Amazon's Supply Chain Challenges: What Can You Learn from Them? (2024)

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Amazon Prime Day started five years ago as part of the company's 20th-anniversary celebrations. Prime Day is when Amazon cuts the price of hundreds of goods and is the largest global event that is exclusively available to Prime members. For 2019, the sales event is estimated to have reached $7.16 billion globally for the 48-hour sale period, according to Internet Retailer. The sales are higher by 71 percent during the Amazon Prime Day in 2018.

Amazon's Supply Chain Challenges: What Can You Learn from Them? (1)

Many businesses remain in awe of how Amazon is changing supply chain management and its ability to stage a massive sale such as Prime Day. But enterprises should remember that Amazon also faces supply chain challenges, especially during the Prime Day sale as shoppers have complained that goods marked as available become sold out while customers are still in the process of checking out.

Businesses who want to gain valuable insights from Amazon supply chain management will do well in understanding how its supply chain works and the challenges it faces in staging the Prime Day Sale.

How Does Amazon's Supply Chain Work?

In 2018, Amazon had roughly 800 logistics sites around the world, half of which are based in the United States. Below are some figures to illustrate the largeness of the company's shipping and logistics infrastructure.

  • 300 fulfillment centers worldwide
  • 300 delivery stations worldwide
  • 80 Prime Now hubs or small warehouses located in major cities that allow Amazon to deliver within two hours
  • 80 sortation centers or distribution centers where pallets or packages are sorted out. Sortation centers are usually located near the fulfillment centers
  • 20 pantry or fresh food distribution centers in the United States
  • 12 whole food retail centers (after the purchase of Whole Foods Group)

Despite its scale, Amazon's supply chain management process is fairly uncomplicated. It begins when consumers place an order. The warehouse is then prompted via a red light to show the warehouse personnel of the products that were ordered so he or she can match the bar code with the order. After this, the ordered products are placed in the conveyor aboard a crate before they are sent to the distribution center for sorting by bar codes.

The crates are transferred to the central point where the orders are matched with the bar codes of the products and automatically sorted into chutes before they are placed in a box. The bar codes are then used for the identification of the order before the boxes are weighed and sealed with tape. They are then shipped either via UPS or US postal service for last mile delivery, where customers will receive the package within one to seven days.

Amazon's warehouses are classified and divided into five different storage spaces; Library, Case Flow Prime, Pallet Prime, Random, and Reserve.

What Are Amazon's Top Challenges for Deliveries?

One might think that Amazon has minimal challenges doing deliveries given the company's investment in technology. However, its scale also causes problems in the order fulfillment process. These are some of the challenges Amazon must solve in delivering goods to consumers.

Ensuring Supply Is Sufficient for Demand

Incorrect forecasting of demand typically results in dissatisfaction among consumers. Amazon yearly addresses the demand and supply problems by stocking up more inventory to meet the possibly large volume of orders during Prime Day and Holiday season. Data-driven, they rely heavily on past numbers and current customer trends to inform decisions long before events or holidays.

Preparing Resources for More Deliveries

Last-mile delivery of goods, especially during a peak season like Black Friday and Christmas, is a nightmare for Amazon. In fact, in Christmas of 2013, Amazon had a major logistics breakdown that resulted in many customers failing to receive their orders. This prompted Amazon to prepare for taking over the last mile of deliveries. The rumor mill is heavy with talks that Amazon is likely to become the world's biggest shipping company soon as it is now said to be preparing its own delivery network.

Improving Technical Infrastructure for Spikes in Orders

Amazon is the owner of AWS, the biggest cloud computing service in the world, and yet the company's technical infrastructure still gets overloaded during the Prime Day sale. Customers have complained of the site's inability to checkout their orders in the first few years of Amazon Prime Days. Technical glitches are still something that the retail giant is constantly addressing.

