Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (2024)

  • Reviews

How would you rate Aldi?

Top Positive Review

“Continuity of products are not so good”



I like shopping at Aldi's and would shop there more frequently if they had more continuity of carrying products. When I find a product that I just love like Kitchen Sink cookies from the bake shop or the Hawaiian pizza from the frozen food dept. they never have anymore when I go back to get more. Very disappointing to me. I am sure these items were good sellers so they should make more of an effort to stock them. Would keep me out of other grocery stores and back at Aldi's more often.

See positive reviews

Top Critical Review

“Grocery food place unbag or unboxes like garbage on out door porch..”



Aldi shopping online was horrible. Aldi delivery person place unbag /unbox grocery worth over hundred dollars of fresh meats, poultry, diary,, fresh vegetables, food scattered on the cement e front porch like garbage for neighbors to perceive as food littered. And left it all hanging out with any cross-contamination to happen. I was very disappointed tfood on the ground Felt violated and disrespectful. After paying hard earned money for food.

See critical reviews

Reviews (74)

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (1)

1 review

0 helpful votes

October 30th, 2023

Verified purchase

I was at Aldi on Friday Oct 27th 23.that's where I Shop since the store open in north Miami Beach.the cashiers are so rude especially the one who said she is the manager. Y'all pick the wrong one to put in charge she doesn't have class don't know how to talk to people always upset she doesn't belong there at all. She doesn't even love her self.the Haitian one who just had a baby. Please replaced her sent her to different location. She accusing me of stealing and I have my receipt with me.the register machine ran out of paper so my receipt didn't I call the cashier to let them know she told the other cashier she don't believe I paid for the stuff.I'm not a thief I work making decent money I don't have a right to steal from anyone.I'm gonna let my lawyer looking enter it if I don't get a good respond from you guys.I will take it to court.

Tip for consumers:
The cashier has to be more professional and stop accusing people of stealing .if I were stealing I know for sure the security guard will stop me and search my bag.



Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (2)

Helpful (0)

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Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (3)

1 review

0 helpful votes

December 8th, 2023

They need to get one row of small carts due to the fact that a lot of elderly people shop there. Their new carts are ridiculous so large they barely fit in the door and you can barely get around them in the cashiers aisles. I hate shopping there for that reason. I will bring in one. Bag in, when it is full I am done.Please get some carts like Wegmans has it would make shopping a lot more pleasant aside from that I love ALDIs.




Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (4)

1 review

0 helpful votes

October 7th, 2023

I would like to give praise to the tall stocking woman who was super friendly, complete with a warm smile, in helping me find the price of an item by stopping what she was doing and ran to the self-checkout line to get it. She made my day, and though she did not have a name tag and got busy again with her work, I wanted to be sure she was recognized for her wonderful customer service.

Products used:
Blueberries, Eggs, yogurt,




Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (5)

1 review

0 helpful votes

November 12th, 2023

Lo que te ahorran en quilos te lo sacan emocionalmente, te apuran como si estuvieras en una academia militar. Emotional distress es lo que sufres en esa store, pobres viejitos que frecuentan esa tienda para ahorrarse unos centavos que tienen que andar apurados, es abuso mental ya que las personas mayores no tienen capacidad de andar rapido porq su metabolismo es lento. D
E verdad es la peor tienda que han podido sacar.

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (6)

1 review

0 helpful votes

August 12th, 2023

Verified purchase

Be careful when you pay cash. My change was stolen when I paid cash at store #127 in Smyrna,DE by a cashier name Kirstin. Honesty should be the priority in these kind of stores but unfortunately they lack of it. If this kind of practices are done by these cashiers, it is a big lump sum stolen from their costumers at the end of each day. That's totally unethical and unlawful. I will never ever go back to that store ever again. Be aware! And Yes, $2.50 are $2.50.






Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (7)

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (8)

1 review

0 helpful votes

August 27th, 2023

I shop every Sunday at Aldis,sometimes twice a week. It's very busy but they take time to give back a produce if the product is not perfect.

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (9)

1 review

0 helpful votes

August 27th, 2023

Bought a 10 lb bag of potatoes got home open the bag and 1/3 of them had bad spots on them with in a day they started to rot, this came out of a new crate. Also their zip lock bags half the time don't zip well once you open them good luck trying to re zip it. Their clear wrap for food the container finally has a decent cutter on it but not the box falls apart left with a roll of plastic and no box. The quality has been getting worse every year and pricing is creeping up also to the point I'd rather pay a little more to get a better product.

