7 science-backed reasons why you may be better off being single (2024)

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7 science-backed reasons why you may be better off being single (1)

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  • Being single is great, because there's a difference between being lonely and being alone.
  • Learning to be comfortable with your solitude can better prepare you for future relationships.
  • Single people are also more likely to be fitter and healthier than people in relationships.

7 science-backed reasons why you may be better off being single (2)


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7 science-backed reasons why you may be better off being single (3)

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Being single does not mean you are bad at relationships. In fact, research shows people are staying single for longer and settling down older, and some are choosing to be that way forever.

Singledom shouldn't be regarded as anything to be pitied — it should be embraced. Especially as there are numerous mental and physical benefits to being on your own.

There's also a big difference between loneliness and solitude, and one doesn't necessarily correspond to the other.

Psychotherapist Anna Jackson told Insider that a lot of people accidentally end up defining themselves and their self-worth by their romantic relationships.


But in reality, it's the growth they do outside of having a partner that ends up mattering the most, because bouncing from one bad relationship to another means you end up "settling for less out of fear of being single."

Bonnie Scott, therapist and founder of Mindful Kindness Counseling, told Insider that singletons make all their own decisions, which leads to more freedom and a better ability to balance responsibilities.

"On many levels, there's mental health benefits of feeling free to drive your life. It's empowering," she said. "And in many ways, a much more straightforward way to live than people who are not single."

So here are seven science-backed reasons being a singleton can actually be better for you.


Being single gives you the space to think

7 science-backed reasons why you may be better off being single (5)

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Jackson said that when she came out of a long-term relationship a couple of years ago she started being able to focus on what she genuinely wanted, without having any "external influence from a partner."

"Just having a sense of freedom, being able to really focus and hone in on what I want and who I want to be," she said.

Taking some time to yourself should be seen as an opportunity to get to know who you really are and what you need.

Due to something called repetition compulsion, if we've been hurt in the past, we can be tempted to rush into new relationships with people who are wrong for us, because we're trying to subconsciously fix the pain.

If you take time being single, you'll find time is a great healer and you'll learn to let go of your past. At the same time, you can explore new places and try new experiences to work out who you are, and what kind of person would be a great match for you.

"I know it's probably going to sound really cheesy, but I'm such a believer of you have to be amazing to attract amazing," Jackson said. "Unless you are amazing, you ain't gonna attract it."


Single people tend to have more time for physical activity

7 science-backed reasons why you may be better off being single (6)

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Single people might be healthier than those coupled up.

According to a study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, divorced people get more exercise than married people, but the ones who are the most active are those who have always been single.

In a blog post for Psychology Today, social psychologist Bella DePaulo discussed how women who have always been single are more healthy overall than currently married women, and also have fewer sick days and fewer doctors' visits.

Another study, published in the journal Social Science & Medicine, showed that single people in nine European countries had a lower BMI than married people, and overall weighed around five pounds less.

Scott said she has found that her single clients tend to have more time for physical activity.

"They are less likely to skip the gym, or they will walk the dog more often, or they will sign up for a salsa class," she said.


Singles tend to be better at keeping friends

7 science-backed reasons why you may be better off being single (7)

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Being single can mean building stronger relationships with friends, which tend to be what matters most when it comes to combating loneliness in the long run.

A study published in the journal Contextsfound that people who had always been single were more attentive to their friends and family than married people.

People in romantic relationships may invest all their time and energy into their partner, but miss out on the "stable base" of having deep friendships that ultimately last the longest, Jackson said.

"The people who bounce from relationship to relationship are putting all of their time just in their partner, so no wonder they feel lonely," she said. "You feel lonely because you've let your friendships go."

Scott said we happen to live in a society that has placed romantic relationships at the top of the hierarchy of connections, but that's just a social construct.

"We can choose the people and relationships that fill our lives without holding to that hierarchy," she said. "A person's relationship with their sister or best friend is not more or less important than a romantic connection and it's unfair that those types of relationships have been devalued for so long."

