9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (2024)

by 17blue Digital | May 20, 2020

9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (1)

Ifyou’regoing to drink, make sure to make it a whiskey neat.Surprisingly, drinking a moderate amount of bourbon may have a positive impact on your health.

Raise your glassto these nine health benefits ofenjoyinga glass of bourbon.

Weight Loss

While drinking whiskey should not substitute a healthy diet and exercise, studies have shown that it can help with weight loss. Bourbon, compared to other alcohol choices, has a much lower calorie count, little sugar, no carbs and only 100 calories.

However, to reap the weight loss benefits make sure you are not adding unnecessary mixers.

Reduces Stress

It comes as no surprise that drinking aswigof bourbon is known to calm nerves and reduce stress by slowing activity. After a longhard day,we wouldsay you deserve a relaxing drink.

Controls Diabetes

In a study done by Harvard, it was found that Bourbon can help defend against type-2 diabetes. The study found a 30% reduced risk of type-2 diabetes in those who drank Bourbon moderately.

As whiskey is aged in wooden barrels, it producesellagic acid(potent antioxidant)which regulatesyour insulin levels andthe levels of glucose your liverreleases– helping to keepyour blood sugar in check.

Promotes Healthy Cholesterol Levels

Thereisgoodandbad cholesterol, and both mustbemonitored.The good cholesterol, or high-density lipoprotein (HDL), increases when you consume whiskey. It also prevents the build-up of bad cholesterol which, if left unchecked, can develop into atherosclerosis.

Prevents Heart Disease

Drinking a moderate amount of bourbon per week lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease in men and women. It applies to those whodonothave heart diseaseas well asthose who are currently at risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

The antioxidants present in whiskeysupplya needed boost while also absorbing damaging phenolic compounds present in your body.

Reduces Risk of Cancer

The ellagic acid in bourbon helps prevent our DNA fromconnectingwithcancer-causing compounds, such as nitrosamines.Ellagic acid is a potent antioxidant thatdevelopsas the bourbon ages in wooden barrels. This antioxidant does more than fight the free radicals present in our bodies; they also prevent these radicals from forming.Infact,whiskeyhasmore ellagic acid than wine.

Boosts Immune Function

You may haveheardtheoldwives’talethata shot of whiskey or drinking a Hot Toddy helps with colds.However, unlike other questionable home remedies, this one has some truth to it. Bourbon dilates the blood vesselsactingas a decongestant, while the rest of the ingredients have properties that help alleviate cold symptoms. Plus, the antioxidants present in the whiskey help give your immune system a much-needed boost.

Boosts Cognitive Performance

A 2003 study published by theNIH(National Institutes of Health)showsthat the antioxidants in whiskey increases cognitive performance while simultaneously lowering the risk of developing Alzheimer’s or Dementia.The study furthershowedthat non-drinkersandheavy drinkersare more likely to develop dementia than adults who drink between 1-6 portions of Bourbon per week.

Reduced Hangover Symptoms

While all spirits will leave you with a hangover if youover-indulge, Bourbon will leave you with a milder hangover than most. Studies have shown that whisky drinkersreportedthe least amount of hangover symptoms and recover quicker than alcohol drinkers who prefer other spirits.

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  1. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (5)

    Alessandroon August 22, 2021 at 2:49 am

    Awesome benefits of drinking bourbon 🥃

  2. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (6)

    Margaret Hugheson October 14, 2021 at 12:09 am

    Wonderful news.

  3. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (7)

    Billy Bolandon October 22, 2021 at 1:53 am

    Good Evening, I am so glad I read your script on Bourbon, what an eye opener, I always purchase “Western Gold” 3 year old straight Kentucky Bourbon from my local supermarket, where jokingly to the checkout staff I call this “my medicine” at 76 years old this certainly removes my aches and pains. Should be used in Hospitals as a liquid anaesthetic. The name “Bourbon” should be changed to “Nectar or the Gods” Thank you so much for this valuable information, I will relay this to my best friend and “Wingman” in Switzerland with immediate effect. We use to drink “Wild Turkey 101” but a bit like Aviation fuel, no much was required before we were both up on the ceiling. A dangerous game as neither of us had a Pilots licence.
    Kind Regards from Warrington, Cheshire, England.

