Absalom (2024)

Absalom, also known as the Sacred Ancestor, is an immensely powerful and ancient demonic vampire god.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Powers and Abilities
  • 5 History
    • 5.1 Origins
    • 5.2 His Defeat
    • 5.3 Using Morgan le Fay
    • 5.4 Failed Resurrections
    • 5.5 Impending Return
  • 6 Myths and Legends
  • 8 Gallery
  • 9 Trivia
  • 10 Image Sources


Transient guests are we.....
~ Absalom's constant phrase.

Absalom is believed to be the first vampire in all of Creation, however, that status is given to Dracula for Absalom is more of a deity. He is the patron deity of vampires and is an important figure in vampire history as he is believed to have lead to the creation of Dracula. Absalom can only be summoned through a special ritual that requires the blood of the "Virgin and the Father". The father being the blood of Dracula himself, the so-called father of all vampires, but it may also apply to one who carries the blood of the vampire king.

The vampire hunter D seems to be in search of him, it's unclear what he will do once they finally meet face to face.



Absalom comes across as close to perfection in all areas for vampires, showing supreme intelligence, courage, knowledge, compassion, ruthlessness, leadership, craftiness, and understanding. Most cannot argue his station as some sort of vampiric deity. He has shown a deep respect for all life and he has shown a deep contempt.

He is constantly philosophizing his actions, the actions of others around him and where those actions will lead to in the end. He is cold, and highly calculating knowing that every action he makes has a huge impact on not just the world but the universe at large.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Vampire God Physiology: As the God of Vampires, Absalom possesses all the normal abilities of vampires, only stronger due to being their progenitor. Absalom has the ability to control bats and transform into a flock of them, usually using them for reconnaissance. Thanks to his demonic divine half, Absalom is immune to general Vampire weaknesses but still feels some discomfort from them.



Not much is known about Absalom's early existence. Rumors among vampire nobility seem to indicate that he was obsessed with a woman named "Mina the Fair" about ten thousand years ago. It was said that he was unable to attain this woman, and this lead to him being reduced to dust. He is believed to be the first vampire in history to reach the status of Godhood.

Supposedly he was an ancient Hungarian war lord and came to power in the early seasons of the fifth century and possessed a lust for war and bloodshed so great he eventually resorted to killing on his own kind. Even thousands of years later, people still whisper the legends of his decadent, savage feasts and his bathing in warm human blood. Some scholars even claim that his ascension heralded the beginning of the ancient Hungary kingdom's descent into decadence. This is in contention as other sources say he was born before Ancient Mesopotamia at the same time as Oberon.

At some point in time, it was revealed that Absalom struck a deal with the Devil himself, demanding great demonic power. Satan agreed, but on one condition: and that should his own blood lust consume him, he will take his soul. Absalom, knowing how manipulative the Devil can be, scoffed at the deal but agreed nonetheless thinking it to be a farce. When his people caught wind of this Absalom was labeled as a demon by his own people and was thus ordered to be executed. This sparked the Hungary Massacre where Absalom slaughtered the soldiers that dared to apprehend him.

His Defeat[]

Absalom (1)

However, Absalom was eventually defeated by a sect of priests by incapacitating him with a holy cross. This gave one of the soldiers the opportunity to decapitate him and ending his heinous reign once and for all. But the priests knew that Absalom would not be so easily bested and thus ordered his remains to be burned and his items to be buried. Centuries passed, and the items belonging to Absalom were discovered and placed in the British Museum in London. The legends of Absalom were completely erased with many people dismissing him as a myth, but not for the vampires.

It is believed that Absalom was intended to be the dark soldier and original "Son of the Devil" that Satan desired in order to spread destruction and mayhem across the lands. However, he noticed that Absalom was too unstable and thus abandoned him. He later moved his interest towards Vlad III, the man who would later become known as Dracula. According to some demonic scholars, Satan had used the blood of Absalom to create the Vampire King before his execution at the hands of the Ottomans.

Nonetheless, the legend of Absalom was passed around through vampiric society, with some vampires worshipping him as their patron god, however others only look at him in contempt as they believe him to be an ancient vampire that only elevated himself to the status of a god and is not actually a deity.

Using Morgan le Fay[]

Despite his defeat, Absalom's essence still lingered within the spiritual veil that overlapped between the mortal and immaterial world. He was revealed to have be contacted by the demon lord Beelzebub to assist the demon in bringing down the kingdom of Camelot. Accepting the request, Beelzebub brought him a puppet who was the fae witch Morgan le Fay.

