7 Ways to Become More Feminine | Coach Simona (2024)

Feminine and masculine energy are two sides of the same coin: you can’t have one without the other. Today, we’re going to examine how you can feel empowered by rediscovering your inner femininity.

Listen to the entire Project Femininity Playlist on YouTube here:

1. Take Care of Yourself

Sounds obvious until you think about just how many roles the modern woman has to play in her daily life at work and at home. That’s why the first rule of being a woman who’s in touch with her femininity is to take care of yourself regardless of what’s happening in your life right now. To truly understand the meaning of it, let me give you an example.

Say you have a husband, two kids, and a promising career in marketing. You don’t want to lose your job and you love your family, but feel so exhausted and cranky all the time! How are you going to take care of your children and advance in your career at the same time?

Only by putting your needs first.

This doesn’t mean neglecting your children or quitting your job because you’re in a bad mood. It means taking good care of your looks, health, and wellbeing. Trust me, when you look after yourself regularly, you will have more energy and everything else will fall into place.

2. Dress Like a Lady

A couple of years ago, I used to wear almost only jeans and suits. When I first started getting in touch with my femininity, wearing a dress or a skirt sounded a little bit silly. But I then realized why dresses are so important for us, women. The moment I began to wear dresses, I somehow felt more soft, feminine, playful, and relaxed.

We underestimate the impact our choice of clothes has on how we feel and behave as women. You may have some resistance at first, but when you get used to it, you will often prefer wearing a dress over putting on jeans.

3. Trust People

Trust issues with men or other women can be a huge problem for unlocking your femininity. If you really want to feel loved and appreciated, you need to open your heart first. I’m sure you’ve had your fair share of heartbreaks, but the only way to live your life to the fullest is to trust people. Appreciate them, thank them, admire them, love them.

It’s really hard to trust someone especially after you’ve been betrayed so many times. But trust isn’t about the other person, it’s about you. No matter how many times you’ve been rejected or lied to, your feminine nature is to be open and warm. If you close your heart to the possibility of love, you will never experience the joy of love until you open up again.

4. Be Soft and Gentle

Believe it or not, one of your biggest superpowers as a woman is your softness.
Being gentle is your strength, not your weakness. Click To Tweet

Be kind to people, offer to help them, and do it from the bottom of your heart. When you’re in service of others, you will feel calm, relaxed, and in touch with your femininity.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Vulnerable

You don’t have to do everything by yourself. Try asking your bestie, husband, or boyfriend for help on a task, whenever you feel like it drains you. You need your feminine energy not just to feel good about yourself, but also to inspire and motivate others around you.

You are the main source of your power and creativity. Let that inspire others. By being vulnerable and sharing your most intimate side, others will treat you like the true goddess that you are.

6. Learn to Let Go

If you want to be true to your feminine side, learn to let go. What do I mean by this? Stop trying to control others, the circ*mstances, or the outcome of your actions.

You are a goddess and your purpose is to nourish, cherish, love, and trust your inner femininity. Embrace things as they are and enjoy the ride.

7. Laugh, Play and Be Spontaneous

As opposed to masculine energy, which is fixed, feminine energy is flexible, like water. Let your heart sing, be playful and spontaneous. One of the best ways to do that is by perceiving life as a playground. Do kids think about the future outcome of every action they make? No. They simply do it.
There are no failures in life, only good stories to tell. Click To Tweet

So, what are you waiting for? Go out there and simply be your beautiful, feminine self. Without excuses.

If you want to work on trusting your inner intuition and be unapologetically you, sign up for the waitlist:

7 Ways to Become More Feminine | Coach Simona (2024)


7 Ways to Become More Feminine | Coach Simona? ›

Stretch, dance, run - whatever kind of movement you enjoy - just let your body freely move and get that energy flowing. Feed your senses - Feed yourself a delicious and nurturing meal, listen to moving music, go to an art exhibit, or even just set out some fresh flowers.

How do I activate my feminine energy? ›

Stretch, dance, run - whatever kind of movement you enjoy - just let your body freely move and get that energy flowing. Feed your senses - Feed yourself a delicious and nurturing meal, listen to moving music, go to an art exhibit, or even just set out some fresh flowers.

How do you know if your feminine energy is blocked? ›

What are the signs of blocked feminine energy?
  1. Lack of creativity.
  2. Difficulty with self-expression.
  3. Lack of intuition.
  4. Lack of empathy.
  5. Feeling stuck.
  6. Discomfort with receiving.
  7. Difficulty setting boundaries.
  8. Feeling disconnected from your body.

