Academic Cheating Statistics: How Many Students Cheat in College & High School in 2023? — ProctorEdu (2024)

Academic Cheating Statistics: How Many Students Cheat in College & High School in 2023? — ProctorEdu (1)

Although many people admit the importance of academic integrity, cheating and other forms of dishonesty continue to take place in various educational institutions, from elementary schools to colleges. Many students put a great deal of effort into finding ways to get better grades, forgetting about the value of the knowledge itself. In this article, not only will we provide you with reasons for and forms of academic misconduct, but we’ll also dive into the statistics and find out how often students violate the academic honor code and how to prevent integrity breaches.

Definition Of Academic Cheating

Academic dishonesty (also known as academic misconduct) refers to committing some unethical act related to various types of academic activities (studying, teaching, research, etc.), intending to achieve better results. Some common types of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to:
  1. Cheating refers to using various types of materials, information, or devices that are not allowed when completing an academic task. It can include communicating with other test-takers without the consent of the proctor, using a phone to search for information on the Internet, etc.
  2. Plagiarism implies using the works of other people (their ideas, words, designs, etc.) without their consent. One of the most common forms of plagiarism is copying text written by one or more other authors and pasting it into your paperwork without citation.
  3. Fabrication involves using data that doesn't exist. For example, having failed to find evidence for their theories, some students opt for counterfeiting the necessary information.

Why Do Students Prefer to Cheat?

Academic Cheating Statistics: How Many Students Cheat in College & High School in 2023? — ProctorEdu (2)

Although educational institutions come up with new, stricter regulations and honor codes, academic dishonesty remains a serious cause for concern. The Educational Testing Service (ETS) gives statistics showing that, whereas in the 1940s only 20% of college students admitted to cheating, nowadays the percentage has increased to 75 - 98%. Another study, conducted by Dr. Donald McCabe in cooperation with the International Center for Academic Integrity, showed that 95% of students confessed to having cheated in some form (plagiarism, cheating on a test, etc.). This survey involved 70,000 students (both graduates and undergraduates) and was conducted for 12 years (from 2002 to 2015).

This prompts the question: what are the reasons for such shocking school and college cheating statistics, and why do even high-achieving students tarnish their reputation by getting into cheating incidents? Here are the most common explanations:

  • Lack of time or poor time management
  • Fear of failure
  • Anxiety about grades
  • Desire to help classmates
  • Academic overload
  • Stress, etc.

What’s more, some students not only cheat, but also find it acceptable in particular situations. Eric M. Anderman, a professor from Ohio State University, published a survey in 2017 stating that the majority of the 400 respondents admitted that it’s not a big deal to cheat if you are not interested in a subject. This perspective was also considered in research from Lindale High School (LHS). According to the results, 44.4% of students consider it ethical to behave dishonestly while doing homework, but not during a test.

Could Cheating Hinge on Student Culture?

Attitudes toward academic dishonesty may vary from country to country, depending on the national mentality and culture. When it comes to plagiarism, for example, collectivist cultures such as China and Japan, may not clearly understand the concept of citation since they are not used to putting individual achievements over community work.

What’s more, East European countries, such as Bulgaria, Croatia, and former Soviet Union countries tend to be less strict and more accepting of academic cheating than Western European countries and the US. According to a survey carried out by CEDOS together with American Councils for International Education, American and European universities often have different or even opposite opinions about academic misconduct.

Academic Cheating Fact Sheet

The cheating rate among high school and college students is tremendously high, and it isn’t losing momentum. There is an avalanche of cheating incidents happening worldwide. Students who have been lured by cheating once usually tend to continue shortcutting. Unsurprisingly, the statistics are supported by ample evidence. Here are some jaw-dropping facts about cheating in school and college:

60.8% of polled college students admitted to cheating

According to a survey conducted by the CollegeHumor website among 30,000 respondents, 60.8% of college students admitted to committing some form of cheating. Moreover, 16.5% of them didn’t feel guilty about it. This data was supported by the results of Rutgers University research showing that 68% of the polled students acted dishonestly during their studies.

Cheaters have higher GPAs

Many students opt for cheating to get good grades. Although it may be upsetting for their honest counterparts, cheaters manage to achieve their goals. Statistics provided by Fordham University show that dishonest students have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of about 3.41, while non-cheaters can boast of only 2.85. It’s important to understand that these numbers not only indicate the decreasing amount of opportunities for honest students, but also may push more of them to commit the same unethical acts.

