7 Ways to Tell If Your Phone Is Being Tapped (2024)

All smartphones are vulnerable to tapping, especially if a device is jailbroken or rooted to take advantage of third-party apps. It can take some sleuthing to find out if you're dealing with a phone tap or just some random glitches.

If you've only noticed one of the signs listed below, especially randomly, then you probably are not dealing with a spy app or other tapping device. But if you encounter several, especially consistently, then you could indeed have someone listening in on your calls.

The quickest way to stop strange behavior from a remote hacker, without shutting down the whole phone, is to put it into airplane mode to shut off cell data and Wi-Fi. This will let you handle the situation offline (remove apps, reset your device, etc.) while also stopping any network activity.

Unusual Background Noise

If you hear pulsating static, high-pitched humming, or other strange background noises when on voice calls,it may be a sign that your phone is being tapped. If you hear unusual sounds like beeping, clicking, or static when you're not on a call, that's another sign that your phone is tapped. That being said, strange noises do crop upfrom time to time on cell and landline calls, so this isn't a surefire indicator that something is wrong.

Check for inaudible soundson your phoneby using a sound-bandwidth sensor on a low frequency.A sound-bandwidth sensor is a noise detector app from another phone that could be used to measure sound on a potentially tapped device. If it finds sounds several times in one minute, your phone may be tapped.

Diminished Battery Life

If your phone’s battery life is suddenly a lot shorter than it used to be, or if the battery warms up when the phone is being used, it’s possible that tapping software is running silently in the background and consuming battery power.

If your phone's battery is over a year old, it may be less capable of holding a charge. In that case, there are steps you can take to improve your cell phone battery life.

Consider how often you've been using your phone. Have you been making more voice calls or using apps more oftenthan usual? If so, that may be the reason your phone's battery is draining more quickly than usual.

If you can't think of anything you've been doing differently, you can use your phone's settings to get detailed information about what's hogging the battery, or download an appto get a clearer picture of what's going on.

  • On an iPhone, go to Settings > Battery, then scroll down to Battery Usage. Alternatively, you can download the Battery Life app from the App Store or download the Coconut Battery app from coconut-flavour.com.
  • For Android devices, either search Settings for battery usage or go to Settings > Device > Battery to see which apps are using the most battery power.

Finally, check your app usage with the techniques mentioned, and then check again a few days later to see which ones have changed the most. If you used those apps often, then your usage is likely why they're using so much battery. But if you didn't use them a lot, then something strange may be going on, like a virus that has tapped your phone. Deleting the app is recommended.

7 Ways to Tell If Your Phone Is Being Tapped (1)

Trouble With Shutting Down

If your smartphone has suddenly become less responsive or has difficulty shutting down, someone may have gained unauthorized access to it.

When shutting down your phone, check to see if the shutdown fails or if the backlight stays on even after you've completed the shutdown process. If that's the case, the culprit could be malicious software or a glitch due to a recent phone update.

Suspicious Activity

If your phone begins turning on or off or starts to install apps on its own, someone may have hacked it with a spy app and could be attempting to tap your calls.

Weird Text Messages

Another major sign that someone is trying to tap your phone is if you receive weird SMS text messages containing garbled letters and numbers from unknown senders.

The phenomenon of receiving a series of garbled letters and numbers happens because some tapping apps receive their commands via coded SMS messages.

Pop-Up Ads

Strange pop-up ads and unexplained performance issues could also point to the presence of malware or a tapping app. However, a more common explanation is that an annoying ad is trying to push products on you.

Moving Icons

When you're not using your phone, the network activity icons and other progress bars at the top of the screen should not be animated. Moving icons that indicate activity could mean someone is remotely using your phone or sending data in the background.

Personal Info Shows Up Online

Another way to tell if your phone is being tapped is if private data that's stored only on the phone has been leaked online.Notes, emails, pictures, or any other data that you've secured on your phone should remain there unless you intentionally release it to the public. If your phone is tapped, a hacker could remotely extract your data and post the personal files online.

Electronic Interference

It's not uncommon to encounter interference with your phone when it's around other electronic devices, such as a laptop, conference phone, or television.

It shouldn't happen when you're not actively using your phone, so check to see if you notice any static or interference when you're not on a call. Place your phone close to another electronic device and, if you hear unusual sounds, that may be a sign that someone is listening in on your calls.

Some tapping devices usefrequencies that are near the FM radio band.If your radioemits a high-pitched soundwhen it's set to mono, and dialed to the far end of the band, your phone might be tapped and interfering with it.

The same is true for TV broadcast frequencies using UHF (ultra-high frequency) channels. You cancheck for interference by bringing your phone into close proximity with a TV that has an antenna.