How to get a girl to be feminine? ›

Therefore, always give her genuine compliments about her appearance. Don't be afraid to praise her for her accomplishments, too. If she cooked a great meal (see below) or impress your parents at the last family get-together, you reinforce how her feminine aspects are a positive.

How do you unlock dark feminine energy? ›

To access dark feminine energy, try spending time in nature, journaling, and meditation. Work on accepting your "dark” side rather than repressing it. Honoring dark feminine traits is a way to feel more empowered and whole. If embracing dark femininity doesn't feel right for you, though, that's totally okay.

How can I increase my feminine magnetism? ›

4 Practices for Cultivating Feminine Magnetism
  1. Create Beauty. Beauty is about how you feel, which can be related to how you appear—to yourself and others. ...
  2. Let Feminine Magnetism Flow. A big part of the feminine is movement. ...
  3. Practice Sensual Mindfulness. Start by slowing down your actions. ...
  4. KonMari for Confidence.

How do you tap deeply into feminine energy? ›

Here are the main ways you can begin to embrace your feminine energy:
  1. Feminine energy shouldn't have to clash with masculine energy. ...
  2. Do not be afraid to speak your mind. ...
  3. Be open to receiving. ...
  4. Express yourself through creative means. ...
  5. Embrace your sexuality. ...
  6. Be proud of being a woman.
Feb 24, 2021

How does a woman show feminine energy? ›

Feminine energy traits are affiliated with nurturing, love, receptivity, compassion, and care. This 'being' energy is the polar opposite of masculine energy, which revolves around 'doing.

What does feminine power look like? ›

Feminine power is beautiful, graceful, nurturing, creative, and warm. There is power in being. There is power in silence. These are two feminine qualities that we may not think of as powerful initially, but as we explore them, the strength becomes apparent.

How do I get more feminine features? ›

Facial feminization surgery may involve solutions such as an eyelid lift, brow lift, neck lift, nose surgery, chin surgery, ear surgery, lip augmentation and dermal fillers. Dr. Zinsser can help trans women achieve the feminine facial appearance of their dreams.

How can I be feminine and seductive? ›

These five tips that can help you feel confident in your body so you can be your sensual, seductive and sexy self:
  1. Walk with confidence. The way you walk can tell a lot about the level of your self-esteem and confidence. ...
  2. Practice some feminine or seductive dance. ...
  3. Love your body. ...
  4. Practice self-care rituals. ...
  5. Sleep nude.

What happens when a woman has too much masculine energy? ›

Woman with too much masculine energy shows excessive masculine energy traits such as competitiveness, aggressiveness, and dominance. She is often very independent, goal-oriented, and directive. She is usually not very emotional or expressive and can be quite harsh and unyielding.

How do you get the divine feminine awakening? ›

Here's how you can start tapping into this energy in your everyday life:
  1. Reclaim rest. ...
  2. Embrace your sensuality. ...
  3. Journal. ...
  4. Practice self-love. ...
  5. Get in touch with your dreams. ...
  6. Incorporate more yin energy in your space. ...
  7. Prioritize "me-time." ...
  8. Tap into your intuition.
Mar 22, 2021

How to radiate feminine energy to attract a man? ›

  1. Show him your playful side. One of the first things you can do to radiate feminine energy to attract a man is to be playful. ...
  2. Talk with emotions. Another way to radiate feminine energy to attract a man is to speak with emotions and feelings. ...
  3. Receive graciously. ...
  4. Stay mysterious. ...
  5. Use your body language. ...
  6. Let yourself be pursued.

What is a dark feminine personality? ›

Dark feminine energy, on the other hand, is all about being dominant, assertive and most importantly, sultry. It's about setting boundaries, saying no to people and manifesting success.

How do you know if a girl is feminine? ›

Traits such as nurturance, sensitivity, sweetness, supportiveness, gentleness, warmth, passivity, cooperativeness, expressiveness, modesty, humility, empathy, affection, tenderness, and being emotional, kind, helpful, devoted, and understanding have been cited as stereotypically feminine.

What makes a woman magnetic and irresistible? ›

A truly irresistible woman is honest about what she wants and the way she lives her life. Be forthright about your actual interests and personality quirks (even if you're embarrassed about some of them). People like being around someone that's honest about who they are.

How do I step into my goddess energy? ›

Here Are 10 Ways to Access and Ignite Your Divine Feminine Inner Goddess:
  1. Practice Self-Love and Self-Care. ...
  2. Treat Everyone How You Want to Be Treated. ...
  3. Adorn Yourself. ...
  4. Adorn Your Space. ...
  5. Create Rituals. ...
  6. Spend Time Around Divine Feminine Goddess Energy. ...
  7. Seek Balance. ...
  8. Invoke the Power of Mantras.
Jan 31, 2021

What happens when you step into your feminine energy? ›

Being in our feminine power means us embracing slowing down, self care and stepping away from the busy pace of life and creating. From this place we can manifest everything. When we come into our power, we can find our voice, we come out of hiding.