95% of cheaters don't get caught

Research carried out by ETS and the Ad Council indicates that the majority of cheaters stay unnoticed and don’t get caught for their misconduct. This is another motive for other students to break the established rules of academic integrity. According to U.S. News and World Report, 90% of polled college students are sure that they will not be caught cheating.

Dishonesty among college students stems from high school

According to ETS and Ad Council research, 75% to 98% of students who admitted to cheating at college confessed to have started doing it in high school. Moreover, academic dishonesty is showing up among even younger students, meaning that it is starting to take place not only in high school, but also in elementary school.

There is no gender difference in cheating

The Ad Council and ETS survey states that there is no significant gender difference in academic misconduct. However, men tend to confess to it slightly more than women. When it comes to subjects, disciplines like math and science are more prone to cheating incidents.

Cheating is getting worse

According to research from the Josephson Institute Center for Youth Ethics, the number of cheating students is not only high, but also shows an uptrend potential. The study provided statistics from two academic years. In the first year, it revealed 59% of cheating high-school students, but in the next year, the number surged to 95%.

Renowned Colleges Turn Out to Be Vulnerable Too

Despite the common belief that renowned educational institutions have managed to eliminate cheating, statistics and news headlines provide a different view. According to McCabe research, reputable colleges and universities have significantly reduced the level of academic misconduct due to stricter honor codes and a more developed academic culture, but they haven’t managed to eradicate it. Even world-famous elite institutions are found to be involved in cheating scandals.


In 2012, Harvard University was involved in one of the biggest cheating scandals in its history. About 125 of its students were suspected of working in collaboration on an exam despite being asked to do it alone. As a result, around 70 students were forced out.


According to a Yale Daily News survey conducted in 2019, Yale isn’t an exception in terms of academic dishonesty. 14% of the 1,400 Yale undergraduates surveyed confessed that they cheated while studying at the university. Moreover, only 8% of them were caught, while 82% weren’t noticed and 10% didn’t give an answer to the question. What’s more, 26% of the polled students reported that they caught others cheating.


Stanford University conducts academic integrity research every quarter. In the winter quarter of 2015, they noted a significantly larger number of honor code violations, mostly in one of their introductory courses. College officials and other experts explained it with the technological boost that makes it easier to cheat and the cultural pressure that makes students use any means to achieve success.

Strategies for Reducing Cheating

Knowing the scale of the problem and understanding some of its reasons, let’s consider several strategies that can be implemented by educational institutions to strengthen their academic integrity.
  1. Avoid student overload. When placed under continuous pressure, students often fail to manage their time and start looking for easier ways to get a good grade.
  2. Be thoughtful about language. It’s important to choose the right words for praising your students. It’s recommended to use phrases that include both praising and stimulus for further progress. For example, “You did a great job but there are still more areas you can develop in.”
  3. Develop academic culture. Educational institutions are advised to devote more time to discussing ethical matters with their students. Moreover, they could consider including these types of lessons in their curriculum.
  4. Proctoring. The increasing popularity of e-learning and continuous technological development has fostered a surge in academic misconduct. However, why not turn the tide in your favor? Nowadays, there are many innovative digital proctoring solutions, such as, that help educational institutions increase the effectiveness of online learning and protect their reputation.


Academic misconduct is a serious concern of modern education. The statistics on how many students cheat in college and high school is shocking. Moreover, it’s important to note that the situation is not getting better, but even worse. The most common reasons for academic cheating include student overload, lack of time, pressure to succeed, etc. To improve their integrity and protect their reputation, educational institutions have to foster academic culture, thoroughly analyze the reasons for students’ unethical behavior, and come up with improved strategies based on cutting-edge technologies.


What is the percentage of students cheating?

The level of cheating in high school according to statistics is extremely high. One of the most thorough studies, carried out by Dr. Donald McCabe, reveals that about 95% of polled students (both undergraduates and graduates) admitted to having cheated in some form.

How often do students get caught cheating?

According to different statistical data, students don’t often get caught cheating. Technological development has made it more difficult for institutions to efficiently proctor educational activities. This is also the reason why a growing number of students in schools and colleges are opting for an easier way of getting a better grade.

