7 Must-Have Sales Skills for Real Estate Agents - Jetstream (2024)

7 Must-Have Sales Skills for Real Estate Agents - Jetstream (1)

Most salespeople need to have strong negotiation skills, as well as being excellent at building rapport and being personable—but these qualities are especially critical for real estate agents.

After all, buying and selling property is a very personal transaction. Whether a seller is over-valuing their home or a buyer is being unrealistic about their budget, it’s your job to bridge that gap.

The key is to identify the needs of both the buyer and the seller, then craft a solution that meets in the middle. This is where being an excellent sales agent with great communication skills comes in handy.

Here are the most essential skills for successful real estate agents and how you can develop yours.

Table of contents:

  • What are the most important skills for real estate agents?
  • 7 Essential soft skills and abilities for real estate agents
  • 11 ways to improve your sales skills in real estate
  • Earn supplemental income with STRs
  • Feel like a real estate expert
  • Frequently asked questions about sales skills for real estate agents

What are the most important skills for real estate agents?

It’s not only about having industry knowledge and being able to sell—you need to understand people, build relationships, and empathize with your clients. Both hard and soft skills are important in real estate sales.

Hard skills are the technicalities of the trade like:

  • Analyzing the market
  • Proficiency in a foreign language
  • Local knowledge
  • Real estate knowledge
  • Research skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Qualifying prospects
  • Time management
  • Techniques to close a deal
  • Policy knowledge

While hard skills are essential, they can be learned.

Soft skills, on the other hand, are people skills and harder to teach. These are the more intangible skills like:

  • Relationship building
  • Communication skills
  • Referral marketing
  • Active listening
  • Problem-solving
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Empathy

We’ll break down each of these soft skills and offer tips on how to hone them.

7 Essential soft skills and abilities for real estate agents

It’s one thing to know the market, but being a great salesperson is about more than that. Here are some essential soft skills that every real estate agent needs:

7 Must-Have Sales Skills for Real Estate Agents - Jetstream (3)

Building relationships with potential buyers helps you understand their needs.

1. Relationship building

In the real estate market, just like any market, people want to buy from someone they can trust.

Your clients need to know that you have their best interests at heart—even if it means losing a sale. Whether it’s about being transparent with your commission or disclosing any potential red flags with a property, your clients need to know that they can rely on you.

Building trust takes time—but it’s worth it. Being honest and reliable helps develop trust that will be reflected in clients’ testimonials and referrals.

2. Communication skills

Your meetings should always leave clients feeling more informed, so don’t just talk at them—ask questions to check their understanding too. Remember to take notes and send follow-up emails summarizing the key points.

It’s also important to keep the lines of communication open—even when there aren’t any updates. If clients haven’t heard from you in a while, they may assume that you’ve forgotten about them. Set up a system so you can easily track your clients and ensure you’re regularly checking in.

3. Referral marketing

The real estate industry is based on repeat business and referrals. To get both, you need to offer value beyond the initial sale. For example, if a client is moving to a new city, offer to be a resource for information about the area. If they’re looking to renovate their home, put them in touch with reliable contractors. By going the extra mile, you’ll create lifelong clients who are happy to refer you to others.

When clients work with you, they come to expect more than just a real estate transaction. You become a partner in their journey—someone they can trust and rely on. When it comes time to sell or buy again, they won’t want to go to anyone else but you.

4. Active listening

Active listening involves not only hearing what your client is saying but also taking the time to understand the meaning behind their words.

For example, if a client says they’re looking for a “cozy” home, ask them to elaborate. What does cozy mean to them? A small bungalow in the city? A cabin in the woods? By understanding their definition of cozy, you can better show them properties that match your client’s needs.

Active listening also involves paying attention to non-verbal cues like body language. If a client seems uncomfortable or uninterested in a property, take note. There may be something about the home that doesn’t fit their needs, even if they can’t put it into words.

5. Problem-solving

No real estate business is ever smooth sailing. There will always be bumps in the road, like a low appraisal or last-minute loan denial. As an agent, you need to anticipate these challenges and identify solutions.

For example, suggest alternative financing options if a client’s loan is denied. If the appraisal is low, negotiate with the seller to lower the purchase price. If repairs are needed, recommend reputable contractors. Or, if the home is taking longer to sell than expected, offer a discount to buyers. By being proactive and finding solutions to problems, you’ll show clients that you’re on their side.

6. Flexibility and adaptability

As you know, a commission-based business model means you often don’t earn anything if a property doesn’t sell. So, your income isn’t always as stable as you’d like it to be. But you can make supplemental income as a real estate agent through rental arbitrage or by running a short-term rental (STR) management business. If you do consider getting into STR management for your property owners, Jetstream can handle most of the management work remotely, while promoting your brand.