According to research published in the journal Information, Communication & Society, single people often have a more diverse range of people they consider close friends. They also apparently put in more effort to keep sibling relationships strong.


They're also sometimes better off financially

7 science-backed reasons why you may be better off being single (8)

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Despite reports that single people are hit hardest when it comes to the costs of living, there could be a financial advantage to being single.

According to debt.org, "21% of single people had credit card debt, [compared to] 27% of married couples without children and 36% of married couples with children."

A post on Wealthify also laid out that singletons can better take advantage of not having a partner to consider by taking more risks, and having more time to put into a side hustle.

"If you're single, you probably don't have to spend any money on anyone else — just you," the post reads. "You can keep your hard-earned money for yourself. And if you have plans for the near future, like a well-deserved holiday, you could tuck away some money in a savings account and build a decent nest egg for your future self."

No matter if you have children or not, being part of a couple can be associated with more spending.


Being single can mean doing better at work because it opens up more opportunities

7 science-backed reasons why you may be better off being single (9)

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Scott said being single gives people a little more flexibility, which can make them more available to jump on opportunities.

They can "take a job in a new city, or go to the book club meeting and make new connections, or have the ability to commit to an exciting project at work if they choose," she said. "Single folks make those decisions for themselves without the hesitation of worrying as much about other people being affected."

Single people are also potentially more likely to value meaningful work, according to DePaulo. Not having to worry about maintaining a relationship can mean putting more effort into your career.


Being alone can be stressful, but so can being with the wrong person

7 science-backed reasons why you may be better off being single (10)


Being single can, of course, be stressful. You might be tired of trying to find the right relationship and sick of the dating scene, or you might be pressured from people around you.

But being with a partner can have its issues as well. Coupled up people have to consider where their relationship is going and whether they have enough power and autonomy in their partnership.

Plenty of people also end up in the wrong relationship out of fear, and sometimes even shame, of being alone.

"There's genuinely nothing more lonely than being with the wrong person," Jackson said.

Being single for a prolonged period, rather than settling for someone who stresses you out, is going to be much more valuable in working out what it is that you want and deserve.


Singles are more well-adjusted to situations where they need to be independent

7 science-backed reasons why you may be better off being single (11)

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Being alone is not the same thing as being lonely. And learning to appreciate alone time is really important for being self-sufficient.

Everyone needs to be independent at some time in their life, and if you've never been alone, you might have a tough time adjusting.

According to studies, the more self-sufficient single people are, the less likely they are to experience negative emotions. But for married people, being self-sufficient is associated with more negative emotions — almost like they resent having to fend for themselves.

Jackson said people should ask themselves whether they are happy being by themselves when they are considering a relationship.

"It's a really good question to ask yourself: am I running into another relationship because I am wanting to protect myself from something?" she said. "Or have I figured out that I'm absolutely fine on my own, but I would like someone to share my life with?"


Overall, learning to be happy alone is incredibly important

7 science-backed reasons why you may be better off being single (12)

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Being alone and being lonely are two very different things. While loneliness is characterized by missing something, or someone, solitude is "an emotion of contentment," Scott said.

"Ideally, solitude and loneliness exist in a balance, so that we have the ability to retreat to ourselves and find rest," she said. "And we can answer the drive of loneliness to go and connect authentically with others."

Jackson said it's vital people learn to be on their own, not only because it teaches them so much, but it means they stop running from whatever it is they are scared of.

"Someone who doesn't want any time alone, that's a problem," she said. "They're running from something, they're scared of something, so there's a massive element of avoidance which drives anxiety."

Getting into the wrong relationship because you want to avoid feeling or thinking too much may protect you in the short term, she said, "but in the long run, you're hurting yourself."

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Relationships Dating Lifestyle



7 science-backed reasons why you may be better off being single (2024)


Why is being single better? ›

Bonnie Scott, therapist and founder of Mindful Kindness Counseling, told Insider that singletons make all their own decisions, which leads to more freedom and a better ability to balance responsibilities. "On many levels, there's mental health benefits of feeling free to drive your life. It's empowering," she said.

