7 Fundamental Facebook best practices to grow your presence faster (2024)

Now’s the time to brush up on your Facebook best practices.

That’s because recent statistics highlight just how valuable the platform is for businesses today.

Consider that two-thirds of Facebook’s 2+ billion users interact with business Pages every week. From product research to customer service and beyond, growing a Facebook marketing presence remains a must-do for brands.

But we’ll bite: competition is fierce and the algorithm is as fickle as ever.

Couple that with the fact that many brands still aren’t taking advantage of Facebook’s freshest features to engage customers.

That’s exactly why we put together this list of Facebook best practices to prioritize.

What are the most important Facebook best practices for business?

Below are seven crucial principles to stick to. With the help of these tips, you’ll learn:

  • How to publish content that earns you reach within the Facebook algorithm
  • Strategies for boosting your follower count and increasing audience engagement
  • Opportunities to fine-tune your content strategy and figure out what your followers want

And with that, let’s dive in!

1. Engage your followers without forcing them to leave Facebook

If you want to expand your reach and engagement on Facebook, you should strive to keep your interactions on Facebook.

Seems simple enough, right? But take note of how many brand accounts simply drop external link after external link.

Heck, you might notice firsthand that your link-based posts get little-to-no engagement. On the flip side, question-based posts are the ones that tend to crush.

7 Fundamental Facebook best practices to grow your presence faster (1)

That’s no accident. Facebook tends to prioritize and rank content that keeps people on the platform. As a result, your content strategy should integrate a combination of the following:

  • Videos, images, memes or infographics that don’t link out anywhere
  • Questions and discussions among your followers
  • Requests for followers to share their experiences, photos and so on

This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t publish external links at all: just don’t make them a cornerstone of your content calendar.

2. Use Stories to “skip the line” of the Facebook algorithm

As is the case of any social network, taking advantage of new, up-and-coming features is a smart move.

And while it took a while, Facebook Stories have finally become a staple of the platform and are being used en masse by brands.

In short, Facebook Stories allows you to publish short-form, off-the-cuff content that puts your brand front-and-center in your followers’ news feeds. This essentially allows you to bypass the Facebook algorithm and grab your followers’ attention as soon as you publish a new Story.

7 Fundamental Facebook best practices to grow your presence faster (2)

The upside of Facebook Stories is that they aren’t spammy and don’t run the risk of flooding your followers’ feeds. As such, frequent Stories are fair game for supplementing your main feed.

If nothing else, regularly publishing Stories is a brilliant way to invite people to check out your latest posts without worrying as much about organic reach.

3. Prioritize positive, proactive content over clickbait

Relatively new among our Facebook best practices, the platform is explicitly asking brands to publish more “inspirational” and “uplifting” content.

This isn’t just fluff, though. Facebook is actively trying to change the climate of its network following scrutiny regarding misinformation and privacy concerns in recent years.

As a result, brands should avoid trying to needlessly stir the point or post controversial clickbait for the sake of engagement. Doing so could label you as a troublemaker on the platform.

The push to publish more positive content is a cue for companies to really think about how they contribute to their industries and communities at large.

If you’re stuck on what to post that could be classified as “inspirational,” consider any combination of the following:

  • Personal anecdotes and success stories
  • Meaningful tips, guides and resources for your followers
  • Q+A sessions that address your audience’s pain points

4. When in doubt, publish more video content

Facebook has been pretty transparent about how video is among the top-performing content on the platform.

From Facebook Live to short-form tips and tutorials, brands are spoiled for choice in terms of what they publish. If you already create social media videos elsewhere (think: Instagram or TikTok), chances are there are opportunities to cross-post your content.

Sprout Social Index™ research also shows that short-form video is valuable for achieving social media goals.

Note that the platform themselves has a few of their own Facebook best practices when it comes to video, though. This includes:

  • Creating some sort of introduction for your video (an intro slide or greeting) to hook viewers from the beginning
  • An appropriate aspect ratio (1:1 or 9:16) for mobile devices given that most Facebook traffic comes via smartphones
  • Incorporating captions for the sake of accessibility, reaching viewers watching on silent mode and added entertainment value
7 Fundamental Facebook best practices to grow your presence faster (3)

5. Create positive word of mouth through Groups and personal accounts

Keep in mind that your Page’s reach is always going to face an uphill battle if nobody else is promoting it.

Generating word of mouth and mentions from personal accounts is key to increasing your visibility on Facebook.

For example, it’s common for brands on Facebook to have employees share their latest posts and updates for additional reach. Through employee advocacy, you can exponentially reach more people than you could via your own followers.

Additional networking through Facebook Group marketing allows you to reach smaller but highly engaged niche audiences.

6. Answer your audience 24/7 with Instant Replies and Messaging features

Features such as Facebook Messenger empower your brand to engage with customers around the click and win new business without having to be available in real-time.

That is if you have your Instant Replies set up.