Amazon is a game-changer and trailblazer in the eCommerce industry, but this doesn't mean the giant is without its supply chain management problems. Businesses already engaged or about to launch their own online shops should do well in taking lessons from how Amazon works at scale to meet the challenges and is continuously out-innovating itself to overcome new obstacles.

What Can Delivery Organizations Learn?

At the end of the day, Amazon overcomes its challenges by staying connected, and ensuring that customer stays at the forefront of all supply chain processes. These are both lessons that last mile operators can draw from in almost any context.

Simply put, connectivity gives you the power to gain enough visibility to make the right decision at the right time. When your delivery planning is connected to your warehouse management software, you can make sure that you're only promising order deliveries that you can actually fulfill. By the same token, staying connected to your customers and drivers makes it easier to see what's unfolding on the road and adjust in real time to changing circ*mstances. This helps you keep your delivery plans on track and more consistently satisfy customers.

And it's the customer's opinion that matters most in this context. They define whether or not you've delivered at the right time, which means that every supply chain decision you make needs to be centered around ensuring you meet the customer's needs. If you take one lesson from Amazon's worldview back to your last mile operations, the importance of a strong customer focus is easily the most important one.

Amazon's Supply Chain Challenges: What Can You Learn from Them? (2)

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Amazon's Supply Chain Challenges: What Can You Learn from Them? (2024)


What can Amazon do to improve their supply chain? ›

6 Ways Amazon Is Changing Supply Chain Management
  • Continuous Fulfillment. Customers are no longer satisfied with a distribution company that collects orders and fills them at the end of the day. ...
  • More Intensive Management. ...
  • Better Automation. ...
  • Bigger Warehouses. ...
  • Last-Mile Logistics. ...
  • Reversing the Inventory and Logistics Dynamic.
14 Oct 2021

What are the greatest challenges you have faced in supply chain management? ›

The following are 2022's biggest supply chain challenges faced by product-based businesses from all over the globe.
  • Material scarcity. ...
  • Increasing freight prices. ...
  • Difficult demand forecasting. ...
  • Port congestion. ...
  • Changing consumer attitudes. ...
  • Digital transformation. ...
  • Restructuring. ...
  • Inflation.
17 Mar 2022

Does Amazon have a supply chain problem? ›

Amazon businesses of all sizes reported experiencing supply chain-related challenges during 2021. This included 94% of large brands selling their products on Amazon, 93% of ecommerce brand management agencies, and 74% of small first- and third-party Amazon businesses.

What challenges arise from Amazon need to expand into new markets? ›

Setting Price Points There are many challenges with price points in new Amazon seller marketplace. Customer response to pricing levels can vary from your primary market.
Expansion Challenges to Consider
  • Business challenges.
  • Product challenges.
  • Logistical challenges, and.
  • Cultural challenges.
7 Jan 2021

What are the top challenges that Amazon needs to solve for? ›

Here is a guide on the most common challenges merchants on the Amazon platform face and what they need to bring their fulfillment process in-house.
  • Compromised Cash Flow. ...
  • High Degree of Competition. ...
  • Packaging Restrictions. ...
  • Strict Inventory Expectations. ...
  • High Amazon Fees. ...
  • Way Forward.

What is one of the keys to Amazons successful supply chain management? ›

The Amazon supply chain management approach is to embrace technology. The company utilizes countless automation and robotic solutions, both to pick and pack orders as well as stacking and storing inventory.

What are the main supply chain challenge give at least 5 and explain? ›

Rising price of fuel to transport goods by road, sea or air. Increasing commodity prices raising the cost of raw materials. Higher labor costs from suppliers and manufacturers. Complex international logistics leading to higher charges for storage, transfer and management of products.

What is the supply chain challenges & how can we overcome? ›

Tips to overcome supply chain challenges.
  • Meet customer expectations with supply chain diversification. ...
  • Have enough stock when demand is increasing. ...
  • Navigate unexpected challenges. ...
  • Avoid overselling and overpromising. ...
  • Anticipate manufacturing and supplier delays.

