7 Reasons Why Fashion Brands Fail - Fashinnovation (2024)

Have you ever wondered why Fashion Brands Fail?According to Statistic Brain, the percentage rate of businesses that still operate after the first 4 years of operation in the retail industry is 47%. After working with over 300 brands, we’ve seen again and again the traps that new fashion entrepreneurs fall into and we’ve tried to steer them in the right direction. Here are the 7 reasons why fashion brands fail and what to do instead to set your brand up for success.

1. Weak Supply Chain

The supply chain is an issue from the beginning and for most brands never stops being an issue. According to theSourcing Journal, “Even brands or retailers that surpass $1 billion in sales, their single biggest challenge is supply chain management.” “In our business, you see so many brands starting every year and nine out of 10 don’t see their fifth year of existence because there are so many challenges.”The problem is that entrepreneurs turn to overseas manufacturers obsessed with lowering the price per unit as much as possible and don’t factor into their cash flow the high order minimums and turnaround time. The irony is that they end up spending too much going with the “cheapest” suppliers and run into supply chain issues.Then, rather than at least diversifying their supply chain, fashion entrepreneurs default to overseas manufacturers across their product line because they assume it’s the status quo.Instead, according to theSourcing Journal, “you’ll have a much easier time negotiating a price when you have a diversified supply chain” and seek out manufacturers both near and fear. There are many untold benefits to making it where you sell it and, maximizing both, you’ll get the best of both worlds, balancing cost per unit and minimums. Not to mention, you’ll protect yourself against trade wars.

2. You Have No Budget

82 percent of businesses fail because of cash flow problems. Whether you like it or not,starting a clothing line is a capital-intensive business – and probably more than you think. Wouldn’t it then make sense at the start of building a capital-intensive business to decide how to understand how much capital you’ll need and how to allocate your money before you start?We’ve written a guide to understanding the financials of your first clothing linethat goes step-by-step over creating a budget.

3. You Try To Do Everything Yourself

It’s no surprise that a large majority of businesses fail. But it’s more interesting to note how many just never really ramp up. Only 9% of businesses ever bring in over 1M in revenue and the vast majority never even hire any employees at all.I recently met an amazingly talented woman who had been running her business for 7 years, just like me. The only difference is that she never hired anyone for anything. She did everything herself. She was burnt out and didn’t have much to show for it because she didn’t master the power of delegation.Avoid this pitfall and start by identifying your key strengths. What are the things that you are uniquely qualified to do? Maybe you’re great at branding but weak at numbers? In this case, be sure to hire or partner with someone who will ensure your business financials are sound. Ultimately your time is the most precious asset you have.Even if you have a degree in fashion and know how to sew, spending your time putting together samples is not scalable and should be delegated. Consider working with full package clothing manufacturers that will act as your production team so you don’t have to hire for these roles internally. Procurement, quality control, pre-production, and managing processes between fabric, trim, dye houses, print houses, etc. can pull you away from selling your product and growing your brand. You will save a tremendous amount in the long run and gain a ton of institutional knowledge that you can implement into your company along the way.

4. You’re Doing Product Costing and Forecasting Backwards

The best way to figure out how much to charge your customers is to first ask as many factories as you can how much they’ll charge for your product idea and then build from there, right? Wrong. This is called cost-plus and, by doing this arbitrarily, you risk overpricing or underpricing your product. The idea here is that the customer is willing to pay a certain amount based on perceived value, not necessarily the true value. You should start with your customers, not your costs.Here’s an example. The cost of sewing a T-shirt and a pair of leggings are relatively similar. However, I’m sure you’ve seen more leggings priced at over $100 than t-shirts, right? That’s because the customer is willing to pay more for leggings than t-shirts.The good news is that when you’re in the early stages of development you can set your prices, set your target manufacturing costs and then build your styles with your product development team focused on ensuring those margins. You can smartly select fabrics and use construction methods that will not overshoot your target manufacturing price but won’t have you end up with a cheap product.

5. You Cut Corners in Product Development (The Most Important Stage)

Product development refers to fabric sourcing, pattern making, sample making and iterating on your designs until you have a collection that matches the vision you had from the start. While it’s incredibly important to get your samples just right, it’s just as important to ensure you have the assets that will allow you to produce your goods at scale. For example, not all pattern cards and patterns are created equal. Here is an example of a pattern we were given by a designer who worked with a freelance pattern maker.7 Reasons Why Fashion Brands Fail - Fashinnovation (1)Here is an example of an Indie Source pattern and pattern card. The pattern is digital, which means you won’t have to pay for digitizing before marking and the pattern card is color-coded, with all the pieces organized alongside sewing instructions and a clear sketch.7 Reasons Why Fashion Brands Fail - Fashinnovation (2)Just like not all cars are created equal, neither are patterns. Having high-quality and accurate digital patterns and detailed pattern cards means production units will come out fitting correctly. In addition to your fit, having clear documentation about the fabrics you’re using, their prices, composition, widths, colors, weights and even lead times will allow you to move swiftly into production when the time is right.You should also have finalized cost sheets so you can create different scenarios based on the volumes you will be producing. You’ll likely see a drop in price for the more units you create and an increase in price for making less. This information gives you the freedom to scale when you need to. If you cut corners in product development, you don’t give yourself the foundation you need to grow your business fast.