7 Must-Have Sales Skills for Real Estate Agents - Jetstream (4)

Jetstream helps you manage vacation rental properties, unlocking a source of passive income

The key is to have a backup plan for when the market slows down, or you hit a dry spell. Diversifying your income streams means you’ll be better equipped to manage the highs and lows of the real estate market.

7. Empathy

Empathy is about being able to put yourself in your client’s shoes and genuinely take an interest in them and the challenges they’re facing. Because real estate isn’t always “just business.” For some clients, it’s a very personal experience.

Try to approach every conversation by asking yourself: “what if I were them?”. For example, something like a home inspection might not be stressful for you as a professional with previous experience. But your client may never have been through this before.

Instead of getting impatient with a client who’s dragging out the process, put yourself in their shoes. Be patient, tell them that you understand where they’re coming from, and try to reach a solution that works for everybody. And remember, empathy isn’t just about assuming to know what others are going through—you can always ask!

11 ways to improve your sales skills in real estate

There’s always room for improvement when it comes to sales skills. If you’re a new real estate agent or aren’t closing as many deals as you’d like, here’s what you can do:

1. Take pre-licensing courses

These courses cover topics like real estate law, ethics, and contracts. While some states have online courses, others require the exam to be written in person.

You’ll need to take pre-licensing courses before you can sit the exam to earn a real estate license. Even if you’re already licensed, it’s beneficial to brush up on your knowledge with additional pre-licensing courses.

2. Find a mentor

A good mentor will have been in the business for years and have lots of experience that they’re happy to share with you. They will help you learn the ropes, avoid rookie mistakes, and grow your business.

If you don’t have a mentor, you can join a mastermind group, where members meet regularly to discuss business strategies and offer support to one another. Mastermind groups are a great way to network with other real estate professionals and learn from their experiences.

3. Seek feedback

It’s tough to improve your sales skills if you’re not sure what needs improvement. That’s why it’s important to seek feedback, whether it’s from a mentor, coach, or even a real estate client.

For example, if you’re not getting many responses to your cold calls, ask your mentor for advice on how to improve your script. The key is to be open to feedback and willing to change the way you do things. Only then will you be able to improve your sales skills and close more deals.

4. Keep up with industry trends

Stay informed by reading industry publications, listening to podcasts, or attending conferences. The real estate industry is constantly changing—and you need to change with it.

For example, if there’s a new law that affects home buyers or sellers in your state, make sure you know all about it. Or, if there are certain types of properties that are in high demand, learn all you can about them so you can better market to prospective buyers.

5. Brush up on architectural knowledge

You don’t need to be an expert in architecture to sell real estate, but it helps. The more you know about the different types of homes and styles, the better equipped you’ll be to answer your clients’ questions and market a property.

For example, if you’re selling a historic home, you can use your knowledge of its architectural style to market it as a unique property. Or, if you’re selling a fixer-upper, you can use your knowledge of home construction to show buyers how they can turn it into their dream home.

6. Learn about home staging

Home staging is the process of making a house look its best for potential buyers. Staging involves decluttering, rearranging furniture, and adding decor that appeals to a wide range of buyers. It can make a big difference in how quickly a house sells, so it’s worth learning more about.

7 Must-Have Sales Skills for Real Estate Agents - Jetstream (5)

Impress potential buyers by arranging the property with stylish furnishings

For example, if you’re selling a family home, you might want to stage it as a comfortable and inviting space. This could involve adding a throw blanket to the couch, putting out family photos, and making sure there are storage solutions for children’s toys.

But if you’re selling a luxury home, on the other hand, you’ll want to focus on highlighting its high-end features. This might mean leaving out personal items like family photos and instead adding stylish furniture and art that creates an elegant atmosphere.

7. Get familiar with home inspection processes

Home inspections are a normal part of the home-buying process, and are designed to identify things like structural damage, mold, and electrical issues. If any problems get spotted, the buyer may ask for repairs to be made before they finalize the purchase.

As the seller’s agent, you’ll need to negotiate with the buyer’s agent to reach an agreement on who will pay for the repairs. In some cases, the buyer may decide to walk away from the deal altogether, so it’s important to understand the process and come prepared with solutions.

8. Know your area’s zoning laws

Zoning laws are regulations that dictate how the land can be used. They’re set by local governments and can vary widely from one area to another, so you need to do your research.

Let’s say you’re representing a buyer who wants to purchase a property that they plan to use for commercial purposes. If the property is zoned for residential use only, the buyer won’t be able to get the permits they need to run their business. In this case, the deal would likely fall through.