How can supply chain challenges be overcome? ›

Six ways to improve global supply chains
  1. Executive Summary. ...
  2. Boosting Domestic Capabilities Through On-Shoring and Near-Shoring. ...
  3. Easing Transportation Jams. ...
  4. Prioritizing Public Health. ...
  5. Dealing with Labor Shortages. ...
  6. Fighting Anti-Competitive Practices. ...
  7. Mitigating Geopolitical Complications. ...
  8. A Multifaceted Problem.
12 Jul 2022

How effective is Amazon supply chain? ›

Amazon has one of the biggest and most efficient supply chain operations globally. While the basic model has remained the same since its inception, it has adopted newer technologies over the years to streamline its operations and improve its efficiency.

How is Amazon avoiding supply chain issues? ›

Amazon is making its own containers and bypassing supply chain chaos with chartered ships and long-haul planes. For years, Amazon has been quietly chartering private cargo ships, making its own containers, and leasing planes to better control the complicated shipping journey of an online order.

How is Amazon affected by supply and demand? ›

On Supply Chain

As supply chains in their most basic level are responsible for the delivery of goods from A to B, Amazon has had an effect on them too. With the increased demand from customers, supply chains globally are having to develop and adapt to keep up with these high-volume requests.

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing Amazon today? ›

There's A Lot of Competition

Certain industries on Amazon — nutrition supplements and electronics, for example — are very saturated, making it difficult to enter the marketplace and secure market share. Increasing competition from new sellers in their categories is a challenge we often hear from brands.

What makes Amazon's strategy today so successful? ›

Loyalty programs

Especially today, it is quite a complicated task for sellers to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty, but Amazon does a great job of this by offering its Amazon Prime membership to customers. This is what makes Amazon successful in terms of customer loyalty.

What are the possible challenges of big data that Amazon is still facing? ›

The challenges of big data

The challenges Amazon has faced with big data are similar to the challenges many other companies face: data silos, difficulty analyzing diverse datasets, data controllership, data security and incorporating machine learning.

What are the major issues and risks for Amazon? ›

Amazon Risk Factors and Obstacles in 2018
  • Channel Expansion and High-Growth Pains. ...
  • The Risks of International Operations. ...
  • Optimization of Data & Fulfillment Centers. ...
  • Seasonality and Holiday Strain. ...
  • Rapidly Evolving Business Model. ...
  • Government Regulation.
18 Apr 2022

What is Amazon's biggest threat? ›

Rising PPC Costs Are Your Biggest Threat

Rising PPC costs are the biggest existential threat to your Amazon business and by knowing your Total ACoS you can easily figure out the impact on your bottom line.

What are some problems with Amazon? ›

The 7 Amazon Problems No One is Talking About
  • Amazon Prime is not cheap. ...
  • Amazon doesn't always offer the best deal. ...
  • You can't personally inspect Amazon produce. ...
  • It's hard to identify counterfeit products. ...
  • Reviews are sometimes misleading. ...
  • It's not always the most convenient choice. ...
  • Online returns may be a hassle.
9 Nov 2022

How does Amazon improve efficiency? ›

Robots are plentiful in Amazon warehouses, helping move products, assist workers and improve overall safety. At Amazon, warehouse automation technology and artificial intelligence aren't designed to replace workers but to complement their efforts. And it has resulted in a more efficient warehouse overall.

What key steps should companies take to achieve the greatest benefits from supply chains? ›

  • Step 1: Planning. Planning is the first step in every supply chain management process. ...
  • Step 2: Sources. Identifying the most reliable raw material suppliers is the key step in establishing an efficient production process. ...
  • Step 3: Execution. This is a crucial step that shapes the existing plans.
20 Nov 2019

In what way do supply chain flows affect the success or failure of Amazon's business? ›

The success or failure of a company like Amazon is decided by the effective function of its supply chain. The flow of products from publishers to distributors to customers must be rapid and reliable in order to satisfy customers.

