ll notice that some employees who are not stars in“their current role have the potential to be stars as leaders. They’re better“coaches than players.”

Final thoughts

A good leader is not defined by the position you hold in your company; itstarts by having self awareness of your actions within a larger organizationand how you can influence everyone around you, no matter what level of thecompany their position is in. It is important to remember that everyone hasqualities that lend itself to being a good leader; the idea that only some areborn to be leaders should be replaced with the notion that everyone can learnto be one.

That said, it’s not a bad thing if you’re not formally recognized with a titlein a company either. Leadership qualities can come from all facets of anorganization, and little actions can bubble up to the top to improve companyperformance and employee satisfaction overall. Regardless if you’re a teammember or a manager, HR leader or even the CEO of a company, keeping thesepoor leadership qualities in mind will help you avoid common pitfalls and knowwhat to look for as you’re building your career.

6 Common Traits of Bad Leadership (and How to Fix these Poor Leadership Qualities in Your Organization) (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.