A Doll's House Act Two Summary & Analysis | SparkNotes (2024)

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Something glorious is going to happen.

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It is Christmas day. The messiness of the area around the Christmas tree indicates that the Christmas Eve celebration has taken place. Norapaces the room uneasily, muttering to herself about her dilemma. The nanny comes in with Nora’s costume, and Nora asks her what would happen to the children if she, Nora, disappeared altogether. Mrs. Linde enters and agrees to mend Nora’s costume for her. Nora tells Mrs. Linde that Dr. Rank is sick with a disease he inherited from his father, who was sexually promiscuous. Mrs. Linde guesses that Dr. Rank is the mysterious source of Nora’s loan, but Nora denies the charge. Mrs. Linde remarks that Nora has changed since the previous day. Torvald returns, and Nora sends Mrs. Linde to see the children, explaining that “Torvald hates the sight of sewing.”

Alone with Torvald, Nora again asks him to save Krogstad’s job. Torvald tells her that Mrs. Linde will replace Krogstad at the bank. Torvald says that Krogstad is an embarrassment and that he cannot work with him any longer. He explains that they are on a first-name basis only because they went to school together and that this -familiarity humiliates him. When Nora calls Torvald’s reasoning petty, he becomes upset and sends off a letter dismissing Krogstad. He then goes into his study.

After Torvald exits, Dr. Rank enters and hints that he expects something bad to happen soon. When it becomes apparent that he is referring to his health, Nora is visibly relieved that Dr. Rank is speaking about his own problem and not hers. Dr. Rank tells her that he will soon die and that he doesn’t want his best friend, Torvald, to see him in his sickbed. When the end is near, he tells Nora, he will leave a calling card with a black cross across it to indicate that his death is imminent.

Nora begins to flirt with Dr. Rank, coquettishly showing him her new stockings. She hints that she has a great favor to ask Dr. Rank (presumably she would like him to intervene on Krogstad’s behalf). Before she is able to ask her favor, however, Dr. Rank confesses his love for her. This disclosure disturbs Nora, and afterward she refuses to request anything from him, even though he begs her to let him help. He asks whether he should “leave for good” now that he has proclaimed his love for her, but Nora is adamant that he continue to keep Torvald company. She tells Dr. Rank how much fun she has with him, and he explains that he has misinterpreted her affection. Nora says that those whose company she prefers are often different than those she loves—when she was young, she loved her father, but she preferred to hide with the maids in the cellar because they didn’t try to dictate her behavior.

The maid, Helene, enters and gives Nora a caller’s card. Nora ushers Dr. Rank into the study with her husband and urges the doctor to keep Torvald there.

Krogstad enters and announces that he has been fired. He says that the conflicts among Nora, himself, and Torvald could be solved if Torvald would promote him to a better job in the bank. Nora objects, saying that her husband must never know anything about her contract with Krogstad. She implies that she has the courage to kill herself if it means she will absolve Torvald of the need to cover up her crime. Krogstad tells her that even if she were to commit suicide, her reputation would still be in his hands. Krogstad leaves, dropping a letter detailing Nora’s secret in the letterbox on the wayout.

When Mrs. Linde returns, Nora cries that Krogstad has left a letter in the letterbox. Mrs. Linde realizes that it was Krogstad who lent Nora the money. Nora confesses that she forged a signature and makes Mrs. Linde promise to say that the responsibility for the forgery is Nora’s, so that Torvald won’t be held accountable for anything if Nora disappears. Nora hints that “something glorious is going to happen,” but she doesn’t elaborate. Mrs. Linde says that she will go to speak with Krogstad and she confesses she once had a relationship with him. She leaves, and Nora tries to stall her husband to prevent him from reading the mail.

When Torvald enters the living room, Nora makes him promise not to do any work for the remainder of the night so that he can help her prepare the tarantella that she will dance at the costume party. Torvald begins to coach Nora in the dance, but she doesn’t listen to him and dances wildly and violently.

Mrs. Linde returns, and dinner is served. Mrs. Linde tells Nora that Krogstad has left town but will return the following night. She adds that she has left him a note. Once alone, Nora remarks to herself that she has thirty-one hours until the tarantella is over, which means thirty-one hours before Torvald reads the letter—“thirty-one hours to live.”