What do think are the three biggest challenges facing today's supply chains? ›

the three critical challenges facing global supply chains: labor shortages, equipment availability, and the ripple effect of global bottlenecks.

How can supply chain be improved? ›

5 tips on how to improve supply chain efficiency with management solutions
  1. Increase your supply chain's visibility.
  2. Automate where it counts — and keep all necessary parts well-managed.
  3. Engage your IT department.
  4. Assess your training programs.
  5. Implement a good project plan.
17 Sept 2022

What's the most important first step for a company struggling with supply chain issues? ›

Quantifying the financial risk of a supplier or wider supply chain failure, is the first step in successfully implementing a risk management plan. This is best done in terms of profitability impact, but revenue impact sometimes is also adequate.

How do you solve a supply chain problem 2022? ›

How to overcome supply chain challenges as a small business owner
  1. Find new products. ...
  2. Find alternate suppliers. ...
  3. Start preparing customers for new changes. ...
  4. Create special offers to encourage customers to buy early. ...
  5. Stockpile some of the products you think will be the most popular. ...
  6. Offer free shipping.
10 Jun 2022

What are some supply chain challenges? ›

Here are five major challenges that companies continue to face in their supply chains–and the solutions that will help logistics providers prepare for the future.
  • 1 - Huge E-commerce Growth. ...
  • 2 - Sudden Shortages. ...
  • 3 - Centralized Inventory. ...
  • 4 - Limited or Insufficient Visibility. ...
  • 5 - Patchwork Logistics.
3 May 2022

How does Amazon keep a competitive advantage? ›

Competitive Advantage

The marketplace is excellent for customers due to its unique assortment of products. It is great for sellers because of the flexibility and popularity that the platform brings along with itself. More than 70,000 entrepreneurs with annual sales of more than $100,000 are on Amazon.

What are the three most common problems with supply chains? ›

Shippers' Top 5 Supply Chain Challenges:

Keeping transportation costs down. Keeping up with customer/industry demands. Sourcing consistent, reliable carrier capacity. Keeping up with the latest technology solutions and demands.

How does Amazon manage their logistics? ›

High-level Automation

From its warehouses to delivery, Amazon has deployed a lot of robots to automate it. There are robots that would move and arrange the goods in the warehouse and also packaging the goods.

How does Amazon use big data in supply chain? ›

Supply Chain Optimization

In order to fulfill orders quickly, Amazon connects with manufacturers and uses data to track their inventories. They also use Big data to locate the closest warehouse to a customer to reduce the overall shipping costs.

What are the positive impacts of the Amazon Effect for customers? ›

Beyond hitting the revenue of traditional retail stores, the Amazon effect has also led to significant changes in consumer shopping patterns. For instance, based on the convenience they experience from online shopping portals, today's shopper expects a lot more variety even while visiting a retail store.

What are the external factors affecting Amazon? ›

External Factors Influencing Amazon Success
  • Amazon's Algorithm: Many things influence Amazon's Algorithm, which will also affect ad placement, but the #1 ranking factor are sales. ...
  • Market Competition: ...
  • FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) Status: ...
  • SKU Status: ...
  • Off Amazon Marketing to Products on Amazon.
29 Sept 2020

What were some of the key events that greatly impacted Amazon? ›

The history of Amazon: a timeline
  • 1994: Amazon founded.
  • 1997: Amazon IPOs at $18.00/share.
  • 1998, May 27: Acquires IMDB.
  • 1998, Aug 5: Expands beyond books.
  • 1999: zShops launches.
  • 2002: Lawsuit against Barnes & Noble.
  • 2003: is launched.
  • 2004: Acquires Joyo.
15 Jul 2022

What are the problems that a seller usually encounters while selling through Amazon? ›

One of the major challenges in terms of cash flow that is commonly encountered by new Amazon sellers is generating money to maintain inventory. Since Amazon pays third-party merchants every two weeks, you will have to invest in maintaining your inventory.