  4. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (12)

    Barbaraon November 4, 2021 at 10:30 pm

    This is great news!

  5. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (13)

    Daniel Coxon December 7, 2021 at 3:04 am

    I would rather have a bottle in front of me. Than to have to have a frontal lobotomy. I’ve been drinking good bourbon whiskey since 1975. Forty seven years proves the song lyrics above. The Irish called Moonshine, ” the water of life”. Prohibition only proved mankind’s Need for strong alcohol.

    • 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (14)

      Kat Dooleyon September 2, 2022 at 7:26 pm

      I’ve been told booze is a great servant… but a lousy master and I agree!
      I’m a Sommelier and seven years ago I started to suffer from sever chronic migraines… so no more wine… it gutted me, but migraines are agony. So I stared to drink bourbon because, like wine. Bourbon it has different aromas and flavor profiles like wine. I drink it straight with an ice cube and a splash of water… and a glass of water on the side. I never get drunk, just a nice lite buzz going, and I don’t get hangovers like I do with wine. I sip it and enjoy the beautiful aromas and flavors. I encourage my 24 year old son to drink bourbon. He’d come hope SO drunk on beers and have a mega hangover. It saves him a lot of money and his friends think he’s cool!

    • 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (15)

      Joshua Allen Frankson April 30, 2023 at 10:01 am

      Cool, no health issues and how much a night?

  6. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (16)

    East Troy Donon February 10, 2022 at 6:14 pm

    It would be interesting to know if anyone has done a study to determine if proof level has any effect on caloric intake.

    • 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (17)

      David VanCise Knowleson April 24, 2023 at 1:04 am

      Yes it certainly does

  7. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (19)

    Michael Willison May 4, 2022 at 11:40 pm

    After reading your presentation on the benefits of drinking bourbon (moderately of course) I applied to my healthcare provider to see if they would cover the cost of my newly found medicine. I tried to use your article as proof (no pun intended) that I could live longer with fewer costly ailments, and enjoy that peacefully easy feeling that promotes general welfare. They must be taking this seriously because they are taking a long time to answer my request.

  8. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (20)

    Mila Giganti Curchodon June 1, 2022 at 7:45 am

    Love the smoky flavour and has to be on the rocks . I have it now and then, not too often.

  9. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (21)

    Laura Stefanoon June 26, 2022 at 1:10 am

    I love drinking Bourbon!
    I drink Knob Creek 100 proof. It relaxes me at night and helps me sleep better!! I make my own
    Manhattan’s and they are

  10. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (22)

    Mark Kroghon July 23, 2022 at 2:35 am

    I drink Bourbon at the end of the day before dinner. I fill the glass with ice to the top of the glass and then put bourbon in the glass about two-thirds of the way to the top. I drink three of those before dinner and then eat, watch tb and go to bed. So far at age 77 I’m OK and can do most chores around the home, including cutting the lawn, painting now and then, and making repairs that are necessary. Last July, I put a new cedar roof on my front porch which is not steep. I worked in the morning and usually quit when the sun came around. Though I did carry the shingles up the stairs of our home and put them out the window onto the porch roof, and then climbed the ladder outside and worked on the roof.

  11. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (23)

    Michelle Leggetton August 30, 2022 at 12:45 pm

    What is a reasonable recommended limit or advisable amount to reap the benefits but not risk going to much? How many drinks and how much bourbon in each drink in ounces? Thank you very much. I may have missed it but I did not see the recommended amount based on the study results.

  12. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (24)

    Tom Piattion August 30, 2022 at 5:51 pm

    Nurse – please remove these tubes and bring me a bourbon, neat. After reading this article, I now have the will to live!

  13. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (25)

    Merrickon October 25, 2022 at 10:24 am

    Such wonderful news. A family heritage and good news all around 😅

  14. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (26)

    Gloria Brownon November 14, 2022 at 8:23 pm

    I love a drink or Angle Envy very expensive but a drink every now and then helps with my breathing. Matter of fact I’ve been told I have copd when I drink this it really helps me breath better.

  15. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (27)

    Williamon November 18, 2022 at 1:20 pm

    After seeing a trend with men living past 100 having a glass of bourbon in the afternoon I started drinking one glass myself. I think there is much to it, but I also believe it loses its benefit beyond drinking one glass a day. Simply put less is actually more.

