6 Things You Need To Do With Your Money Before Buying A House (2024)

6 Things You Need To Do With Your Money Before Buying A House (1)

We’re partnering with M&T Bank to bring you a series of smart money tips that can actually apply to your life and finances. We know that not every piece of money advice is going to apply to everyone, and that’s what we love about M&T Bank. They don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to finances, because everyone’s situation is different. They take the time to understand what’s important to their individual customers so they can help with their specific needs and goals.

A house is not an impulse buy — or at least it shouldn’t be. It’s probably one of the biggest money decisions you’ll ever make (or not make!) in your lifetime. (And yes, it’s totally okay if homeownership is not for you.)

If you have dreams of owning a place that you can paint, reconfigure, and HGTV-experiment with however you like, start thinking of how you can set yourself up for that future financially today. That might seem daunting when you’re still buried in student loan debt and barely making it paycheck to paycheck, but there’s a lot more to buying a home than putting down a down payment. And the process of getting your money in order to make it happen can take time.

So even if you’re not sure what the future holds home-wise, you can still start taking the necessary financial steps, so that all the options are available to you when you ultimately make the decision to buy (or not).

1. Check and track your credit

Checking and tracking your credit will probably come in handy long before you start shopping for a home — like when you’re trying to qualify for a credit card or an apartment to rent. When it comes to homeownership, your credit score is a major factor in determining what your loan terms will be. That is, whether you’ll be approved for a mortgage, and if so, at what rate.

A good credit score makes it more likely that you’ll qualify for a low-interest rate on your mortgage, which can save you tens of thousands of dollars over the life of your loan. By checking and tracking your credit score, you can see where you stand credit-wise, and start working to improve your credit so that when you ‘re ready to apply for a home loan, you can secure the best possible rates.

While you should check your credit reports from each of the three credit bureaus — Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion — at least once a year, it’s especially important to give them a hard look just before you start shopping around for a mortgage to make sure all of the information is accurate. Credit reports often contain errors, like collections that you may have already settled or debts you may have already paid off. These kinds of mistakes can hurt your credit score, so if you see an error, be sure to contact the respective credit bureau and ask for a correction before you move forward with the mortgage process.

Tracking your credit score and keeping regular tabs on your credit reports can help keep you well ahead of potential problems, so that when you’re ready to shop around for a mortgage, you’re not scrambling at the last minute to learn the ins and outs of the credit process.

Pro tip: Visit M&T Money Mentor to learn how your credit score is measured and the impact it can have on your financial goals.

2. Implement a debt payoff plan (if needed).

In addition to considering your credit score when deciding whether or not to approve you for a mortgage, lenders may also look at your debt to income ratio — that is, how much debt you owe compared to your income.

Creditors look at this number to determine how risky it is to lend to you. The higher your ratio, the riskier they consider lending to you to be, and the smaller chance you have of being approved for a home loan at a good rate. By putting in place a debt payoff plan now, you can improve your chances of qualifying for a better mortgage rate in the future.

3. Establish an emergency fund.

If you deplete your entire savings account balance for the sake of becoming a homeowner, it can leave you relying on high interest credit card debt should you run into an unexpected expense or emergency — be it an illness, a job loss or an essential repair on your new home.

Establishing an emergency fund in a separate savings account with at least three to six months worth of living expenses before buying a home is a good way to protect against this possibility. Just remember that the money in your emergency fund isn’t meant to be used for your down payment, moving, or closing costs. It’s your buffer for managing the cost of the unexpected and unplanned.

Additionally, consider your short-term savings needs. If you have any other major expenses coming up, like a wedding or a new baby, you’ll want to factor the savings needed to fund those milestones before you decide how much you can actually afford to spend on your home purchase.

Pro tip: Maybe you’ve heard qualifying for a mortgage always requires a 20% down payment. M&T Bank offers many mortgage options with requirements as low as 3% or no down payment at all to qualifying buyers. If your bank account isn’t bursting at the seams, no worries, as M&T has options for almost any budget. Find out more how M&T Bank can help you prepare for buying a house here.

4. Have an investment strategy in place.

You don’t have to be Warren Buffet before you can buy a house, but it’s important to have an investment strategy that isn’t totally tied up in the value of your home.

Investing in retirement accounts like an employer 401k plan or IRA can bring some more diversity to your long-term financial strategy. While you don’t necessarily have to max out these accounts before buying a home, it’s good to have a long-term savings habit in place, like contributing 5% of your salary to your 401k each pay period, or investing $100 each month in a ROTH IRA.

