7 Royal Facts about the Queen’s Guards (2024)

Protecting one of the London’s most iconic buildings and safeguarding the world’s most high-profile royal is no easy task. Masked by the magnitude of their bearskin hats and pristinely turned out red tunic uniforms, everything about the Queen’s foot guards oozes mystery. Luckily, as regular visitors to Buckingham Palace, we’re here to uncover everything there is to know about the Queen’s guards.

The British royal family are a favorite subject of the media worldwide. Their lavish lifestyles and quirky customs have captured the curiosity of many. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that it isn’t just royalty living behind the opulent gates of Buckingham Palace. Although their lives are much more low-key than that of the royal family, we can’t deny that the jobs of their staff are equally as fascinating. So here we have it, the 7 most interesting things we’ve learnt about the Queen’s guards.

1. The Story Behind those Bearskins Caps

Although not worn by the Yeomen Warders, the fuzzy bearskin caps are an iconic feature of the royal guards’ uniform. The origin of these seemingly excessive helmets dates back to the 18th Century. At the time, the gunner in British and French armies wore these enormous bearskin caps to make them appear taller. This was believed to intimidate their opponents. The French Emperor Napoleon dressed his imperial guards in similar hats while he was in power in the early 19th Century. During the great Battle of Waterloo, as the British defeated Napoleon’s army they collected the bearskin caps from the corpses of Napoleon’s men and brought them home as trophies.

Curiously, these caps are secured under the lip of the guards (by a curb chain) as opposed to under the chin. This is to protect the guard’s neck in combat. The hat is so heavy that if it was tied beneath the chin and the guard was shot during an attack, causing the hat to drop backwards, the guard’s neck could snap in the process. The Bearskin Cap is said to get its name because inside is a cap that fits snug to the head of the wearer.

2. You Need a Strong Neck to be a Royal Guard

7 Royal Facts about the Queen’s Guards (1)

Royal guards marching outside Buckingham Palace

The Queen’s royal guards have got some neck. No, seriously! Those massive bearskin caps, 18 inches in height, can weigh up to 1.5 pounds. You’d have to have a very strong neck to carry that for the entirety of your shift. And that’s not all, these hats get even heavier when they get wet - and let’s face it, that’s pretty often in London.

3. The Foot Guards Will be From One of Five Regiments

7 Royal Facts about the Queen’s Guards (2)

The Royal Tower of London

These five regiments are the Grenadier Guards, the Coldstream Guards, the Scots Guards, the Irish Guards and the Welsh Guards. Their uniforms all differ slightly - for example, the Grenadier Guards have single buttons evenly spaced, with a white plume on the left of their cap. You’ll notice a grenade on the collar badge. The Coldstream Guard, however, have pairs of buttons and the plume on their cap is red. The Scots Guards have buttons in threes with no plume on their caps, but a thistle badge on their collar. For the Irish Guards you’ll notice the buttons are in groups of four, and they have a blue plume on the right of the cap as well as a shamrock on their collar badge! Last but not least, the Welsh Guards have buttons in fives with a white and green plume on the left of the cap, and leeks on their collar badges. See who you can spot on your visit!

4. They Protect more than just Buckingham Palace

While we might generally associate these red tunic clad guards with Buckingham Palace, they actually also protect other royal landmarks too. In fact, the Foot Guard regiment have the role as the primary garrison for the capital, for military security of the Sovereign, and also for ceremonial duties in London. You’ll see Foot Guards at Wellington Barracks (Buckingham Palace), Victoria Barracks (Windsor) as well as the Royal Artillery Barracks (Woolwich).

There are no sentries guarding Edinburgh Castle, except for when a Royal Visit occurs. However, this is likely to be one of the Foot Guards!