9. Connect with the local community

What’s the neighborhood like? Are there good schools? What about transport connections? These are all important questions that potential home buyers could ask.

Become a local area expert by attending town hall meetings, joining social media groups, and getting to know the people who live and work there. You’ll soon understand the community and may even generate leads.

It also opens doors to potential partnerships with local businesses, which can benefit you and your clients. For example, you could partner with a local moving company to offer discounts and referrals.

10. Keep up with the latest technology

There are now apps that allow potential buyers to take virtual tours of properties without having to be there in person. There are also websites that make it easy for buyers to compare different properties side-by-side.

As a real estate agent, it’s important to keep up with these changes and adopt new technologies as they become available. This will make your job easier and give you an edge over your competition.

11. Closing Skills

To be a really good real estate agent you need to understand the different types of closing techniques that are available to you:

  • Asking for the sale. This is perhaps the most direct way to close a deal. You simply ask the buyer if they’re ready to purchase the property.
  • The assumptive close. With this technique, you assume that the buyer is going to purchase the property. For example, you might say something like, “When would you like to schedule the movers?”
  • The trial close. This involves asking questions that will help you gauge whether or not the buyer is ready to purchase the property. For example, you might ask the buyer what their budget is for a new home.
  • The emotional close. This technique appeals to the buyer’s emotions and tries to create a sense of urgency. For example, you might say something like, “if you don’t act now, you might miss your chance.”

As you get to know your buyer, you should get a sense of which closing technique will be most appropriate for them. For example, if you’re working with someone very hesitant and mistrustful, an emotional close might scare them off. A trial close might be a better way to scope them out.

Pro tip: always practice your closing techniques in private or with your mentor. This will help you feel more confident when it comes time to use it in a real-life situation.

Earn supplemental income

When your income is commission based, it’s always a good idea to find some supplemental income streams. There are plenty of passive income ideas for stable cash flows in the real estate industry—you just have to know where to look.

Renting a property for short periods of time on platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo can help you fill vacancies and earn top-dollar for your rental unit. The only challenge is managing it, as you’ll need to be on top of things like cleaning, maintenance, and availability.

Partnering with a property management company like Jetstream can take the hassle out of short-term rental management. Jetstream can support you to grow your property management business while handling most of your operations remotely, including guest communications, asset protection, and marketing your rental listings.

Feeling like a real estate expert yet?

There are a lot of opportunities in the real estate industry if you’re willing to put in the work. You need to have a strong understanding of the market, find and nurture leads, resolve client objections, and have excellent closing skills.

Try to stay ahead of the curve and continue learning new things. The more you know, the more you can help your clients—and the more deals you can close.

And if you’re looking for an opportunity to generate passive income, managing a short-term rental can be a great option. Partner with a service like Jetstream to get up to speed on the STR industry and carve out your market niche.

Frequently asked questions about sales skills for real estate agents

What are soft skills in real estate?

Soft skills in real estate are the personal attributes and interpersonal skills that enable you to effectively communicate and work with others. Some important soft skills include:

  • Relationship building
  • Communication skills
  • Referral marketing
  • Active listening
  • Problem-solving
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Empathy

What is a hard skill in real estate?

Hard skills in real estate are the specific knowledge and technical skills that you need to be successful in the industry. Some important hard skills include:

  • Analytics
  • Proficiency in a foreign language
  • Product knowledge
  • Research skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Qualifying prospects
  • Time management
  • Techniques to close a deal
  • Policy knowledge

How do you start a successful career in real estate?

You can start a successful career in real estate by taking the necessary steps to:

  • Research, study, and explore the real estate industry
  • Get the necessary real estate license and registrations
  • Create a business plan
  • Connect with a strong team of experts
  • Develop marketing and advertising strategies
  • Generate leads and nurture them into clients
  • Manage your time well
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Constantly improve and update your skills

What kind of personality do you need to be a real estate agent?

To be a real estate agent, you need to be outgoing and personable, with the ability to build relationships easily. You also need to be a great communicator and problem solver and have a strong work ethic.

7 Must-Have Sales Skills for Real Estate Agents - Jetstream (2024)


What are the 7 steps to becoming a successful real estate agent? ›

  • Step 1: Find The Best Real Estate Agent In Your Area And Work For Them For Free. ...
  • Step 2: Get Your Real Estate License. ...
  • Step 3: Join A Team. ...
  • Step 4: Build Your Sphere Of Influence. ...
  • Step 5: Structure Your Day For Success. ...
  • Step 6: The Three F's. ...
  • Step 7: Meet New People.