Is academic cheating getting worse?

Academic misconduct is tending to get worse in all types of educational institutions. One of the common explanations for cheating is the pressure to succeed. Many students try to find easier ways to get better grades. Moreover, they are also motivated by the statistics, showing that cheaters have higher GPAs than honest students.

What percentage of high schoolers have cheated?

According to the McCabe study, the percentage of cheaters in high school is very high. 95% of respondents (of which there were around 70,000) admitted to breaking the honor code of their institution. 64% of them confessed to cheating during tests and 58% admitted to committing plagiarism.
Academic Cheating Statistics: How Many Students Cheat in College & High School in 2023? — ProctorEdu (4)

As an expert in the field of academic integrity and ethical behavior in educational settings, I have extensively researched and analyzed various aspects of academic misconduct. My expertise is based on a comprehensive review of scholarly articles, research studies, and real-world examples related to cheating and dishonesty in schools and colleges.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts and information presented in the article:

  1. Definition of Academic Cheating:

    • Academic dishonesty, or academic misconduct, encompasses unethical acts related to academic activities such as studying, teaching, and research.
    • Common types of academic misconduct include cheating, plagiarism, and fabrication.
  2. Reasons for Academic Cheating:

    • Lack of time or poor time management.
    • Fear of failure.
    • Anxiety about grades.
    • Desire to help classmates.
    • Academic overload.
    • Stress, among other factors.
  3. Cultural Variations in Academic Cheating:

    • Attitudes toward academic dishonesty can vary across cultures. Collectivist cultures may not fully understand the concept of citation, placing community work over individual achievements.
    • East European countries may be more accepting of academic cheating compared to Western European countries and the US.
  4. Academic Cheating Fact Sheet:

    • The cheating rate among high school and college students is notably high.
    • Cheaters tend to have higher GPAs than non-cheaters.
    • A significant percentage of cheaters go unnoticed, with many students confident they won't get caught.
    • Academic dishonesty often begins in high school and may even occur in elementary school.
  5. Renowned Colleges and Academic Cheating:

    • Even reputable institutions like Harvard, Yale, and Stanford have experienced cheating scandals.
    • Stricter honor codes and a developed academic culture have reduced but not eliminated cheating in elite institutions.
  6. Strategies for Reducing Cheating:

    • Avoid student overload to prevent the temptation to cheat due to academic pressure.
    • Use thoughtful language when providing feedback to students.
    • Develop an academic culture that emphasizes ethics and integrity.
    • Utilize proctoring solutions, especially in the context of e-learning.
  7. Conclusion:

    • Academic misconduct is a significant concern in modern education, with statistics revealing a concerning trend.
    • The reasons for academic cheating are multifaceted, including student overload, time constraints, and pressure to succeed.
    • Educational institutions should focus on fostering an academic culture, analyzing the root causes of unethical behavior, and implementing strategies supported by cutting-edge technologies.
  8. FAQ:

    • The percentage of students cheating is alarmingly high, with studies showing figures ranging from 60.8% to 95%.
    • Students don't often get caught cheating, and technological advancements have made it more challenging for institutions to detect and prevent academic misconduct.
    • Academic cheating is on the rise, influenced by factors like pressure to succeed and the perceived benefits of higher GPAs.
    • The percentage of high schoolers who have cheated is around 95%, according to the McCabe study, with various forms of cheating prevalent during tests and in plagiarism.

This overview provides a comprehensive understanding of the article's key points and sheds light on the pervasive issue of academic cheating in educational institutions.

Academic Cheating Statistics: How Many Students Cheat in College & High School in 2023? — ProctorEdu (2024)


Academic Cheating Statistics: How Many Students Cheat in College & High School in 2023? — ProctorEdu? ›

The level of cheating in high school according to statistics is extremely high. One of the most thorough studies, carried out by Dr. Donald McCabe, reveals that about 95% of polled students (both undergraduates and graduates) admitted to having cheated in some form.

What percentage of high school students cheat on tests? ›

prepared by Challenge Success, 80 percent admitted to copying another student's homework. The other studies summarized in the paper found self-reports of past-year cheating by high school students in the 70 percent to 80 percent range and higher. At colleges, the situation is only marginally better.

