About Step 12 of the 12 Step Program (2024)

Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs

Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics. It works when other activities fail. This is our twelfth suggestion: Carry this message to other alcoholics! You can help when no one else can. You can secure their confidence when others fail. Remember they are very ill.

Life will take on new meaning. To watch people recover, to see them help others, to watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host of friends - this is an experience you must not miss. We know you will not want to miss it. Frequent contact with newcomers and with each other is the bright spot of our lives.

A.A. Big Book, p. 89

Comments from Websites and Publications

Step 12 gives me the satisfaction of helping others. I am uniquely suited to help others that have suffered the same addiction as I have suffered with. Although I did not plan on being in the role of the recovering addict, I find myself in that role because of the choices that I have made. It now becomes my duty as well as my joy and privilege to find others suffering in a similar way and to help them in the best way that I know how. It completes the cycle of life and I get to play a wonderful part in it.

From 12Step.org

The joy of living is the theme of A.A.'s Twelfth Step, and action is its key word. Here we turn outward toward our fellow alcoholics who are still in distress. Here we experience the kind of giving that asks no rewards. Here we begin to practice all Twelve Steps of the program in our daily lives so that we and those about us may find emotional sobriety. When the Twelfth Step is seen in all its full implication, it is really talking about the kind of love that has no price tag on it.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 106

Helping others is a significant part of the program, and there are many ways the program gets passed on. When you live the program and share it with others, you are carrying the message, especially when you sponsor new members. In practicing the Twelfth Step you will find that -

  • By witnessing to others, your appreciation of the program and the program's impact on your life deepens.
  • By hearing the stories of new members, you are reminded of where you were when you started.
  • By modeling to others, you become aware that you need to practice what you preach.
  • By giving to others, you develop bonds with new people who really need you
  • By helping others, you give what you have received.
  • By supporting new beginnings, you revitalize your own efforts.
A Gentle Path Through the Twelve Steps, by Patrick Carnes, p. 197

The selfless service of this work is the very principle of Step Twelve. We received our recovery from the God of our understanding, so we now make ourselves available as His tool to share recovery with those who seek it. Most of us learn in time that we can only carry our message to someone who is asking for help. Sometimes the only message necessary to make the suffering addict reach out is the power of example. An addict may be suffering but unwilling to ask for help. We can make ourselves available to these people, so that when they ask, someone will be there.

Learning the art of helping others when it is appropriate is a benefit of the N.A. Program. Remarkably, the Twelve Steps guide us from humiliation and despair to a state wherein we may act as instruments of our Higher Power. We are given the ability to help a fellow addict when no one else can. We see it happening among us every day. This miraculous turnabout is evidence of spiritual awakening. We share from our own personal experience what it has been like for us. The temptation to give advice is great, but when we do so we lose the respect of newcomers. This clouds our message. A simple, honest message of recovery from addiction rings true.

Narcotics Anonymous Basic Text, Chapter 4/Step 1

Although we enter recovery to heal a particular affliction, we find that, in the end, we have received far more than a specific healing of an addiction; we have received the gift of a profound spiritual awakening...

The second phrase in Step 12 reads: "we tried to carry this message to others." Twelve Step programs place great emphasis on outreach to those who still suffer. Another oral tradition says, "You can't keep it unless you give it away." Having received healing and spiritual renewal, we can retain them only as we offer them to others...

On a practical level, psychologists have long believed that there is a special capacity for empathy between persons who have shared the same addictions. That is why Bill Wilson encouraged alcoholics to help other alcoholics, and it is also why we now have such a proliferation of recovery support groups for different dependencies. Again, the premise is that people who have suffered from an addiction and have found spiritual healing from it are in better positions to understand and help others with similar problems.

Serenity, A Companion for Twelve Step Recovery, p. 76, 77

Step Twelve is considered to be so important that it takes up much more space in the literature than any other step. It's almost three steps in one. I have divided it into three parts to look at in this chapter.

  1. Having had a spiritual awakening...
  2. We tried to carry the message to others...
  3. And to practice these principles in all our affairs.