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Communication is one of the most critical skills a real estate professional can cultivate. These skills help you to be both a better listener and a better speaker. And why is this so important? Real estate professionals who listen carefully better understand their clients' wants and needs.

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Effective communication and negotiation skills are critical for Real Estate Agents in 2024. The ability to articulate information clearly, listen actively to client needs, and negotiate deals with finesse is vital.

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Even though there are no mandatory educational qualifications for becoming a real estate agent, you can enrol in professional courses designed for real estate agents. There are some degree courses such as BBA in real estate and urban infrastructure or MBA in real estate management.

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How to make 6 Figures in Real Estate – The Top 11 Tips
  1. Outsource As Much As Possible.
  2. Build a Strong Team of Professionals to Help You Grow Your Business.
  3. Get Educated on Real Estate Investing.
  4. Create Multiple Sources of Income.
  5. Focus on Building Relationships With Past and Current Clients.
Mar 29, 2022

What is the key to being a successful real estate agent? ›

Real estate agents must be able to empathize with clients and support them throughout the home-buying or selling process, which can be an emotional or stressful time. Building good relationships with your clients will increase your chance of getting referrals and repeat business.

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Hard Skills Needed for Real Estate Success

Being able to calculate positive cash flow, differentiating between good deals and bad ones, and having a solid grasp on concepts such as cap rates, price-to-rent ratios, and so on are all important skills to learn.

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When looking for the perfect real estate agent to work with, there are three main qualities to look for: experience, knowledge, and relationships. Experience in the current market is important as the needs of buyers and sellers are changing almost weekly.

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To achieve those goals, the three most important words in real estate are not Location, Location, Location, but Price, Condition, Availability.

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1. Uncertainty about real estate market. This is perhaps one of the biggest uncertainties realtors have to deal with on a daily basis. Every realtor is worried about not being able to sell their properties and how it will affect his or her commissions at the end of the month.

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Financial analysis software
  • Commercial and industrial development project cost analysis software.
  • Financial calculators software.
  • In-Hand Pocket APOD.
  • Landlord Software Pro Flipper.
  • Loan application processing software.
  • Real estate application contract transmission REACT software.
  • Real estate investment analysis software.

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How to Talk to Real Estate Clients: Ultimate Guide
  1. #1. Be Grateful and Genuine. ...
  2. #2. Don't Ambush People - Ask First! ...
  3. #3. Listen with Intent. ...
  4. #5. Make Yourself Humble. ...
  5. #6. Be Honest. ...
  6. #7. End Every Conversation on a Positive Note (then Follow Up) ...
  7. #8. Be Aware. ...
  8. #9. Respond Fast!
Aug 21, 2023

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Top 10 Highest Paying Real Estate Jobs (Inc Salaries)
  • Real Estate Broker. ...
  • Commercial Real Estate Sales Agent. ...
  • Real Estate Attorney. ...
  • Residential Real Estate Sales Agent. ...
  • Real Estate Developer. ...
  • Mortgage Loan Officer. ...
  • Real Estate Asset Manager. ...
  • Commercial Leasing Manager.

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The Average Real Estate Broker Salary in Each State (2024)
  • GlassDoor reports that the average annual salary of real estate broker-owners in the United States is $220,507. ...
  • According to GlassDoor, the top five states with the highest real estate broker salaries are New York, California, Nevada, Iowa, and Arizona.
Feb 8, 2024

What degree is most useful for real estate? ›

Popular majors for future real estate agents include marketing, finance, accounting, psychology, and business. Even though going to college isn't required, you may find it helpful to complete a degree or certificate program to gain knowledge that would help you succeed as a real estate agent.

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8 survival tips for startup real estate agents
  1. Have realistic expectations. Many of the benefits of being an agent, such as working when you want and earning. ...
  2. Create a business plan. ...
  3. Partner with the right people. ...
  4. Grow your network. ...
  5. Build your brand. ...
  6. Become a local expert. ...
  7. Be a good saver. ...
  8. Keep a positive attitude.
May 26, 2023

How long does it take to succeed as a real estate agent? ›

Whether you are an independent real estate agent or working for a larger firm, the road to success may take a little bit of time. But exactly how long does it take to become successful in real estate? It can take anywhere from six months to several years of continuous hard work to build a successful business.

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As you don't need any specific qualifications or training to become an estate agent, it's important that your personality and passion shines through. At the end of the day, you're helping people make one of the biggest and most costly decisions of their lives, so it's important to show drive, passion and empathy.

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Key Takeaways. Working as a real estate agent or broker can be fulfilling and financially rewarding, but it's not easy. A career in real estate requires drumming up business, promoting yourself, tracking leads, handling complex paperwork, providing customer service, and much, much more.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.