6. You’re Not Leveraging the Same Fabrics Across Your Styles

When building your first few collections, you’ll need to start small and not make too much inventory. This way you’ll prevent massive loss if you can’t sell a certain style. But this decision comes with certain sacrifices. Lowering your production volume means you may be up against fabric and dye minimums that force you to order a certain number of yards.If you set out to design 12 styles with 12 self fabrics you’re now in a position where you’ll need to meet minimums for all styles. Instead, lean into this supply chain challenge by creating styles that utilize only a few core fabrics and colors across many styles. This will allow you to use more of the same fabrics across multiple styles so you can meet minimums while keeping costs low. Remember dye minimums, fabric minimums, and labor minimums may all be different.

7. You’re Not Spending Enough in Time or Resources Marketing and Selling

There are plenty of articles out there with opinions about how much to spend on marketing. Some say to start with a minimal budget, while others recommend spending thousands and ramping up quickly. The one thing that’s without question is to put the majority of your time into sales and marketing.In the beginning, it’s all about finding under-priced attention and getting your product in front of as many people in your target market as you can. That doesn’t mean spending 5 hours posting on a social media account that nobody follows and it doesn’t mean doing research telling yourself that you’ve been marketing.What does it mean? Having conversations with people, setting up influencer campaigns, and putting some money into targeted Facebook and Instagram advertising. Creating a small budget for digital advertising provides two great advantages outside of sales. First, by running ads you can start to measure your customer acquisition cost and other data points. Second, you can start building an email list and communicating with fans. I recommend doing this even before you have your products so you can send updates to them, ask for feedback, and launch with a captive audience.* By Zack HurleyZack Hurley is the Founder and CEO ofIndie Source. He is also a participating FASHINNOVATOR. Check out his panel talk on Fashion Designers & Innovation in Supply Chainhere!Like this article? Read this one: How Are Small Business Owners Different From Entrepreneurs?

7 Reasons Why Fashion Brands Fail - Fashinnovation (2024)


What makes fashion brands fail? ›

One of the main reasons why retail brands fail is because they've launched poor quality products that customers aren't willing to pay for. Some brands attempt to decrease manufacturing costs by skimping on raw material quality or first-class equipment which reduces the quality of products significantly.

Why is innovation important in the fashion industry? ›

Fashion innovation is paramount to commercial value and longevity. It is critical to how we shape the industry beyond the current crisis. Fashion innovation can help to replace wasteful materials with sustainable alternatives. It can end low-paid human jobs, repetitive and dangerous.

What challenges does the fashion industry face? ›

2023's fashion challenges: What are the current challenges facing the fashion retail industry?
  • The talent deficit. ...
  • The sustainability gap. ...
  • Unnecessary textile waste. ...
  • Changing desires. ...
  • Supply chain bottlenecks. ...
  • Spiralling returns. ...
  • Rising distrust. ...
  • Diversity and inclusion.

What are the problems associated with an overproduction and overconsumption of clothing? ›

Polluted rivers, oceans filled with plastic, mountains of waste, climate change, shortages in water supply, labour exploitation, child labour, discrimination and inequality - that's the silent price the human race and the planet are paying for the prosperity of fast fashion and overproduction.

What are the four major factors affecting fashion? ›

Factors That Influence Fashion
  • Psychological Factor.
  • Social Factor.
  • Economic Factor.
  • Cultural Factor.
  • Political Factor.
  • Environmental Factor.
  • Physiological Factor.
Oct 13, 2022

What is the biggest problem in the clothing industry? ›

Product counterfeiting is one of the biggest challenges facing fashion brands today who want to grow and expand their business in international markets.

What are the 3 keys of innovation strategy? ›

There's 3 keys to a successful innovation: work, strengths, and impact. Innovation is work.
Key Take Aways
  • Innovation is work. ...
  • Successful innovators play to their strengths. ...
  • Successful innovations have an impact.

What are the 5 key sectors of the fashion industry? ›

  • Introduction.
  • Key sectors of the fashion industry. Textile design and production. Fashion design and manufacturing. Fashion retailing, marketing, and merchandising. Fashion shows. Media and marketing.
  • World fashion.
  • The fashion system.

What are the negative impact of technology on fashion industry? ›

The increased use of technology in the fashion industry has led to mass production, which has resulted in environmental damage and unethical working conditions for workers in the supply chain. This is because brands are able to produce large quantities of clothing very quickly and cheaply.

What are 2 negative impacts of the fashion industry? ›

While the fashion sector is booming, increasing attention has been brought to the impressive range of negative environmental impacts that the industry is responsible for. Fashion production makes up 10% of humanity's carbon emissions, dries up water sources, and pollutes rivers and streams.