1... In the Twelve Step community the word spiritual usually doesn't mean the same thing as the word religious. For many, spiritual refers to being in touch with and living on the basis of "reality". A spiritual woman, for instance, would be in touch with her own reality, her own feelings, her own controlling and diseased behaviors and character defects as well as her own preciousness and gifts. She would be in touch with the reality of other people and with ultimate reality in the experience of a Higher Power, God. In that sense a "spiritual awakening," whatever else it might include, is an awakening to seeing and dealing with reality in one's own life and in relationships with other people and with God...

2... in the Twelve Steps, where people learn about God through their own experiences with him, there is no need to "persuade" with theology or verbal arguments. We let pain do the persuading, because we know that it is only through pain that the hunger for healing comes that will make us ready to admit our powerlessness. We know that until the pain of our lives was greater than the fear of swallowing our pride and going for help, we were not hungry enough for healing to go for it through the Twelve Steps...

3... When we first read that we were to "practice these principles in all our affairs," some of us didn't understand. How could we use the Twelve Steps to deal with conflict in a personal relationship or a decision about buying a house? Gradually we realized that "practicing principles" means taking specific usable pieces of truth out of larger truths and applying the smaller principles to a different situation...

A Hunger for Healing, by J. Keith Miller, p. 196, 199, 210

If we've made it to this point, we've had a spiritual awakening. Though the nature of our awakening is as individual and personal as our spiritual path, the similarities in our experiences are striking. Almost without exception, our members speak of feeling free, of feeling more lighthearted more of the time, of caring more about others, and of the ever-increasing ability to step outside ourselves and participate fully in life. The way this looks to others is astonishing. People who knew us when we were in our active addiction, often appearing withdrawn and angry, tell us that we're different people. Indeed, many of us feel as if we've begun a second life. We know the importance of remembering where we came from, so we make an effort not to forget, but the way we lived and the things that motivated us seem increasingly bizarre the longer we stay clean. ...

"We can only keep what we have by giving it away." This saying is perhaps the most powerful reason we can present for carrying the message. Many of us wonder, though, exactly how this concept works. It's simple, really. We reinforce our recovery by sharing it with others. When we tell someone that people who go to meetings regularly stay clean, we are more likely to apply that practice to our own recovery. When we tell someone that the answer is in the steps, we are more likely to look there ourselves. When we tell newcomers to get and use a sponsor, we are more likely to stay in touch with our own. ...

Practicing the principle of unconditional love in the Twelfth Step is essential. Nobody needs love without conditions more than a suffering addict. We don't ask anything of the people to whom we are trying to carry the message. We don't ask for money. We don't ask for gratitude. We don't even ask that they stay clean. We simply extend ourselves.

This doesn't mean we shouldn't take reasonable precautions. If we believe it isn't safe to bring a suffering addict to our home, we shouldn't do it. Twelfth Step calls should always be done with another NA member. Nor does practicing the principle of unconditional love require that we allow ourselves to be abused. Sometimes the best way of loving and helping is to stop enabling someone else to use. ...

Before we get too excited about the prospect of being finished with the Twelve Steps, we should realize that we're not - finished, that is. Not only will we continue trying to practice the spiritual principles of all Twelve Steps, which many of us call "living the program," but we will formally revisit each of the steps, probably many times, throughout our lives. Some of us may immediately begin working through the steps again with the perspective that we've gained from our journey thus far. Others wait for a time or concentrate on certain aspects of the steps. However we do it, the point is that whenever we find ourselves powerless over our addiction, whenever more has been revealed about our shortcomings or people we've harmed, the steps are available as our path to recovery.

Narcotics Anonymous Step Working Guides, 1998, p. 117, 118, 122-123, 124

In some ways, the 12th Step is the essence of the entire program. The notion of service inherited from the Oxford Group was the founding principle that brought Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob together - Bill's need to reach out to another alcoholic was what kept him sober, not the other way around. Recall that in his early sobriety, Bill tried to save one hopeless drunk after another, but the only one who really benefited from this effort was Bill himself. ...

At times, AA members may be asked to make a 12th Step call. This involves two or more AA members going to visit an active alcoholic to convey the hopeful message of the program to him or her. This is not done in a proselytizing or coercive fashion; the callers merely present their own stories of recovery and offer themselves as supports for the candidate.