Due to her desperation, Beelzebub was able to control her by pushing closer to the darkness in her heart. This made it that when Morgan was approached by a 'dark king of blood' who was revealed to be Absalom himself. Morgan was mentally pushed into complied with demands by offering her life to the Blood God in exchange for greater power to which Absalom agreed. He had her drink his blood and in the process was sired by Absalom to become a vampire and the first ever magical Vampire Queen.

Her newly bestowed vampiric abilities coupled with her magical talents made Morgan a dangerously powerful threat, essentially something akin to a vampiric demigoddess, all the while plotting against Arthur and Guinevere, for the humiliation that both gave her and and expelling her from the court. However, her mentor Merlin saw the darkness using her to inform both Arthur and Guinevere about these events with the three planning to save her from the darkness. So as the three planned, the newly risen vampiric Morgan would then plan and using a deceased knight of the round table's body as a vessel for Absalom under the Blood God's guidance.

Morgan raised an army of vampires that would come to aid Vortigern and his ally Lucius Tiberius in his quest to take Arthur and attain absolute sovereignty over Britain, all while she took refuge in an ancient tower where she tapped into the darkest of magic to peel away the veil that lay between the material and spiritual plane in an attempt to have Absalom cross over and take physical form through the deceased knight whose body she took after being slain by Arthur's enemies.

She was confronted by her nephew Mordred who distracted to her while Merlin stopped the ritual from finishing. When she was weaken, she was stabbed through the heart by Arthur, and buried her sword deep into her and right into the sacrificial altar. The blowback was so immense it destroyed the tower and seemingly Morgan thus botching Absalom's attempt to regain physical form within the material world.

Failed Resurrections[]

Despite his defeat, the activities regarding Absalom's resurrection was stained within the lands of Great Britain and as such would be used thousands of years later in the modern day by the Scarlet Brood in London. Even then he still tried to enter the material world again.

His first attempt was to make Dracula Vlad Tepes descent into madness and rage, with the assistance of Satan and Chaos though the latter two did more work. The three planned to coax the Dark Lord into committing genocide while the Scarlet Brood collected their entire supply of blood as a way to resurrect the Blood God. So Absalom and Beelzebub along with unknowing assistance of Carmilla influenced the minds of both the townsfolk and the fanatical church leaders into capturing and killing Lisa Tepes, Dracula's second wife as Satan further corrupt the vampire king himself.

All the while, he watched as Dracula order his generals to search for the instruments that would lead to his impending resurrection though Satan hid the fact that Dracula was planning to take Absalom's power to attack God Himself. However, his mission failed as Dracula defeated by the combined might of Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, Grant Dynasty and Dracula's own son Alucard who also slain many of the Scarlet Brood. In his anger (a feeling he rarely has) for this failure, he tried to forcefully entered the material world anyway using the Infinite Corridor but was stopped by Death who didn't like this "vampire god" trying to control his master and so banished back to the Nightland.

His second attempt happened centuries later when the Belmont Clan disappeared from history, Absalom believed it would the perfect moment to bring upon his ascension into the material world. So he command his servants to personally start wiping out entire villages and smaller towns to get enough blood for his revival while the others were searching for the instruments that would lead to his impending resurrection. However, he would met interfere with the Fae who went to create magical fields in every village and town to stop them from continuing while attacking the brood's own bases. Even so, they were still able to a gain material to temporary summon their master.

What Absalom believed was his victory was cut short as the fae call for their reinforcement, the Legendary Dark Knight himself, Sparda. The vampire god watched as Sparda killed many of his servants before personally interfering as he attacked the demon knight. Even in his weaken state, Absalom prove a very deadly foe for the dark knight which each attack tearing about the area around them. Absalom was able to hit a deadly shot to the demon's side, causing Sparda to stumble back in actual pain as Absalom readied to do the finishing blow only for his blade to stop by Sparda's hands as the dark knight transformed into his Devil Trigger and soundly defeated the surprised vampire.

Absalom's defeat at him, specifically by the tools it required to defeat him led him to develop a fear of the fabled Yamato which was used to sever his connection to the material plane.