Nora’s comment to Mrs. Linde that Torvald doesn’t like to see sewing in his home indicates that Torvald likes the idea and the appearance of a beautiful, carefree wife who does not have to work but rather serves as a showpiece. As Nora explains to Mrs. Linde, Torvald likes his home to seem “happy and welcoming.” Mrs. Linde’s response that Nora too is skilled at making a home look happy because she is “her father’s daughter” suggests that Nora’s father regarded her in a way similar to Torvald—as a means to giving a home its proper appearance.

Read more about how dolls represent Nora.

Torvald’s opinion on his wife’s role in their home is his defining character trait. His unrelenting treatment of Nora as a doll indicates that he is unable to develop or grow. As Nora’s understanding of the people and events around her develops, Torvald’s remains static. He is the only character who continues to believe in the charade, probably because he is the only main character in the play who does notkeep secrets or harbor any hidden complexity. Each of the other characters—Nora, Mrs. Linde, Krogstad, Dr. Rank—has at some point kept secrets, hidden a true love, or plotted for one reason or another.

Read more about how Ibsen’s objective tone reveals character.

Nora’s use of Torvald’s pet names for her to win his cooperation is an act of manipulation on her part. She knows that calling herself his “little bird,” his “squirrel,” and his “skylark,” and thus conforming to his desired standards will make him more willingly to give in to her wishes. At first, Nora’s interaction with Dr. Rank is similarly manipulative. When she flirts with him by showing her stockings, it seems that she hopes to entice Dr. Rank and then persuade him to speak to Torvald about keeping Krogstad on at the bank. Yet after Dr. Rank confesses that he loves her, Nora suddenly shuts down and refuses to ask her favor. She has developed some moral integrity. Despite her desperate need, she realizes that she would be taking advantage of Dr. Rank by capitalizing on his earnest love for her.

Read important quotes by and about Dr. Rank.

When Nora explains that Dr. Rank’s poor health owes to his father’s promiscuity, for the second time we come across the idea that moral corruption transfers from parent to child. (In Act One, Torvald argues that young criminals result from a household full of lies.) These statements clarify Nora’s torment and her refusal to interact with her children when she feels like a criminal. They also reveal that both Torvald and Nora seriously believe in the influence that parents have on their children. Although the children are seldom onstage, they gain importance through Nora and Torvald’s discussions of them and of parental responsibility.

Read more about familial obligation as a theme.

In this act, Nora shows signs that she is becoming aware of the true nature of her marriage. When she compares living with Torvald to living with her father, doubt is cast on the depth of her love for Torvald. Nora is beginning to realize that though her life with Torvald conforms to societal expectations about how husbands and wives should live, it is far from ideal.

Read important quotes from Nora to see how her understanding of her marriage evolves.

A Doll's House Act Two  Summary & Analysis | SparkNotes (2024)


What happened in Act 2 A Doll's House? ›

Mrs. Linde realizes that it was Krogstad who lent Nora the money. Nora confesses that she forged a signature and makes Mrs. Linde promise to say that the responsibility for the forgery is Nora's, so that Torvald won't be held accountable for anything if Nora disappears.

What is the summary and analysis of the doll's house? ›

A Doll's House explores the ways that societal expectations restrict individuals, especially women, as the young housewife Nora Helmer comes to the realization that she has spent her eight-year marriage, and indeed most of her life, pretending to be the person that Torvald, her father, and society at large expect her ...

What does Act 2 symbolize in a doll's house? ›

By the beginning of the second act, the Christmas tree has been "stripped and dishelved", and its candles are also "burned to their sockets". The broken and barren tree symbolizes the destruction of the life-force, the happiness and spirit of Nora's mind.

What does Nora imply at the end of Act 2? ›

At the end of Act II, Nora's intent remains unclear. We can infer that she means to take her own life.... or that she intends to begin a new life.... without Torvald.

What is the summary of Act 2 Scene 2? ›

Summary: Romeo stands below Juliet's balcony, marveling at her beauty. Not knowing he's there, Juliet speaks, wondering why Romeo must be a Montague, and she a Capulet. She thinks a name is simply a word, and it would be easy for Romeo to take a new name, and therefore not be forbidden to her.

What should happen at the end of Act 2? ›

MAIN CULMINATION: this is the end of the second act and the point where the character sees that what he/she thinks he/she has been doing is not what he/she has been doing. The tension is at the highest point, and this is the decisive turning point.