5. They Won’t Smile for a Selfie

7 Royal Facts about the Queen’s Guards (3)

Royal guard stands to attention outside Buckingham Palace

Visitors to Buckingham Palace love provoking the royal guards in a bid to get them to smile. But their attempts are in vain. No matter how many jokes you make or photos you take the royal guards’ somber expression won’t crack. Although they’re a popular spectacle for visitors to Britain, wishing to observe as they perform their iconic Changing of the Guard, these guards are in active service to the Queen and must carry themselves with the upmost discipline. They won’t be fined, as some rumours suggest, but it is frowned upon for guards to smile for a selfie with tourists.

6. No Toilet Break for the Dedicated Soldiers

The Queen’s guards are so dedicated to their position that they can’t even leave their post for a toilet break during their working shift. They must all have pretty strong bladders!

7. They can Break their Silence in some Circ*mstances

Although we’d be forgiven for believing that the Queen’s guards have taken a vow of silence while in post, they can indeed speak on some occasions. Although we do not recommend provoking them to do so, the can speak (or more specifically yell) if visitors come to close to them or acts aggressively. They are most commonly known shout “make way for the Queen’s guard!” at tourists who get too close.

Everything about the British royal family, their residence and their staff is fascinating. With traditions steeped in centuries of history, visiting the Queen’s palaces and witnessing royal customs in action is a quintessentially British experience and one you cannot miss on your visit to London. Experience the very best this historic capital has to offer in the company of an expert guide as you join us on ourbest London tours.

7 Royal Facts about the Queen’s Guards (2024)


Are royal guards allowed to smile? ›

The King's Guard has strict rules to abide by, including not speaking or smiling while on duty, but a British travel blog notes that the men are permitted to warn rule-breaking tourists. “One should never touch a member of the Queen's Guard,” according to Londontopia.

What are the Queen's guards not allowed to do? ›

Traditionally the Queen's Guards are not allowed to move. Typically, a Guardsman spends two hours on duty and four off. He is not expected to stand still for any more than ten minutes at a time. Every so often, he will march up and down in front of his sentry box, rather like a policeman "walking the beat".

What do the royal guards say? ›

Guards “are allowed to get [people] away by shouting… warnings if they fail to move away or start to act aggressively,” the Reddit guard says. For instance, they're known to yell “make way for the Queen's Guard!” at tourists who get in their way.

Why are the queens guard so serious? ›

The soldiers come from active regiments in the British Army, and any action deemed threatening, regardless of how minor, can cause them to react forcefully.

Can you touch a Kings guard? ›

' Here's some free advice to future Buckingham Palace visitors: When approaching a King's Guard, do not touch them! That's the lesson one woman learned when she recently visited the palace in London.

Can Royal Guards sleep? ›

Orders for sentry duty read out before each two-hour 'tour of duty', make it clear that sentries "may not eat, sleep, smoke, stand easy, sit or lie down during [their] tour of duty". Sentries receive instruction on how to eliminate nuisance or any suggestion of threat from members of the public.

Can you touch the Queen's guard horses? ›

The animals can bite or lash out unexpectedly. A tourist flouted that rule and came closer to take a photo, prompting her to be scolded by a soldier: "Stay away from the Queen's Guard , don't touch the reins!"

Are Queens Guards guns loaded? ›

Those guns aren't loaded…

The Guard's intimidating weapons only have ammo in them when they are aware of a potential serious security threat.

How long do queens guards stand? ›

Guardsmen will have two hours on sentry duty and four hours off. However, do not be surprised if on some occasions you do not see the traditional guardsmen, in their scarlet tunics, particularly in August when other regiments often guard 'The King'.

What language do royal guards speak? ›

The alias "Kenix Kil" was Imperial Guardsmen Kir Kanos' name in the Guard's battle language. The Emperor's Royal Guard battle language was a language understood only by the Emperor's Royal Guard.

Why do royal guards wear red? ›

According to a guard who spoke to Insider at a royal event in May, the bright-red color of the tunics is rooted in tradition and helps cover up blood stains.