  16. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (28)

    Gopheron November 25, 2022 at 2:41 am

    I’ll drink to that!

  17. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (29)

    Kennyon December 23, 2022 at 2:02 am

    Very glad to hear one straight shot no ice no water Jim Beam before lunchtime

  18. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (30)

    Rusty Thomason December 23, 2022 at 5:09 pm

    I love my Four Roses bourbon did drink beer most of my life bourbon helps me breath and sleep great I’m 65 Bottoms up

  19. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (31)

    Bryan McLaurinon December 23, 2022 at 8:50 pm

    Just had a complete cardio checkup at 61 years of age, echocardiogram, extensive blood work, nuclear stress test, all came out normal, Doctor was very pleased with results, I do drink 1-2 drinks of Jim Beam Extra Aged Black each evening with a co*ke Zero, must be working for sure based on my results and these 9 benefits!

  20. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (32)

    Stephen Wordenon December 27, 2022 at 12:50 am

    I’ll drink to that !

  21. 9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (33)

    Atreideson July 21, 2023 at 9:43 pm

    Beam on ice here. Drink to get drunk, 3- 4 times a month, teetotal betwixt bouts. Never seen the point in social drinking myself, and I’ve tried it.
    Lost 23 pounds so far this year but didn’t change above bourbon imbibing m.o. at all. I know I wouldn’t be reporting weight loss truthfully if I had been getting drunk on Budweiser instead of Beam.

Greetings, enthusiasts of the fine spirit! As an avid connoisseur and expert in the realm of whiskey, particularly bourbon, let's delve into the intricacies of the health benefits associated with this cherished libation.

First and foremost, the article extols the virtues of bourbon in contributing to weight loss. It emphasizes that while bourbon should not replace a healthy lifestyle, it boasts a lower calorie count, negligible sugar, no carbs, and a mere 100 calories per serving compared to other alcoholic beverages. The key here is to avoid unnecessary mixers to fully enjoy these weight loss benefits.

Furthermore, the calming and stress-reducing properties of bourbon are highlighted. The article attributes this to the slowing of neural activity induced by sipping on a glass of bourbon, offering a soothing effect after a challenging day.

The intriguing connection between bourbon consumption and diabetes prevention is explored. A Harvard study suggests a 30% reduced risk of type-2 diabetes among moderate bourbon drinkers. This is attributed to ellagic acid, a potent antioxidant found in bourbon due to the aging process in wooden barrels. Ellagic acid is shown to regulate insulin levels and control glucose release from the liver.

Moving on, the promotion of healthy cholesterol levels is mentioned, with bourbon, particularly its impact on high-density lipoprotein (HDL), highlighted. The antioxidants present in whiskey also play a role in preventing the buildup of bad cholesterol, which can lead to atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Speaking of heart health, the article points out that moderate bourbon consumption can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease in both men and women. This is attributed to the antioxidants in whiskey, which provide a beneficial boost and help absorb damaging phenolic compounds in the body.

A surprising revelation in the article is the potential of bourbon to reduce the risk of cancer. The ellagic acid in bourbon is identified as a powerful antioxidant that inhibits the binding of DNA with cancer-causing compounds, such as nitrosamines. Notably, bourbon is said to contain more ellagic acid than wine.

The article also touches upon bourbon's immune-boosting properties, claiming that it can act as a decongestant and provide a much-needed immune system boost. This is attributed to the dilation of blood vessels and the presence of antioxidants.

Cognitive benefits are explored as well, with a study from the National Institutes of Health suggesting that the antioxidants in whiskey can enhance cognitive performance and potentially lower the risk of Alzheimer's or dementia. The study suggests that moderate bourbon consumption is associated with a lower risk compared to both non-drinkers and heavy drinkers.

Lastly, the article notes that while all spirits can lead to hangovers if overindulged, bourbon drinkers reportedly experience milder hangover symptoms and faster recovery compared to consumers of other spirits.

In conclusion, the article paints a compelling picture of bourbon not just as a delightful indulgence but as a potential contributor to various aspects of health when consumed in moderation. Cheers to the fascinating world of bourbon and its multifaceted benefits!

9 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Drinking Bourbon - Bogue Sound Distillery (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.