6 fashion trends that are definitely not the 2023 vibe in India (2024)

When we talk about fashion, the importance of always staying on 'trend' is important. With the world going back to normal after the pandemic and social media influencing trends more than ever, it can feel hard to keep up with fads that seem to come and go in the blink of an eye. So, here are some fashion trends that have left, along with 2022.


1. Camo Prints

Remember those camouflage pants that were in fashionin 2022 and a year before that and a year before that (it never goes out of style)?But trust us when we 2023 will not be the year forCamo prints, let alone Camo pants.

2. Leggings

Leggings are out of fashion. Even if you are wearing something ethnic like a short kurta, try replacing those leggings with a good pair of comfortable bell bottoms or wide-legged jeans.

6 fashion trends that are definitely not the 2023 vibe in India (2)

3. Midi Skirts

One fashion trend that was out in 2022, and will not be returning even in 2023 are midi skirts. It's either a mini skirt or a maxi dress; or hell, even a long skirt to give you a bohemian vibe, but there is nothing in between.

6 fashion trends that are definitely not the 2023 vibe in India (3)

4. (Some) Belts

Before you jump into the comment sections to abuse me, I am not talking about every kind of belt. I am talking about belts that were in fashion and were available everywhere: a long black leather belt, with belt buckles in the shapes of concentric circles or maybe with a tag of 'GG'. Please don't wear that anymore.

6 fashion trends that are definitely not the 2023 vibe in India (4)

5. Cold Shoulder Tops

While it might be a fashion favourite for many women, cold shoulder tops are not in fashion in 2023. Rather, opt for more structured tops that suitand workfor your body. Like, if you like body-hugging clothes, try crop tops with ribbed materials; something that was in trend even at the end of 2022.


6 fashion trends that are definitely not the 2023 vibe in India (5)

6. Tie-dye prints

If you are a fan of wearing colourful clothes; 2023 fashion trends indicate that you might be in luck, with colour block and colourful tops coming back in fashionand people ditching the neutrals in general. However, if you love tie-dye prints, we don't think this will be the trend in 2023.Tie-dye lasted aboutfour-five years (always on and off), and will definitely say bye to us (hopefully and rightfully so) this year.

6 fashion trends that are definitely not the 2023 vibe in India (6)
6 fashion trends that are definitely not the 2023 vibe in India (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.