Why do royal guards wear black? ›

So why do these guards wear tall black hats and conspicuous red tunics? As hard as it may be to believe, the uniform was supposed to intimidate opposing armies. "The idea was that you made your foot soldiers look taller and therefore more fearsome," said Richard Fitzwilliams, a royal commentator based in London.

Why don't Queens guards talk? ›

Although we'd be forgiven for believing that the Queen's guards have taken a vow of silence while in post, they can indeed speak on some occasions. Although we do not recommend provoking them to do so, the can speak (or more specifically yell) if visitors come to close to them or acts aggressively.

Why can't the Queens guards stop? ›

You just can't move

While on duty, Queen's Guards are not supposed to move or respond to anything that the tourists may throw at them. However, the rules indicate that after being still for at least 10 minutes, they can march up and down the street in order to stretch their legs and avoid passing out.

Can females be queens guard? ›

Privates in the Foot Guards are all known as Guardsmen whether they are male or female.

Can queens guards laugh? ›

Being a Queen's Guard is a tough gig and isn't for everyone, as they are not allowed to laugh or show any emotion while on duty. Guards are actively serving the Queen and must follow strict rules such as no laughing.

Can the Kingsguard take a wife? ›

The Kingsguard are sworn for life and are forbidden from owning land, taking a wife, or fathering children, although they can hold non-hereditary commands, such as being warden or Hand of the King.

What happens if a royal guard laughs? ›

Laughing can be seen as a sign of disrespect or lack of focus and can be interpreted as a sign that the guard is not taking their job seriously. As a result, royal guards can lose their positions for laughing on duty, or face other serious repercussions.

Are royal guards loyal? ›

They were elite, loyal and obedient to the core, and their lives were expendable if it meant catching a bullet for the King. Their primary task in peacetime was to guard Stockholm Castle from spies and assassins, as well as pesky citizens with radical ideas.

Who is guarding the Queen's coffin? ›

The pallbearers hail from the Queen's Company, the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards. 'It's their role to protect her body, both in life and in death, remaining in the Queen's Company until King Charles decides otherwise,' explained Major Adrian Weale to the PA.

What do royal guards do all day? ›

In this role, their primary function is the protection duty for the royal residence. They stand guard outside the palace in order to protect the royal residents from any harm. Although the role has evolved into mostly a ceremonial one, almost a tourist attraction, these guards are still first and foremost soldiers.

Why do the Kings guards shout? ›

Royal guards are not generally allowed to talk to the public but can occasionally shout a warning in some circ*mstances, for example when people obstruct them or there is a threat to safety.

Can the queens guard use their sword? ›

Even now, royal guards protecting the Queen use swords with the same name, but they are the same in name only. This particular sword forces its wielder to fight even to the death to protect whomever he has sworn to protect. It also grants the power to accomplish this task.

How many guards are guarding the queens coffin? ›

Surrounding the six Gentlemen at Arms were four members of the Bodyguard the Yeomen of the Guard. Every 20 minutes the replacement Gentlemen and Yeomen take their place before their predecessors depart.

Are there any black royal guards? ›

The first black man to join an elite regiment that guarded the late Queen says writing a book about his experiences was "a coping mechanism" for the racism he faced. Bristolian Richard Stokes joined the Grenadier Guards in 1986 after encouragement from his adoptive father.

What happens if you touch royal guard? ›

The Queen's Guard is responsible for the safety and security of the royal family and the palace, and they take their job very seriously. If you touch a Buckingham Palace guard, they are likely to react harshly, potentially leading to a confrontation or worse.

Why do royal guards wear big hats? ›

It was thought that the 19-inch tall caps would make soldiers look taller and more intimidating to their enemies. To commemorate their war victory, the hats were introduced to the soldiers guarding royal residences, where they continue to be used today.

Do the Queens Guards work all night? ›

The guards at Buckingham Palace and St James Palace are on duty for 24 or 48 hours. During that time a Guardsman will have 2 hours on sentry duty and then 4 hours off.