Impending Return[]

During an unknown period of time, Absalom had been guiding Hector van Neck and his coven of vampires known as the Scarlet Brood into finding and using the necessary items to properly resurrect him. The items in question were once materials of possession belonging to him during his time as a Hungarian warlord and they consisted of a crown, a ring, a sword, and his own skull. The Scarlet Brood would perform the ritual by having five young virgin women be murdered on sacrificial alters that would each form five points of a star. Secondly, four pure blooded vampires would be sacrificed and their blood soaks the artifacts forming a cross-shaped pattern that intersected with the star. Lastly, the "blood of the father" would be spilled in the center point, in this case, it would be the Big Ben clock tower, and the father would be Vlad Dracula himself. The blood spilled by the virgin women and the four chosen vampires would trail through constructed pathways reaching the tower and upon reaching and mixing with the blood of Dracula would signal the rise of Absalom.

Myths and Legends[]

Maacah (Codex Alexandrinus: Maacha, KJV: Maachah, sometimes spelled Maakah, Hebrew: מעכה ma`akhah "Crushed") is a non-gender-specific personal name used in the Bible to refer to a number of people.


  • "You were my only success......" - Absalom to D.
  • "It all started with him. All the dreams, and all the tragedies." - D.
  • "We vampires aren't a new race that suddenly came into being ten thousand years ago. Our origins go back far earlier to the time of Earth's Creation, making our kind ancient in comparison to the human race." - Carmilla.
  • "All these things were determined long ago by a majestic will." - A Vampire General.
  • "Absalom is believed to be the patron god of vampires. While no one really knows the specifics of his origins we do, however, know this: he was the first of his kind. The patriarch of Vampires. If you believe in the legends that were around during the Dark Ages, he was said to have been created by the Devil. Born as the perfect vampire and an absolute true killing machine. Because just like the Great White Shark...he's never had to evolve. If Dracula is the 'Messiah' then Absalom would be the 'Lord'." - Ivan Romanov.
  • "Maacah bat Talmai, true name Absalom, is one of the gods worshipped by vampires, alongside his divine "bride" Phampira, or Sekhmet as the Ancient Egyptians would call her. To them, he is a divine creator, the great ancestor, and the future messiah who would vanquish the life and turn the world into an utopia for all vampiric kinds." - Matt Wright.
  • "Absalom... Now that is one god that I would not piss off." - Hermes about Absalom.
  • "In all the proud, glorious history of the Nobility, this one pronouncement of their godlike Sacred Ancestor alone had met suspicion and denial from all Nobles.
    The Nobility’s Academy of Sciences had developed a method of mathematically analyzing fate, and, after they cross referenced these figures with the historical import of all known civilizations they canceled all presentations on the findings of their research. When they came under fire for this decision, it was the Sacred Ancestor who came to face the critics, appearing in public for the first time in a millennium to control the situation. And those words were the ones he’d let slip out then.
    The great, eternally flowing river that was history had a civilization temporarily resting on its placid surface——the Sacred Ancestor referred to those propping up the civilization as transient guests. The question was, did he refer to the Nobility or humans?
    The tangled skein of the Count’s thoughts grew more knotted, and then a single thread suddenly pulled free. A bizarre rumor that had circulated briefly among the highest ranking Nobility whispered into life in his ear once more. Our Sacred Ancestor, it seems, swore to a human maid—-they would make children and he would slay them, but even after slaying them he would still have her bear more."
    - A Vampire Scholar.


Absalom (2)

Absalom's blood god form

Absalom (3)

Absalom as the Harvester

Absalom (4)

Absalom (5)

Absalom (6)

A painting of Absalom's believed appearance

Absalom (7)


  • According to Satan, Absalom's birthday is in Fall, most likely the end of September, or early October.
  • D is also asked by Carmilla if he is the son of the "Vampire King", indicating this is another title by which he is referred to.
  • Absalom also held the power of Hell and assisted the Forsaken Priest and Zalgo long ago.
  • Absalom is related to the ancient city of Thanalba.

Image Sources[]

  • (Walter von grunvall vampire lord by chaosemperor971 df1u6gw-fullview.jpg) Walter von Grunvall - Vampire Lord by ChaosEmperor971
  • (Varcolac.jpg) The Vârcolac from Hellboy: The Vârcolac
  • (Blood Prince.jpg) Blood Prince by TentaclesandTeeth
  • (Harvester.jpg) Harvester by theDURRRRIAN
  • (Lord of vampires.jpg) lord of vampires by Vasylina
  • (The Sacred Ancestor's Face of his Ten Thousand Feet Tall form looms behind D.jpg) Sacred Ancestor from Vampire Hunter D
  • (Absalom Vampire King.jpg) Sacred Ancestor's Portrait from Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
  • (040 Sacred Ancestor.jpg) Sacred Ancestor from Hideyuki Kikuchi's Vampire Hunter D
Absalom (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.