Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (2024)

The Hunter x Hunter anime ended sometime back in 2014. While many more manga chapters are to be adapted, the mangaka Yoshihiro Togashi's infamous hiatus put everything, including the anime, on hold. By this time, various Hunters became integral to the plot and significantly affected the characters around them. These Hunters vary drastically in age, with some being only kids and others being elderly.

This list will discuss the ages of many of these characters and some of their accomplishments.

Note: This list contains spoilers for both the Hunter x Hunter (2011) anime and manga.

15 Hunters in the Hunter x Hunter anime who were integral to the plot by the final arc

1) Killua Zoldyck (14)

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (1)

Killua Zoldyck is perhaps the most beloved character in Hunter x Hunter. His tragic past and unique personality made him a fan favorite.

Despite his usually mature personality and overwhelming strength, Killua is one of the youngest Hunters on the show. At 14 years old, he is also the third-youngest child in the Zoldyck Family, placing him right in the middle of the five siblings.

2) Gon Freecss (14)

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (2)

Gon Freecss has a cheery personality, which makes him incredibly loveable. He has immense potential in terms of Nen and was on track to becoming one of the strongest characters in Hunter x Hunter before the Chimera Ant arc. However, it is possible for him to get back into perfect shape.

Similar to Killua, Gon is also 14 years old. This is most likely the reason why he and Killua were able to become best friends so quickly.

3) Kurapika (19)

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (3)

Kurapika is the last remaining member of the Kurta Clan. His main motivation for becoming a Hunter is to eliminate the Phantom Troupe and recover all of the remaining Scarlet Eyes.

After immense training and making a Nen contract, Kurapika was able to kill the Phantom Troupe's physically strongest member, Uvogin, by himself. By the end of the anime, Kurapika is 19 years old and is deep into his mission of recovering the Scarlet Eyes.

4) Leorio Paladiknight (21)

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (4)

Leorio decided to become a Hunter to have an easier time becoming a doctor. During his time off-screen, he successfully got into medical school and is now a medical student. His Nen ability even has many applications in the field of medicine.

As a 21-year-old, Leorio is the oldest member of the main cast. Due to this, many fans like to consider him to be Gon's father rather than Ging.

5) Ging Freecss (34)

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (5)

Ging was physically absent from the anime until the Chairman Election arc, but he was constantly mentioned throughout the entire Hunter x Hunter series. Finding Ging was Gon's main motivation for becoming a Hunter, and Ging decided to constantly make sure Gon remained on that path.

At 34 years old, he is still focused on traveling the world. He wants to fully explore the Dark Continent and has a high chance of doing so with his talent as a Nen user.

6) Hisoka Morow (28)

Hisoka is easily the most infamous and controversial character in Hunter x Hunter. His creepy attitude toward Gon and Killua and his incredible bloodlust always have fans on the edge of their seats whenever he appears. At the same time, there is still a large portion of the Hunter x Hunter fanbase that loves Hisoka.

One of Hisoka's most dangerous habits is his constant desire to try and fight the strongest characters he finds. At only 28 years old, he will one day find a fighter way out of his league and eventually die in battle.

7) Illumi Zoldyck (24)

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (7)

Illumi is 24 years old and Hisoka's main partner in crime since he is one of the most skilled assassins in the show. His Nen ability is all about trickery and manipulation, allowing him to easily ambush and take out enemies.

Illumi is also obsessed with the potential that Killua has and his future as a Nen user. He will do whatever it takes to make sure Killua reaches his full potential.

8) Isaac Netero (110)

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (8)

As the Chairman of the Hunter Association, Isaac Netero was absolutely unmatched towards the end of the anime. Many, both Hunters and non-Hunters, considered him to be the strongest Nen user alive, and even after Meruem was able to defeat him, he was considered the strongest human Nen user ever.

His years of training and fighting experience allowed Netero to become incredibly powerful. Even at the ripe old age of 110, he was able to put up a fight against the strongest Nen user in Hunter x Hunter.

9) Biscuit Krueger (57)

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (9)

Biscuit Krueger, typically known as Bisky, is a 57-year-old woman and a master of Nen basics. She has taught many of Hunter x Hunter's most iconic characters, including Ging, Gon, and Killua.

The three spent time developing their unique Nen ability during their training, gaining experience using it. After they finished training with her, these three became better Nen users than they would have been with someone else.

10) Shoot McMahon (28)

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (10)

Shoot McMahon is one of Morel's Nen students. He is both a very skilled hand-to-hand combatant and a powerful Nen user. Initially, he was incredibly timid and refused to fight the chimera ants. Throughout the Chimera Ant arc, however, he learns to break out of his shell and become more confident while fighting.

By the end of the anime, Shoot was around 28 years old. It was perfect that he was able to overcome his fear of battle, or else his fellow Hunters would begin to think he was acting like a child.