Higher Than Usual Phone Bill

If your phone bill shows an unusually high spike in text or data usage, this is another sign that someone may have hacked your phone.

If you just downloaded a new app that uses a lot of data, that could be a legitimate reason for the sudden uptick in data usage. Similarly, if you've allowed children to use your device while you're not around or not connected to Wi-Fi, that may be another cause for the increased data consumption.

But spyware and other malicious apps can use your cellular data plan to conduct their secretive transactions without your knowledge, so if you see a sudden burst in data activity on your phone bill and don't have a good explanation, call your carrier for help.

7 Ways to Tell If Your Phone Is Being Tapped (2)

Third-Party Apps

Third-party apps are a potential source for malware and spyware. If you've recently downloaded apps from anywhere other than the App Store or the Google Play Store, that's another cause for alarm.

Even if you're using the appropriate channels to download your apps, some scammerscopy well known app names and icons when creating fake apps. So, before downloading, it's a good idea to run a Google search of both the app and its developer to make sure they're both legitimate.

Be cautious with any apps, particularly games, that requestpermission to access your call history, address book, or contacts list. If you have children, you may also want to enable parental controls to keep them from accidentally downloading malicious apps.


  • Can someone tap my cell phone?

    Yes. Cell phones, including smartphones, can be tapped when someone accesses your device without permission. Cell phones and smartphones are usually compromised via spy apps, while cordless landline phones are most often tapped by specialized hardware and software.

  • Is there an app that can tell me if my phone is being tapped?

    Yes. If you think you've been hacked, download the DontSpy 2 app for iOS from the App Store or get the WireTap Detection Android app from Google Play. There are also iOS and Android apps that are designed to monitor "suspicious symptoms" of a tapped phone. For example, if your data usage is unusually high and you suspect a spy app, download the Data Usage iOS app or get the My Data Manager Android app to help pinpoint a rogue app.

  • How can I tell if the feds are tapping my phone?

    If federal law enforcement, such as the Department of Justice or the FBI, is tapping your phone, you may experience the same indicators listed above (diminished battery, unusual activity, and interference). Keep in mind, however, that federal law enforcement can tap phones only in relation to certain crimes, such as terrorism, drug dealing, violent crimes, and counterfeiting. It also takes a lot of effort to request a wiretap and have it authorized by a judge. So, if the feds are tapping your phone, it would be an unusual and highly specialized occurrence.

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I am an expert in cybersecurity and mobile device security, with a deep understanding of the various threats and vulnerabilities that smartphones can face. My expertise is rooted in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field. I have successfully dealt with numerous cases involving phone tapping, malware, and spyware, and have a comprehensive understanding of the signs and symptoms indicative of compromised devices.

The information provided in the article aligns with my extensive knowledge in the cybersecurity domain. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Phone Tapping and Vulnerabilities:

    • All smartphones are susceptible to tapping, especially if jailbroken or rooted.
    • Third-party apps, especially those not from official app stores, can exploit vulnerabilities.
  2. Signs of Phone Tapping:

    • Unusual Background Noise: Pulsating static, high-pitched humming, and strange noises during calls can be indicators.
    • Diminished Battery Life: Sudden battery drain or warming up could suggest tapping software.
    • Trouble With Shutting Down: Unresponsiveness or difficulty shutting down may signal unauthorized access.
    • Suspicious Activity: Unexpected turning on/off or app installations might indicate a hack.
    • Weird Text Messages: Garbled SMS messages may result from tapping apps receiving coded commands.
    • Pop-Up Ads: Unexplained ads and performance issues could point to malware or tapping apps.
    • Moving Icons: Animated network activity icons when the phone is not in use may indicate remote use.
    • Personal Info Shows Up Online: Leaked private data suggests a potential phone tap.
  3. Electronic Interference:

    • Interference with other electronic devices, especially when not actively using the phone, could indicate tapping.
    • Tapping devices may use frequencies near the FM radio band or UHF channels.
  4. Higher Than Usual Phone Bill:

    • Sudden spikes in text or data usage, without a reasonable explanation, may indicate a phone hack.
  5. Third-Party Apps:

    • Downloading apps from unofficial sources increases the risk of malware and spyware.
    • Scammers may create fake apps with names and icons similar to legitimate ones.
  6. FAQs:

    • Can someone tap my cell phone? Yes, smartphones can be tapped via spy apps.
    • Is there an app that can tell me if my phone is being tapped? Yes, there are apps like DontSpy 2 and WireTap Detection designed for this purpose.
    • How can I tell if the feds are tapping my phone? Similar indicators apply, but federal law enforcement taps are highly specialized and authorized for specific crimes.

This information is crucial for individuals concerned about the security of their smartphones and serves as a comprehensive guide to identifying potential phone tapping incidents.

