A bear market may be on the horizon. Here's what that means (2024)

Investors on Wall Street need a place to hide.The stock market's skid this year has pulled the S&P 500 close to what's known as a bear market. Rising interest rates, high inflation, the war in Ukraine and a slowdown in China's economy have caused investors to reconsider the prices they're willing to pay for a wide range of stocks, from high-flying tech companies to traditional automakers.The last bear market happened just two years ago, but this would still be a first for those investors that got their start trading on their phones during the pandemic. For years, thanks in large part to extraordinary actions by the Federal Reserve, stocks often seemed to go in only one direction: up. Now, the familiar rallying cry to "buy the dip" after every market wobble is giving way to fear that the dip is turning into a crater.Here are some common questions asked about bear markets:___Why is it called a bear market? A bear market is a term used by Wall Street when an index like the S&P 500, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, or even an individual stock, has fallen 20% or more from a recent high for a sustained period of time.Why use a bear to represent a market slump? Bears hibernate, so bears represent a market that's retreating, said Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at CFRA. In contrast, Wall Street's nickname for a surging stock market is a bull market, because bulls charge, Stovall said.The S&P 500 index slipped 24 points as of 11 a.m. Thursday to 3,900.06. It's now down 18.7% from its high of 4,796.56 on Jan. 3. The Nasdaq is already in a bear market, down almost 29% from its peak of 16,057.44 on Nov. 19. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is more than 15% below its most recent peak.The most recent bear market for the S&P 500 ran from Feb. 19, 2020, through March 23, 2020. The index fell 34% in that one-month period. It's the shortest bear market ever.___What's bothering investors? Market enemy No. 1 is interest rates, which are rising quickly as a result of the high inflation battering the economy. Low rates act like steroids for stocks and other investments, and Wall Street is now going through withdrawal.The Federal Reserve has made an aggressive pivot away from propping up financial markets and the economy with record-low rates and is focused on fighting inflation. The central bank has already raised its key short-term interest rate from its record low near zero, which had encouraged investors to move their money into riskier assets like stocks or cryptocurrencies to get better returns.Last week, the Fed signaled additional rate increases of double the usual amount are likely in upcoming months. Consumer prices are at the highest level in four decades, and rose 8.3% in April compared with a year ago.The moves by design will slow the economy by making it more expensive to borrow. The risk is the Fed could cause a recession if it raises rates too high or too quickly.Russia's war in Ukraine has also put upward pressure on inflation by pushing up commodities prices. And worries about China's economy, the world's second largest, have added to the gloom.___So, we just need to avoid a recession? Even if the Fed can pull off the delicate task of tamping down inflation without triggering a downturn, higher interest rates still put downward pressure on stocks.If customers are paying more to borrow money, they can't buy as much stuff, so less revenue flows to a company's bottom line. Stocks tend to track profits over time. Higher rates also make investors less willing to pay elevated prices for stocks, which are riskier than bonds, when bonds are suddenly paying more in interest thanks to the Fed.Critics said the overall stock market came into the year looking pricey versus history. Big technology stocks and other winners of the pandemic were seen as the most expensive, and those stocks have been the most punished as rates have risen.Stocks have declined almost 35% on average when a bear market coincides with a recession, compared with a nearly 24% drop when the economy avoids a recession, according to Ryan Detrick, chief market strategist at LPL Financial.___Should I sell everything now? If you need the money now or want to lock in the losses, yes. Otherwise, many advisers suggest riding through the ups and downs while remembering the swings are the price of admission for the stronger returns that stocks have provided over the long term.While dumping stocks would stop the bleeding, it would also prevent any potential gains. Many of the best days for Wall Street have occurred either during a bear market or just after the end of one. That includes two separate days in the middle of the 2007-2009 bear market where the S&P 500 surged roughly 11%, as well as leaps of better than 9% during and shortly after the roughly monthlong 2020 bear market.Advisers suggest putting money into stocks only if it won't be needed for several years. The S&P 500 has come back from every one of its prior bear markets to eventually rise to another all-time high. The down decade for the stock market following the 2000 bursting of the dot-com bubble was a notoriously brutal stretch, but stocks have often been able to regain their highs within a few years.___How long do bear markets last, and how deep do they go? On average, bear markets have taken 13 months to go from peak to trough and 27 months to get back to breakeven since World War II. The S&P 500 index has fallen an average of 33% during bear markets in that time. The biggest decline since 1945 occurred in the 2007-2009 bear market when the S&P 500 fell 57%.History shows that the faster an index enters into a bear market, the shallower they tend to be. Historically, stocks have taken 251 days (8.3 months) to fall into a bear market. When the S&P 500 has fallen 20% at a faster clip, the index has averaged a loss of 28%.The longest bear market lasted 61 months and ended in March 1942 and cut the index by 60%.___How do we know when a bear market has ended? Generally, investors look for a 20% gain from a low point as well as sustained gains over at least a six-month period. It took less than three weeks for stocks to rise 20% from their low in March 2020.


