9 Non-Boring Ways to Wear Beige Now (2024)

There was a time when beige was synonymous with all things bland and boring. Needless to say, it was never thought of as a hue that would make a head-turning statement. Fast forward to 2020 and the nude hue has fast become one of the fashion world’s favorite colors, thanks in large part to its extensive and consistent presence on the runways for the past few seasons.

From cream and camel to tan and taupe to biscuit and oatmeal, 50 shades of beige have been seen in full force on our feeds and on the streets, with fashion insiders styling the color in full head-to-toe tonal looks.

So how do we wear beige right now to make it feel fresh, exciting, and, quite frankly, not dull? The key to keeping the look modern is to wear the color palette from head-to-toe, mixing several shades of neutral tones within your outfit. Play with textures within your outfit (think mock croc, leather, cashmere, etc.) as well as volume and length (think tailored shorts and long trench coats). Scroll below for plenty of chic ways to keep your beige outfit interesting and exciting this season.

9 Non-Boring Ways to Wear Beige Now (2024)


How do I look good in beige? ›

Beige goes great with the following colours: brown tones, black and white, bold colours such as pink and red as well as pastel colours. Monochrome outfits: bear in mind different nuances, lengths and materials. Combining prints: combine a patterned key piece with plain-coloured piece in beige.

How do you make a boring outfit not boring? ›

Revamp your wardrobe: How to breathe life into a boring outfit. Add accessories: Accessories can instantly elevate an outfit and make it more visually appealing. Consider adding statement jewelry, scarves, belts, hats, or a stylish bag. Choose accessories that complement your outfit and add a pop of colour or texture.

Is beige a flattering color? ›

As with any colour, some will just pop when placed next to certain skin tones. Beige is not exempt from this rule. The trick to making beige work for you is to find the right hue. Any shade of beige will compliment a bronze complexion which is why it's a staple for summer dressing.

Can everyone wear beige? ›

If you are naturally dark there is more forgiveness with the color beige however the more we mature, the more caution we have to take when wearing beige as it can make our skin look dull and ashy.

What outfits make me look thinner? ›

Monochrome Outfits: Wearing a single color from head to toe, also known as a monochrome outfit, can create a streamlined and elongated look. Darker colors like black, navy, charcoal, or deep shades of other colors are particularly effective at creating a slimming effect.

How to dress so you look thinner? ›

11 Dress-Slim Tips That Work for All
  1. Buy new underwear. ...
  2. Choose a V-neck. ...
  3. Wear one color head to toe. ...
  4. Use bodysuits and swing tanks as smoothers. ...
  5. Stick to no-waist dresses for belly camouflage. ...
  6. Add some height. ...
  7. Only put volume where you need it most. ...
  8. Pair your plain black pants with a statement top.
Aug 27, 2020

How can I make my outfit more fun? ›

Add texture, new materials like leather or suede and contrasting colors to make your dress more interesting. This is a great example of adding a third piece to a look to make it feel more complete and interesting.

Why rich people love beige? ›

The same principles apply when it comes to clothing. Wax said that beige conveys warmth and safety; cloaking yourself and your baby in these muted tones can signal to the world that you have it all together. “It's something that's very understated — it's almost like they don't need color,” she said.

Why do people like beige so much? ›

For those who prefer a more toned-down palette, being encompassed by a neutral environment can feel like a breath of fresh air. In fact, some people need to be surrounded by neutrality and not too much colour and contrast to feel relaxed and comfortable.

What color do the wealthy wear? ›

Millionaires tend to incorporate a variety of colours and textures into their outfits. Include more neutral shades like off-whites, dark browns, navy blues, and emerald greens. You can mix and match these shades with your black suit or black trousers for a more stylish look.

What skin tone looks good in beige? ›

On the other hand, warm-toned dark skin looks great in pastel shades like peach or beige.

What skin tone should wear beige? ›

Medium Skin with Warm Undertones

Try not to wear too much black if you have this specific complexion. Instead, opt for light neutrals like Beige, Camel, White, and Ivory.

What skin tone is beige for? ›

In general, it refers to very light skin. If pale skin has a warm (rosy) undertone, it is called fair. If pale skin has an olive (golden) undertone, it is called beige.

Is beige skin tone warm or cool? ›

Warm undertone shades are often referred to as beige, golden or tan, while a cool undertone is described as rose, porcelain and cocoa. For a neutral undertone look for foundation names ivory, nude or amber.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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