What is powerful feminine energy? ›

What is Feminine Energy? Feminine energy is all of the nurturing traits it takes to connect to human beings in a meaningful and fulfilling way. It's compassionate, kind, empathetic, patient and emotional. It's about embracing your intuition and creativity.

What feminine energy does to a man? ›

Feminine energy makes a man fall in love because it shows him how dynamic and spontaneous you are. Feminine energy in a relationship is the ability to empathize, prioritize your feelings, and communicate well with your spouse. These are wonderful qualities that create a happy, satisfying relationship.

How do you tap into divine feminine? ›

How to Tap into Divine Feminine Energy
  1. Cultivate a sacred space. Find a place in your home where you can set a meditation pillow and create a little altar, even if that's just a candle, a crystal, or a flower. ...
  2. Experiment with practices and techniques. ...
  3. Allow yourself space to explore. ...
  4. Listen to your intuition.
May 23, 2021

What are the 5 laws of feminine power? ›

These include the 5 Feminine Power Virtues: Presence, Authenticity, Sensuality, Spirituality and Gratitude.

What color is feminine energy? ›

Pink color is associated today with the feminine world, however, until 1920s, was a masculine color. Before this decade, the indicated colour for girls was white or blue.

What things have feminine energy? ›

Slow living, self-love, meditation, reflection, ritual and routine, learning the lunar cycles, setting boundaries, finding balance, communication, compassion – all these things not only capture the essence feminine energy, but they're also the way you can access it.

What foods become more feminine? ›

When an individual is looking to help naturally boost their estrogen levels, estrogen boosting foods can make a big difference.
  • 10 Estrogen building foods:
  • Tofu. Tofu is produced from soy milk which is naturally high in phytoestrogens, specifically isoflavones. ...
  • Flax Seeds. ...
  • Sesame Seeds. ...
  • Soybeans. ...
  • Hummus. ...
  • Garlic. ...
  • Dried Fruit.

How to get feminine eyes? ›

6 Ways to Feminize Your Eyes
  1. Professionally Shape the Eyebrows. ...
  2. Get Botox Injections. ...
  3. Use Makeup. ...
  4. Focus on Your Lashes. ...
  5. Use Eye Makeup that Brightens. ...
  6. Get a Brow Lift. ...
  7. Meet with a Skilled Facial Feminization Surgeon Today.

What pills make your face more feminine? ›

Feminizing hormone therapy often involves taking estrogen and anti-androgen hormones, such as estradiol or spironolactone. By taking these hormones, you may be able to achieve more traditionally feminine characteristics, including breast growth, body fat redistribution, and less facial hair.

How can I act more feminine body language? ›

Avoid clumsy or overly expressive movements and, instead, tuck your elbows and make slow, smooth movements. DON'T look stoic in your facial expressions. Your facial expressions can easily give you away if you look stern and serious. Most women have a pleasing facial expression that puts those around them at ease.

What causes a woman to look masculine? ›

Adam's apple. In most men and some women, the thyroid cartilage on the throat is larger and projects forward to form the small bump known as the Adam's apple. The thyroid cartilage is not usually noticeable in women and this makes the Adam's apple one of the most prominent features creating a masculine appearance.

What makes a woman masculine? ›

Yet, the qualities that masculine women possess—confidence, assertiveness, independence, and daring—are not scientifically or biologically male attributes. Rather, these qualities are constructed as being masculine even though they are commonly found in women.

How do I stop being masculine energy? ›

How to be less masculine as a woman
  1. Heal your nervous system.
  2. Make to-do's more enjoyable.
  3. Do your inner work.
  4. Schedule free time.
  5. Surround yourself with feminine energy.
  6. Learn to receive.
  7. Don't reject your masculine energy.

What does feminine energy want? ›

Go with the flow

Feminine energy is about being fluid and free, playing, having fun, resting, dreaming, and seeing what happens. There are no expectations and no end goal. And it's more than okay to do something or do nothing for no other reason than because you want to.

What is the power of feminine energy? ›

Feminine power is beautiful, graceful, nurturing, creative, and warm. There is power in being. There is power in silence. These are two feminine qualities that we may not think of as powerful initially, but as we explore them, the strength becomes apparent.

What is the symbol of feminine energy? ›

Triple Moon Sign

The Triple Moon is one of the most well-known feminine symbols, representing femininity, female energy, fertility, wisdom, intuition, and strength. The three phases of the moon (waxing, complete, and waning) depict the three stages of a woman's life: the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.