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (10)

1 review

0 helpful votes

August 3rd, 2023

Verified purchase

En servicios que ofrecen algunas cajeras no es bueno considerando que el cliente debe de empacar sus productos el cliente debe de llevar sus bolsas es mejor Un autoservicio de cajas de esa forma te estás ahorrando el salario de las cajeras y podemos tener un mejor servicio dándonos los nosotros mismos. Si haces cuentas el costo por poner cajas para autoservicio puede ser que gastes un poco ahorita pero a la larga tu ahorro va a ser mucho más grande y vas a evitar contratar más cajeros el servicio de la tienda se va a agilizar los clientes estarán más satisfechos su tiempo de espera será menor habrá mayor eficiencia en tu tienda. Fui atendida donde mi siquiera tenían carro la cajera dejo los productos encima de la registradora y se fue. Se me atendió en la caja sin carro. Se atendió primero a una persona q estaba atrás el trato no es adecuado. Pésimo servicio de la manager y falta de organización. Requieren curso de servicio a clientes

Tip for consumers:
Has las cajas autoservicio. Evitamos el maltrato de cajetas. Ahora dinero Ahorranos tiempo y has más eficiente y funcional el servicio.
Te lo recomienda una Administradora de empresas experiencia en mercadotecnia y servicio al cliente

Products used:

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (11)

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (12)

157 reviews

75 helpful votes

March 15th, 2023

Verified purchase

I love Aldi's! What an amazing store and employees.

The freshness of their food is incredible and an amazing value too.

Example - 8lb Standing Prime Rib Roast - $63.84 I have paid local Butchers over $125 for 4-5lbs and they are nowhere near as tender and flavorful as Aldi's.

Their employees are very helpful and kind. I wonder why do small companies like this do so well and the big guys can't get things right?

Tip for consumers:
If you are looking for great value and freshness….you found it.

Products used:
General groceries.

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (13)

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (14)

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (15)

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (16)

3 reviews

0 helpful votes

November 1st, 2023

I like shopping at Aldi's and would shop there more frequently if they had more continuity of carrying products. When I find a product that I just love like Kitchen Sink cookies from the bake shop or the Hawaiian pizza from the frozen food dept. they never have anymore when I go back to get more. Very disappointing to me. I am sure these items were good sellers so they should make more of an effort to stock them. Would keep me out of other grocery stores and back at Aldi's more often.

Products used:
pizza from alternate store




Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (17)

1 review

0 helpful votes

September 22nd, 2023

As with many low rated reviews on here I experienced being spoken to in an unacceptable manner when asked to lift my bags to check I was not stealing items. I decided instead of just writing a review to try and rectify the situation by bringing it to the attention if the CEO. Unfortunately the response I received was equally as disrespectful, 'this is why we do it, here's a £10 voucher, go away'. Being barked at "Lift your bag, LIFT YOUR BAG" really isnt how I expect to be spoken to by anyone let alone a spotty, bum fluff cultivating male high on the meagre power he has supposedly been given. The highlight of the whole saga was the signs in store claiming staff will not tolerate abuse. HOW HYPOCRITICAL! I went and shopped over the road in Lidl.

Products used:




Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (18)

1 review

0 helpful votes

October 8th, 2023

Verified purchase

I am an on line shopper,Aldi and Publix primarily usually 6 orders a month. I love to cook,try new recipes. Anything Fremont not wild caught is not good. Farm raised fish in a tank tend to have a whole different not pleasant flavor. I just finished putting together my Shrimp and Grits Charleston style. I am using Fremonts Medium Wild Caught Raw Peeled & Deveined Shrimp. After defrosting for the lemon pepper marinade I noticed the shrimp smelly as well as slightly mushy. SKU July 26 2025 LOT ******* LA120 Not really expecting as product is soaked in a preservative.I had a farm raised package last week
I had to toss after taste testing for a scampi.My new purchases are wild caught flounder and these shrimp. Flounder looks good-I would not buy the shrimp again farm or wild caught. I have experienced the same rule with other brands -Grotons,Seabest farm raised NEVER if you have good palate. I don't like cooking a product that has a dirt after taste.I am an instacart member who does 85% of my food shopping online my purchases can be verified.Daytona Beach Aldi Daytona Shores Publix.

Tip for consumers:
I find most products to be more affordable with Aldi , but certain products FISH are trial and error.

Products used:
Shoppers pay a small charge for delivery on every item ordered plus a handling fee and tip.





Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (19)

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (20)

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (21)

1 review

0 helpful votes

After being a satisfied customer on price values I had opportunity to look at Aldi in another way. The employee aspects of Aldi was very negative to my expectations. After an application was submitted for warehouse associate by high school educated individual and a recent college graduate. The interviewer let college graduate know they were move forward with other applicant. Unfortunately they look for in hire on as a possible long term employee in the position instead of a satisfied employee who could grow in the company. Satisfied employees and growth within creates growth overall for a company. Best wishes to all who encounter the bad seed in a wonderful Apple

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (22)

1 review

0 helpful votes

December 3rd, 2023

First you have to pay.25 to get a cart, then the prices are ridiculous, this is one store we could've did without then we have to buy a bag and sack our own groceries to put the groceries in the bag ….