Canned messages that answer your customers’ most common questions such as your hours or availability mean that you never miss a prospect or lead when you’re “away” from your Page. Doing so shows that you’re actively trying to help customers and likewise encourages them to take the next steps toward making a purchase.

7. Regularly assess your Facebook performance via analytics

Finally, consider the role of data in fine-tuning your Facebook presence.

For example, do you know which types of posts score the most interactions? How long are people spending watching your videos? Are your followers up or down this week?

The good news is that figuring out the answers to all of the above is easier than ever.

For example, there are tons of built-in Facebook features such as Creator Studio which provides a comprehensive breakdown of all of your data points. This is especially handy if you’re running multiple Pages.

7 Fundamental Facebook best practices to grow your presence faster (4)

Oh, and also note how tools like Sprout Social can help you do the same.

The upside of our platform is that not only do you have all of your Facebook metrics in one place, but you can also optimize your content timingand manage all of your social assets together. Nice, right?

7 Fundamental Facebook best practices to grow your presence faster (5)

Checking your data is among the most important Facebook best practices as doing so encourages you to optimize your presence for more interactions.

How to increase engagement when using Facebook for business

Let’s say that your Facebook Page is up and running but you’re still struggling to score that ever-so-important engagement.

Don’t panic. Piggybacking on the best practices above, here are some quick tips to maximize your reach and move the needle on your performance metrics.

Emphasize education throughout your Facebook content

Again, you can’t just drop links or general advice and expect much traction.

Publishing legitimately useful advice in a friendly, welcoming way is the way to go if you want to win on Facebook.

It’s all about finding a balance between positioning yourself as an industry player and entertaining your audience.

7 Fundamental Facebook best practices to grow your presence faster (6)

Frequently ask questions and drive discussions among your followers

Integrating questions into your content strategy is a low-hanging way to get people buzzing your comments.

But again, you can’t just post general questions or fluff. You shouldn’t just publish engagement bait, either.

This post from Voodoo Doughnut is an awesome example of a thoughtful question that results in actual personalized, one-of-a-kind answers from followers.

7 Fundamental Facebook best practices to grow your presence faster (7)

Anything that encourages people to speak their minds or make their voices heard is a plus. Of course, just make a point to keep it civil.

Come up with a consistent content calendar and publishing frequency

Consistency counts on Facebook and you can’t just post haphazardly.

Regular updates send a signal to Facebook that says you’re looking to participate in their platform and drive discussions. When done right, this results in reach.

How often should you post, though? The answer really depends on your resources. As highlighted in our guide to creating a social media content calendar, daily posting is a-okay. That said, don’t sacrifice quality for quantity.

Similarly, research from our best times to post on social media highlights the publishing times for optimal engagement. Using these numbers as a general guide along with your own analytics, you can come up with a frequency that makes sense for your brand.

7 Fundamental Facebook best practices to grow your presence faster (8)

Respond to questions and comments (and talk to your followers like humans)

Interactions are a two-way street on Facebook. If you want more of ’em, make sure to respond to the engagements you’re already getting.

Personalized replies not only let your followers know that you’re listening but also serve as a way to highlight your brand voice and personality.

7 Fundamental Facebook best practices to grow your presence faster (9)

Have you mastered how to use Facebook for business?

Getting your Page off the ground is no small feat but doing so starts by understanding these Facebook best practices.

By sticking to them while experimenting with your content and tracking your data, you’ll be poised to rank in the algorithm and get the reach you’re looking for.

And speaking of data, make sure to check out our most recent report that highlights how businesses can better navigate the current social landscape.

7 Fundamental Facebook best practices to grow your presence faster (2024)


7 Fundamental Facebook best practices to grow your presence faster? ›

Use high-quality creatives: People may be more likely to pause on, interact with and respond positively to posts with creative that captures their attention. Every post should include creative, like images, GIFs or videos. Make sure these creative assets are high quality. Don't use blurry images or videos.

How can I increase my presence on Facebook? ›

13 strategies for improving Facebook engagement
  1. Understand your target audience. ...
  2. Know the best times to post on Facebook. ...
  3. Post consistently. ...
  4. Focus on quality content. ...
  5. Respond to your customers. ...
  6. Improve your use of images and video. ...
  7. Consider user-generated content. ...
  8. Use Facebook analytics to inform your strategy.
Apr 2, 2024

How can I grow faster on Facebook? ›

But before you completely panic, try these six tricks to squeeze as much free organic reach out of your page as possible.
  1. Use Image Posts. ...
  2. Post Your Content Later in the Day. ...
  3. Respond to Quickly to Inquiries. ...
  4. Host Live Interactive Events. ...
  5. Run a Facebook Contest. ...
  6. Vary Your Content as Much as Possible.

What are the best practices of Facebook? ›

Use high-quality creatives: People may be more likely to pause on, interact with and respond positively to posts with creative that captures their attention. Every post should include creative, like images, GIFs or videos. Make sure these creative assets are high quality. Don't use blurry images or videos.

