Abby: Readers shed light on tilting blinds to thwart prying eyes (2024)

Dear Abby:

Abby: Readers shed light on tilting blinds to thwart prying eyes (1)

"In the Dark in Texas" (May 27) was wondering about the correct way to tilt blinds. Light coming in through a window should not be the deciding factor for which way the blinds close. Privacy should be of highest importance.

After years of living in apartments, I have learned the direction of a blind's slats should change depending on the location of the window.

If the window is on the ground floor, the blind should be closed slats up. Otherwise, people can see in from the floors above.


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If, however, you are on an upper floor and the slats are up, anyone can see in from the ground floor. For that reason blinds on an upper floor should close slats down.

If you live in the middle, your best bet is curtains.

AZALIAHin Washington State

Dear Azaliah:


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Readers' views on this subject came from varying perspectives — privacy, light, heat, etc. But the general consensus was the same. Read on:

Dear Abby:

"In the Dark" asked whether blinds should be closed with the slats up or down. As you said, it's a matter of personal preference. However, as a former apartment manager, I can say from experience that closing them with the slats in a downward position will allow in enough sunlight to fade carpets, furniture and drapes. I close mine with the slats up - for privacy and to prevent the fading of items near the window.



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Dear Abby:

My husband had a window treatment store years ago and this is what we learned: If you are upstairs, the slats go down. If you are downstairs, they go up. To check this out, after dark with the lights on inside, go outside and look inside. You will be able to see clearly what is going on in the house. Follow this rule to keep Peeping Toms at bay.

SHANNONin Olympia, Wash.

Dear Abby:


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It is common knowledge (I thought) that slats tilted up deflect both heat and light. Blinds tilted down let light in from above as well as heat in the summer and cold in the winter.

Like toilet paper rolls, toothpaste tube squeezing and thermostat setting, this is yet another bone of contention in marriage.

COOLING DOWNin South Carolina


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Abby: Readers shed light on tilting blinds to thwart prying eyes (2024)
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