The original 12th Step call was performed by Bill and Dr. Bob on an unsuspecting alcoholic (Bill D.) hospitalized and in restraints for his drinking problem. The two founders sought him out as a kind of experiment with their newly hatched ideas about a spiritual recovery for alcoholics. You can read Bill D.'s narrative in the Big Book, under the heading "Alcoholics Anonymous Number Three." [Webmaster's note: you can read that here] He provides an excellent picture of what the experience is like. ...

Newly sober members should never participate in a 12th Step call, and AA members should never do this alone. It is more appropriate for newcomers to offer service by such things as making coffee, distributing the literature, and so forth.

A Clinician's Guide to 12 Step Recovery, 2009, p. 55, 56-57
About Step 12 of the 12 Step Program (2024)


What happens in a 12-step program? ›

12-step programs are powerful peer support groups that help people recover from substance use disorders, behavioral addictions, and sometimes other co-occurring mental health conditions. 12-step programs also help people achieve and maintain abstinence from substances.

What are the main components of the 12-step programs? ›

What Is a 12-Step Program?
  • Admitting you are not in control your addiction.
  • Recognizing a higher power can give strength.
  • Examining past mistakes.
  • Making amends.
  • Living a new way of life.
  • Helping others.

What is the importance of the 12 steps? ›

12-Step Programs: An Essential Tool for Recovery

The program works because it allows those struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction the chance to surrender the addiction. Participants can fully process each step of their journey to lasting sobriety as they keep moving forward with healthy new habits.

What is the 12th step? ›

What Is Step 12? In Al-Anon, the twelfth step reads "try to carry the message to 'others'" and in Alcoholics Anonymous it says "to alcoholics." But the principle is the same. In order to work all 12 of the steps, you must try to help others.

What is the success rate of 12-step programs? ›

The results concluded that over 70% of those who attended a 12-step program weekly for 6 months before the two-year follow-up point were abstinent from alcohol.

What are the three parts of step 12? ›

The principles of AA Step 12 are:

Faith/Action. Courage. Integrity.

What is the goal of the 12 steps in AA? ›

The purpose of the Twelve Steps is to recover from compulsive, out-of-control behaviors and restore manageability and order to your life.

What are the 12 steps to spiritual recovery? ›

The 12 spiritual principles of recovery are as follows: acceptance, hope, faith, courage, honesty, patience, humility, willingness, brotherly-love, integrity, self-discipline, and service.

What are the 12-step promises of AA? ›

Interpreting the 12 AA Promises
  • Feelings of freedom and happiness.
  • Gaining a deeper perspective.
  • Renewed purpose or direction in life.
  • Acceptance of self and others.
  • Selflessness.
  • Hope and faith.
  • Less fear and/or financial worry.
  • Redemption from past actions.
Nov 29, 2022

What is the spiritual principle of step 12? ›

The first and foremost Spiritual Principle in Step Twelve is Service. It would seem the Twelfth Step would be a culmination of all the previous steps. In a way it is, but we are also introduced to a few new ones, too. Among them is Service as the basis for this Step, and for that we are grateful.

Why is it important to work the steps? ›

As they work the steps, members try to improve their relationship with their AA higher power. They attempt to understand the type of life a loving, forgiving higher power would want for them and make any necessary changes in their life. Developing spiritual practices may help you overcome negative self-perception.

Is the 12 steps for everyone? ›

Inevitably, while it works for many people, 12-step recovery does not suit everyone. Outside professional help can often provide additional necessary support to resolve mental health and other issues, particularly associated with early-life trauma.

What is the 12th step prayer? ›

Twelfth Step Prayer

Dear God, My spiritual awakening continues to unfold. The help I have received I shall pass on & give to others, Both in & out of the Fellowship.

What is the 12 Step book called? ›

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions explains the 24 basic principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. Known as the "Twelve and Twelve,” the book dedicates a chapter to each Step and each Tradition.

What is the average length of sobriety in AA? ›

14 percent of AA members stay sober between 10 and 20 years. 22 percent of AA members stay sober 20 or more years. The average length of AA member sobriety is nearly 10 years.

Who has the longest sobriety in AA? ›

James H. is truly a unique individual. He is ninety-five years old, sixty-six years sober, and one of the greatest "life-changers" of the past one hundred years.