You can always scale up your contributions as you’re more able (like when you’re done saving up for your down payment), but establishing the habit of long-term savings and investing is a good practice to have in place before committing to a home purchase.

Pro tip: You’ve going places, and M&T is here to help. With investment solutions offered by M&T Securities, you’ll find the products, services and support to help you achieve your personal financial goals.

5. Set a home savings goal.

Speaking of your down payment, before you can figure out how much you need to save up for it, think about how much house you can actually afford. (Keep in mind that, in major cities like New York, you will often have to have at least a 10-20% down payment before being able to buy — but that’s not true of housing markets everywhere.)

Lenders typically suggest your mortgage payment plus taxes and insurance be no more than 28% of your gross monthly income. And that your total household debt — monthly housing payments plus any monthly payments on your student loans, personal loans, car loans, etc. — be no more than 36% of your gross monthly income.

It’s also important to factor in the additional expenses above and beyond your mortgage that come with homeownership. This can include everything from insurance to repairs to property taxes to homeowners association fees. And in addition to added monthly costs, you’ll also need to consider the added upfront costs, like fees on your mortgage loan, your closing costs and the cost of a home inspection.

Once you figure out the monthly mortgage you can afford, you can get a sense of your housing price range, and work from there to calculate how much you’ll need to save up for a down payment plus your added upfront costs. While there are many Federal and first-time homebuyer programs that allow you to put down as little as 3.5 percent of the purchase price on a home, a 20 percent down payment may be a good savings benchmark to work toward as you’re still saving up.

6. Open a dedicated home savings account.

Once you’ve set a savings goal for your home purchase, open up a separate savings account specifically for these funds. If your saving for all of your goals in one account, it can be tempting to withdraw the money you’ve saved specifically for your home down payment for other reasons – like a vacation or a new car.

Having your down payment savings in a dedicated savings account can also help you track your progress more clearly as you work toward your goal, while putting some distance between you and your money, so you’re not tempted to spend it impulsively elsewhere.

Label this new account with your goal — “dream home” or “first house fund” — whatever is going to motivate you throughout the savings process. Take that commitment a step further by setting up a recurring automatic transfer to your home savings each month so that your consistently making progress on your savings goal.

A home is a major commitment, and it’s not one you have to make by the time your 30 or 40 — or ever. But if you start setting your finances up now to someday afford it, chances are, you’ll have the money habits you need to support whatever savings milestone you ultimately choose to pursue.

Pro tip: You can shop for your new home with confidence by getting a pre-approval from M&T Bank. It’s common for lenders to offer a “pre-qualification” based on a simple phone conversation or a quick review of some application questions. M&T takes it a step further by completing a full underwriting review of your application and documentation. If pre-approved, you’ll have the peace of mind and confidence knowing your financing is secure. Having our loan experts work with everyone involved can help fast track your home buying process. Learn more.


Equal Housing Lender. This is not a commitment to make a mortgage loan. Actual loan qualification is subject to income and credit verification along with property approval and other factors. Rates and terms are subject to change without notice.

©2020 M&T Bank. Member FDIC. NMLS #381076.

Investing involves risks and you may incur a profit or a loss. Asset allocation/diversification cannot guarantee a profit or protect against a loss.

This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as an offer. Investors should seek financial advice regarding the suitability of investment strategies based on their objectives, financial situations, and particular needs. There is no assurance that any investment strategy will be successful.

Investments: *Are NOT FDIC Insured * *Have NO Bank Guarantee*May Lose Value

Brokerage services are offered by M&T Securities, Inc. (member FINRA/SIPC), not by M&T Bank.

Image via Unsplash

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6 Things You Need To Do With Your Money Before Buying A House (2024)


What are the 3 most important things when buying a house? ›

The Top 3 Things to Consider When Buying a Home
  • When you're shopping for a home, you're likely to visit multiple properties before you find The One. ...
  • #1: Price. ...
  • The sticker price. ...
  • The cost of homeownership. ...
  • Negotiation. ...
  • #2: Location. ...
  • Commute and accessibility. ...
  • Neighborhood features, factors, and amenities.
Oct 2, 2023

What are the 8 steps of buying a house? ›

How to Buy a House in Eight Steps: A Guide for First-Time...
  • Figure out what you can actually afford. ...
  • Start saving for a down payment. ...
  • Assemble your team of trusted advisors. ...
  • Get preapproved for a mortgage. ...
  • Start house hunting. ...
  • Make an offer and negotiate. ...
  • Get an inspection and an appraisal.
Apr 4, 2019

How do I prepare money to buy a house? ›

How to Prepare to Finance a Home
  1. Develop a budget. ...
  2. Reduce debt. ...
  3. Keep your job. ...
  4. Ask for a raise. ...
  5. Establish a good credit history. ...
  6. Obtain a copy of your credit report. ...
  7. Save for a down payment. ...
  8. Consider your mortgage options.