Why is unmarried life better? ›

People prefer being single for many reasons.

In one study published in 2022, hundreds of men and women were surveyed about what makes single life attractive, and they rated the top benefits as having more time for themselves, being able to focus on their goals, and not having anyone else dictate their actions.

What are the mental benefits of being single? ›

For some people, being single for a long time can have positive mental health outcomes, such as increased self-discovery, personal growth, and the freedom to pursue individual interests and goals.

What is the best part about being single? ›

9 undeniable reasons why being single is actually great
  • You're hotter. ...
  • You have the bed to yourself. ...
  • You don't have to consider someone else's feelings. ...
  • You have so many stories. ...
  • Your standards get higher. ...
  • Relationships take so much work. ...
  • You have fewer arguments. ...
  • You're more likely to say “yes”
Feb 11, 2024

Why am I happier alone? ›

Being alone can be rewarding because it gives a person time to invest in themselves and their interests. People might choose to spend time alone because they are introverts energized by the quiet. Others may prefer being alone because they feel overstimulated when around others.

Why am I happier single? ›

In fact, the only points in my life when I remember being lonely were when I was in the wrong relationships. In fact, research shows that being single actually makes you far more sociable. As DePaulo points out, “Single people are more connected to friends, neighbours, siblings, and parents than married people.

Is it better to stay single forever? ›

Yes, it is completely fine to be single forever. As much as everyone wants their lives to have a "Happily ever after", it generally doesn't happen. A large amount of people in the world remain single forever, yet they can be some of the happiest people alive.

Will you be happier if you stay unmarried? ›

Most psychologists will tell you that being in a happy relationship makes you happier than being single, but a bad relationship can make you much unhappier than singlehood. In other words, relationships offer a happiness boost, but only the good ones.

Are unmarried people more happy? ›

Married people, particularly those aged 25 to 50, consistently reported higher levels of well-being compared to singles, regardless of race, age, and gender. The data suggests that marital status is a stronger predictor of well-being than demographic factors like education, income, political affiliation, and religion.

What does the Bible say about being single? ›

In 1 Corinthians 7:1-40, Paul recognizes and praises committed singleness and teaches that it is better to keep a commitment to vocational singleness than get married. Then in 1 Timothy 5:5-15, Paul reaffirms that a commitment to vocational singleness is good and to break that commitment is a sin.

What are the pros and cons of being single? ›

On one hand, single pringle living is an odyssey full of freedom, independence and time. On the other hand, this can come with feelings of being left out, being a lil' lonely and lack of affection.

How to feel better about being single? ›

She also recommends a few ways to help build your confidence and comfort with being single.
  1. Make lists of your strengths and achievements. ...
  2. Practice good self-care. ...
  3. Find a new hobby. ...
  4. Remember you don't have to be in a relationship to feel connected. ...
  5. Let your friends and family help you feel connected.
Feb 8, 2021

What are the cons of being single? ›

Experiencing “Negative emotions,” including rejection, pessimism, despair, sadness, isolation, insecurity, and loneliness, were additional disadvantages of being single. The “Lack of regular and safe sex,” including sex with emotion, and less sex, were further disadvantages of singlehood.

Who is more happy, single or in a relationship? ›

The latest study examining the association between relationship status and well-being among young adults also backs up this finding. In the latest issue of Family Relations, psychologist Nicole Watkins and colleagues found that singles were less happy than ones who were partnered.

How it feels to be single? ›

Sometimes being single can feel freeing or even empowering. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want without having to worry about what your partner is doing. But there are also times when being unattached can be lonely and frustrating.

Are people happier single? ›

Here are a few things we know: Studies suggest that married people are only slightly happier than unmarried people. Furthermore, this difference may be shrinking as alternative lifestyles become more accepted. The happiness bump brought about by marriage may be temporary.

Why you should embrace being single? ›

You will be more likely to have high goals.

Being single means you can't settle. In case someone who captures your heart comes along, you need to be at the top of your game. By embracing your time being single, you will be more able to pursue your goals and work towards a more complete, fulfilling future.

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