Investors on Wall Street need a place to hide.

The stock market's skid this year has pulled the S&P 500 close to what's known as a bear market. Rising interest rates, high inflation, the war in Ukraine and a slowdown in China's economy have caused investors to reconsider the prices they're willing to pay for a wide range of stocks, from high-flying tech companies to traditional automakers.


The last bear market happened just two years ago, but this would still be a first for those investors that got their start trading on their phones during the pandemic. For years, thanks in large part to extraordinary actions by the Federal Reserve, stocks often seemed to go in only one direction: up. Now, the familiar rallying cry to "buy the dip" after every market wobble is giving way to fear that the dip is turning into a crater.

Here are some common questions asked about bear markets:


Why is it called a bear market?

A bear market is a term used by Wall Street when an index like the S&P 500, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, or even an individual stock, has fallen 20% or more from a recent high for a sustained period of time.

Why use a bear to represent a market slump? Bears hibernate, so bears represent a market that's retreating, said Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at CFRA. In contrast, Wall Street's nickname for a surging stock market is a bull market, because bulls charge, Stovall said.

Stocks fall sharply as Target's woes renew inflation fears

The S&P 500 index slipped 24 points as of 11 a.m. Thursday to 3,900.06. It's now down 18.7% from its high of 4,796.56 on Jan. 3. The Nasdaq is already in a bear market, down almost 29% from its peak of 16,057.44 on Nov. 19. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is more than 15% below its most recent peak.

The most recent bear market for the S&P 500 ran from Feb. 19, 2020, through March 23, 2020. The index fell 34% in that one-month period. It's the shortest bear market ever.


What's bothering investors?

Market enemy No. 1 is interest rates, which are rising quickly as a result of the high inflation battering the economy. Low rates act like steroids for stocks and other investments, and Wall Street is now going through withdrawal.

The Federal Reserve has made an aggressive pivot away from propping up financial markets and the economy with record-low rates and is focused on fighting inflation. The central bank has already raised its key short-term interest rate from its record low near zero, which had encouraged investors to move their money into riskier assets like stocks or cryptocurrencies to get better returns.

Last week, the Fed signaled additional rate increases of double the usual amount are likely in upcoming months. Consumer prices are at the highest level in four decades, and rose 8.3% in April compared with a year ago.

The moves by design will slow the economy by making it more expensive to borrow. The risk is the Fed could cause a recession if it raises rates too high or too quickly.

Russia's war in Ukraine has also put upward pressure on inflation by pushing up commodities prices. And worries about China's economy, the world's second largest, have added to the gloom.

How long will inflation last? The answer lies in the past


So, we just need to avoid a recession?

Even if the Fed can pull off the delicate task of tamping down inflation without triggering a downturn, higher interest rates still put downward pressure on stocks.

If customers are paying more to borrow money, they can't buy as much stuff, so less revenue flows to a company's bottom line. Stocks tend to track profits over time. Higher rates also make investors less willing to pay elevated prices for stocks, which are riskier than bonds, when bonds are suddenly paying more in interest thanks to the Fed.

Critics said the overall stock market came into the year looking pricey versus history. Big technology stocks and other winners of the pandemic were seen as the most expensive, and those stocks have been the most punished as rates have risen.

Stocks have declined almost 35% on average when a bear market coincides with a recession, compared with a nearly 24% drop when the economy avoids a recession, according to Ryan Detrick, chief market strategist at LPL Financial.


Should I sell everything now?

If you need the money now or want to lock in the losses, yes. Otherwise, many advisers suggest riding through the ups and downs while remembering the swings are the price of admission for the stronger returns that stocks have provided over the long term.

While dumping stocks would stop the bleeding, it would also prevent any potential gains. Many of the best days for Wall Street have occurred either during a bear market or just after the end of one. That includes two separate days in the middle of the 2007-2009 bear market where the S&P 500 surged roughly 11%, as well as leaps of better than 9% during and shortly after the roughly monthlong 2020 bear market.

Advisers suggest putting money into stocks only if it won't be needed for several years. The S&P 500 has come back from every one of its prior bear markets to eventually rise to another all-time high. The down decade for the stock market following the 2000 bursting of the dot-com bubble was a notoriously brutal stretch, but stocks have often been able to regain their highs within a few years.


How long do bear markets last, and how deep do they go?

On average, bear markets have taken 13 months to go from peak to trough and 27 months to get back to breakeven since World War II. The S&P 500 index has fallen an average of 33% during bear markets in that time. The biggest decline since 1945 occurred in the 2007-2009 bear market when the S&P 500 fell 57%.