What is a red flag when buying a house? ›

Here are some qualities to keep an eye out for: misaligned doors, cracks in the walls, sloping in the floor, and the windows are hard to open or has cracked glass. If you notice a lot of these qualities during a house tour, have an inspector take a look at the foundation before committing to the home.

What are the three C's of home buying? ›

These three essential factors — Credit, Capacity, and Collateral — play a pivotal role in determining your eligibility and terms for a mortgage. Let's delve into each of these C's to unravel the secrets to a successful mortgage application.

What are the 12 steps to buying a house? ›

12 Step Smart Buyer Process
  1. Decide Whether You're Ready to Buy A Home.
  2. Calculate How Much House You Can Afford.
  3. Save For A Down Payment And Closing Costs.
  4. Get Preapproved For A Mortgage.
  5. Find The Right Real Estate Agent.
  6. Begin House Hunting.
  7. Make An Offer On A House.
  8. Get A Home Inspection.

What are the 5 phases of buying a home? ›

Let's break down how to get there.
  • Step 1: Prepare your finances. Before you begin your search for a home, figure out what you can realistically afford. ...
  • Step 2: Prequalify for the right loan. ...
  • Step 3: Call a real estate agent. ...
  • Step 4: Lock in your mortgage. ...
  • Step 5: Prepare to close.

What are the 8 steps of the buying process? ›

The B2B Buying Process
  • Stage 1: Problem Recognition. ...
  • Stage 2: Need Description. ...
  • Stage 3: Product Specification. ...
  • Stage 4: Supplier Search. ...
  • Stage 5: Proposal Solicitation. ...
  • Stage 6: Supplier Selection. ...
  • Stage 7: Order-Routine Specification. ...
  • Stage 8: Performance Review.
Jan 25, 2023

What should I pay off before buying a house? ›

In most cases, paying off credit card balances—or paying as much as you can to bring their balances down—is the right move. You'll be able to lower your DTI and, hopefully, increase your credit score and qualify for a lower interest rate on your mortgage.

What should my finances look like before buying a house? ›

Debt and budget

Total monthly housing costs should be less than 28% of your pre-tax income. If your debt total currently exceeds that recommendation, you may want to focus on paying off what you can before you start house hunting.

What shouldn't I do before buying a house? ›

Recap: What not to do before buying a house
  1. Take out a car loan or finance other big items.
  2. Max out your credit cards.
  3. Assume you need 20% down.
  4. Quit or change jobs to a new field.
  5. Go house hunting before getting pre-approved.
  6. Use the first mortgage lender you talk to.
  7. Make big financial changes prior to closing.
Oct 17, 2022

What credit score is needed to buy a house? ›

The minimum credit score needed for most mortgages is typically around 620. However, government-backed mortgages like Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans typically have lower credit requirements than conventional fixed-rate loans and adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs).

How much money should you have before buying a house? ›

A good number to shoot for when saving for a house is 25% of the sale price to cover your down payment, closing costs and moving expenses. (This amount is separate from saving up 3–6 months of your typical living expenses in a fully-funded emergency fund—which I recommend you do first, before saving up for a home.)

What is the rule of 3 when buying a house? ›

If you really want to keep your personal finances easy to manage don't buy a house for more than three times(3X) your income. If your household income is $120,000 then you shouldn't be buying a house for more than a $360,000 list price.

What is the #1 feature to consider when buying a home? ›

The Location

They say the three most important things to think about when buying a home are location, location, location. You can change almost everything else, but you can't change your home's location.

What is the biggest factor when buying a home? ›

6 Major Factors Of Buying A House
  1. Price. For many prospective home buyers, a home's purchase price is their biggest concern. ...
  2. Location. Where you buy a home will have a tremendous impact on your day-to-day life. ...
  3. House Size. ...
  4. Property Taxes. ...
  5. Homeowners Association (HOA) ...
  6. Amenities.

What are the three most important aspects of a house? ›

While personal preferences and priorities may vary, three key elements consistently stand out as the most crucial when purchasing a home: location, budget, and property condition. These factors influence your immediate living situation and impact your overall satisfaction and investment value.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.