Alcohol and Your Kidneys (2024)

Drinking alcohol can affect many parts of your body, including your kidneys. A little alcohol—one or two drinks now and then—usually has no serious effects. But drinking too much can harm your health. It can also worsen kidney disease.

How does alcohol harm the kidneys?

Your kidneys filter harmful substances from your blood. One of these substances is alcohol. Alcohol can cause changes in the function of the kidneys and make them less able to filter your blood. In addition to filtering blood, your kidneys do many other important jobs. One of these jobs is keeping the right amount of water in your body. Alcohol affects the ability of your kidneys to do this. When alcohol dehydrates (dries out) the body, the drying effect can affect the normal function of cells and organs, including the kidneys.

Too much alcohol can also affect your blood pressure. People who drink too much are more likely to have high blood pressure. And medications for high blood pressure can be affected by alcohol. High blood pressure is a common cause of kidney disease. More than two drinks a day can increase your chance of having high blood pressure.

Chronic drinking can also cause liver disease. This adds to the kidney's job. The rate of blood flow to your kidneys is usually kept at a certain level, so that your kidneys can filter your blood well. Liver disease impairs this important balancing act. In fact, most patients in the United States who have both liver disease and associated kidney dysfunction are alcohol dependent.

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Alcohol and Your Kidneys (1)

How much alcohol is too much?

When experts talk about one drink, they are talking about one 12-ounce bottle of beer, one glass of wine (5 ounces), or one shot (1.5 ounces) of "hard liquor."

Having more than three drinks in a day (or more than seven per week) for women, and more than four drinks in a day (or more than 14 per week) for men, is considered "heavy" drinking. The kidneys of heavy drinkers have to work harder. Heavy drinking on a regular basis has been found to double the risk for kidney disease.

Binge drinking (usually more than four to five drinks within two hours) can raise a person's blood alcohol to dangerous levels. This can cause a sudden drop in kidney function known as "acute kidney injury." When this happens, dialysis is needed until a person's kidney function returns to normal. Acute kidney injury usually goes away in time, but in some cases, it can lead to lasting kidney damage.

Some people should not drink at all. Ask your healthcare provider if it is safe for you to drink, especially if you have a medical condition or take medicines that might be affected by using alcohol. Women, older people, and those with smaller bodies should be especially careful. Of course, pregnant women are advised not to drink alcohol.

What can you do?

Always check with your healthcare provider to make sure it is safe for you to drink alcohol. Even if it is safe, it is important to drink in moderation. A good guideline is: no more than one to two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women and people over 65.

If you would like more information, please contact us.

© 2015 National Kidney Foundation. All rights reserved. This material does not constitute medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. Please consult a physician for specific treatment recommendations.

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Last Reviewed: 06/29/2021

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© 2024 National Kidney Foundation Inc.

Alcohol and Your Kidneys (2024)


Alcohol and Your Kidneys? ›

In addition, alcohol can disrupt the hormonal control mechanisms that govern kidney function. By promoting liver disease, chronic drinking has further detrimental effects on the kidneys, including impaired sodium and fluid handling and even acute kidney failure.

What does alcohol do to your kidneys? ›

Alcohol causes changes in the function of the kidneys and makes them less able to filter the blood. Alcohol also affects the ability to regulate fluid and electrolytes in the body. When alcohol dehydrates (dries out) the body, the drying effect can affect the normal function of cells and organs, including the kidneys.

How long does it take for kidneys to recover from alcohol? ›

The kidneys can often recover from alcohol damage. Studies show that kidney-related problems caused by alcohol may resolve with four weeks of abstinence. While the kidneys can heal quite well once heavy alcohol use is removed, there may be situations where the stress is so great that it causes lasting damage.

What alcohol is safest for the kidneys? ›

We found your answer and voila! Red Wine. The advantage of red wine for the good condition of the kidneys is particularly based upon the process through which it is created. The process of fermentation of red wine is assorted together with the skins, seeds, and stem of the grape.

What drinks are hardest on the kidneys? ›

Sodas. According to the American Kidney Fund, a recent study suggests that drinking two or more carbonated sodas, diet or regular, each day may increase your risk for chronic kidney disease. Carbonated and energy drinks have both been linked to the formation of kidney stones.

How do you know if your kidney is damaged from alcohol? ›

Changes in Urination: This includes increased frequency, blood in urine, and foamy urine. Swelling: Particularly in the legs, ankles, and feet. Fatigue and Weakness: Kidney function is closely tied to energy levels. High Blood Pressure: Often a consequence of kidney damage.

What are the worst foods for kidney function? ›

Keep Your Kidneys Healthy: 5 Foods To Avoid
  • Soda: Steer clear! ...
  • Processed deli meats: Scrap cold cuts like bologna and ham from your diet! ...
  • Butter: Skimp on the spread! ...
  • Mayonnaise: One tablespoon of mayonnaise contains a whopping 103 calories!

How do you detox your kidneys from alcohol? ›

How to flush your kidneys and liver
  1. Stop drinking. Eliminate alcohol. ...
  2. Adopt healthy lifestyle habits. ...
  3. Exercise is a great way to detox liver and kidneys. ...
  4. Avoid toxic environments. ...
  5. Medicate cautiously. ...
  6. How to detox your liver from alcohol: ...
  7. What's good for the liver? ...
  8. Milk thistle.
May 21, 2018

What is a kidney friendly drink? ›

While plain water is the best drink for your kidneys, other fluids are perfectly acceptable, including coffee, green tea, low-potassium juices, and infused water. Avoid sweetened, carbonated beverages and coconut water.

Are bananas good for the kidneys? ›

Damaged kidneys build up potassium in the blood, resulting in serious heart problems. Potassium is present in bananas, other fruits and vegetables (such as potatoes, avocados and melons). People with advanced kidney disease are usually advised to avoid some fruits and vegetables, including bananas.

Is drinking a lot of water good for your kidneys? ›

Whilst all fluid counts towards your fluid intake, water is one of the healthiest choices when it comes to maintaining kidney health. Sip water little and often. Women should aim to drink eight 200ml glasses of fluid a day. Men should aim to drink ten 200ml glasses of fluid a day.

Is peanut butter bad for the kidneys? ›

However, it's worth noting that 2 tablespoons of peanut butter also has 65 milligrams of oxalate, and high amounts of oxalate can contribute to kidney stones (54, 55). Talk with your doctor if you're prone to kidney stones, as you may want avoid or reduce your peanut butter consumption.

Is kidney damage from alcohol reversible? ›

Acute kidney damage (also known as acute kidney failure) can occur due to binge drinking. Binge drinking means consuming more than four to five drinks in two hours. This type of damage is reversible with dialysis treatment. Long-term, regular drinking can also damage the kidneys.

Does quitting drinking help your kidneys? ›

Alcohol is a harmful substance that can contribute to kidney damage and other health complications. By abstaining from alcohol, kidney patients can reduce the risk of further harm to their kidneys. However, quitting alcohol alone may not reverse all types of kidney damage.

What are the three early warning signs of a kidney? ›

Signs of Kidney Disease
  • You're more tired, have less energy or are having trouble concentrating. ...
  • You're having trouble sleeping. ...
  • You have dry and itchy skin. ...
  • You feel the need to urinate more often. ...
  • You see blood in your urine. ...
  • Your urine is foamy. ...
  • You're experiencing persistent puffiness around your eyes.

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