History shows that the faster an index enters into a bear market, the shallower they tend to be. Historically, stocks have taken 251 days (8.3 months) to fall into a bear market. When the S&P 500 has fallen 20% at a faster clip, the index has averaged a loss of 28%.

The longest bear market lasted 61 months and ended in March 1942 and cut the index by 60%.


How do we know when a bear market has ended?

Generally, investors look for a 20% gain from a low point as well as sustained gains over at least a six-month period. It took less than three weeks for stocks to rise 20% from their low in March 2020.

A bear market may be on the horizon. Here's what that means (2024)


What does being in a bear market mean? ›

A bear market is a downward trend in financial markets, indicating a weakening economy and a loss of investor confidence. Generally, a market is considered a bear market when prices have declined more than 20%. Bear markets can be as short as a few weeks or as long as a several years.

Should you buy more during bear market? ›

Buying more during a bear market or price crash can be smart if you believe the market will eventually recover and the stocks you're buying will increase in value. However, it's important to do thorough research and consider your financial situation before making any decisions.

What is the bear market phrase? ›

bear market | Business English

a period during which prices in a financial market are going down and a lot of people are selling shares: While other bankers had their bonuses slashed during the recent bear market, bond traders continued to earn large payouts.

How long does a bear market last? ›

The duration of bear markets can vary, but on average, they last approximately 289 days, equivalent to around nine and a half months. It's important to note that there's no way to predict the timing of a bear market with complete certainty, and history shows that the average bear market length can vary significantly.

How to survive a bear market? ›

Another option is to reduce your spending as much as you can during a bear market. This will allow you to withdraw less money from your portfolio when prices are down. Cutting spending isn't easy, but it may help you sleep better and get you through a period of high volatility.

Is a bear market good or bad for the economy? ›

The broader economy is typically weakening when stock markets enter a bear market. This is characterized by rising unemployment, decreased gross domestic product (GDP) and declining corporate profits. Negative sentiment. During a bear market, market sentiment is poor.

What is the longest bear market in history? ›

The longest bear market lingered for three years, from 1946 to 1949. Taking the past 12 bear markets into consideration, the average length of a bear market is about 14 months. How bad has the average bear been? The shallowest bear market loss took place in 1990, when the S&P 500 lost around 20%.

How do you make money in a bear market? ›

But you can maximise your chances of a profit in a bear market by following bearish-friendly strategies. These include diversifying your holdings, focusing on the long-term, taking a short-selling position, trading in 'safe haven' assets and buying at the bottom.

What is good to buy in a bear market? ›

Even amid high inflation, people still need gas, groceries and health care, so things such as consumer staples and utilities usually weather bear markets better than others. You can invest in specific sectors through index funds or exchange-traded funds, which track a market benchmark.

What does Warren Buffett say about bear market? ›

Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy only when others are fearful. In other words, bear markets are often the best time to buy.

What is a famous quote about the bear market? ›

  • “In bear markets, stocks return to their rightful owners.” ...
  • “The key to making money in stocks is to not get scared out of them.” ...
  • “In the midst of chaos, there is always opportunity.” ...
  • "Market corrections are the price of admission to the wonderous theme park called the stock market."

How to make money when the market goes down? ›

Short selling is a strategy for making money on stocks falling in price, also called “going short” or “shorting.” This is an advanced strategy only experienced investors and traders should try. An investor borrows a stock, sells it, and then buys the stock back to return it to the lender.

Should you sell during a bear market? ›

Invest in stocks that you want to own for the long run, and don't sell them simply because their prices went down in a bear market. Focus on quality: When bear markets hit, it's true that companies often go out of business.

Is a bear market the same as a recession? ›

Bear markets are defined as sustained periods of downward trending stock prices, often triggered by a 20% decline from near-term highs. Bear markets are often accompanied by an economic recession and high unemployment. But bear markets can also be great buying opportunities while prices are depressed.

Do prices go down in a bear market? ›

In this scenario, the country's economy is typically strong and employment levels are high. By contrast, a bear market is one that is in decline. A market is usually not considered a true “bear” market unless it has fallen 20% or more from recent highs. In a bear market, share prices are continuously dropping.

Is a bear market a good time to buy? ›

A bear market may not be a time to reap gains, but it's arguably a great time to sow the seeds for the next bullish season.

Is it good to trade in a bear market? ›

Some markets, such as bonds, defensive stocks and certain commodities like gold often perform well in bearish downturns. If you have the risk appetite for it, bear markets may also be an opportunity to short-sell if trading, making a profit if you predict correctly when prices will fall (and make a loss if you don't)

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.