Why AA doesn t work for everyone? ›

Other people find AA meetings depressing or monotonous, and the thought of having to go to meetings forever is horrifying. Some people believe, and AA teaches, that addiction is a disease that is not curable. Other people believe and hope that their addiction is not only treatable but curable.

What is the most important step in AA? ›

“We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable.” While intimidating, of all of the 12 steps this first step is the most important step to get right. After all, there are some big, scary words in there: powerless, and unmanageable.

What does it mean by you can t keep it unless you give it away? ›

"We can only keep what we have by giving it away." This saying is perhaps the most powerful reason we can present for carrying the message. Many of us wonder, though, exactly how this concept works. It's simple, really. We reinforce our recovery by sharing it with others.

How many 12 steps does God have? ›

“God” is mentioned in five of the 12 Steps, but the fellowship is not theistic as such, as it only espouses God “as we understood Him,” without guidelines that specify who or what members believe that their Higher Power actually is.

What are the 12 AA Questions? ›

Are You An Alcoholic?
  • Do you lose time from work due to drinking?
  • Is drinking making your home life unhappy?
  • Is drinking affecting your reputation?
  • Have you felt remorse after drinking?
  • Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily?
  • Do you want a drink the next morning?
  • Do you drink alone?

What are the steps of recovery? ›

The five stages of addiction recovery are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance.

What are the 12 steps non religious? ›

Even more fascinating are the White Bison 12-steps, a Native American approach based on the Medicine Wheel that has the following succinct path to sobriety:
  • Honesty.
  • Hope.
  • Faith.
  • Courage.
  • Integrity.
  • Willingness.
  • Humility.
  • Forgiveness.
Jul 26, 2015

What are the keys to recovery? ›

Keys to Recovery offers treatment programs for substance abuse and gambling addictions. Services include assessment, individualized treatment plans, medical detox, and drug and alcohol rehabilitation in residential, outpatient and partial hospitalization programs.

What are the five rules of recovery? ›

Understanding these rules can help clients focus on what is important: 1) change your life; 2) be completely honest; 3) ask for help; 4) practice self-care; and 5) don't bend the rules.

How do you start a spiritual healing journey? ›

1. Pick Your Practice
  1. Meditate for 15-30 minutes.
  2. Create movement by doing yoga postures or stretching for several minutes.
  3. Say affirmations aloud.
  4. Smudge yourself to clear your energy.
  5. Pray or share thoughts with the divine.
  6. Read a few pages from a book that feels nourishing to your spirit.
Apr 2, 2020

How long does it take to complete the steps in AA? ›

Most sponsors encourage the AA newcomer to attend 90 meetings in 90 days. That may seem like a lot and it may seem like a long time to commit to going to meetings. However, most 12-step programs, including those for people addicted to drugs, encourage new members to commit to those 90 meetings in 90 days.

Which is an example of a 12-step group? ›

Types of 12-Step Programs

The most widely known programs are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA). NA was started in 1953 and uses most of the same practices and principles of AA.

What does Step 1 of the 12 steps mean? ›

What is Step 1 of the 12 Step Program? Step 1 of the 12-Step Program is: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable.”

How long are you a newcomer in AA? ›

BEGINNERS MEETING: These meetings are geared to newcomers — usually people with less than one year of sobriety. A topic will be suggested by a chairperson and then members who want to, can share their experience, strength and hope about the topic.

Where did the 12 steps come from? ›

Bill Wilson, a former member of Alcoholics Anonymous, created the 12 Steps in 1938. During his experience, he wrote down his ideas and tips regarding sobriety. After combining these tips with a few other teachings and Christian inspiration, Wilson put the 12 Steps into action.

What is the famous 12-step program? ›

The most famous 12-step program is Alcoholics Anonymous, but there are others. This is a free treatment program that focuses on discouraging alcohol abuse and addiction.

What are the 12 spiritual principles of recovery? ›

The 12 spiritual principles of recovery are as follows: acceptance, hope, faith, courage, honesty, patience, humility, willingness, brotherly-love, integrity, self-discipline, and service.

Who made up the 12 steps? ›

First developed in 1935 by Bill Wilson & Dr. Bob during the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the 12 Steps is a program of recovery designed to help individuals suffering from alcoholism and addiction attain long-lasting, contented sobriety.

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.