How to create a Facebook marketing strategy in 7 easy steps? ›

How to create a Facebook marketing strategy
  1. Step 1: Set goals. First things first, you need to determine what you want to achieve with your Facebook marketing. ...
  2. Step 2: Know your audience. ...
  3. Step 3: Analyze your competitors. ...
  4. Step 4: Create engaging content. ...
  5. Step 5: Optimize your posts. ...
  6. Step 6: Measure and adjust.
Mar 11, 2024

How do I increase my visibility on Facebook? ›

Check out these seven tips to help you start!
  1. Post content more often. ...
  2. Post more visual content. ...
  3. Create content that encourages engagement. ...
  4. Post a variety of content formats. ...
  5. Run contests. ...
  6. Add content to your Facebook Stories. ...
  7. Run Facebook ads.

How to drive traffic to your Facebook page? ›

If you're not sure how to get more people to like and interact with your Page, try these tips:
  1. Share your Page on your personal Feed. Tell your friends and family about your Page. ...
  2. Invite friends to like your Page. ...
  3. Ask friends to share your Page with their networks. ...
  4. Post as the Page in groups.

How do I maximize my Facebook algorithm? ›

Post regularly: Facebook's algorithm prioritizes posts from pages that are active and engaged with their audience. Try to post once a day and at times when your audience is most active. A quick search can help you to determine what time is best to post for your industry.

What is the best way to boost on Facebook? ›

To boost a Facebook post on your classic or new Page:
  1. Go to your Facebook Page.
  2. Find the post you want to boost.
  3. Tap Boost post. Note: If you are unable to tap Boost post or your post says Boost unavailable, boosting may be unavailable for this post.
  4. Fill in the details for your ad. ...
  5. When you're done, tap Boost post now.

How can I speed up my Facebook? ›

Clearing your browser cache and cookies, closing tabs, freeing up resources, disabling ad blockers, or improving your internet connection can help resolve the issue and make Facebook faster and more responsive. Do you need help in digital marketing and branding? Contact us now!

What are 5 ways to optimize a Facebook page? ›

To optimize your Facebook Page, consider these practical methods: update your page information, use relevant keywords in your About section, create engaging and original content, optimize your cover photo and profile picture, utilize call-to-action buttons, respond promptly to messages and comments from followers, and ...

How to increase views on Facebook? ›

To help increase engagement with the people who follow your Page on Facebook, try these best practices:
  1. Post when followers are online: Post to increase your reach. ...
  2. Adjust post frequency: Post in moderation. ...
  3. Respond to everyone: If your followers engage with the content you post, you should respond to them.

What are the do's and don'ts of using Facebook? ›

10 Facebook Etiquette Rules
  • Think before you post. Every post should be considered carefully. ...
  • Protect your online persona. Privacy settings should be watertight. ...
  • Respect other people. ...
  • Unfriend with caution. ...
  • Socialize when sober. ...
  • Cover your tracks. ...
  • Status-change with certainty. ...
  • Save the bad stuff.
Mar 11, 2016

What is Mark Zuckerberg strategy? ›

Mark Zuckerberg is known for his data-driven approach to decision-making. He uses data to understand user behavior and to make informed decisions about how to improve his platform.

What are the 7 P's of marketing of Facebook? ›

The Marketing mix of Facebook analyses the 7Ps of Facebook, which includes the Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical Evidence, and Process of Facebook. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg of Havard University invented Facebook in February 2004. Since its invention, Facebook has changed the world in many aspects.

How to grow on Facebook in 2024? ›

15 Tips to Improve Facebook Organic Reach
  1. Be more specific about what you publish. ...
  2. Control the posting frequency. ...
  3. Reply to your audience. ...
  4. Get your audience to reply to each other. ...
  5. Get reactions over like. ...
  6. Post when your audience is online. ...
  7. Bypass the algorithm using Facebook Stories. ...
  8. Create Facebook Groups.

How can I get more people to see my Facebook? ›

12 Tips to Help You Get Seen More on Facebook
  1. Tip #1: Tell Your Fans to See You in the News Feed First.
  2. Tip #2: Post More Interesting Stuff.
  3. Tip #3: Be Seen on Your Page.
  4. Tip #4: Use Facebook as Your Page.
  5. Tip #5: Reply to Your Tagged Mentions.
  6. Tip #8: Cross-Promote Across Social Media.
Feb 25, 2016

How do I attract more people to my Facebook? ›

Here's how to start.
  1. Optimize your Facebook page. The first step to attracting more Facebook likes is to optimize your Facebook page. ...
  2. Promote your page online. ...
  3. Share content your fans—and their friends—want to read. ...
  4. Have human conversations. ...
  5. Invite people to like your page. ...
  6. Try video.

How do I make my Facebook more public? ›

Adjust your Facebook privacy settings
  1. Tap in the top right of Facebook.
  2. Scroll down and tap Settings.
  3. Scroll down to Audience and visibility section and tap the option you want to change the privacy for.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.