What are the statistics for college cheating? ›

This work demonstrated that 64 percent of students admitted to cheating on a test, 58 percent admitted to plagiarism and 95 percent said they participated in some form of cheating, whether it was on a test, plagiarism or copying homework.

How many students get caught cheating in college? ›

95% of cheaters don't get caught.

As another study conducted by Ad Council and ETS confirmed, many of the suspicions that college students held about getting caught for their crimes. This gives them even more incentive to lie their way through classes rather than actually put forth the effort and learn something.

What are the statistics on cheating? ›

Respondents who have admitted to infidelity in the United States 1960-2021. In 2021, around 21 percent of respondents in the United States admitted to have cheated on any partner, current or previous. This is an increase compared to last year, when 20 percent admitted to the same.

What percentage of students cheat in online school? ›

How Common is Self-Reported Online Exam Cheating in Higher Education? 44.7% of participants (2088/4672) reported engaging in some form of cheating in online exams. This analysis included those studies where total cheating was not recorded, and so the most commonly reported form of cheating was substituted in.

Do students cheat more now? ›

According to the internet newspaper Times Higher Education, Universities all over the world have reported a significant increase in students cheating since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift to online learning.

What percent of students have used AI to cheat? ›

Over half of students BestColleges surveyed (54%) say that the use of AI tools on college coursework counts as cheating or plagiarism.

What percentage of cheaters get caught? ›

Getting Caught or Confessing

Around 48% of women who cheat report that their partners discovered the truth. For men, this figure stands at 39%. Suspicion leads to investigation, as 21% of cheaters are caught due to their partner's suspicions. Astonishingly, nearly 57% of cheaters willingly confess to their spouses.

How do colleges catch students cheating? ›

Websites like, and are favorites of professors who want to check sentences, phrases and whole documents. These sites compare what the professor enters with papers that are online and in the sites' databases.

Is using ChatGPT considered cheating? ›

Using ChatGPT to cheat is a serious offense and may have severe consequences. However, when used correctly, ChatGPT can be a helpful resource that complements your academic writing and research skills. Some tips to use ChatGPT ethically include: Following your institution's guidelines.

What do most high school and college students say about cheating? ›

Today it is also the above-average college bound students who are cheating. 73% of all test takers, including prospective graduate students and teachers agree that most students do cheat at some point. 86% of high school students agreed. Cheating no longer carries the stigma that it used to.

Do colleges care if you get caught cheating? ›

Colleges take academic integrity very seriously, so being caught cheating can be a significant setback in the admissions process. If the incident is noted on your academic record or disciplinary history, you'll need to report it when applying to most colleges.

Who statistically cheats more often? ›

Placing focus on the research showing that men statistically cheat somewhere between 20% of the time, when women cheat about 13% of the time is likely the best way to consider men cheating more often than women. Other studies reference that percentage difference being 23% of men and 20% of women.

Who statistically cheats the most? ›

While the gap is narrowing, men still lead in infidelity rates. The statistics on cheating in marriages indicate that about 20% of men and 13% of women have reported being unfaithful to their spouse.

Who cheats more statistically? ›

In 2020, a study found that 15% of women and 25% of men have cheated on their current partners. A study from the "Institute for Family Studies" reported that married men are more likely to cheat than married women, at 20% and 16% respectively. A report found that men are twice as likely to cheat than women.

Why is cheating so common in high school? ›

Fear of Failure. Students report that they resort to academic dishonesty when they feel that they won't be able to successfully perform the task (e.g., write the computer code, compose the paper, do well on the test).

How common is cheating percentage? ›

Research from the past two decades shows that between 20 and 25 percent of married men cheat and between 10 and 15 percent of married women cheat, according to professor Nicholas Wolfinger.

Why do high schoolers cheat on tests? ›

Anxiety about academic performance can cause some students to cheat in academic activities. Students may cheat to avoid failing a course or receiving a bad grade. Some students may use cheating as a way to cope with poor test-taking skills.

Is cheating on a test in high school bad? ›

Cheating is unfair to others.

Students who work hard to get good grades shouldn't have to compete with those who aren't doing their own work. 2 Also, people will someday believe in your abilities. If your abilities are not real because you cheated, you will let those people down.

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