8 Wedding Dress Codes and What They Really Mean (2024)

Your RSVP card has been signed, sealed, and delivered with so much excitement to attend a wedding. Now, it's time toplan your look. However, before you add to cart, double-check your invitation for a mention of the wedding dress code. Not all nuptials are black-tie affairs, and you want to ensure your attire as a wedding guest is appropriate for the occasion.

If a dress code isn't specified on the wedding invitation, you can generally gauge the type of soirée — and, therefore, how to dress for the wedding — based on the reception venue. Stylist Kennedy Bingham said this is especially true for "casual" dress codes.

"It's hard to do white tie formal if you're doing a backyard bbq," she noted.

If you're still unsure what to wear to a wedding after researching the venue, we recommend searching the geotag on social media to see what others have worn in the past. Still puzzled?

Meet the expert

Kennedy Bingham(akaGown Eyed Girlon TikTok) is a stylist based in Los Angeles.

Ahead, Bingham shared the categories of wedding dress codes to help you pick out the perfect ensemble.

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8 Wedding Dress Codes and What They Really Mean (1)

What it means:While Bingham would go as far as to say that a "casual" wedding could be on the same tier as a night out or fancy brunch, you should still approach it with grace.

"I wouldn't go so far as to break out the basketball shorts and flip-flops," she said.

What to wear:For a daytime casual wedding, Bingham recommended an airylinen set or dressor an easy button-up and dark beige shorts. For a nighttime casual wedding, opt for longer pants or a dress.

"Wear something you'd wear meeting your significant other's parents for the first time," Bingham added. "It may be a casual wedding, but you still want to look nice for the happy couple."

What to Wear to a Casual Wedding


8 Wedding Dress Codes and What They Really Mean (2)

What it means:In short, Bingham defined a "semi-formal" wedding dress code to be "just a notch below co*cktail." You want to look nice, like you're going to a fancier restaurant for dinner, but in a way that's a little less buttoned-up.

What to wear:As far as fabrics, Bingham said traditional fabrics like silk are still in play, but you can bring your hemline shorter than knee length if you like.

"I'd also recommend a suit over a button-down and pants, but feel free to experiment with colors and fabrics," Bingham added, noting if you want a suave open-collar look, you'll want to ditch the tie.

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8 Wedding Dress Codes and What They Really Mean (3)

What it means:co*cktail attire can be tricky to navigate. Bingham described it as "what Bond Girls dress in the first time James Bond spies them from across the restaurant." It falls somewhere between semi-formal and fully formal.

What to wear:Bingham said either a sleek suit or dress that falls knee length or lower is a safe bet when you're dressing according to co*cktail wedding dress codes. Alittle black dressis always a classic, but monotone colors in materials like lace or chiffon will work as well.

What to Wear When the Dress Code Is co*cktail Attire

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8 Wedding Dress Codes and What They Really Mean (4)

What it means:The upside of formal weddings is that they generally aren't as strict as black tie affairs when it comes to guest attire. The downside is there isn't much guidance on what to wear other than to avoid anything casual because, well, it's aformalevent.

What to wear:Bingham said long dresses in deep colors like mauve, emerald, ornavyare most often associated with formal weddings.

"Fabrics like silk and crepe are always great [and while] a full tux isn't necessary, a crisp suit and tie are recommended," she added.

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Beach Formal

8 Wedding Dress Codes and What They Really Mean (5)

What it means:A popular wedding dress code in coastal towns, Bingham described the concept perfectly when she says the couple is essentially saying, "We want you all to dress to the nines, but we also acknowledge that we're going to be on a literal beach."

What to wear:If you plan to suit up, Bingham suggested opting for a light color and linen fabric instead of wool-gray. Bright dress colors, she noted, are also welcome, including burnt yellows,soft pinks, and fun oranges.

What to Wear to a Beach Wedding — and What to Avoid

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Black-Tie Optional

8 Wedding Dress Codes and What They Really Mean (6)

What it means:You're still fancy, but suit-wearers have some leeway.

What to wear:According to Bingham, black-tie optional means virtually nothing if the plan was always to wear a nice dress. Instead, black-tie optional is essentially calling out suit wearers.

"It means a tux and bow tie is encouraged but not necessary," Bingham said. "Formal suits and ties are acceptable."

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8 Wedding Dress Codes and What They Really Mean (7)

What it means:In one word: Fancy. You'll want to pull out all the stops for this one — heels, gowns, full tuxedos, the whole nine.

What to wear:For the dress wearers, Bingham said a black-tie wedding dress code calls for something floor length.

"You shouldn't be able to see more than the toe of your shoe when you walk," she noted, adding that suit-wearers are expected to swap for a full-on tux. "Since it's black and not white-tie, you can opt out of the cumberbund if you'd like, but it's highly encouraged."

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8 Wedding Dress Codes and What They Really Mean (8)

If you're going to a white-tie wedding, don't expect to see anything less than floor-length gowns and black jackets (or coats with tails). The most formal of wedding dress codes, now is your chance to live out your royal dreams with ball gowns in luxurious fabrics like silk and brocade.Opera gloveswouldn't hurt either.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I rent my wedding guest look?

    Yes. If you're attending a black-tie or white-tie wedding and don't want to spend money on a dress you might not wear again, several websites allow you to rent designer gowns for such occasions.

    Learn More:Rent the Runway Saved Me from Buying Wedding Guest Dresses This Year

  • What if I'm unsure of the dress code?

    If a Google search of the venue hasn't helped and you are close enough to the couple, ask them. You can also poll the people who plan to attend to gauge an appropriate look.

  • Is it better to be underdressed or overdressed for a wedding?

    It is always better to err on the side of caution and be slightly overdressed at weddings where the dress code enters into gray areas, such as casual, semi-formal, and formal. Weddings that require co*cktail, black-tie, or white-tie attire are more specific in terms of dress.

8 Wedding Dress Codes and What They Really Mean (2024)
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