7 Ways to Tell If Your Phone Is Being Tapped (2024)


7 Ways to Tell If Your Phone Is Being Tapped? ›

Dialing *#21# on a GSM network like AT&T or T-Mobile will tell you whether your calls and messages are being diverted to another number. Call **21* if you use Verizon, US Cellular, or another CDMA network to discover any unconditional call forwarding settings that may be used to tap your phone.

Can you check to see if your phone is tapped? ›

Dialing *#21# on a GSM network like AT&T or T-Mobile will tell you whether your calls and messages are being diverted to another number. Call **21* if you use Verizon, US Cellular, or another CDMA network to discover any unconditional call forwarding settings that may be used to tap your phone.

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To check if there are other devices linked to your Android phone, launch your smartphone's Settings app. Depending on the brand or model, you may have to look for and tap “Linked devices” or “Connected devices.” Go through the list to ensure all items are familiar or yours.

Can you tell if your phone is being monitored? ›

there are signs that will tell you when your phone is being monitored. These signs include overheating of your device, the battery draining fast, receiving odd text messages, hearing weird sounds during calls, and random reboots of your phone.

What is the 3 digit number to see if your phone is tapped? ›

Fortunately, there's a code (netmonitor code) that helps you identify whether or not you're being tracked or tapped. To confirm this, dial any of the codes below for your phone's operating system: For Android devices, dial: *#*#197328640#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* For iPhones, dial: *3001#12345#*

What is the secret code to see if your phone is hacked? ›

##4636## or ##197328640## ➡️ To Check Unknown Connections (Android) If you're concerned someone has installed malware or spyware on your Android phone, these codes open up a screen that lists all running processes and services.

How do I block my phone from being tracked? ›

What can I do to prevent my phone from being tracked?
  1. Use antivirus software. ...
  2. Use a VPN. ...
  3. Don't use a public WiFi network. ...
  4. Turn off location settings for certain apps. ...
  5. Check your Google account. ...
  6. Use a strong password. ...
  7. Enable biometrics and 2-factor authentication. ...
  8. Keep your phone updated.
Mar 16, 2024

How to tell if someone has synced your phone? ›

To check if someone's phone is synced to yours, review your phone's settings, cloud storage, and app permissions. Look for signs of unusual device connections or accounts linked to your phone. Use a security app to scan for potential security breaches and monitor your phone bill for suspicious activity.

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Cybercriminals can mirror your cell phone without your consent through malware or spyware obtained from malicious links, man-in-the-middle attacks, or physical access. Such intrusion into your device may cause privacy violations and compromised passwords.

Is someone else accessing my phone? ›

Unexpected Behavior: If you notice your phone behaving strangely, such as apps opening or closing on their own, random pop-ups, increased service messages, emails, and pop-up ads or unusual error messages, it could indicate unauthorized access.

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Watch for software signs: Red dots or pop-up notifications can be a telltale sign of recording. Platforms provide these visual cues to indicate the recording function has been activated. 3. Listen for beeps: Some platforms use periodic audio signals during recording.

What does ##002 do to your phone? ›

Code to turn off all forms of phone redirection: ##002# Code to check if phone is tapped: *#21# Code to show unknown connections and tracking (for Android): *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#197328640#*#* Code to show unknown connections and if someone is tracing you (for iPhone): *3001#12345#*

Can someone see you through your phone screen? ›

Mobile spyware is malware that allows hackers to steal information and watch anything within view of your phone camera. It can also enable them to access your microphone, location, calendar, and contacts. This makes it possible for hackers to record your videos and calls.

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Unusual sounds during calls

If there are clicking sounds, static, or distant voices coming through your phone during conversations, it could be a sign that someone is snooping on you. This isn't normal for today's phones on digital networks. If you're hearing fragmentary voices, your phone may have been tapped.

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Many hackers use malware to control their victim's device or access sensitive files, photos, and videos. Using a reputable antivirus scanner can help you detect and remove malware — but only on Android devices (Apple doesn't allow third-party apps to scan for viruses).

Can someone tap your cell phone without you knowing? ›

Yes, people can illegally tap your phone to eavesdrop on your phone calls and text messages remotely. Law enforcement can use a wiretap if they have a warrant. Your ex, employer, hackers, and more can monitor your phone to spy on you.

What is code *#67? ›

*#67# (Check Call Forwarding)

If you want to know whether your calls are forwarded to another number, use this code. That'll tell you whether call forwarding is active on your device, and it'll also show you the number your calls are being forwarded to.

Can you tell if your home phone is tapped? ›

How do I know if my landline is tapped? You hear popping, static, humming, or clicking. If you hear a great deal of noise while you're talking on your landline, it could indicate a physical wiretap.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.