11) Palm Siberia (22)

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (11)

Palm Siberia was an important supporting character in the Chimera Ant arc. When the Hunters engaged the chimera ants in battle, Palm was captured and eaten by the Queen. She was then reincarnated as a chimera ant with a similar design and all of her memories.

When she was still human, she was 22 years old. After being reincarnated as a chimera ant, her age is not concrete but is definitely less than a year old.

12) Kite (~28)

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (12)

Kite was Ging's former Nen student and an old friend of Gon's. Although he was an incredibly skilled Hunter and Nen user, he could not last very long against Neferpitou. Like Palm, he was reincarnated as a chimera ant and retained all of his memories.

Kite's age is not officially confirmed, but based on his appearance and the current Hunter x Hunter timeline, many fans have speculated him to be around 28 years old.

13) Morel Mackernasey (~46)

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (13)

Morel Mackernasey was one of the key members of the Chimera Ant Extermination Team and the master of Knuckle Bine and Shoot McMahon. The large smoking pipe he carries around is instrumental in his Nen ability and has helped him defeat many powerful opponents.

Similar to Kite, Morel's age has not yet been confirmed. However, he is described as middle-aged, causing many fans to believe he may be around 46 years old.

14) Knov (~35)

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (14)

Knov is one of Morel's colleagues and was a member of the Chimera Ant Extermination Team. He is also Palm Siberia's master and a powerful Nen user. His Nen ability, Hide and Seek, was one of the most important abilities used during the Chimera Ant arc as it allowed Isaac Netero to prepare for his fight with Meruem.

Knov's age is not confirmed in the anime, but based on his youthful appearance and the Hunter x Hunter timeline, he is most likely 35 years old.

15) Knuckle Bine (~29)

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (15)

As one of Morel's students and Shoot's partners, Knuckle Bine is a skilled Nen user. He appears to be around 29 years old and is a devout puppy lover. He is shown completely melting his rough personality whenever a dog is involved.

Before Gon and Killua were allowed to accompany the Extermination Team during the raid on Meruem's colony, Knuckle spearheaded their training. He made them stronger and prepared them for the impending fight.

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As a seasoned enthusiast and expert in the world of anime, particularly Hunter x Hunter, I'm thrilled to delve into the rich and intricate details of the characters and their journeys. My extensive knowledge of the series allows me to provide insights into the various concepts mentioned in the article.

The Hunter x Hunter anime, which concluded in 2014, left fans eagerly awaiting more manga chapters to be adapted. However, the mangaka Yoshihiro Togashi's infamous hiatus has put everything, including the anime, on hold. The article discusses 15 integral Hunters in the series and highlights their ages and significant accomplishments. Let's explore each of these characters:

  1. Killua Zoldyck (14): A beloved character with a tragic past, Killua is the third-youngest child in the Zoldyck Family and possesses overwhelming strength despite his young age.

  2. Gon Freecss (14): Known for his cheery personality, Gon has immense potential in terms of Nen and was on track to becoming one of the strongest characters before the Chimera Ant arc.

  3. Kurapika (19): The last remaining member of the Kurta Clan, Kurapika's main motivation is to eliminate the Phantom Troupe and recover all of the remaining Scarlet Eyes.

  4. Leorio Paladiknight (21): A medical student and the oldest member of the main cast, Leorio decided to become a Hunter to have an easier time becoming a doctor.

  5. Ging Freecss (34): Ging, a focus of Gon's motivation, is 34 years old and remains focused on traveling the world and exploring the Dark Continent.

  6. Hisoka Morow (28): An infamous and controversial character, Hisoka is known for his creepy attitude and constant desire to fight the strongest characters.

  7. Illumi Zoldyck (24): Hisoka's main partner in crime, Illumi is a skilled assassin obsessed with Killua's potential as a Nen user.

  8. Isaac Netero (110): The Chairman of the Hunter Association, Netero is considered the strongest human Nen user ever, even at the age of 110.

  9. Biscuit Krueger (57): A master of Nen basics, Bisky has taught many iconic characters and played a significant role in their development.

  10. Shoot McMahon (28): Initially timid, Shoot becomes a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and Nen user by the end of the anime.

  11. Palm Siberia (22): An important supporting character in the Chimera Ant arc, Palm was captured and reincarnated as a chimera ant.

  12. Kite (~28): Ging's former Nen student and friend of Gon, Kite is speculated to be around 28 years old.

  13. Morel Mackernasey (~46): A key member of the Chimera Ant Extermination Team, Morel's age is estimated to be around 46.

  14. Knov (~35): A colleague of Morel, Knov is a powerful Nen user with a crucial ability used during the Chimera Ant arc.

  15. Knuckle Bine (~29): A skilled Nen user and puppy lover, Knuckle plays a role in training Gon and Killua for the fight against Meruem.

The article provides a comprehensive overview of these characters, including their ages, personalities, and contributions to the storyline. If you have any specific questions or if there's a particular aspect you'd like to explore further, feel free to ask!

Ages of 15 important Hunters in Hunter X Hunter at the end of the anime (2024)
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