What is lacking in the fashion industry? ›

Fashion is an industry that has fallen behind when it comes to technology. On the production side, fashion is still on of the most labour and resource intensive industries, with producers seeming to lack interest in automation and use of technology. The same goes for large fashion retailers.

What are the two biggest problems that fast fashion creates? ›

In addition to environmental issues, fast fashion garments spark a lot of ethical concerns. They are often made in sweatshops where underpaid workers are employed for long hours in unsafe conditions and are exposed to harmful chemicals used in textile production.

What causes the waste in the fashion industry? ›

A lot of the clothing waste comes from manufacturers–13 million tons of textiles each year— and from clothing retailers themselves. Manufacturers overproduce the supply of clothing, and retailers end up overstocked– as seasons change, the unsold supply ends up thrown away to landfills.

What causes fashion overconsumption? ›

Excessive production, poor quality textiles, low rates of use, reuse, and repair, and limited recycling mechanisms have turned the fashion industry into an environmentally and socially problematic industry.

Why is overconsumption of fashion a problem? ›

Despite fast fashion's poor quality and production, overconsumption is often ignored, especially when it comes to inexpensive clothing. According to Eco Friendly Habits, 92 million tons of fast fashion end up in landfills every year, and take over 200 years to decompose.

What are the 4 P's in fashion? ›

Throughout our engaging conversation, we discuss the 4 main pillars of fashion marketing: product, price, position, and promotion.

What is the rule of 4 in fashion? ›

Kelly shared her Rule of Four lesson publicly when signups were open for the May course, so some of you may have seen it. The goal is to have at least four accessories or points of interest to every outfit.

What are the 4 P's of fashion marketing? ›

The 4 Ps of marketing include product, price, place, and promotion. These are the key elements that must be united to effectively foster and promote a brand's unique value, and help it stand out from the competition.

What are some fashion mistakes? ›

20 Fashion Mistakes You Need To Stop Making Now
  • Not listening to your intuition. ...
  • Buying from too many expensive brands. ...
  • Wearing the wrong colors. ...
  • Not knowing your fashion style. ...
  • Buying too many clothes. ...
  • Wearing the wrong outfit for the occasion. ...
  • Wearing attention-grabbing clothes. ...
  • Not planning your outfits.

What do you think is lacking the most in fashion retailers today? ›

Absence of Physical Stores

The biggest impact of the pandemic was felt by physical stores. Many customers remained hesitant to enter large retail spaces due to the increase in the number of Covid cases. Moreover, even in countries where open purchasing was still allowed, companies began to pivot towards digital sales.

What are the 4 innovation strategies? ›

Innovation strategies can be classed as proactive, active, reactive and passive (Dodgson et al.

What is 4 P's innovation? ›

When it comes to implementing innovation, what is the starting place and how can you identify areas in need of an innovative approach? Take a business leader approach and start with the four “Ps” of innovation—paradigm, process, position and product.

What are five useful rules for innovation? ›

economics + data | labor markets |…
  • #1: Innovation isn't something you do, it's doing something better.
  • #2: Progress, not perfection.
  • #3: If you can't measure it, you can't achieve it.
  • #4: Build to scale.
  • #5: Safety first.
Feb 27, 2020

What are the 5 major fashion capitals? ›

Paris, New York, London, and Milan are the most recognizable fashion capitals of the world, but sometimes Tokyo is also added to that list. This is what put them on the map as the fashion capitals of the world.

What are the 3 key influences on fashion? ›

Fashion Designing Basics: Factors Influencing Popular Fashion
  • Fashion Forecast (Colour & Fabric) Deciding the colour, fabric and look for the upcoming season is something that every designer works on. ...
  • Movies & Music. The entertainment world is a major influencer of fashion. ...
  • Fashion Stylist. ...
  • Economy of a Country.
Dec 20, 2017

What are 10 negative effects of technology? ›

While some forms of technology may have made positive changes in the world, there is evidence for the negative effects of technology and its overuse, as well.
  • screen time.
  • screen glare.
  • screen brightness.
  • viewing too close or too far away.
  • poor sitting posture.
  • underlying vision issues.
Feb 25, 2020

What are 5 negative effects of technology? ›

Eight Negative Impacts of Technology
  • Depression and Other Mental Health Issues. A University of Michigan study found that Facebook use led to a decrease in happiness and overall life satisfaction. ...
  • Lack of Sleep. ...
  • ADHD. ...
  • Obesity. ...
  • Learning Barriers. ...
  • Decreased Communication and Intimacy. ...
  • Cyberbullying. ...
  • Loss of Privacy.
Jul 22, 2019

What are the weakness of a clothing brand? ›

Low Quality to Keep Price Low. Many fashion brands are at war with one another over price. If you want to gain a price advantage over competitors, then you have to use alternative materials. However, when they alternative material, or outsource the production processes, then it results in the form so of low quality.

Is the most common reason for product/brand failure? ›

So many things contribute to new product failure: bad design, poor user experience, sloppy implementation, feature creep, and lack of quality control. Microsoft alone has several examples of how poor execution affected their product's performance on the market.

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.