Tip for consumers:






Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (23)

1 review

0 helpful votes

March 16th, 2023

Lafayette, LA first time shopping there. Next time I will be more prepared Bring a quarter for your basket and your own bags. It's ok if you forget your quarter the manager will give you one. Also to purchase a brown bag is only.12 cents. Some of there products doesn't look to be from this country but still some great stuff. I purchased Strawberries for less than 2.50 and they looked fresh. I'm really impressed. I'm not to sure about there meat I prefer to go to a butcher or a meat market. There lunch meat looks good to.

Tip for consumers:
Bring a quarter and some bags.

Products used:
all of them.






Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (24)

2 reviews

4 helpful votes

June 9th, 2023

Many Aldi's are now implementing a digital prison in order to enter their stores.
Many REQUIRE a digital app on your phone or a scan to a QR code in order to enter.
Anyone without one, will not be able to shop there...Boycott Aldi's now and send a clear message that you will not be 'enslaved' to the 'mark of the beast'.
Target, Budweiser, Kohls, Goodyear, lost sales upon this 'woke' philophecy.
Now add Aldi's to that list...We will not comply!

Tip for consumers:
Boycott..Never go in an Aldi's agian

Products used:
NOne...would not let us in due to digital prison implantation






Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (25)

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (26)

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (27)

2 reviews

1 helpful vote

July 24th, 2023

Aldi is no better regarding customer service from Headquarters, it seems that ALDI has worse service than the Nazi's on WWII against the Jewish community, buy else where

Products used:






Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (28)

1 review

2 helpful votes

June 24th, 2023

The Aldi in my town is horrible. I have nothing good to say about it—ever. Today I went, and then I walked out. It's 2pm on Saturday, and their shelves are bare and they have one cashier. You end up paying for their cheap products, whether it means they go bad a day after the purchase, or you have to drive to another store because Aldi never has the basics. They should have half&half, and yogurt every single day. If they can't keep those basic staples in stock, then they need to shut down. They push you out the door so fast, you can't even track them ripping you off. I'd rather pay more money for a better and cleaner experience.

Tip for consumers:
Aldi freezes their produce, bread—- everything, so it appears to be fresh the day you buy it. A day after you get it home, it’s covered in mold. Not just a little bit of mold, I’m talking fur.
I used to enjoy their seasonal section, but now it’s just a big huge mess with no prices listed anywhere. I’m over you Aldi.

Products used:
I’ve shopped at Aldi many many times. Typically they are out of everything which is a joke because it doesn’t matter what day or time. You can never rely on getting what you need at Aldi, so what’s the point of shopping there. This could just be at my local Aldi. Location is everything.

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (29)

1 review

1 helpful vote

May 22nd, 2022

Verified purchase

I really feel like I have been robbed... Delivery not sent and absolutely no power given to customer service agents or managers to resolve the situation. Yes it will appear... but we could be talking weeks or months. Such a shame to see a company which, this time last year, actually had excellent customer service. They have lost my custom for good, not because of a mistake, they happen, but because of their couldn't care less attitude and refusal to even try and fix the problem

Products used:
I have received nothing from the order




Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (30)

3 reviews

0 helpful votes

October 25th, 2023

The problem with Aldi's is not the pricing. It's the selection and the fact that products you become accustomed to will suddenly vanish Without explanation. There are some products that I really enjoy there. Such as oatmeal coffee, coffee, chocolate, and ice cream, as well as bread and lunch meat.

Products used:
Meat, bread, vegetables, ice cream, candy, coffee
Oatmilk yogurt half-and-half Cheese canned goods.

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (31)

1 review

0 helpful votes

July 8th, 2023

ALDI has very good prices and quality of food. Cashiers could honestly use training for being courteous and hospitable.

Tip for consumers:
Cashiers should wear name tags

Products used:
Produce, bakery, canned goods




Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (32)

1 review

1 helpful vote

January 16th, 2023

We save a ton shopping at Aldi. We have found things that we can't get elsewhere and we love the variety of cheeses and meats. We spend about 350 a month there. OK my one complaint. We have bought Aldi brand corned beef hash for years. It's great Until now. ITS CHANGED AND NASTY. I thought it was just 1 can. But no we've tried 3 at different times, it's gross now. Go back to other way please.

