All Boys Aren't Blue: A Memoir-Manifesto Book Review (2024)

A Lot or a Little?

What you will—and won't—find in this book.

  • Educational Value

    a lot

    Growing up in New Jersey at the turn of the millennium as part of a large, close-knit family. Some examples of Jim Crow laws. Encourages readers to research gender identity and the term "intersex." Why defining gender and establishing gender and sexual norms can cause harm. A few specific sexual acts like oral sex and anal penetration explained. Several infamous cases of violence against Black and queer people.

  • Positive Messages

    a lot

    The world still isn't safe for queer people. Marginalized people have every right to take up space, be educated, live, work, thrive, and love. And if you are marginalized, you can't see yourself fitting into the world unless you see other people like yourself living, thriving, etc. Being fully educated about your identity is the best tool against oppression because of your identity.

  • Positive Role Models

    a lot

    George and their large, close-knit family model communication, empathy, and teamwork. Everyone helps everyone when they need it, they listen to each other without judgement and offer support and understanding. George likes being smart and athletic, and values education. College friends and fraternity brothers model close, supportive bonds of friendship, loyalty, and mutual support. George wants to help other kids and teens like himself understand themselves and the world they navigate better than he did at their age.

  • Diverse Representations

    a lot

    George is Black and queer. Their family are all Black with a range of skin tones. One family member transitioned from male to female. They had a few White friends in high school, then went on to an Historically Black university and joined a Black fraternity, where they learned that several other members of the chapter were also queer.

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  • Violence & Scariness

    a lot

    Sexual assault and molestation by an older teen on a 13-year-old mentions an erect penis, touching each other, performing and receiving oral sex, rubbing bodies on the floor, and being told to watch the perpetrator masturbat* and ejacul*te. A 5-year-old is attacked by older elementary-aged kids, held to the ground and kicked in the face until their teeth shattered. Blood is mentioned and pain is described. Several infamous cases of violence against Black and queer people, including one involving sticking a plunger in the victim's rectum and another man who killed his son because he didn't want a gay child.

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  • Sex, Romance & Nudity

    a lot

    Mentions using condoms and what flavor one was. A few instances of kissing and making out. The first time masturbating is described vaguely, without specifics. See our Violence section for additional content related to sexual assault and molestation.

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  • Language


    "S--t," "d--k (body part)," "ass," "damn," and "hell." Author's introduction explains the different spellings and contexts for "f-g," "f--got," "nigg*," and the "N" word.

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  • Products & Purchases

    very little

    Occasional food, beverage, clothing, pop culture, and tech products for historical context or character development.

  • Drinking, Drugs & Smoking


    A period of heavy marijuana use (three blunts a day) described negatively with academic consequences, and the decision to cut back to once every few weeks. Underage college students drink alcohol and party. Cigarettes mentioned among incidentals from a grocery store, and a relative who smoked.

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  • Parents Need to Know

    Parents need to know that All Boys Aren't Blue is a frank memoir about how the author came to understand their identity, especially in areas where being both Black and queer intersect and separate. It's frequently challenged and has been censored or banned in numerous states. There are specific descriptions of consensual sex and a sexual assault that aren't erotic. The author explains that they're meant to give marginalized teens information, expectations, and representation of themselves. A couple of violent incidents against the author are also specific but not gory, but blood is mentioned. Teens in college drink, party, and smoke marijuana. Strong language includes "s--t" and "d--k." An introduction explains the contexts and uses of "f-g," "f--got," "nigg*," and the "N" word.

What's the Story?

ALL BOYS AREN'T BLUE is a look back on the author's life growing up Black and queer in Plainsfield, New Jersey. It's structured like a series of essays and letters that explore events and people that affected their life and understanding of their identity. In chronological-age order, each chapter explores an incident or how they saw themself at the time, contributing factors, and how now that they're in their 30s they understand the past and how it affects the present.

Talk to Your Kids About ...

  • Families can talk about the sex in All Boys Aren't Blue. Why is it included? How does the author describe it, and how does that affect you as the reader?

  • Do you agree with the author that it's important for teens, especially marginalized teens, to have access to frank information, and to see themselves reflected in the media? Or does it go too far? Should it be banned? Why, or why not?

  • The author says several times that the world isn't safe for queer people, especially queer people of color. What was your reaction to the violent incidents they mention, especially those against themself?

All Boys Aren't Blue: A Memoir-Manifesto Book Review (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.