What was the biggest challenge working with AWS? ›

We have worked with many clients to help reduce or control their AWS cloud costs.
The 5 Biggest Challenges in AWS Cloud Cost Management
  • Oversizing.
  • Software Inefficiency.
  • Inelasticity.
  • Sub-Optimal Architecture.
  • Forecasting Complexity.
18 Jun 2018

What are the key success factors in the supply chain of Amazon? ›

The combination of sophisticated information technology, an extensive network of warehouses, multi-tier inventory management, and excellent transportation makes Amazon's supply chain the most efficient among all the major companies in the world. Those efficiencies have made the current shop-from-home world possible.

What makes Amazon unique and successful? ›

Finally, Bezos himself would argue that the main reason why Amazon is so successful is that they have a culture of innovation that allows employees to create without fear of failure.

What are the challenges and solutions to those challenges with big data? ›

Data Growth Issues

One of the foremost pressing challenges of massive Data is storing these huge sets of knowledge properly. the quantity of knowledge being stored in data centers and databases of companies is increasing rapidly. As these data sets grow exponentially with time, it gets challenging to handle.

How can I overcome the top 5 big data challenges? ›

How to reduce challenges in big data analytics?
  1. Collect and analyze relevant data.
  2. Stop storing data in silos.
  3. Find great big data professionals to hire.
  4. Integrate big data and use the right tools.
  5. Secure your data.
14 Apr 2022

How can I overcome big data challenges? ›

1. Managing Big Data Growth
  1. Storage technology to structure big data.
  2. Deduplication technology to get rid of extra data that is wasting space and in turn, wasting money.
  3. Business intelligence technology to help analyze data to discover patterns and provide insights.
15 May 2019

What improvements can be made to a supply chain? ›

  • OPTIMIZE COMPANY-OWNED INVENTORY. Check the quantity of the company-owned inventory. ...

How can supply chains be improved? ›

Optimize stock control. Avoid inventory stockouts. Set automatic reorder points. Improve demand forecasting.

How can supply chain processes be improved? ›

5 tips on how to improve supply chain efficiency with management solutions
  1. Increase your supply chain's visibility.
  2. Automate where it counts — and keep all necessary parts well-managed.
  3. Engage your IT department.
  4. Assess your training programs.
  5. Implement a good project plan.
17 Sept 2022

What factors are important for improving supply chain? ›

The major factors identified as supply chain structure, inventory control policy, information sharing, customer demand, forecasting method, lead time and review period length. The optimum selection of parameters of these factors improves the supply chain performance.

How can supply chain problems be prevented? ›

Five Supply Chain Disruption Management Strategies
  1. Creating a contingency plan for supply chain emergencies.
  2. Auditing your supply chain's vulnerability.
  3. Identifying backup suppliers and diversify your supply base.
  4. Building up your inventory.
  5. Improving the transparency of the supply chain.

What are the problems with Amazon? ›

The 7 Amazon Problems No One is Talking About
  • Amazon Prime is not cheap. ...
  • Amazon doesn't always offer the best deal. ...
  • You can't personally inspect Amazon produce. ...
  • It's hard to identify counterfeit products. ...
  • Reviews are sometimes misleading. ...
  • It's not always the most convenient choice. ...
  • Online returns may be a hassle.
9 Nov 2022

How can supply chain customer satisfaction be improved? ›

4 Supply Chain Secrets to Drive Customer Satisfaction
  1. Improve on-time delivery. Customers want what they want and they want it fast and on-time. ...
  2. Use technology to enhance visibility and track inventory. ...
  3. Increase speed-to-delivery with on-demand fulfillment. ...
  4. Satisfy customer demand with an agile inventory strategy.
26 Sept 2019

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.