Why do the queens Guards faint? ›

The Queen's guards are taught to "faint to attention"

It may look easy, but standing perfectly still for elongated periods of time can put immense strain on the body and mind, causing exhaustion, muscle strain, lower back pain and swelling of the feet.

How long is Queens Guard training? ›

The Guards are members of the British Army who get 30 weeks of training, two weeks more than the regular infantry. The extra weeks are devoted to drill and ceremonial protocol.

How do you say hello to a royal? ›

There are no obligatory codes of behaviour when meeting The Queen or a member of the Royal Family, but many people wish to observe the traditional forms. For men this is a neck bow (from the head only) whilst women do a small curtsy. Other people prefer simply to shake hands in the usual way.

What are the queens guards hats made of? ›

Yes - those tall caps are made of real bear fur. And it's causing controversy. The sight of a member of the King's Guard standing on ceremony outside Buckingham Palace, sporting that immaculate red-and-black uniform and tall bearskin cap, is an iconic sight of London.

Are Royal Guards real soldiers? ›

A royal guard is a group of military bodyguards, soldiers or armed retainers responsible for the protection of a royal family member, such as the emperor or empress, king or queen, or prince or princess.

What is a royal guard's hat called? ›

It's called a 'bearskin', a type of ceremonial military cap that dates back to the 17th century. And yes, despite some controversy, the bearskin is exactly as its name suggests. Bearskin hats are made from the skin of black bears, hundreds of which are killed annually from a large population in Canada.

What is the nickname of the Queen's guards? ›

Their official title is 'The Yeomen Warders of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London, and Members of the Sovereign's Body Guard of the Yeoman Guard Extraordinary'. Quite a mouthful, isn't it? And quite possibly why they are affectionately called 'Beefeaters'.

How many types of queens guards are there? ›

The five Regiments of Foot Guards are the Grenadier Guards, the Coldstream Guards, the Scots Guards, the Irish Guards and the Welsh Guards.

Why do queens guards wear strap under lip? ›

It's reported that the decision to wear the chained strap for these headpieces under the lip comes from when soldiers actually fought while wearing them. If a soldier was shot, the heavy hat could fall backwards and cause the soldier's neck to break if they were wearing a chin strap.

Why do royal guards wear wigs? ›

Answer: The origins are that every gunner in the British military and the French military wore bearskin caps to make them taller and more intimidating because they were the ones that did the hand to hand fighting. In Napoleon's imperial guard everybody wore them, and they were supposed to be his elite troops.

Which guards wear grey? ›

It means the Athol Grey Great Coat, worn by Foot Guards in winter, and the Capes used by mounted troops will be put away and replaced by the shorter summer tunic.

What shoes do the Queens guards wear? ›

They replaced the earlier ankle boots that had been in service since the early 1800s. Ammunition boots (now known as Boots, Ankle, General Service) remain in use today by British and Commonwealth armies for ceremonial public duties, most notably by the British Army's Household Division, who provide the King's Guard.

How do you tell guards apart? ›

Telling the regiments apart

From a distance they appear identical, but there are ways to distinguish between the regiments: The colour of the plume, and which side of the bearskin it is worn on. The spacing of the tunic buttons. The badge worn on the collar.

Where can you see Royal Guards? ›

Buckingham Palace Railings (Gates)

Buckingham Palace railings is the spot most most first time visitors try to grab when they visit the Changing of the Guard. Providing you get here early enough, you will have a great view of the part of the Changing Ceremony that takes place in the forecourt.

What happens to the queens guards when she dies? ›

While it is likely that secretaries, housekeepers, chefs, chauffeurs, gardeners etc. will be kept on, some of the queen's more personal staff may be made redundant or choose to leave the household voluntarily, such as her footmen and dressers.