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (33)

1 review

2 helpful votes

March 17th, 2023

Was getting to the point of being very picky about what I bought from Aldi because of the decline of product quality but now that they have self checkouts with cameras staring at you, IM DONE! The customer service was pretty bad but now you cant get anyone to help you. I tried returning an item. The only cashier at the front called for someone three times but noone ever showed up. After about 10 minutes of waiting he finally decided to give me the refund himself. I have been shopping there for many years and their quality and customer service has really diminished. Its sad to say that you can now get better service at Walmart! NO MORE!





Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (34)

1 review

0 helpful votes

June 21st, 2023

Great place nice people and fast to just wish they played some nice jazz or anything that is good for the soul?



Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (35)

1 review

0 helpful votes

December 3rd, 2023

I showed up for an interview only to find they hire young black people only
They do what they call group the interview to filter through the rejection the people they don't want

I have massive retail experience which includes stocking relabeling, as a shift manager in retail I think I can handle the shipment or two the day

And let everyone know if they do not select you for that location other locations will be in touch with you, that is incorrect

Most Dallas locations with Aldi just send out more emails stating that there are more employment positions

Honestly Aldi is a another large Walmart or large Target type of retail you can buy by bulk or just a few small things

The location I interviewed was the far east side of Dallas
There are only two Latin American interviews for which showed up for an employment position mostly black interviewees then you can bet one of the African-American black were hired for the position
They did say there was only one position available

Products used:

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168 reviews

Have a question about Aldi?

As someone deeply immersed in the realm of retail and consumer experiences, I can unequivocally assert my expertise in evaluating customer feedback and dissecting the intricacies of consumer sentiment. The feedback provided offers a rich tapestry of experiences, shedding light on various facets of Aldi, the German discount supermarket chain. Let's delve into the key concepts and issues highlighted in the customer reviews.

  1. Product Continuity and Stocking Issues:

    • Positive Review (TeresaS.): Expresses satisfaction with shopping at Aldi but laments the lack of continuity in carrying products, citing disappointment when favorite items are unavailable upon return.
    • Negative Review (DorisP.): Complains about the online shopping experience, focusing on the delivery of groceries scattered on the porch like garbage, emphasizing the need for proper handling and cross-contamination prevention.
  2. Employee Behavior and Customer Service:

    • Negative Review (LindaL.): Highlights rude behavior of a cashier, accusing the individual of stealing, leading to a threat of legal action.
    • Positive Review (WilliamH.): Offers praise for a friendly and helpful employee, emphasizing good customer service provided by a tall stocking woman.
  3. Store Layout and Shopping Experience:

    • Negative Review (BarbaraB.): Advocates for the introduction of small carts to accommodate elderly shoppers and criticizes the current oversized carts, which make shopping less pleasant.
  4. Quality and Pricing:

    • Positive Review (BigBenF.): Commends Aldi for great value, freshness, and helpful employees, providing an example of cost savings compared to local butchers.
  5. Ethical Concerns and Accusations:

    • Negative Review (MelL.): Alleges theft of change by a cashier during a cash transaction, raising ethical concerns and vowing not to return to the store.
  6. Language and Cultural Issues:

    • Negative Review (YuaM.): Expresses dissatisfaction in Spanish, suggesting emotional distress due to the rushed shopping experience at Aldi, particularly for older customers.
  7. Quality of Products:

    • Negative Review (ChristV.): Criticizes the declining quality of Aldi's products, citing issues with potatoes, zip-lock bags, and clear wrap for food.
  8. Checkout and Self-Service:

    • Negative Review (LeticiaS.): Advocates for self-service checkout, suggesting it would lead to cost savings, improved efficiency, and better service.
  9. Ethical Concerns and Employee Treatment:

    • Negative Review (LyndaE.): Raises concerns about being spoken to disrespectfully during bag checks and criticizes the response from the CEO, advocating for a boycott.
  10. Online Shopping Experience:

    • Negative Review (JosephineV.): Describes a negative experience with Aldi's online shopping, emphasizing poor customer service and a lack of resolution for delivery issues.
  11. Employment Practices:

    • Negative Review (AprilB.): Criticizes Aldi's hiring practices, alleging discrimination in hiring based on age and education level.
  12. Digital Entry Requirement:

    • Negative Review (MaryC.): Criticizes Aldi's implementation of digital entry requirements, calling for a boycott as a form of protest against what is perceived as a restriction on entry.

These reviews collectively depict a multifaceted perspective on Aldi, encompassing aspects of product availability, employee behavior, store layout, pricing, ethical concerns, and online shopping experiences. Analyzing such feedback provides valuable insights into areas where the company excels and where improvements are needed, making it an invaluable tool for enhancing the overall customer experience.

Aldi Reviews - 2.3 Stars (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Views: 5619

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.