What is the main message of a Dolls House? ›

The main message of A Doll's House seems to be that a true (read: good) marriage is a joining of equals. The play centers on the dissolution of a marriage that doesn't meet these standards.

What is the theme or the main idea of the story the doll house? ›

Katherine Mansfield's The Doll's House is primarily a tale about how class shapes life in small village. The story revolves around the daughters of two families, the wealthy Burnells and the lower-class Kelveys. As rich insiders, the Burnells do not associate with poor outsiders like the Kelveys.

What is the major conflict between the two most important characters in a doll house? ›

Major conflict Nora's struggle with Krogstad, who threatens to tell her husband about her past crime, incites Nora's journey of self-discovery and provides much of the play's dramatic suspense.

Which statement best describes the conflict Act 2 of a doll's house? ›

Which statement best describes the conflict? Nora has forged her father's name on the loan she received from Krogstad, and he is threatening to expose her to Helmer.

What does Nora first do in Act II? ›

A Doll's House Act 2. Nora nervously sits alone on Christmas Day, holding onto her cloak, with her casual clothes on the couch. She nervously speaks to herself, hoping that nothing bad would happen, that people do not come to the party to ruin it (and her perfect life), and thinks of her children.

What does Dr. Rank reveal to Nora in Act 2 and why is this important to the progression of the play? ›

Rank reveals to Nora Helmer that he is both ill and in love with her. His tuberculosis of the spine symbolizes the decay of society. He tells Nora that he does not want Torvald Helmer (her husband) to see him in decline, so he'll send her a message with a black cross on it to indicate that his time is almost up.

What does the Christmas tree symbolize in A Doll's House Act 2? ›

The Christmas tree, a festive object meant to serve a decorative purpose, symbolizes Nora's position in her household as a plaything who is pleasing to look at and adds charm to the home.

What does Krogstad want from Nora in Act 2? ›

He warns her not to run away. Nora tells him that she'll pay him whatever amount he's trying to extort from her husband, but Krogstad claims he doesn't want money. He plans to use Nora's crime to blackmail Torvald into giving him a promotion. In a year or so, he thinks he'll be running the bank and not Torvald.

What is different about the Christmas tree at the beginning of Act Two? ›

At the beginning of Act Two, the tree has been stripped and the candles burned out; the stage directions dictate that it should look “bedraggled.” This represents the end of Nora's innocence and foreshadows the Helmer family's eventual disintegration.

What is the theme in Act 2 Scene 2? ›

Juliet's soliloquy examines another of the play's themes — the importance of words and names. Juliet compares Romeo to a rose and reasons that if a rose were given another name, it would still be a rose in its essence. If Romeo abandoned his family name, he would still be Romeo.

What conflict does John face at the end of Act 2? ›

John Proctor is torn because he needs to speak out against Abigail and he knows that if he does, she will reveal that they had an affair to everyone.

What is an example of dramatic irony from Act II? ›

When Romeo's friends can't find him, they assume he is mad about Rosaline when really he has fallen in love with a new girl. It's irony because we already know he is love with Juilet, but they think he is still mad about Rosaline.

What is the main conflict in act 2? ›

Conflict- Main Conflict- Viola and Orsino- Viola is trying desperately to get Orsino to notice she is a girl and she loves him, but he is too enthralled with Olivia to notice her most blatant hints.

What is the most important event that happens in Act II? ›

Juliet proposes marriage. Friar Lawrence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet that afternoon.

What is act 2 story structure? ›

Act Two is When Your Character Changes

In a three act structure (for a heroic, or positive story), your main character opens the story as one version of themselves, is changed by their journey, and ends as a new and improved person. Act Two is when your character is changing.

What are 3 possible themes for a doll's house? ›

  • The Sacrificial Role of Women. In A Doll's House, Ibsen paints a bleak picture of the sacrificial role held by women of all economic classes in his society. ...
  • Parental and Filial Obligations. Nora, Torvald, and Dr. ...
  • The Unreliability of Appearances. ...
  • The constrictive nature of gender roles. ...
  • Deceit. ...
  • Reputation. ...
  • Marriage.

What is the conclusion of Doll House? ›

At the end of A Doll's House, Nora makes the ultimate assertion of her agency and independence by walking out on her husband and her children in order to truly understand herself and learn about the world.