How do queens guards cope with heat? ›

Queens Guards can spend anywhere between one to four hours in direct sunlight during the hot summer days standing guard at the Royal palaces and it is a surprise that more of them do not faint while on parade. The main reason is due to good HYDRATION. H20. OGIN.

How tall do you have to be to be a Queens guard? ›

The Queen's guards aren't as tall as they used to be

'The height requirement has been brought down to 5' 10", but traditionally, if you were in the Queen's Company within the Grenadier Guards, you had to be 6' 2" or over. They were known as “the models” because they were so tall.

What happens if a royal guard breaks character? ›

The first thing that will happen is the guard coming to attention and telling you to step back from the Queen's Guard. If this is ignored or should the person approach or threaten the guard then this is repeated.

Can the Queens guards use force? ›

They are serving soldiers. Many of them have served in war zones. Their job (while on guard duty) is to protect the monarch with lethal force and their own lives if necessary. So yes.

Do royal guards get punished for smiling? ›

They won't be fined, as some rumours suggest, but it is frowned upon for guards to smile for a selfie with tourists.

Can the Queen's Guard have facial hair? ›

Since 1916, the British Army, Royal Air Force, and Royal Marines have allowed moustaches and side whiskers. Beards are not covered under this acceptance, apart from when they are grown for medical or religious reasons.

Are you allowed to take pictures of royal guards? ›

Yes, you can, but they will not pose for you or talk to you. You can stand next to them for a picture, but make no mistake, they will react if you try to fool around with them.

What gender are the royal guards? ›

RG 01 and RG 02 are both males.

Why can't you touch the royal guard? ›

Never touch a guard

As London aficionados know by now, one should never touch a member of the Queen's Guard. If this is the case, they are actually allowed to shout warnings at you to make you go away. If people start acting aggressively, the soldiers can even present their bayonets to them.

Why do royal guards scream? ›

Royal guards are not generally allowed to talk to the public but can occasionally shout a warning in some circ*mstances, for example when people obstruct them or there is a threat to safety.

How long is a queens guard shift? ›

Guardsmen will have two hours on sentry duty and four hours off. However, do not be surprised if on some occasions you do not see the traditional guardsmen, in their scarlet tunics, particularly in August when other regiments often guard 'The King'.

Can females join the guards? ›

All privates in the Foot Guards are known as guardsmen, even though it is not an official rank, whether they are men or women. That includes soldiers in the Irish, Welsh, Scots, Grenadier and Coldstream Guards - the elite infantry units of the Household Division who protect the Queen and her family.

Can you touch a Royal Guards horse? ›

The animals can bite or lash out unexpectedly. A tourist flouted that rule and came closer to take a photo, prompting her to be scolded by a soldier: "Stay away from the Queen's Guard , don't touch the reins!"

Why can't you photograph the crown jewels? ›

Arguably the most prized feature is the Jewel House, which has housed the exquisite Crown Jewels since 1661. Sadly, you can't take photos of the Crown Jewels for security reasons. And with the intimidating security guards watching your every move as you walk through the Jewel House, you won't want to even try.

Do royal guards hold real guns? ›

These are highly trained professional soldiers. They're not actors playing a role. They are (along with less visible measures) genuinely protecting the palace. The firearms and bayonets are real and the guards are prepared to use them.

How are royal guards chosen? ›

In order to join the Royal Guard, a trainee soldier has to pass the British Army Recruit Battery (BARB) test. The scores of the BARB test helps to categorise whether they join a combat role or one of the combat support groups.

What is a princess's guard called? ›

A royal guard is a group of military bodyguards, soldiers or armed retainers responsible for the protection of a royal family member, such as the emperor or empress, king or queen, or prince or princess.

Will The Queen's guards change name? ›

His Majesty

The Queen's Guard, a favourite for tourists visiting Buckingham Palace, will also change its name. The police will no longer preserve the peace of the queen but that of the king, and barristers' office will change from being called “QC ("Queen's counsel") to KC ("King's counsel").

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