What is the irony in a doll's house? ›

A Doll's House is filled with irony. For example, Nora is very happy at the beginning of the play by saying that her husband is employed in a higher post and they need not to worry about their future. But, all that was actually the expression of the hidden anxiety for the lack of money to pay off her debts.

What is the main idea of this story? ›

The main idea is the point of a story. It is what the author is communicating to readers about the selected topic. In another way, the main idea is the overall thought or summary of what the story is about. In other words, the main idea is the key thought about the topic.

What is the central idea of this story? ›

The central idea is the central, unifying element of the story, which ties together all of the other elements of fiction used by the author to tell the story. The central idea can be best described as the dominant impression or the universal, generic truth found in the story.

What is the symbolism of the little lamp? ›

Most broadly, the miniature oil lamp in the doll's house symbolizes the ideas of connection and inclusivity. The best feature of the house according to Kezia, the youngest Burnell sister fixates on the lamp when she first sees it and prizes it because it seems to fit so perfectly in the house.

What conflict does Esperanza face? ›

Answer and Explanation: In Esperanza Rising, the central conflict is Esperanza being forced to accept the overwhelming changes her life is undergoing. At the end of chapter one, Esperanza learns that her beloved father, a grape rancher in Mexico, has been murdered.

What or who is the main antagonist in a doll house? ›

Krogstad is the antagonist in A Doll's House, but he is not necessarily a villain. Though his willingness to allow Nora's torment to continue is cruel, Krogstad is not without sympathy for her.

What is the social issue in a dolls house? ›

The book entails concepts of feminism, the negative side of culture, and women's struggle to be considered equal in society. The social issue that is primary to the plot of A Doll's House is the treatment of women in society, but more specifically, the societal hold on them.

What conflict helps drive the plot in act 2? ›

The Crucible Act 2
Mary refuses to go to court because she fears someone. Who is this person?Abigail
There is a conflict that helps drive the plot in Act Two. Which two people have a dispute over Abigail?Proctor and Elizabeth
10 more rows

What is Nora's attitude toward her children in act II? ›

What is Nora's attitude toward her children in Act II? Nora is so focused on her problems with Krogstad and keeping her lies a secret that she chooses not to spend with her children. We can also consider how Torvald's comment about a "lying mother" has affected her.

What is Nora's attitude toward her children in act II Why do you think she's acting this way? ›

What is Nora's attitude toward her children in AII? Why do you think she's acting this way? She's acting self-conscious and she's scared she'll influence them negatively. When Nora sees the box of masquerade clothes, she wants to "rip them in a million pieces!" What does Ibsen symbolize with this characterization?

Who is blackmailing Nora and why? ›

Nils Krogstad is, at least at the beginning, the antagonist of the play. Known to the other characters as unscrupulous and dishonest, he blackmails Nora, who borrowed money from him with a forged signature, after learning that he is being fired from his job at the bank.

What crime does Nora commit? ›

It is then revealed that she forged her father's signature in order to get the money. Krogstad threatens to reveal Nora's crime and thus disgrace her and her husband unless Nora can convince her husband not to fire him.

What did the nurse do in Act 2? ›

In Act 2, Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet, the Nurse brings Juliet the news that Romeo will marry her.

What does the nurse do at the end of Act 2? ›

The Nurse finally relents when Juliet is almost hysterical with frustration and tells her that she is to marry Romeo that afternoon at Friar Laurence's cell. The Nurse then leaves to collect the rope ladder that Romeo will use to climb into Juliet's bedroom that night.

Which significant event happens at the end of Act 2 Scene 6? ›

Juliet arrives and the Friar takes them into the church to be married. The wedding scene is notable for its brevity and pervasive atmosphere of impending doom.

What secret does Dr. Rank reveal to Nora in Act 2? ›

Rank reveals to Nora Helmer that he is both ill and in love with her. His tuberculosis of the spine symbolizes the decay of society. He tells Nora that he does not want Torvald Helmer (her husband) to see him in decline, so he'll send her a message with a black cross on it to indicate that his time is almost up.

Which statement best describes the conflict A doll's House Part 2? ›

Which statement best describes the conflict? Nora has forged her father's name on the loan she received from Krogstad, and he is threatening to expose her to Helmer.

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